
Chapter 150 The Disciple of Ziyou Lake

The leader of this group was wearing a gold-rimmed blue dress, while the rest were all in blue robes. They were majestic and did not care about the casual cultivators around them. After a short while, several rainbow lights flashed, and they landed in the palace. in front of.

"Brothers and sisters, this is the central area of ​​the Liutian ruins, known as the Liutian Palace." After the leading man in blue put away the flying sword, he glanced at the people around him, and his eyes were not on Chu Hao. After staying too much on his body, he turned his head and said to the disciples in blue.

Chu Hao was curious, looked at the eight men in blue, and thought to himself, could these people be disciples of the Taoism sect?As for the leading young man, he tried to use his spiritual sense to feel it, but he was a little surprised that the other party was actually a monk at the seventh level of Qi training.It was comparable to Du Changyi's cultivation base.

Chu Hao's spiritual consciousness is rare in this world. At least he can't feel it when he observes others, unless he is a cultivator who has reached a certain level and is extremely sensitive.

After all, he was a great master of Qi training in his previous life, with a rank of tenth rank!If it wasn't for the lack of pill fire or the blood essence of the Yuanying stage, he might have been able to make a magic weapon long ago!

The person in the gold collar and blue clothes is extraordinary, and at a very young age, it is really eye-catching to be able to reach a cultivation level close to the foundation establishment stage.

Chu Hao stopped in his tracks, then slightly looked at these people, and listened, and there were low-pitched discussions from some casual cultivators not far away.

"It's Ziyouhu's disciple... That young man is the genius Lu Hu who is famous for Ziyouhu..."

"They don't kill monsters after training, what are they doing in Liutian Palace, they are really sick."

"Cut, don't talk too much. The three great gates are not easy to offend. Loose cultivators like us should behave with our tails between our legs. Don't touch the other side's territory. It's not good for you or me."


The voices of discussion gradually went away, and the palace was vacated just like that.

It's no wonder that there is a monk from Ziyou Lake here, and he is also led by a monk from the seventh floor of the Qi training period. It is naturally impossible for those casual cultivators without any background to fight against him.When they search for treasure, they have to wait for the person who swims in the lake to leave.

In the whole surrounding area, apart from the people from Ziyou Lake, Chu Hao was the only one left.

He also didn't expect that these blue-clothed people were Ziyouhu's disciples and Shuai Wubian's fellow apprentices, and indeed they were fellow villagers with tears in their eyes.

He had pretended to be Ziyouhu's disciple a few times, and he couldn't justify not saying hello to him, so Chu Hao kindly didn't leave, and sat on the steps, looking at everyone in Ziyouhu.

Chu Hao's careless approach immediately attracted the attention of Ziyouhu and others.Many disciples frowned at this time.The two female disciples even had expressions of disgust and arrogance, wishing to drive Chu Hao away.

It's no wonder that Chu Hao has a fishy smell on his body at the moment, and the man in black can occasionally see some blood stains, which he didn't have time to wipe off, so he doesn't look like a good bird at first glance. In this gilded sky ruins, it's easy to think of those activities.

Lu Hu, who was called the genius of Ziyouhu by the casual cultivators, turned his head, then took another glance at Chu Hao, and found that there was nothing outstanding about the latter, before continuing: "Look around, if you can find What, send it to the master, the highest reward can be to get high-end qi training exercises, and even third-grade magic tools."

Those disciples were all overjoyed when they heard the words. They had slaughtered monsters together in the Liutian ruins before, and they had nothing to gain except the inner alchemy. interest.

In this dilapidated palace space, we should be able to find some leftovers, right?

Therefore, after Lu Hu's words fell, those Ziyouhu disciples nodded and dispersed towards the surroundings. They walked towards the front of the palace throughout the huge open space.

Lu Hu nodded lightly, then walked towards the stairs and walked up to the altar.When he passed by Chu Hao, he took another look at the latter, and found that Chu Hao was really weird, he didn't dodge or dodge, he was either a fool, or he was highly skilled and daring.

Consciously, Land Rover thinks it is the latter.

Chu Hao stared at Lu Hu leaving, saw him standing still on the altar, and then rummaged through things, he also stared at it for a moment, if any treasure appeared, he would grab it and run away.

At this time, a girl from Ziyou Lake who had searched around for a while without any results came to Chu Hao's side, then raised her head and said, "Hey, is there any treasure below you, get out of the way, let me see."

This blue-clothed girl was pretty, but the arrogance and contempt on her brow made Chu Hao extremely unhappy.

Chu Hao said: "This beautiful girl, are you Zi Youhu's disciple?"

The girl in blue rolled her eyes and said triumphantly, "Hmph, you know we are Ziyouhu's disciples, so hurry up and let us go." Ziyouhu has always taken humility and devotion as his attitude towards cultivation, but not everyone is like this.For example, these juniors with well-to-do families naturally don't take ordinary casual cultivators to heart.

Chu Hao laughed, and said, "If you tell me to disperse, I will disperse. Don't you take me too seriously!"

The woman in blue raised her chin proudly and said, "Who do you think you are, why should I take you seriously!"

Chu Hao said with a smile: "By the way, I want to ask you something."

"whats the matter?"

Chu Hao waved at her, and said cautiously: "I found something just now, can you bring it to your senior brother for me, it's that person, and see if I can exchange some rewards from your sect."

The woman said disdainfully: "Anything is worthy of me to give to senior brother."

Chu Hao shook his head, and said, "I just found it around the palace, since you don't want it, forget it."

The woman in blue's eyes lit up and said, "Is that really the case?" After a pause, she snorted again, and said, "Show me first, if it's really valuable, then I can help you."

"Forget it, I'll let other people help. If you don't want to, I won't force you." Chu Hao sighed, and then "unintentionally" exposed a corner of the Hunyuan Cauldron, and the blue light flashed out. However, only the woman in front of her noticed.

The woman regained her spirits. Although there was only a momentary aura fluctuation just now, she could feel the intensity of the aura fluctuation. It was definitely not something ordinary!

She came from a great sect, so naturally she would not have the idea of ​​killing people like casual cultivators to seize treasures, but even so, she was still thinking about getting this thing.Seeing that Chu Hao was about to get up after finishing speaking, she quickly stopped in front of him and said, "My fellow Taoist, I think you have misunderstood, and I am willing to help you."

"Oh?" Chu Hao raised his head high like she did just now, and said slightly, "Why didn't I see it at all."

The woman didn't expect Chu Hao to hold grudges like this, her tone was suffocated, and then she looked around, but the brothers of the same school didn't notice this, and said: "Friend Daoist, I didn't see clearly what you just said, you can show me again Is it?"

"What do you think this is? The Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, you still want to buy fresh ones?" Chu Hao laughed and said, "If you really want to help me with this favor, if there is a reward, I will definitely not eat it alone , you go and report to Lao Tzu about your senior brother, so that I can give him the treasure and see what I can get in exchange."

The woman in blue rolled her eyes and said sweetly, "Fellow Daoist, you are not my son Youhu's disciple, even if you find a treasure in this Liutian Palace, it cannot be exchanged for the reward of my son Youhu, why don't you give it to me?" Give it to me, as my son Youhu's true disciple, there will be absolutely no problem."

Although she is not as good as the top in Ziyou Lake, she is at least more than the bottom, and her family background belongs to the upper middle class.

Normally, no one would point fingers at her like this, it was she who scolded others, but seeing that Chu Hao, a loose cultivator, was so arrogant, she endured it, and continued to smile kindly: "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

When that thing is in my hands just now, my aunt won't care about your life!

She thought triumphantly.

Chu Hao nodded. Before the girl could be happy, she heard him say, "Do you think I'm stupid, or do you think everyone is the same as you because your IQ is too low?"

The woman in blue was ashamed and angry, and before she had time to scold, Chu Hao continued, "Forget it, I'm not interested in you either, so I'll personally hand it over to your senior brothers, and see what rewards I can get."

"I don't know what's good!" The woman in blue snorted coldly, her willow eyebrows were full of evil, the flying sword appeared in her hand, she looked at Chu Hao coldly, and said: "If you don't take out that thing today, you don't want to leave here !"

Chu Hao let out a strange cry, and said, "I never imagined that Ziyouhu's disciples are so virtuous. Come and take a look, everyone. Ziyouhu's disciples are going to kill people and rob things. Come and see the famous disciples." Treasure grabbing kills!"

His roar was filled with true energy, and it spread over a great distance and oscillated in the surrounding area.

Immediately, all the other Ziyouhu disciples focused their attention at this moment.

The woman in blue was out of breath, and said, "You bastard, when did I say I was going to snatch it!"

"What, you are not robbing me, but trying to force... that me... Wow, there is still a law of heaven, is there still a king's law, female hooligan female satyr, oh my god, the dignified female disciple who swims the lake is actually like this Virtue, am I going to die here today after keeping my innocence for 20 years? What is the law of heaven? What is the law of heaven! "

He yelled a lot, and after he finished, Chu Hao turned his head, shrugged helplessly, and said to the blue-clothed woman with a pale and ugly face, "I'm sorry, I'm born with too much voice. But come."

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