
Chapter 149 Indifference

"who is it?"

The power of this qi mobilization formula exceeded his expectation, the monk was instantly sent flying, and his body slammed into a big tree beside him.He was about to get up, but before he had time to fight back, a black shadow descended from the sky and enveloped him.

The monk's eyes were full of horror, the strength of the visitor was much stronger than him, could it be the person who had been watching him fighting the monster just now?

He felt a wave of despair, he didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole, playing with fish all day long, and today he was finally caught by the fisherman.

Boom——In the dense forest, there was a dull cracking sound!

After a cup of tea, Chu Hao walked out of the dense forest in a black robe unharmed, and then continued to run forward.However, there are a few more harvests in his storage bag than when he first entered the Liutian Ruins.

There are nine second-grade flying swords, and now there are only seven left...

"Self-inflicted, you can't live, monk, you are really ruthless and indifferent..." Chu Hao had never thought of snatching things from these two people. He is a villain, but he is not a lowly villain. It shocked him too much.

He thought he was ruthless enough, but he didn't expect that in front of these people, he was as gentle and kind as a bitch.

"It's an eye-opener." Chen Honghong smiled darkly.

"I've only heard of it before, but I didn't expect it to be so complicated. Cultivation and Taoism are such a dangerous road, but there are still countless people stepping forward one after another. How can a person with such a heart achieve such a righteous result?" Chu Hao felt a little sad in his heart. Perhaps these are extremely normal in the eyes of monks, but in his eyes, they are still a little uncomfortable.

Even before he decided whether to snatch Xiangyang's fairy fate, he hesitated for a while, let alone use the blood of his companions in exchange for achievements and gains.

"Be careful with that bone-pattern Taoist. He is not a simple character. Although he is respectful to you on the surface, once your cultivation base is not as high as they estimate and cannot provide value, I am afraid that guy will attack you first!" Chen Honghong affirmed. : "Don't rush to refute Lao Tzu, think about it for yourself, even a second-level qi training monk like this is on the verge of life and death. If he can be promoted to the eighth level of qi training, what kind of good man and believer will he be?"

Chu Hao took a deep breath, his gaze was cold, and he said, "Don't worry, I still want to resurrect Yueer, take revenge, and return to the fifth heaven, just a second heaven, what can he do? I won't be killed either."

"Experience, the experience of cultivation, is the most important thing." Chen Honghong sighed: "You have improved your cultivation quickly enough, but your mental state is not enough. The benevolence of a woman is by no means the good character you need now. Like above Next time, He Gongming..."

"I see..." After Chu Hao interrupted, he stopped answering, and then hurried towards the center of the Liutian Ruins.

This Liutian ruins is worthy of being a paradise for casual cultivators. On the way forward, Chu Hao showed all kinds of strange tricks, which made people tremble with fear and feel chills in his back.

Chu Hao was not a benevolent person in the first place, and after seeing the previous few scenes, he would not be merciless.In just six days, during the journey to the central area of ​​the Liutian ruins, more than ten monks with evil intentions died at the hands of Chu Hao!

Several of them are even monks on the fourth level of Qi training!

Those monks probably never imagined in their dreams that they would die at the hands of people whose strength was lower than theirs.Moreover, this person's skill in hiding and restraining his energy is even more unimaginable.

And after they died, those storage bags were taken by Chu Hao without hesitation.It's just that there are very few of these people who have some family background, and they can't get any good things at all. The material of the second-grade flying sword is also uneven, and it is difficult to catch the eye. Speaking of it, the flying sword of the monk named Bai last time Sword, it can be regarded as high-quality goods if it is poured inside.

However, although these people's magic weapon is nothing, it is almost just a flying sword, but there are many things such as talisman papers. Chu Hao now has more than 30 such as Yukong talisman, and the formation talisman map is also He found one, and what surprised him the most was the five-element water symbol in the storage bag of an innate fourth-level monk, which was too late to display. At first, it was estimated that it could at least reach the full blow of a fifth-level Qi training monk.

After all, comparing the fifth floor with the fourth floor, true qi, that is to say, has a clear advantage in innate qi.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others.If someone offends me, cut the weeds and root them out!

Chu Hao seemed to abide by and implement this iron law.

And through Chu Hao's bloody killing journey during this period, most casual cultivators knew that in this area, there was a black-robed monk who was so vicious that he would not withdraw his hand if he grabbed anyone.Loose cultivators with low strength didn't dare to use their brains any more. When they saw the man in black, they made a detour to avoid his edge.

Chu Hao is naturally so happy. Although he has gained a lot in the past six days, he is kind-hearted and compassionate. He kills people and seizes treasures, all of which are forced into prostitution by this shitty world.

"Damn it, I'm starting to hide now!" Walking on the hillside, Chu Hao was very depressed. He just saw a third-level Qi training monk with fierce eyes. He didn't have time to be a lamb and waited for him to start. He was stunned for a moment, and then ran away, leaving Chu Hao, an honest man, no excuse to make a move.

Chu Hao shook his head, feeling that the heights were too cold, "There are only two flying swords that are made of good materials, and I can return them to the furnace and give them to Liu Li for re-refining. Let's talk when we have enough."

This kind-hearted man finally expressed his helplessness towards the villains who lost their way and knew their way back.

However, Chu Hao didn't meet Du Changyi and other five people once in the past six days. He was a little surprised. Although the Liutian Ruins were huge, there were also many monks and they walked around quickly. I really don't know where they went.

But it's good if you don't encounter it, Chu Hao doesn't want to use Chen Honghong's golden liquid so soon.

In six days, Chu Hao overcame obstacles all the way, and finally came to the central area.There is a large open space here, which occupies almost one-sixth of the entire island, but behind this open space, there is a large piece of mountains. If you count them carefully, there are at least a hundred of them, with different heights. But against the ruined walls below the open space, it is extremely desolate.

There are not many weeds in this open space, but it can be seen that it used to be a palace-like building, but now it is full of decay, marble and wooden pillars, faded palace walls, messy and dilapidated.

A piece of mess, people sigh its magnificence in life.

"Why is there no one in this place?" Chu Hao managed to get out of the primeval forest, but found that there were not many people staying in the central area, and the number was far less than those with ulterior motives in the forest.

Even here, most of them are low-level rogue cultivators looking for treasures around the dilapidated building. When they saw Chu Hao walking out of the forest, only a few people cast their gazes and then turned them away.

"Ghost knows." Chen Honghong snorted, and said, "But this place is a bit evil. It seems that it should be the old site where a hermit lived in the human world in ancient times... But it's not right. If this is the case, why are there so many people around here?" It’s kind of evil to be a venue for a big battle.”

Chu Hao bent down and picked up a piece of dirt-covered brick and tile, wiped it, and found that it was just an ordinary material, and then found several other broken wall bricks and wooden piles, all of which were mundane things, and there was nothing disturbing. Surprise find.

Thinking about it, it has been more than 100 years, even if there are still treasures in this ancient palace, they should have been taken away by others.

Chu Hao raised his head and looked at the top of the former site of the palace. There are still some stairs left on the mountain wall, leading to the second floor of the palace.There was also a table similar to an altar, but it was also covered with dust and had a limped leg.

It's just that the scenery on the second floor is clearly visible from the outside, and the attic rooms, where no one is paying attention, are also rotten.Occasionally, some unknown birds landed on it without any threat, looking at the monks around them curiously, without any fear at all.

Chu Hao was very puzzled. The gilded sky ruins should have appeared from the bottom of the sea, but not only was there no sea water on this land, it was not even wet at all, and even the dust and faded colors had not disappeared.

The ancient battlefield was sent outside the starry sky. It seems that what Chen Honghong said should be true.

And Chu Hao has been looking for any treasures that can be obtained from the Liutian Ruins along the way, but until now, he has not found a hair, and he is really furious.

Now that we have come to the central area and saw the dilapidated palace, we should go in and have a look. In case there are treasures that the seniors can't bear to take away, or feel that they don't have the ability to live in them, I can help them. Make a wish.

Chu Hao has always been so selfless, he was about to walk towards the top of the palace, but he sensed something, turned his head, and saw several figures flying towards the sky behind him, stepping on flying swords .


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