
Chapter 144

Originally, after exchanging the "Encyclopedia of Arrays", Chu Hao only had eleven low-grade spirit stones, but he got five from the storage bag of Cultivator Bai, so there are sixteen.In fact, he has been thinking about whether to go to the market to exchange spirit stones for flying swords, or to refine them himself.He only realized now that the flying sword he sold in Tao Ranju was at a huge loss. A piece of Lingshi is worth at least one or two million taels, and there may not be anyone to exchange it for!

Now if Chu Hao refines the flying sword, it will consume a lot of his training time, but buying it at the market will save time.After much deliberation, Chu Hao decided to spend the trip to Liutian in three days before making plans.

If they have the Yunling Pill, it will only take a moment for Liu Li and the others to reach the Great Consummation of the day after tomorrow. Of course, they will need some luck to break through the Tianmen.And as long as Chu Hao gathers all the materials to make Ziyunmen's exclusive Yunling Pill, with the blessing of gold liquid, it will be produced continuously, then it will be the truly terrifying time!

As for the "Encyclopedia of Arrays" that was exchanged, Chu Hao's head grew dizzy after reading it.

For more than [-] days, he took it out to study when he had nothing to do. He had been concerned about the two formations of the spirit void tribulation fire formation and the void anti-water formation before, but he couldn't understand what was written on them at all.At first Chu Hao thought it was because he was shallow, and he couldn't understand why.It can be seen that other formations are in the same embarrassment!

To use an analogy, the maintenance of the formation usually requires the roulette wheel to determine the position of the earthly branch.However, in the encyclopedia of formations, there is not a word about the use of roulette, and even the layout of formations, no matter what kind, is directly written in front: Drive it with spiritual power, combine it with spiritual stones... ...As for the heavenly stems and earthly branches, they didn't even mention them!

Although many formations do not need these, but none of them do, that would be too weird!

There are thirteen types of formations recorded in the more than [-] pages of "Complete Formation", which Chu Hao couldn't understand thoroughly. He once thought he was fooled by that fat man.

"Stinky boy, you are ignorant!" It was Chen Honghong's words that made him come to his senses, and he did not sacrifice this book of formations bought by the six spirit stones at the stake: "This book of formations is not simple, wait for me to study it carefully I'll tell you again."

However, this research was fruitless, and Chu Hao also put it aside.


On the mountain behind Duorui City, Chu Hao was drenched in sweat, and used the movement qi formula over and over again.On the opposite side of him, King Kong No. [-] is using the sword control technique to resist his moving qi art one by one.

Until now, Chu Hao finally understood the meaning of Chen Honghong asking him to work hard to practice Qi Qi Art.Although the moving qi formula is only a low-level spell, if it is used in a row, its lethality is astonishingly incomparable!

As Chu Hao is now, in the blink of an eye, he can use more than ten energy-moving formulas, stacked together, the impact and power are far beyond the comparison of one dynamic-qi formula!


Chu Hao let out a loud roar, and pushed hard with his right hand towards King Kong No. [-] facing him. There was a distance of five feet between the two of them, and as he swung his palm, ripples formed in the air. A circle of energy, swinging away!


King Kong No. [-]'s body was filled with black energy. With the blessing of the transformation technique outside his body, his cultivation had already reached the third level of the innate level. The technique of controlling the sword was connected with the soul. Facing Chu Hao's moving energy formula, he made a somersault in the air. Then step on the flying sword to avoid this energy.

I saw that moving qi tactic ravaged fiercely in the woods behind King Kong No. [-], swish, swish, swish—in an instant, three or four big trees broke and fell to the ground, splashing countless dust.

King Kong No. [-] rose from the sword, and then jumped onto the sword. Black air was steaming on his right hand, he stretched out his two fingers, and poked in Chu Hao's direction!The flying sword received the instruction, the sword body trembled violently, and amidst the trembling white light, it roared towards Chu Hao!

"Okay!" Chu Hao quickly formed a handprint with his hands, and then lightly stomped his feet on the ground!

A stream of khaki-colored air rises from under his feet, and that air seems to form a net, instantly resisting the Feijian's attack, and the Feijian strikes on it, making a clanging sound !

This is the technique of concrete. Chu Hao has practiced hard for nearly a month. Among the five elements of the earth system, he is the only one of two that he knows.The other is the life-saving earth escape technique.With a wave of Chu Hao's free hand, after dissipating the earth-type spells, there was another energy-moving art, which contained powerful strength, and went towards King Kong No. [-] with a bang.

Compared with a month ago, King Kong No. [-]'s body is not a little bit more flexible. I saw his light and agile figure folded in the air, and then his hands became like protective mirrors. Hao resisted more than ten qi mobilization tactics in a row!

bang bang bang...

There were bursts of echoing sounds in the air. King Kong No. [-] was innately three-layered at the moment, but it was also forced back five steps by the dynamic qi formula after the blending, before it stood firm!

"Good guy!" Chu Hao was overjoyed. In the past, he could only push back King Kong No. [-] by four steps. Today, it seems that his energy-moving art has improved a lot. The difference of one step means that the energy of the energy-moving art has increased by at least one. class!

The flying sword made a clang, and turned back again. King Kong No. [-]'s eyes shone white, like two glaring beams of light, hitting the flying sword, and the second-grade flying sword trembled violently again, breaking through In the empty voice, they were actually divided into two, attacking Chu Hao immediately!

Divide swordsmanship!

Chu Hao laughed loudly, his breath brimming with confidence, he took a horse step with both feet, and then punched several times upwards!He used the moving qi formula as if he didn't want his true energy. With every punch, there must be several spatial ripples of the moving qi formula, one circle after another!

Only by relying on the movement qi formula, Chu Hao completely resisted the two flying swords. His flying sword bent a circle in the air, and with a flash of white light, he recovered another one!

With a loud roar, Chu Hao rushed forward, kicked the flying sword away, and threw King Kong No. [-] to the ground. The two fought hand-to-hand.From outsiders' perspective, it's hard to imagine that it's all under the control of Chu Hao!

After a while, Chu Hao slapped the storage bag, and saw a blue light flashing, and the Bolan sword came out in response. With Chu Hao's driving, the two flying swords intertwined quickly in the air, and the light was overflowing, like shooting stars Everywhere, clusters of lasers flashed, and the scene of black, white and blue intersected, so spectacular!

After a quarter of an hour, Chu Hao was exhausted, finally put away the flying sword, and stopped panting.He was lying on the ground, holding the Bran sword in his hand, panting heavily.

"Baopuzi's health-cultivating skill is indeed a miraculous skill. I have only reached the second floor, and the speed of generating true energy is five times faster than that of monks of the same level!" Although his muscles were sore and he was sweating profusely, When Chu Hao turned his head to look at King Kong No. [-] who was gesticulating the flying sword in the air, his heart was extremely excited.

"External Transformation is also extremely powerful! With such a clone, I can at least fight against the innate fifth-level monks, and I have the third-grade flying sword Bolan Sword, unless the opponent also has the bottom The talisman or supernatural power, otherwise take his life, no problem."

"Congratulations!" After resting for a while, Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and said: "Now you are at the second level of innate, and your cultivation is even faster and faster. At this speed, apart from the help of Tianlinggen and Dayumu, you Self-understanding is essential.”

Chu Hao was very modest, and said: "Where is it, I am not too smart, and I am far behind Chihuang."

"Shameless brat, he still wants to compare himself with Chihuang." Chen Honghong knew Chu Hao's temper, and said that he was fat, but he would never admit that he was thin. There are grasses growing in the grass, hehe, when the insect king is born, you, a monk on the second floor, may really not be afraid of even the monks on the sixth floor."

"Where is it, I haven't prepared for the matter of the insect king." Chu Hao laughed.

Chen Honghong scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll look around for you after you've rested enough, if you don't scold you for a day, you really think you are number one in the world!"

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