
Chapter 147 Frozen 3 miles

The sea surface of Atlanta shook violently, and countless sprays of water surged up in pieces at this moment, one wave after another, slapping towards the beach, and the highest one reached five or six feet!The waves are rolling, and the momentum is frightening!

Faced with such a natural majesty, the monks on the shore either formed a seal or stood up with their swords to avoid the huge waves.I saw the trembling sound getting louder and louder, Xia Jixing and other disciples of the Ziyun Sect also rose up with their swords at the same time, only Lu Ruhua lay cross-legged on the ground, then opened her beautiful eyes, flipped her hands quickly, layer upon layer of strength It surged away from her palm, and slapped away towards the oncoming huge waves!

Frozen for three thousand miles!

The spells handed down by the Lu family can finally be cultivated and used after Lu Ruhua advanced to the fourth level of innate!


There was only a sound of ice cracks cracking, and as soon as the huge wave approached Lu Ruhua, it was enveloped by the sporadic gas formed by her hands, and then several pieces of ice instantly formed in front of her. The speed of formation is astonishing!

In just a few breaths, I saw the five-foot giant wave in front of Lu Ru's picture turned into a piece of ice, and bursts of cold air penetrated the space, allowing the huge waves behind to beat.

This scene attracted the eyes of many monks around, all of them showed surprise!

"Ice spirit root, combined with ice-type skills, the Lu family's technique is really powerful..." Xia Jixing, who was stepping on the flying sword in the sky, also had bursts of brilliance in his eyes, as if he was unwilling, but also as if he was sighing.

On the other side, Lu Rover was shocked when he saw this scene, but he melted in an instant, and he was more concerned about Lu Ruhua, an innate monk who was three levels behind him.

The rare spiritual root really deserves its reputation, and even he himself does not have such a celestial relationship.

Lu Ruhua's current cultivation level can only freeze a small area. Seeing the extent of the ice in front of her, she showed satisfaction on her face.Then he slapped the rocks under him and rose into the air.

The flying sword whizzed out, and she stepped on it lightly, her white clothes swaying like a fairy.

Amid the exclamation, I saw that the surface of the sea was boiling, and in an instant, an island slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea.The whole shaking sound was earth-shattering, and it lasted for about a quarter of an hour. While everyone was waiting, the tide gradually subsided, the wind stopped, and the whole world slowly calmed down.

The ruins of Liutian, the entire island, are about 30 miles away from the coast, and then resurfaced again!


Everyone looked at each other, and then the colorful light shone brilliantly in the blue sky, and countless flying swords rushed towards the Liutian Ruins.Lu Ruhua looked back at the disciples who were following him indifferently, and said, "Follow me."

After all, the snowy white clothes, like the waves that will fall in the future, entered the Ruins of Liutian in a blink of an eye!

Xia Ji Xingjiao snorted, and also signaled to the true disciples behind her, and then flew away without giving up an inch.

Around the entire coast, the sound of piercing the sky can be heard, and in the distance, there are still people walking.


When Chu Hao, Du Changyi and the others arrived in the Atlanta Sea, there were not many monks near the entire coast.After flying in the air and approaching the beach, Chu Hao couldn't help but sneezed when he smelled the faint smell of the sea in the breeze.

"Senior, are you okay?" Chu Hao was followed by a bony middle-aged monk. He was about nine feet tall, but his body was extremely poor. His shape was skinny and his hands were exposed like skeletons. .

His cheeks are deeply sunken, his nose is sunken, his eyes are protruding, with red lights flickering from time to time, his appearance is also terrifying.

However, no one dared to underestimate this person, because he is Du Changyi's companion, even higher than Du Changyi, and he is an eighth-level monk in the innate qi training stage

With such a realm, he is a top-notch master in the entire continent.

Among casual cultivators, this person is quite well-known, and is called the Taoist with bone patterns.

Besides him, there are two other people, one is Wang Xin and the other is Wang Yue. They are two brothers, about 40 years old.They are all monks at the sixth level of Qi training, and among them, Chu Hao, a fake senior, is actually the lowest in cultivation.

Before Chu Hao was led by Du Changyi to meet these three people in Wulong City, it was delayed for some time, so he did not arrive before the opening of the Liutian Ruins.

"It's all right..." Chu Hao waved his hand. He didn't dare to underestimate this bone-pattern Taoist. After all, he was a monk who was close to the foundation-building stage, and he was not fully sure that he could win now.And seeing that this guy is full of sinister and evil spirits, his cultivation skills are definitely not too decent, and Chu Hao does not reject evil heretics, but most of these people are a little bit abnormal.

Taoist Bone Pattern and Chu Haofei were at the forefront. Taoist Bone Pattern swept across the sea, and then said lightly, "Senior, it seems that it has been around for more than an hour, and this time the Ruins of Heaven are a little later than before."

Before Chu Hao came, Du Changyi mentioned Chu Hao to the three of them.At that time, Du Changyi also had guesses about Chu Hao's cultivation level, and when they met, the Taoist bone pattern also couldn't see through Chu Hao's cultivation level. Although Chu Hao was controlling the Bolan sword at the moment, the aura on his body was by no means ordinary Innate monks can be compared.

Therefore, the old man with bone pattern didn't say anything, but others didn't know what he was thinking, but he and Chu Hao walked closest along the way, and they always called him senior.As for the other two, they were also extremely surprised when they saw Chu Hao. They both thought that Chu Hao was at least a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. As for the Golden Core Stage, they didn't dare to guess.

Wang Xin and the others were a little excited that Du Changyi could find such a master to go to Liutian Forbidden Land together, feeling that this operation should increase the success rate a lot.As for Xiangyang, who only has the third level of innate, he is ignored by them. After all, he has not reached the fifth level of innate, and they are all one heaven and one earth.

Of course, it was because of Xiang Yang that Chu Hao joined, and Taoist Bone Wen and the others did not show too much dissatisfaction.

However, although Chu Hao felt that the bone pattern Taoist was respectful to him and had nothing to say about his attitude, he could feel the chilly aura enveloped him as soon as he got close to the latter.Most of these casual cultivators who have cultivated such a high level have been rolling in the realm of comprehension for many years, and they will definitely not believe that they are masters just based on one side, so Chu Hao dare not be careless.

"It's late if it's late." Chu Hao turned his head to look at the sea area over there, then looked back at Wang Xin, Du Changyi and the others, and said, "Daoyou Du, how do you plan, tell us now."

When I discovered the treasure fragments flying out of the five vertical forbidden areas before, I entered with Wang Xin and another person, but the seventh-level monk in the Qi training period with the same level of cultivation as Du Changyi is said to have passed away, so the last time I entered Only Wang Xin and Du Changyi were left in the five forbidden areas.

Like Taoist Bone Pattern, he also joined later.

"We are entering the Liutian Ruins at this moment, but there must already be some disciples of the great faction inside. If we go to the Five Zong Forbidden Land this time, it will attract the attention of all parties and it will be extremely detrimental to our actions." Du Changyi said lightly: " We are now converging, and we all know each other, so I think that we will disperse into the forbidden area, and on the tenth day after that, we will meet at the entrance of the stone tablet of the five vertical forbidden areas."

As soon as Du Changyi finished speaking, the bone pattern Taoist laughed and said, "That's a good idea. Although the disciples of the big sect are not worth mentioning, but their backers are extremely powerful. We can't take it lightly." Turning his head and asked Chu Hao, "Senior , I wonder what you think of Fellow Daoist Du's proposal?"

Chu Hao felt that the red light in the Taoist's eyes was disgusting like a monster, so he didn't look at him, and said indifferently: "By the way, I heard that the monks of the Nine Heavens Pagoda will be sent to the high-level forcibly when they come out of the forbidden area." World, this matter has not been mentioned by Fellow Daoist Du, so I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

Du Changyi thought that Chu Hao didn't want to go to the high-level world, so he was startled when he heard this.After all, the mysterious master in front of him is very likely to be a monk in the Golden Core stage.

Du Changyi calmed down, and said: "This junior has also heard about it, but this junior knows some things that others don't know, and I can be sure that the matter of ascension is a rumor! Because it is said that the Jindan stage monk who was sent to the high-level world , didn’t actually come out.”

"There is such a thing?" Chu Hao said with a smile that was not a smile: "Fellow Daoist Du, don't lie to me."

Taoist Bone Pattern also interjected at the same time: "Senior, you can rest assured that many of our casual cultivators have verified this. It is indeed like what Fellow Daoist Du said, although there are golden core stage monks entering the forbidden land, no one has ever come out." After a pause, Taoist Bone Pattern maintained that soft voice, and continued: "Later, monks from the Nine Heavens Pagoda appeared and named the six forbidden areas. , is not credible."

Chu Hao thought to himself, anyway, you each have your own way of saying things, and I don't know whether your words are credible or not.

However, such things as rumors have not been personally confirmed. He always just said that the rumors were not facts, and Chu Hao couldn't tell whether what Lorraine had heard was rumors, or whether Du Changyi and the others were telling the truth.If they were really sent to the high-level world, then Du Changyi and the three of them should have been sent to the high-level world when they came out of the five forbidden areas.

At least he came out alive.

"The fragments of the treasure are still on Fellow Daoist Du." Chu Hao nodded, and said lightly, "I hope you guys didn't deceive the poor. The poor are not good men and women who can be bullied."

"Senior, please rest assured!" Du Changyi said.

At this moment, Xiang Yang said: "Fellow Daoist Du, I'll go with you in a while. I haven't been here a few times before, so it's easy to get lost."

Du Changyi naturally knew what he meant, and said lightly: "It's up to you."

Chu Hao glanced at a few people, and said: "Since that's the case, it's decided that after ten days, we will meet at the gate of the Five Zong Forbidden Land, and Pindao will go first."

Chu Hao was not afraid that they would not wait for him. After all, his "cultivation" was here. After all, with a whoosh, several people rushed towards the Liutian ruins and scattered all over the place.

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