
Chapter 138 Brother Bai

At the same time as this voice sounded, Chu Hao exuded a compelling innate aura, and turned around suddenly!

In the sky above him, a man with his whole body floating in the air was looking at him with murderous intent.Noticing Chu Hao's gaze, he smiled coldly and said, "Friend Daoist, I didn't expect you to come again this time when the market opened. Last time you left with Du Changyi, I didn't have a chance to make a move. This time you voted for yourself." Luo Wang, don't try to run away!"

Chu Hao was surprised, and looked at this person up and down, but he was only a monk of the third level of congenital, and it seemed that he was not strong enough to fly with a sword like Xiang Yang, relying on the Yukong Talisman.

He couldn't remember when he had a feud with this guy, and he was covered in black robes, so it was impossible for anyone to recognize him.After hesitating for a moment, Chu Hao said, "This fellow Taoist, you must have admitted the wrong person."

The innate monk laughed and said: "Now you know you are afraid? Let me tell you, even if you kowtow to admit your mistake today, I will not let you go. You are sensible, take out the Ningshen Xingshuang pill from last time, and then put the storage The restriction on the bag is lifted, I am in a good mood, I can consider giving you a whole corpse, and let you go to heaven and reincarnation."

Hearing this, Chu Hao looked the man up and down, and finally recognized who he was.

When the market was open last time, he exchanged Ningshen Xingshuang pills, and this person was chattering around endlessly, and was humiliated in public by Chu Hao's ridicule.

I didn't expect this person to hold a grudge so much, he actually missed me for a month, and now he is still entangled.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao felt cold.It is better to be hated by a gentleman than to be remembered by a villain.He has such an attitude towards things. Since this person has murderous intentions towards him and wants to seize treasures and kill people, then he is not a soft-footed person who will fall down when he is kicked.

Chu Hao frowned, regardless of whether the cultivator could see it or not, and said, "Who am I? , It really makes Pindao feel ashamed."

"You don't have to get close to me, tell you this is useless!" The man sneered, and said, "I don't know how many people like you who don't know how to know the world have died in my hands. You think you can talk a little bit, but I don't know what to say." Can I let you go?" After a pause, he remembered what Chu Hao said, and said, "What is your name, Brother Bai, do I know you very well? My surname is not Bai!"

"No, your surname is Bai!" Chu Hao said as if he didn't hear his threat.

"Fuck you!" The man laughed loudly, and said, "It seems that you are so frightened that you can't even speak clearly!" It enveloped Chu Hao in the air.

Chu Hao shook his head as if he didn't realize it, and said: "Brother Bai, brother Bai, someone told me a story before, saying that a real idiot never thinks he is stupid. I didn't believe it at first, but Seeing Brother Bai's performance today, I have no choice but to believe it. Brother Bai, why did you forget that you are called an idiot? I personally gave you this name when you were full moon!"

The more the monk listened, the more something went wrong. He didn't know that he had been played by Chu Hao until he heard what Chu Hao said at the end.Immediately, he was furious, and said: "You are looking for death!" After that, a compressed energy gathered in his hand, and then a bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes, and he swung towards Chu Hao viciously!

Accompanied by his palm, innate aura instantly filled the entire space!

Motivation tactics!

When the monk was leaving, Chu Hao was also running the mental method of Baopuzi's body cultivation skill, and his body quickly backed up for a few meters. The power of the monk's energy-moving formula gradually weakened in the air transmission, and finally Chu Hao lightly Gently stretching out a finger, the layers of air ripples were dissipated invisible.

Chu Hao laughed, and said: "Just now you farted for a long time, but now you haven't held back any shit. Since you want to die so much, then I'll give you a ride!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Hao's eyes froze, and then his fingers vibrated rhythmically, booming out!

It's also an energy mover!

Boom boom boom!

The power of Chu Hao's qi mobilization formula contained a powerful innate momentum, and he rushed towards the man like a storm!

He has practiced the energy-moving formula day and night for so long, plus his own understanding of spells, even if he is not as proficient as a man, at least he is not too far behind!

Some people are born to learn things faster than others. They are called geniuses, and Chu Hao is such a person!


The use of this moving qi tactic was like layers of cloud waves, which hit the innate cultivator who had no time to react amidst the bang!

Shaking his head, Chu Hao was a little speechless when he saw the monk who was only forced back less than a foot by his move.It seems that I have advanced to Xiantian for a month, and many things are not taken for granted. At least spells must be honed, which is the same as refining weapons yourself.

"Hmph!" The man's fur was not injured, and after being repelled by Chu Hao, he bullied him again, and then a purple light flashed in his hand, and then he pulled the long belt formed by balls of gas into his hand, Then he swung at Chu Hao fiercely!

"Although this person is a third-level congenital, his cultivation method is too inferior. It is a combination of wood-type exercises and other low-level exercises." Chen Honghong reminded Chu Hao in his mind, "You have not long been a monk, and now you I won't show up in the first battle, even though you are only at the first level of Innate, you should have no problem defeating this person!"

Chu Hao couldn't help but wanted to curse, he hadn't even learned how to control the sword a few times, so he wanted me to fight against the enemy, the only supernatural power was the movement of energy, Chen Honghong, you are really promising!

But before these words were uttered, the long belt of purple-blue air flow was pulled towards him, and Chu Hao Yufeng dodged to his side, narrowly dodging it!

However, Brother Bai still had a second move. Chu Hao was in the range of his attack when he dodged. He saw his innate energy running through his right hand, and then he punched hard!

Motivation tactics!

Chu Hao's body was hit, and he flew upside down in embarrassment for three or four feet before stopping!

But the strange thing is that this moving qi formula did not cause any substantial harm to him, except for a slight pain, there was not even a little skin trauma left, and the robe was not even shattered!

"Stinky boy, do you understand?" Chen Honghong said with a groaning smile: "Your current physical body is much stronger than these innate monks, and you will still be washed and tempered in the acquired stage. Now it can be said that with the improvement of your realm, you will not I’m afraid of any physical attacks and gas attacks from the Dynamic Qi Art!”

Chu Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Damn it, it turns out I'm so tough!"

After all, he laughed. Before the cultivator surnamed Bai could react, Chu Hao's eyes flashed, and he rushed towards him quickly, and then punched him hard with his right fist!

The power of six elephants!

Bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Hao threw three punches in succession!

The cultivator trembled all over his body, and he was a little out of breath after being hit by Chu Hao in the chest these few times. Chu Hao didn't care about him so much, then he wrapped his arms around the latter's neck, and then dragged him down hard!

"The time for the Laozi Yukong Talisman is coming soon, the ground below is just right for us to develop and develop!" Chu Hao laughed wildly, and the monk struggled violently, but it couldn't match the strength of Chu Hao's physical body. The dignified monk was forced by Chu Hao. The savage is entangled and falling downwards!


In the horror of the monks, the bodies of the two fell from a high altitude and landed on a muddy hillside. Countless mud and smoke were immediately splashed, and a deep pit appeared!

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