
Chapter 153 Five Forbidden Areas

Chapter 150 Three Five Vertical Forbidden Areas

first change


The Five Zong Forbidden Land is on the west side of the Liutian Ruins. Chu Hao came all the way here, killed two casual cultivators who didn't have long eyes, and fought three third-level monsters by hand.

In this chaotic place, survival is only at the expense of the existence of others.

And Chu Hao also inquired about the final result of the farce in the central area. It turned out that when Ziyunmen descended later, Sanxiu had no backbone. Under the crazy attacks of Lu Ruhua and Xia Jixing, Ziyunmen disciples formed a sword formation. , left one after another, and some casual cultivators who still persisted eventually became the souls of the two factions under the sword.

Knowing the result, Chu Hao couldn't help sighing, saying it was a pity.

However, Chu Hao regretted not being able to meet the disciples of the Purple Cloud Sect.Thinking of Lu Ruhua's proud little girl, Chu Hao was furious. He knew that they had come to the Liutian Ruins, so he wanted to catch up on the old days and express his long-awaited affection.

Although there were not many people in the Five Vertical Forbidden Area, there were still some casual cultivators wandering here. Chu Hao, dressed in black, immediately aroused the vigilance of many people when he came over.

In the past ten days, all casual cultivators who robbed Chu Hao have been killed by him, and his reputation has also spread in certain small circles. The mysterious man in black robes is bloodthirsty and murderous. Drive earth spells and create stone men.

Therefore, some casual cultivators with low cultivation levels gave way to Chu Hao one after another.Seeing him coming to the Five Zong Forbidden Area at this moment, some casual cultivators around him had heard of his name, but none of them stepped forward and talked endlessly beside him.

In front of the Five Zong Forbidden Land is a dense forest, on which stands a stele, just like the "Liaotian Ruins" written on the front of the island, here are written "Wu Zong" in big characters, but in terms of vigor and style of writing, it is more The former is much inferior.

This should be carved by the monks of the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

Chu Hao thought for a while, and tried to walk towards the dense forest, but an invisible ripple blocked him.Chu Hao was surprised that this was just a dense forest, but the true energy was concentrated in his eyes, but he couldn't see the range of two meters in front of him. It was covered with layers of black mist, which was overwhelming and trembling.

Chu Hao didn't believe in evil, so he summoned his true energy and blasted towards the prohibition of the dense forest. This time, the rebound was stronger. Chu Hao retreated several steps before he stabilized his figure, his eyes were full of horror .

He discovered that with a few percent of his strength, the rebound will be ten times that of the former!

"This is a kind of profound restriction. I guess, this forbidden area is probably the place where the previous war was fought, and it has been sealed." Chen Honghong said solemnly: "In addition to these six forbidden areas, there are no other places in this Liutian ruins. Even if monsters and beasts come and go, it's just a normal monster aura, without the taste of ancient times."

Chu Hao said: "After all these years, all auras should have dissipated, and what's more, you don't know what is outside the starry sky."

"You underestimate the power of ancient powers too much." Chen Honghong sneered, and continued: "Even if this ancient battlefield is a low-level battlefield, the breath should not dissipate so quickly, except for the one you reached a few days ago. The palace, the entire Liutian Ruins has nothing outstanding, except for the six forbidden areas, there must be nothing attractive, no wonder those foundation-building monks are reluctant to come."

"Then Du Changyi, he is really lucky to be able to get the fragments of the treasure that entered the five vertical forbidden areas." Chu Hao nodded. He did not refute what Chen Honghong said, but stuck to the invisible invisible restriction, slowly The ground caressed on the stone tablet.

Thinking about Du Changyi's statement that the fragments flew out of it, he didn't know how credible this statement was. After all, when Chu Hao came here, there were no less than twenty casual cultivators around him.

Chu Hao's actions attracted the attention of other casual cultivators, and many of them laughed out loud.He felt that Chu Hao was doing useless work and asking for trouble.After all, rumors of this restriction can't be broken even by a master of the golden core stage. Everyone in the whole mainland knows that this black-robed man wants to attack with anger, what a fool!

In the eyes of many people, Chu Hao is already a self-cultivation fool, he has no brains, and it is embarrassing to come here.

Of course, Chu Hao ignored the thoughts of these people. Facing the contemptuous and mocking comments around him, he sat cross-legged next to the stone tablet, and then adjusted his breath.Since he came less frequently, the others have not yet come.

After a long time, Chu Hao only heard a sinister laugh. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw the bone-pattern Taoist coming from the sky against the wind, and landed in front of Chu Hao in an instant.

"Heaven, it's the Taoist with the bone pattern!" Seeing the Taoist with the bone pattern, the scattered cultivators all changed their expressions and retreated one after another.It can be seen that Taoist Bone Pattern is indeed quite famous in the world of casual cultivators, and the moment he appeared, it caused such a shock.

Many people's eyes were flickering with horror.

Chu Hao stood up indifferently, only to see the bone pattern Taoist bowing to him respectfully: "Senior, the junior is late, I kept the senior waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Du and the others haven't come yet." Chu Hao replied lightly.

However, the dialogue between the two of them was slapped in the ears of those casual cultivators who were watching, and they all showed disbelief.Taoist bone pattern, Taoist bone pattern actually called this idiot a senior? !

Call this senior idiot who hit the restraint with his hand just now and was still sitting cross-legged beside him!

They couldn't believe their ears. The bone pattern Taoist is close to the great perfection of qi training, a powerful monk with eight levels of qi training, and his cultivation base is unfathomable. It is conceivable how powerful a monk can be called a senior. up!

At least they are all congenital Dzogchen or foundation building period!

This blood-stained man in black robe, who is only recently known in the Liutian ruins, is such a master? !Damn, why didn't I have any knowledge just now, and I got close to him, so it's good to get some pointers!

After everyone was shocked, they regretted it again.

Taoist Bone Pattern smiled slightly, and said, "Fellow Daoist, it is said that in the past few days in the Liutian Ruins, Senior has become very popular."

Chu Hao said calmly, "It's nothing more than killing a few juniors who don't have eyesight."

The casual cultivators who heard the conversation between the two outside couldn't help feeling a chill of horror.The Taoist with bone patterns turned his head suspiciously, his skeleton-like face was full of inexplicable smiles, "Fellow daoists, how long do you plan to watch our conversation here?"

This sentence is like a dark wind, blowing on the robe, pouring into the body from the cuffs, and the cold is endless.

The casual cultivators still didn't understand the meaning of the bone pattern Taoist. His words of neither yin nor yang woke everyone up, and a casual cultivator said in panic: "Fellow bone pattern, I'm sorry, I'll leave right away, right away!" Leave!" As he spoke, he didn't stay for a moment, and with a light body, he flew away towards the distance.

"Senior, I will leave immediately!"

Not long after, all the casual cultivators disappeared. Chu Hao was also slightly surprised when he saw this scene.This bone pattern Taoist speaks more weight than that senior brother Ziyouhu. Just now there was a monk who practiced Qi at the fifth level in the casual practice, but he was forced to leave by just one sentence.

Turning his head, Taoist Bone Pattern shrugged his shoulders at Chu Hao for the first time, and said in a hoarse voice: "Senior, the surroundings are quiet now, hey, Fellow Daoist Du is here."

The moment Taoist Bone Pattern said these words, Chu Hao also felt a wave of spatial fluctuation, raised his head, and just in time saw Du Changyi and Xiang Yang approaching with flying swords.

"Senior, it's been a long wait."

These people probably knew that there was nothing to hunt for treasures in this place, and they hid in a corner of the Liutian Ruins to practice. At this moment, when the ten-day appointment came, they came out of the gate.Shi Shiran saluted Chu Hao, and Du Changyi and Xiang Yang smiled.

Chu Hao glanced at the two of them, feeling a little nervous.

After all, it may be related to the entry of the five vertical forbidden areas in a while.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wang Xin and Wang Yue arrived at the same time, and now the six of them are all here.Du Changyi took a deep breath, then glanced over the crowd, and said in a concentrated voice, "Everyone, are you ready?"

After getting a response, Du Changyi looked at the Taoist bone pattern, and said, "Fellow Taoist bone pattern, please cast a spell on the sidelines, and don't let anyone get close to this place, so that we can enter!"

"No problem!" The bone-pattern Taoist gave a loud chuckle, then lightened his body, and saw the black robe flashing, and he reached the place where five people were seven or eight. A similar black air lingered from his hand over the dense forest in the Forbidden Land, and then enveloped the entire area, with the whistling of the wind, it was as if thousands of faces were hoarse and crying in the black air, which made people horrified.

Such a method surprised several people.

After a while, Du Changyi regained his normal expression, and said to Chu Hao, "Senior, please radiate your spiritual power. The guardians are all around. I want to activate the fragments of the treasure and use this medium to enter the forbidden area."

Chu Hao smiled lightly and said, "It's a trivial matter."

Chen Honghong stimulated the aura, and then it overflowed all around, and several people were shocked again.Such a pure aura made them admire Chu Hao even more, and only a powerful monk like this could do it.

Du Changyi nodded, suppressing the shock in his heart, and only heard Chu Hao smile at him: "Is it okay now?" Du Changyi said: "It's okay, senior." After that, he took out the treasure Then he only heard the words in his mouth, then stretched out his hand and threw the object, floating in the front of the dense forest, and then shot a ray of light straight with both hands, and landed heavily on the fragment!

In mid-air, the fragment began to vibrate slightly, and then spun at an extremely fast speed, slowly absorbing the black air above the dense forest. During the transition of different colors, Du Changyi gave another soft drink, but seeing the light overflowing, the fragment moved forward After a little distance, finally the black air of the dense forest slowly lingers around it, forming a black vortex!

Du Changyi took a breath and shouted, "Everyone, come in quickly!"

The Taoist with bone patterns reacted the fastest, restrained his kung fu, and then stepped quickly, flying into the vortex. Wang Xin and Wang Yue stepped in one after another. Only Xiang Yang glanced at Chu Hao and said, : "Senior, please come in."

Chu Hao snorted at him, then absorbed the spiritual energy around him, and stepped into the vortex.The last ones were Xiangyang and Du Changyi.It didn't take long for the latter to collect the fragments of the treasure, and the surroundings slowly returned to calm, and the whirlpool gradually disappeared.

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