
Chapter 151 Chaos

Chu Hao glanced over, and there were no Du Changyi and other five people among them, so he didn't care.

The woman in blue, Wang Ting, was a little terrified. Looking at this scene, she was stern, and scolded: "What are you trying to do, we are Ziyouhu's disciples!"

"I know you are Ziyouhu's disciple!" Chu Hao snorted, to prevent casual cultivators from thinking about quitting, he would act first!Whoosh!A second-grade flying sword was taken out of the storage bag, and then a blue light flashed, and it rushed towards Wang Ting!

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Hao would dare to strike first, Lu Hu shouted: "How dare the thief!" The innate aura overflowed wildly, and the energy-moving formula was mixed with compelling power, flying towards Chu Hao to sneak attack The sword strikes.



Accompanied by the sound of Jin and Ge clashing together, Chu Hao's flying sword could not resist the move of the Qi-training monk's move, and then he was sent flying. Chu Hao let out an exaggerated cry, and took advantage of the situation to grab the flying sword He came back, then flew out with a scream, and fell heavily to the ground!

"Killed, disciple Ziyouhu killed!"

He lay on the ground, struggled a few times, and then roared twice at the top of his lungs, "Kill...killed..."|The voice was muffled, and finally he let go of his hands and fell to the ground with a snap, his head tilted and his feet stretched out. I was motionless.

Die so soon? !

Everyone was surprised, especially Ziyouhu's disciple. They looked at Chu Hao who was lying on the ground, and then at their senior brother, their eyes were full of admiration. Only a genius senior brother could easily kill an innate monk like this. arrive!

However, Lu Hu was aware of the power of his move, unless he was a martial artist at the acquired stage, or a monk at the innate level, and the latter's body level would not be able to kill him in one blow.

After all, moving energy is just a low-level spell!

What tricks is this guy playing again? !Lu Hu was a little strange, his face was solemn, and he was about to speak, but he saw more and more monks gathered around him. In desperation, he could only explain to others, then raised his head and said slowly: "Dear friends, This is the matter of our Ziyou Lake, please don't interfere, when this matter is over, our disciples of Ziyou Lake will leave this place immediately, and will never disturb you."

After all, Lu Rover is a disciple of the great sect, and he is also a genius in the sect. Although these words are meant to ease the atmosphere, there is still a hint of toughness in them. The innate superiority makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Especially these casual cultivators were even more upset after hearing this.

Why do you Dapai disciples have to be high-ranking, bossy, and treat us casual cultivators so contemptuously!

If you tell us to disperse and let us not interfere, then don't disperse or interfere?What's the point of this?The reason why the fist is big?Our fist here is bigger, more!

Some old and prudent casual cultivators remained silent, some scheming monks remained silent, and some grasshoppers kept watching.But no matter what, there are always passionate people, and there are always people who are not afraid of death.

Just like the current situation——

After Lu Rover finished speaking, a person suddenly walked out of the crowd. This person was a third-level Qi practitioner, but his face was full of anger, and he was unafraid of Lu Rover's gaze. He scolded: "This is your place." Want to leave after killing someone? Could it be that one day our loose cultivator’s cave doesn’t look right, so you can come up and kill him and leave, and then say that this cave is for you to swim in the lake?”

Lu Hu's eyes turned cold, and he said, "This fellow Taoist, I don't mean that."

"Then what do you mean!" The man kept cursing, and he looked very young, but his body was often surrounded by black air, and his movements were stiff, which made people feel a little weird, "If you disagree with each other, you will strike, right? It’s not that we don’t care too much about our casual cultivators. I don’t think it’s necessary to call the Liutian Ruins the Liutian Ruins. It’s better to call it the Ziyou Lake Erfen Helm. Let the sea come in and open up a piece of land for swimming in the lake. What do you guys think of my proposal?"

This person spoke with a strange tone, and his tone was even worse than that of Chu Hao, which instantly evoked a burst of laughter.

"Looking for death!" Lu Hu was furious, he couldn't bear to be scolded by these low-quality guys, Ziyouhu's reputation could not be trampled on at will.He first glanced at Chu Hao on the ground, and then moved his hands and handprints, and a blue ripple, like a ribbon of water waves tumbling in the air, was moving towards this person. .

The front part of the water pattern swept over his body, and there was a shocking cracking sound immediately, as if the water in a huge pond exploded, and countless astonishing vigor contained in the strips of azure blue light scattered towards the surroundings at the same time go.

Lu Rover's attack is Ziyouhu's advanced technique of diverting water into a snake!

He exerted [-]% of his power, and he wanted to use this to establish his prestige here!

Otherwise, how would Ziyouhu save face!

This budding cultivator's strength is only at the third level of qi training, and none of the casual cultivators present thinks that he can resist this attack.Even those grasshoppers were horrified by the strength of Land Rover, and quietly stepped back a few steps.

However, something unexpected happened next!

Under such a huge water spell as Lu Rover, the cultivator who uttered wild words and was surrounded by black air could not dodge or dodge, and was hit abruptly!However, not only was he not knocked into the air or seriously injured, but he stood on the spot unharmed. After the water marks dissipated, he raised his voice and shouted loudly again!

"Wow, the world's biggest disciple Yuhu not only killed the old man, but now he wants to kill me! Fellow fellows, fellow Taoists, as men and women, can you bear it?! These disciples of Youhu, Lawless, no casual cultivators! Fortunately, this place is not on the mainland, not the Ziyou Lake Mountain Gate, but the Liutian Ruins where everyone can come, otherwise, we will all be killed by them! ——However, we really Do you want to swallow your anger and let others slaughter you? I am handsome and I will never agree!"

Lu Hu was startled and angry, watching the black air gathering up from the latter's body, gradually devouring the watery blue light in the air, he felt a strange aura, but he couldn't tell what it was.

Impossible, he ignored the spell that could resist him!

Just when Lu Hu was about to attack again, a junior next to him said: "Senior brother, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife? After the junior has taught this man a lesson, take his body as a memorial and give my son Youhu a good reputation."

The man yelled, and said, "Did you hear that, one won't work, now I'm going to have two!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Zi Youhu's disciple, and he said: "How can I use my senior brothers to deal with such a small character as you, brat, go to hell!" Amidst the murmur, an astonishing blue light flashed, and then he stretched out his hand and galloped towards the monk!

This time the cultivator still did not dodge or dodge, and at the moment Feijian approached him, he suddenly roared: "Leave a scare, and give me back my history of casual cultivation! It doesn't matter if I die alone, I'm down!" , there are thousands of casual cultivators standing up! Ahhhhhh!" This jaw-dropping roar was hoarse and soul-stirring!

"Damn, it's too awesome!"

"Have character!"

Following this loud roar, the casual cultivators around him were stunned. Three flying swords surrounded him in different directions at the same time, and the blue light raged and exploded. It was bombed to the bone, and dissipated in the entire space for no reason!

The flying sword circled in the air, and finally merged into one, and flew lightly back to the stunned disciple Ziyouhu.And these Ziyouhu disciples disappeared in place, leaving only a deep pit and ruins in the open space. They couldn't believe that all of this was true!Wang Ting and another woman in blue opened their eyes even wider, full of horror.

The eccentric casual cultivator who had just endured a blow from senior brother Lu Hu and was safe and sound, actually disappeared into nothing under his own sword skills and sword control skills, and didn't exist at all!

The place where he stood just now was empty, and nothing was left, as if this person had never appeared at all, but everyone around the scene proved that that person did exist!

Everyone looked at the black-robed monk who had been beheaded by Lu Rover before. He was lying quietly on the ground at this moment. Zi Youhu killed two casual cultivators in a short period of time. This is really too much!

In the calm voice, finally a monk stood up and cursed: "The rogue cultivator used his death just now to awaken the old man's silent anger. Juniors of Ziyou Lake, you were not born back then. At that time, the old man started to cultivate, but today he is so arrogant in front of the old man! Today, the old man is desperate to give up my old life, and I want to give back my history of casual cultivation!"

The old man who only had the fourth level of Qi training let out a loud cry, and then his robe fluttered, and a magic weapon like a wooden stick flew out of the storage bag. The disciples of Youhu drove away at full speed!

Although this stick is a second-grade magic weapon, it has a unique style. The shadow of the stick contains innate momentum, layer upon layer, like clouds disappearing, oscillating endlessly, making it difficult to tell which stick it is!

It was the first time that disciple swimming in the lake had seen such a weird attack method, and before he had time to dodge, the stick approached and hit him on the head!

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