
Chapter 152 Missed

There were crackling sounds in my ears, that Zi Youhu's formation was really extraordinary, the seven-star Mihu sword formation composed of seven people actually gradually resisted the attacks of thirty or forty monks.

Although the seven people were still struggling, at least they didn't retreat a bit, and they were as solid as gold.

"If it's really as solid as gold, then there's a ghost." Chu Hao smiled disdainfully, shuttled above the second floor as if nothing had happened, looking around for free space, and looked down from time to time to comment a few words.

The second floor of the palace was not too big. After Chu Hao flew up to it, he looked around and his face became relaxed.This place seems to be a dormitory, but most of the corridors and corridors and stairs outside the dormitory are dilapidated and impassable. Chu Hao walked around every corner of the second floor by leaning on the road, but still found nothing.

He directed this farce single-handedly, if there is nothing to gain, he will definitely not let it go.

Turning over to another bedroom, even the dusty bed floor was turned over by Chu Hao, but nothing was found.

He cast his eyes from the window, and saw that under the support of the old disciple Zi Youhu, the seven people were still standing upright without flinching, and the light and shadow of sword arrays surrounded them, counting all the spells and magic spells coming from all around them. Feijian stopped him.And in the middle of the seven, Lu Rover's face was pale, his eyes were closed to heal his wounds, and the blue energy was steaming around his body, like a person in a cloud.

Chu Hao hesitated whether to make a move or not, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Anyway, they didn't see his face, so for the sake of Shuai Boundless fellowship, he temporarily let them live.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao suddenly turned his head, and suddenly his eyes lit up again, because he discovered that there was another place in the ruined palace that he hadn't looked for, and that was the altar under the stairs before.

The altar is a bit evil, but it was built under the palace. This palace was built in the form of an old castle. It stands to reason that in the secular world, such things should be taboo in front of the magnificent palace.

This discovery did not ignite hope in Chu Hao's disappointed heart. Anyway, he had made up his mind to pay attention. If he still didn't find out, he would destroy the sword array, collect those flying swords and leave.

When he came to the altar, the battle below was already intensified. Seeing that the legs of Ziyouhu disciples were shaking, their tiger's mouths were numb, and even their sword tactics were not coherent.Chu Hao also knew that he didn't have much time. Taking advantage of the fact that few people noticed him, he directly overturned the altar to save trouble.

There were three balls of fresh air painted on the altar, Chu Hao didn't even look at it, he just stepped on the ground, crackling, the old altar was trampled to pieces.

According to the legend, it was the Sanqing of the Immortal World who created the system of comprehension and the way of comprehension. They have always been the spiritual leaders of the cultivators, sacred and inviolable, mighty and inviolable, and supreme.Even the monks who have entered the ruins of Liutian all the time came to this ruined palace, and when they saw the Sanqing on the altar, they would be cautious and search around without moving the altar.

Only a savage like Chu Hao, in order to save time, directly blows up the matter.

Damn, I don't believe in Sanqing now, I believe in Emperor Chi!

Chu Hao had no expectations at first. After all, this place has been opened for more than 100 years. If it takes more than 100 seconds, he feels that he still has hope.Just when Chu Hao intentionally or unintentionally achieved nothing, just when he was about to leave the palace and destroy the battle outside with full of resentment, his body stopped!

Because at this moment, he suddenly saw that on a corner of the altar that was smashed by himself, the wood was in a sharp arc, and it was actually faintly revealing a dark red color different from the leather surface!Chu Hao's eyes lit up immediately. There was a dark layer in the middle of the altar table depicting Sanqing? !After so many years, no one noticed?

Several thoughts flashed through Chu Hao's mind, and then he stretched out his hand to suck it, only to see that the broken half of the altar table was sucked into his hand.Chu Hao touched the surface of the altar table and found that it was extremely smooth, but it was definitely ordinary.

He was about to try to open the dark layer, but at this moment, there was a shocking explosion, and Chu Hao turned his head. Can support a few breaths of time.

Chu Hao made a decisive decision and immediately put the two pieces of the sacrificial altar table back into the Hunyuan cauldron, then crushed a Yukong Talisman, then jumped up and flew towards the mountains behind the palace.Not long after, the culprit of this chaos disappeared in the central area of ​​Liutian.

Not long after Chu Hao left, the disciples of Ziyou Lake finally couldn't hold on anymore. The aged cultivator spit out three streams of blood in one gulp. The light and shadow refracted by the sword suddenly froze in the air, reduced to a hand, and stopped.

"Smelly old man, you can't hold it anymore!"

A rogue cultivator who couldn't attack for a long time roared angrily, then laughed arrogantly, and then condensed a moving qi art with his right hand, and charged towards Ziyouhu and others!

This person is on the fourth level of innateness, and [-]% of his true energy is contained in it, which is extremely majestic!

Seeing the ripples of this moving qi formula attack, each of Ziyouhu's disciples showed a look of exhaustion and despair on their faces.Suddenly, Lu Hu, who was cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and then drew a semicircle in the air with his hands, a wave of water appeared out of thin air, and hit towards the Dynamic Qi Jue!


Ziyou Lake's disciples were shocked, the water wave collided with the moving qi formula in the air, and it exploded in an instant, but Lu Hu hadn't recovered at all, and now he spit out a mouthful of blood and coughed continuously.And his skirt is also full of red dots.

Just when the casual cultivators were about to attack again, suddenly several qi energies fell from the sky.I saw Lu Ruhua and Xia Jixing with cold faces and the same cold face, it was Yujian who came!

Behind them, there are more than a dozen Ziyunmen disciples!

Although Lu Ruhua is only at the fourth level of Qi training, her own strength is comparable to that of the fifth level of the innate. Coupled with her family's skills and ice root, she is enough to stand out among her peers!

Frozen for three thousand miles!

Lu Ruhua bears the brunt of the blow, Qianqianyu fingers churned in the air for a while, the moisture in the air was absorbed into her hand, and then twisted around, a layer of frost covered her flying sword and covered it all around. !

The icy and snowy land, although it can't reach the huge range and frozen mountains and rivers, it is already shocking and spectacular!

The casual cultivators all screamed and looked at the Ziyunmen disciples in horror.

As Lu Ruhua performed Frozen Three Thousand Miles, the cold air filled the entire space, and Xia Jixing, who was walking with her, was not to be outdone. One hand, going back and forth,

Lu Hu looked at the sky, blood slowly spilled from his mouth between his teeth:

"Rescue is here..."

Chu Hao naturally didn't know that his enemy, the Ziyun Sect, had also rushed over, otherwise he really planned to stay there for a while longer.After leaving the ruins of the palace, Chu Hao's body galloped through the mountains and forests.After landing, he ate a "Golden Sun Pill" and ran for a long time before finally finding a gap in a deserted valley. Chen Honghong set up a barrier and rested.

"what's this."

Chu Hao took out the two pieces of altar wooden table, then moved his hands vigorously, smashed them into pieces again, one left and one right, revealing a dark red layer.Chu Hao fixed his eyes and saw that there was a small lens surrounded by red and golden light, only the size of a fingernail.Chu Hao loved that the entire dark layer of the altar was broken, so he picked it up and counted it. There were six pieces in total, and he was suddenly surprised.

He held these lens-like crystal blocks in his hand, feeling the unusual hardness, he thought to himself, could it be that this is a diamond?If it's really a diamond, it's useless. Chu Hao is a cultivator, not a secular businessman.

"Stinky boy, you've developed and developed!"

Chen Honghong's pleasantly surprised voice rang out again like tearing her throat.

Although Chu Hao was used to him, seeing him make a fuss, he still couldn't help being upset, and said, "Fuck you, I've been working so hard for a long time, and I got such a few diamonds, what are you using them for? Don't string them together to make a necklace? It is said that Lao Tzu is an upstart in the cultivation world."

"Ignorant child, ignorant child..." Chen Honghong started his mantra again, his tone still a little excited, and sighed: "Do you know what this is? Diamond? Yes, it is indeed a diamond! A diamond, but the famous Skyfire Golden Diamond!"

"What is that?" Chu Hao didn't pay attention to it at first, but after saying this, he woke up in vain, his face was full of surprise, he trembled, and said slowly: "Heavenly Fire Golden Diamond... This is Skyfire Diamond?"

"Not bad!" Chen Honghong couldn't help being overjoyed, and said haha: "I originally thought that I would never find materials to repair the Hunyuan Ding in this broken second layer. Found the Skyfire Golden Diamond!"

Indeed, this day's fire gold diamond is one of the materials for repairing the Hunyuan Ding!

And it is one of the most important materials!

Chen Honghong didn't expect that even Chu Hao, who was just casually looking for treasure, didn't expect that!

"Although there are only these six pieces of small gold diamonds, after refining, they are still the size of a little finger. Although they are not enough, you can still find them in other high-level worlds. Haha, brat, you are really lucky. I can't accept it!" It was rare for Chen Honghong to praise Chu Hao once, and the cheeky little prince was immediately elated and said boldly: "That's right, you always think about it, if I wasn't the darling of heaven, I would be able to look like this Isn't he so handsome!"

Chen Honghong: "..."

Skyfire gold diamonds are top-grade materials. Before Chen Honghong mentioned them, Chu Hao had never even heard of them. They should belong to prefecture-level high-grade materials!

Six pieces of such a small thing are not enough to repair the Hunyuan Ding, but if Chu Hao does not repair the Hunyuan Ding, let Chu Hao use it for refining, but he does not know what good things he will have to make.

"Refining, don't even think about it. Repairing the Hunyuan Ding is the key. I will keep these six heavenly fire gold diamonds for you!" Chu Hao hadn't finished thinking when he saw a blue light flash, and the Hunyuan Ding After it appeared, the six pieces of Skyfire Golden Diamonds were received in it.

"You bandit and bandit!" Chu Hao wailed, "There is no law of the king, there is no law of the king!"

Chen Honghong said complacently: "Stinky boy, when the Hunyuan Ding is repaired again, you can do whatever you want. At that time, it is not a matter of minutes to use seventh and eighth grade magic tools. Besides, with the speed of your cultivation, you can reach It won't take long for the fifth level of Xiantian, when I let you experience the beauty of Hunyuan Ding, even if I let you use the Heavenly Fire Gold Diamond to refine the magic weapon, you probably won't want it."

"I just heard you talking nonsense here alone." Chu Hao looked at the rotten altar table in his hand. There was nothing special about it. After throwing it aside, he took out the Dayu Wood and began to practice exercises.

The level of aura in the Liutian Ruins is not much higher than that of the mainland, and Chu Hao owns the Dayu Wood, so he doesn't have to worry about finding the Paradise of Paradise.

There was nothing to look for in the Liutian Ruins, and Chu Hao didn't bother to spend any time, and he was just waiting for the appointed time to arrive.

Three days later, Chu Hao arrived within the range of the Five Zong Forbidden Area as scheduled.


It hasn't erupted for a long time. Tomorrow is the big push on the homepage, and there will be an eruption.Let's vote more red tickets, at least don't let the ratio of word count to click red tickets be too ugly.

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