
Chapter 139

"Oh shit!"

When Chu Hao landed on the ground, he pinned down the cultivator, so he suffered the least damage, but he still suffered some minor injuries, and couldn't help but curse.

The monk was pretending to be a mess, lying on the ground for a long time without recovering, Chu Hao chuckled, killing you while you are sick is his forte, and it was another punch, which contained the greatest strength of a monk in the qi training period The power hit him hard in the face again!

This punch made the cultivator wake up in an instant, and with a roar, he straightened up, "Get out!" The innate energy of his body overflowed wildly, like a spring, and violently rushed towards Chu Hao who was pressing on him!


Under the pain, Chu Hao quickly got up from the deep pit, and fell lightly to the ground.He was dressed in a black robe and had a gloomy aura, which was much better than the embarrassed look of this brother Bai.

"He's a guy at the first level of innate!" Just now, Chu Hao used the mobilization formula, which made this person feel the power contained in it, and also recognized Chu Hao's strength. He got up from the mud pit with a ferocious smile on his face Come on, extremely bloodthirsty: "Junior, I will tear you apart!"

"I don't know how to respect the elderly at all. You can call this old man a junior?" Chu Hao laughed. His physical body was in the congenital stage, at least in the early stage, he was the strongest. As long as this monk surnamed Bai fights with him, he is definitely not his. opponent.

"Overreach!" The cultivator was furious, and then flipped his hand quickly, and a flying sword appeared beside him, and then he said "sickness", surrounded by purple light, the flying sword swished , piercing through the space, the sound of friction was endless, and it flew towards Chu Hao!

Chu Hao was shocked. Facing the flying sword that struck him, he quickly rolled towards the ground, but he still couldn't escape the trajectory of the sword. A hole was cut in the black robe, and flesh and blood appeared on his left arm. Terrifying.

"Smelly shameless, how dare you sneak up on me!" Chu Hao was also furious. Seeing the cultivator smiled contemptuously, he saw the flying sword circling in the air, and then attacked him in the opposite direction!

Chu Hao hid on the ground in embarrassment. During this period, he tried to get close to the monk several times, but was blocked by the latter with a flying sword. After a while, Chu Hao was scraped by the flying sword and his black robe was torn. blow.

This monk's flying sword is also a second-grade flying sword, but his realm is higher than Chu Hao's, and his sword control skills are also extremely proficient, so that Chu Hao has no chance to approach him at all. Seeing Chu Hao's appearance, he laughed heartily. With a fierce look, "How? Do you still dare to call me Xuan now?"

Chu Hao had just advanced to Xiantian for a month, and he usually practiced Qi Movement Jue, and he was not very good at controlling swordsmanship. If he released it now, it would only be embarrassing and would have no effect at all.Hearing the monk's words, he just avoided Feijian's prick, and smiled unrulyly: "Nephew Bai Xian, don't worry, this broken iron also wants to hurt the old man, it's too early!"

The monk was taken advantage of by Chu Hao's mouth again and again, and he was furious. Seeing that Chu Hao kept trying to get closer to him, he sneered and said, "Relying on my physical strength, although I didn't break through to innate with physical strength, but If you want to fight hand-to-hand, I may not be afraid of you, but now I have no time to waste time with you!" After finishing speaking, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and saw a red light emerge from his hand, a picture The talisman paper appeared in his hand!

Among the few things that monks below the fifth floor in the congenital stage can use, apart from moving qi formula and martial arts supernatural powers, there are only sword control skills and the power of talisman papers!

The technique of runes is also not inferior to the power of formations. One of the spells is many small formations, which can also be engraved on rune paper without relying on formation disks, and used directly like Yukongfu ,

However, that is a one-off!

Seeing the monk take out the talisman paper, Chu Hao was startled. He never thought that this monk was quite valuable, and he had these talisman papers!

The monk laughed wildly, and manipulated the flying sword with one hand. In the purple light, he threw out the talisman paper with his left hand, and then quickly recited a formula in his mouth. On the talisman paper!

chi chi chi chi chi ----

There was a violent friction sound in the space, it was small at first, and then it grew bigger and bigger. The talisman paper instantly burned and turned into a fire dragon. The monk stretched out his hand, and it moved in the palm of his hand!

I saw him haha ​​and said: "Go to hell!"

The fire dragon roared towards him, and the waves of heat were higher than the waves, enveloping Chu Hao instantly!

"Do you think you're the only one who has it?" Chu Hao was forced back several meters by the fire dragon, and was flanked by flying swords, making his figure instantly precarious.Being aggressive by this monk, he also became angry, and then he slapped the storage bag, and a piece of yellow paper appeared in his hand. He poked both hands, and said the formula in his mouth. In an instant, a dwarf full of rocks was Appear!

Get away from the stone man!

At first, I thought that casual cultivators didn't have much strength, but this guy's family background is pretty good. Chu Hao didn't dare to neglect such things as talisman paper. fear!

As soon as the Douli Stone Man appeared, the monk was startled. He fixed his eyes and shouted: "How can you have this thing!" How can you have such a powerful bodyguard if you don't know how to use it!

Chu Hao didn't care about his thoughts, he drove the Douli stone man to stand in front of him, and saw the flames hitting the stone man's body, it was only an offensive that pushed the Douli stone man back a few steps, and then he is dissipated into the invisible,

The monk didn't believe in evil, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, another flame fell from the sky, covering Chu Hao's head.

"Nephew Bai Xian, don't panic, I still have more!" Chu Hao laughed, full of confidence, he didn't let the Duli stone man help him resist the fire of the five elements, let it stride towards the monk, it was Urge the fingerprints again, and recite the formula once!

Blue light flashed from Chu Hao's body in an instant, Chu Hao realized it, and saw the figure of King Kong No. [-] appearing beside him out of thin air in the dazzling brilliance!

"Beat him hard for me!" Chu Hao roared, and quickly retreated to the back, only to see the stone man in Douli bullying him. The cultivator was shocked by the sudden appearance of King Kong No. When the stone man came over, he quickly used the moving qi formula.


The stone man in Douli was sent flying a meter or two. After getting up, he was not injured at all, and then punched the monk again.Under Chu Hao's control, King Kong No. [-] was surrounded by black energy, and then he stretched out his hands, and the flying sword appeared in his hands, and the sword control technique was used, resisting the monk's flying sword!

"What is this!" The appearance of the Douli Stone Man and the appearance of King Kong No. [-] made the monk dumbfounded and shocked, "You have practiced evil skills, you are a demon!" Feeling the evil spirit of King Kong No. The breath of black mist enveloped his body, which looked extremely strange.

"You are the fucking ladyboy, and your whole family is a ladyboy!" Chu Hao cursed, and then said coldly, "King Kong No. [-], now is your time to show off!"

At this moment, King Kong No. [-] seemed to be really two people with Chu Hao. As Chu Hao's avatar, his eyes lit up with a flash of white light, and then his hands quickly formed seals, and the Yujian Jue was actually in his hands Incomparably proficient and smooth, the two flying swords fought dozens of moves in the air, but the quality of the monk's flying sword was too low, and in the end it was chopped off in one fell swoop!

The monk's heart was shocked. He was fighting against the Douli stone man, but he didn't expect the flying sword to be damaged so quickly. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his innate energy began to be consumed rapidly.

"I haven't made a formal move yet, you can't do it, nephew Bai Xian, it seems you can't do it." Chu Hao is undoubtedly the most relaxed in the whole venue now, he is as relaxed as a spectator, waiting until the monk's flying sword is destroyed , he just laughed out loud.

It's just that he has been controlling King Kong No. [-], and the consumption of energy and spirit is also huge. Now his face is a little pale, and he knows that it is not easy for him to fight for a long time!With a sneer, Chu Hao mobilized his true energy and attacked the cultivator wave after wave with the Qi Motivation Art!

"What kind of freak are you!" The innate cultivator was horrified, it was the first time he had seen someone like Chu Hao use the Energy Movement Art so recklessly.In just one breath, he exerted four or five bursts of energy!

Although Qi Jue is a low-level spell, who can afford it if it is consumed like this?

If this person knew that Chu Hao had dared to use the energy mobilization formula hundreds of times when he was just promoted to the Qi training stage, he might not have fainted from fright.

In the face of Chu Hao's moving energy formula, even though he regretted it in his heart, the innate cultivator had no choice but to draw out his true energy, so that the fire of the five elements on the talisman could resist and go away. The stone man flew away.

He has rich experience, such a crisis was resolved by him in an instant.

However, resolving a wave of danger does not mean that there is good luck to resolve the second wave. At the same time, the flying sword of King Kong No. [-] roared!

The cultivator's face was full of fear, and the flying sword in his pupils gradually expanded. With a fierce roar, he made a gesture of grabbing the white blade with his bare hands, and grabbed the attacking direction of the flying sword with both hands!

"Have character!" Chu Hao was stunned when he saw this scene, but he still praised him sincerely!


It's a pity that although he has a very good idea, it can't be realized after all. The flying sword is a magical weapon, and there is more real energy wrapped around it. When the black energy is swallowed, the flying sword buzzes loudly. How can he resist it? !

Under the might of the flying sword, the palm of the extremely powerful monk in the congenital stage was pierced in an instant, and blood gushed out immediately. The monk screamed and retreated several meters in embarrassment, but because of this, there was no danger of his life !

Without waiting for Chu Hao's order, the Duli stone man stepped forward, kicked the monk's waist, and threw him to the ground!


Ask for a red ticket

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