
Chapter 145 Convocation

Chapter 140 Five Summoning

Three days later, in the city of Duo Rui.

Chu Hao rested all night, got up and went to see the cultivation situation of Liu Li and others.At this moment, Liu Li and nine people are all fighters of the seventh or eighth level of skin refining, and their physical fitness should be regarded as the strongest in the entire Acquired Stage.

After all, in Erchongtian, only a guy like Chu Hao can continuously take out tiger tendon pills, allowing them to change the realm of their physical bodies.

After seeing Liu Li and the others, Chu Hao went back to the attic, put Dayu Wood aside, absorbed the spiritual energy, and performed the exercises. After more than an hour, Chu Hao was puzzled, looked at the sky, and then He took out a piece of talisman paper from the Hunyuan cauldron.

That was the sound transmission note that Du Changyi gave him and Xiang Yang before.

Chu Hao took out a set of black robes from his storage bag. He felt that wearing black was very stylish and could fool people.Putting the cloak on his head, Chu Hao smiled viciously at the mirror, extremely satisfied.

After finishing all this, Chu Hao fell into meditation with his legs crossed. Not long after, he saw that the talisman paper placed on the ground began to tremble slightly. Chu Hao was overjoyed, and picked it up. After a while, a deep voice came through. out:

"Senior, it's me, Du Changyi..."


On a mountain peak next to the Sanxie Pass, before noon at this moment, an old man with a whole body in black was already standing.The weather in the north is humid, but since the beginning of spring, it can feel a bit warm, and the wind is blowing around.

The old man stood with his hands behind his back, his breath restrained, but occasionally his eyes flashed brightly, his spirit was calm and he looked like a master.He just stood there quietly for a whole morning.

After a while, I saw him turn his head to the sky, then shook his head.

On the clear blue sky, a rainbow flashed across, and after a while, a young man who stepped on a flying sword came from Yujian.This person has a handsome face, handsome and extraordinary, at such an age who can wield a sword, but there is no arrogance in his brows.He landed on the mountain peak, put away the flying sword, and said humbly: "Fellow Daoist Du, it's too late to come down."

Du Changyi waved his hand at him and said, "It's not too late, that senior hasn't arrived yet."

Xiang Yang nodded and said, "He is a senior, so he should be late."

Du Changyi glanced at him, did not speak, remained silent for a while, and then said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, I made an exception to let you join this time, but this trip is extremely dangerous. If you are not prepared to die at any time, I advise you to join me." You'd better give up."

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This is the way of heaven. Life and death reincarnation, so why not be afraid." Xiang Yang chuckled, knowing that Du Changyi looked down on his innate third-level strength, so he didn't argue, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Du, I'll follow you. I will never hold you back."

"Huh, it's the best!" Thinking that Xiang Yang gave the senior six low-grade spirit stones and paid a huge price, Du Changyi was inconvenient to say more, but with the senior who was at least in the foundation stage joining, this time he broke into the forbidden area. , presumably will be a little more sure.

"Fellow Daoist Du, besides me and senior, how many people have you summoned this time?" Xiang Yang crossed his knees luckily, and after a while, he raised his head and asked.

"Six people." Du Changyi said lightly: "There were originally seven people, but one of them had an accident and was killed by the enemy, so he couldn't come now." Speaking of this matter, Du Changyi's tone did not fluctuate at all.

That Xiangyang also nodded and fell silent.

Loose cultivators like them have the least status on the mainland, unless they are supernatural beings in the foundation building period, accidental death and the like are extremely common.They are not like the disciples of the big sect, they have the protection of the master, unless they are casual cultivators who claim to be a small group, they are not absolutely safe wherever they practice.

"Only by becoming the same as that senior, I am afraid that I can truly stand on the peak of the mainland..." Xiang Yang thought so, and his heart became more determined. This time, he must get his own fairy in this trip to the forbidden land. edge!

"Senior is here!" At this moment, Du Changyi roared loudly, turned his head to look at the sun, and saw a man in black robe flying from the sky above the blue sky. There were no flying swords under his feet, nor any Five Elements Wind Jue.

Jindan Yufeng!If it's not Jindan Yufeng, it's at least some kind of supernatural power and secret method that can only be used in the foundation building period!

Peerless secret method!

Seeing Chu Hao again, the two were still shocked, and then saluted Chu Hao as a junior. Du Changyi smiled and said, "Senior, junior chose this place because there is no safe place to stay around the border of the sky."

Compared with Li Beihong, Du Changyi's cultivation level is higher than that of Li Beihong, but the latter is practicing Ziyunmen's Ziqi Donglai Kungfu, while the former is a casual cultivator, and he does not have Li Beihong's family background. , there is an [-]% chance that Li Beihong will win.

This is the difference between casual cultivators and Dapai disciples.What's more, Li Beihong is still from a family of cultivators, and his physique has been cultivated since childhood.

"It's okay." Chu Hao glanced at him, said in a dark voice, and then smiled at Xiang Yang.

This person's celestial destiny is extremely strong, if this time is his celestial destiny, Chu Hao has already made a cruel determination.So he casually exchanged greetings: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, I haven't seen you for a long time, and my cultivation has improved again."

This smile made Xiang Yang a little inexplicable, but what Chu Hao said made his heart shudder.Hastily bowed to Chu Hao and said: "Senior's eyes are like a torch, far beyond my generation." He has a faint tendency to break through the third level of Qi training. He has been practicing hard for the past two months, but he did not expect that he would see through it with just one glance. Naturally shocked.

But Chu Hao didn't bother to pay attention to his wild thoughts here, looked at Du Changyi, and said, "Friend Du, when are we going to leave?"

"Since seniors and Fellow Daoist Xiang are here..." Du Changyi said, "It's not too late. The Liutian ruins will be opened in two days. It will take time for us to go to the Mayan Empire, and we have to meet up with our companions. Why don't you leave immediately !"

"Very good!"

Chu Hao slapped the storage bag, and saw the Bolan sword appear with a whoosh. Chu Hao jumped up, stepped on the sword, and said, "Friend Daoist Du, please lead the way."

The appearance of the Bo Lan Sword surprised Xiang Yang and Du Changyi again.

Seeing the radiance and freshness on the flying sword, Xiang Yang felt that he was not ordinary, at least there was absolutely nothing in his body that could compare to this flying sword!

However, Du Changyi's eyesight was sharper than Xiang Yang's. This Bo Lan sword could be seen as a third-rank magical weapon at a glance, and it was definitely a rare treasure especially above ordinary third-rank magical weapons!

But Du Changyi is also a mature person. Although he is envious in his heart, he knows that Chu Hao's cultivation is not comparable to that of himself and others. It is normal to have such a family background.He slapped the storage bag at the same time, and together with Xiang Yang, two flying swords swished out, and Yu Jian stepped up and stepped on them.

It's also easy to understand why Chu Hao didn't use the air-defending technique but used the flying sword.In Du Changyi's mind, if Chu Hao was a monk at the Jindan period, then the Jindan Yufeng flight would also consume spiritual power, and such a long distance would definitely consume a lot.And if not, then this kind of secret method must consume more, and naturally it is not as cost-effective as Feijian.

After thinking about it, Du Changyi gave a loud shout and said, "Senior, please come with me!"


Three rainbow lights cut across the sky and rushed towards the Mayan Empire outside Sanxie Pass!

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