
Chapter 148 Indifference

It was the first time for Chu Hao to come to the Liutian Ruins. He drove the Bolan sword and approached the front of the island. As Fatty Luo said, there was a huge stone tablet floating in the front row of the island, which was written with the words of the Liutian Ruins. words.

Surrounded by spiritual energy, although there are no different animals and birds, the trees are green, the reefs are like knives, and the sand is soft.Between the sea and the beach, there is only this stone tablet floating, with a faint white light, as if between the sky and the earth.

Chu Hao tried to absorb the aura on the stone tablet, but not long after, his complexion changed, his body trembled suddenly, and the exercises stopped instantly.

Sure enough, this spiritual energy could not be absorbed, once entering the Tianmen, it caused the true energy to be disordered, and Zhou Tian couldn't move around.

"This should be an ancient battlefield without a doubt! This hanging rock is an extraterrestrial meteorite in the outer starry sky. Without the cultivation base of the yin and yang period, it is absolutely impossible to break through the prohibition above." Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and she said firmly: "It seems There is really nothing wrong, entering that forbidden area this time, I think there should be something rewarding."

With Chen Honghong's affirmation, Chu Hao landed from the flying sword, then looked at the hanging stone and smiled, and said: "What kind of stinky thing is it called Tianwai Meteorite. Hey, if I can get some big demons and immortals this time If you make a clone of your dead body, then that is not a small harvest."

"Your boy's dreaming skills are really top-notch." Chen Honghong laughed loudly, and said, "Since this ancient battlefield appeared in the second layer of heaven, how good do you think the things inside will be? I guess, I'm afraid the corpse of the great demon and immortal No, this is just a place of ruins, so it would be nice to find some remnants of treasures, which you can refine to increase your chances of success."

"I'm afraid that the remnant treasure is not my own." Chu Hao thought of Xiangyang before, and walked towards the Liutian ruins with a cold heart.

Du Changyi had introduced the locations of the six forbidden places before. In the four directions of the island, Chu Hao will not go to those places for the time being, but just take a look at the center.

There are many mountains in the Liutian ruins, together with the ancient wood forest, it is full of an ancient and original ecology.And the entire island occupies almost one-third of the entire sea area, which is astonishingly large. It would take at least four hours to fly across with a cultivation base like Chu Hao!

However, walking in it, the Liutian ruins are no different from ordinary mountain forests. From a distance, the cascading mountains are undulating, sometimes surrounded by fresh air and flying swords.

Chu Hao maintained a normal mind, but he was cautious, and he was a little careful of the monks above the fifth level of innateness he met along the way.But after walking for about half an hour, Chu Hao didn't see a single monster, and felt a little strange in his heart.And in some places where his eyes glanced, he didn't find any rare treasures.

"This Liutian relic has appeared for nearly 130 years. It seems that except for the six forbidden areas, almost all the things in other places should be divided up. I just don't know why the forbidden area can't be visited. Could it be that ordinary people also see the forbidden area? get out?"

Chu Hao thought to himself, but found nothing.After a quarter of an hour, the scenery in his field of vision gradually became denser, and he simply jumped onto a mountain peak and looked into the distance.Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

He suddenly found that the side wall of the mountain more than ten feet away was covered with emerald green plants and vines, covering the edge of a faintly visible cave.Seeing this hole, Chu Hao was overjoyed.He was about to go to find out what happened, but someone was one step ahead of him. A man in white whoosh, driven by his true energy, instantly opened the vines and got into the cave.

"Let's see." Chu Hao was about to make a move, but Chen Honghong stopped him.

Chu Hao's heart shuddered, and he also realized that something was wrong, and then he stood on the mountain and watched as he said.About a quarter of an hour later, outside the cave, branches were swaying and figures were twitching, but three people came out.

Chu Hao took a closer look, but found that they were all strangers, and none of them were the monks in white who had just entered.While he was in amazement, he saw that one of the three seemed to have discovered himself. It was a vicious ugly man with a short look, but his limbs were particularly strong. He was wearing a tight-fitting outfit and gave Chu Hao a hard look. .

Seeing that Chu Hao didn't pay attention to themselves, they didn't do any more actions, and then covered the cave again, making it into a natural form, and then dispersed.

"Do you understand?" Chen Honghong asked lightly.

Chu Hao also nodded lightly, and said: "So this is the 'treasure' that casual cultivators have found. Compared with monsters, humans are indeed the scariest."

"It's good to know, you have too little time to step into the path of cultivation, even if you are cautious, it is not as good as experience."

Chu Hao smiled and said: "I still have you here, haha, don't watch it." After finishing speaking, he got up lightly, and left the place after a few ups and downs.Before leaving, he passed by a bush, and happened to see a third-tier bear-shaped monster, which was besieged by two monks. It should have been the two monks on the second floor who had an absolute advantage in strength and quantity. Instead, he was in a panic at this moment, as if he was about to be killed by a monster.

When they saw Chu Hao, they quickly called for help. Chu Hao glanced at them indifferently, stopped on a tree trunk, and then looked at them without blinking.

"Fellow Daoist, hurry up and help, when this monster is killed, the inner alchemy will belong to fellow Daoist!" one of the second-level Qi training monks shouted.I saw that his Yujian attack was wobbly, as if his true energy was weak and his stamina was insufficient.And the anxious face stared at the monster's sharp claws, and slapped the flying sword away several times.

The two of them changed positions from time to time, one in front of the other, but they couldn't do anything to the monster. The third-rank mid-grade monster, which was only about ten feet away, seemed to be possessed by a fourth-rank high-grade monster at this moment. Killed and retreated steadily!Even many trees collapsed during the confrontation, making bursts of roaring sounds.

Seeing that Chu Hao was still indifferent in the distance, another cultivator became even more anxious and said, "Fellow Daoist, come and help us!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a scream, and it turned out that the flying sword was knocked down by a monster On the ground, the heart was connected, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"There should be no problem now, right?" Facing the hoarse voices of the two, who seemed to be on the verge of life and death, Chu Hao didn't have any compassion, but asked Chen Honghong in his heart.

"Hey, keep reading..." Chen Honghong said contemptuously: "If it were you, would you believe what you saw? The second floor of the Qi training period, and there are still two people, and they can't deal with third-order monsters. Makes people laugh..."

Chu Hao smiled faintly, then pulled away and hid himself among the trees.Seeing that Chu Hao had left, the eyes of the two monks showed disappointment, and then they began to attack the monsters frequently.And the monk who dropped the flying sword just now pulled his strength, and the flying sword rose from the ground with a bang, and then passed through the monster's throat!

Before the monster screamed, the flying sword of the remaining cultivator whizzed over, and instantly struck into the monster's chest, splashing, blood in the flesh and intestines overflowed, the monster choked a few times, and fell to the ground. on the ground.The whole scene is disgusting.

The two monks shook their heads, took back the flying swords, looked at each other, and one of them sighed, "It's been almost a day, and I haven't gained anything. Forget it, this third-level inner alchemy is fine. I'll send it to Tao Ranju after I come out." Change something."

He pretended to squat down and take out the inner alchemy, but saw that the moment he turned around, his eyes flashed, and the flying sword in his hand immediately swirled out, stabbing towards the companion behind him!

His movements are very fast, amazingly fast!

But it's a pity, it's not as good as the companion who made the move one step earlier!

As early as the moment he turned around, the companion behind him ignited a piece of talisman paper!

The unexpected stone awl suddenly appeared from the ground and plunged straight into his chest. In the splash of blood, the latter's flying sword also came up at the same time, clashed with his flying sword, and both flew back at the same time !

"Go to hell!" With a sneer on his face, his companion kicked him to the ground, "If you want to attack me, there's no way!" The monk's back!

The man twitched a few times, his eyes were full of disbelief, and then his consciousness began to gradually dissipate in his unwillingness, and he watched helplessly as his companion thrust his sword into his body again.

"Who said there is no gain, this is it." After doing all this, the companion's face was full of light smiles, as if nothing happened, he picked up the flying sword, and then took off the opponent's storage bag.

"However, I'm looking for a partner again. I hope there are people as stupid as you." He laughed, and was about to walk towards the corpse of the monster beast, but at this moment, a white glow cascaded and vibrated in the air, It came from the place where Chu Hao disappeared just now.

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