
Chapter 154 Fierce battle with monsters

Third update, I'm late, I'm really sorry, that's all for today.Ask for a red ticket. ======= This giant tortoise monster is so big that it is really appalling. Everyone did not expect that such a monster was stepping on their feet.Following Du Changyi's roar, only the rumbling sound came, and the whole "mountain" began to shake violently.The Taoist with bone patterns reacted the fastest, twisting the talisman with his hand, and then he rose into the air and got off the back of the giant tortoise, while the others were not slow in their movements. rise.At this moment, even Du Changyi himself didn't think about the consequences of flying up. After all, the mountain peak that the giant tortoise turned into was too weird and scary.In an instant, within less than a breath of time when everyone flew into the sky, the big head of the giant tortoise suddenly hit the ground fiercely, and then several earth pillars shot up into the sky, followed closely by the giant tortoise that originally It seemed that the soil was all over the place, and countless sharp thorns suddenly emerged from the back, which was no different from the hillside. One by one, with the impact of the soil pillar, the yellow grass and soil on it were shaken off one after another.This giant tortoise, which had been in the Five Vertical Forbidden Land for an unknown amount of time, finally stood up.At this stand, its limbs are all exposed, even if it is crawling on the ground at this moment, it is more than twice as tall as before!The tortoise shell on its back was actually covered with dense spikes, sharp as a sword, exuding bursts of blood.Such a huge monster, not only the bone pattern Taoists, but also Chu Hao, was the first to see it!In front of this monster, they are not even the size of a palm! "How could such a big monster appear!" The sudden appearance of such an accident made everyone feel shocked and horrified. Everyone flew towards the way they came, and the bone pattern Taoist sternly shouted: "What's going on? Fellow Daoist Du!" Unfortunately, before Du Changyi could answer him, the accident happened again!After a few people soared into the sky, the scenery of the sky changed again, and countless blood-colored and low-pitched dark clouds engulfed them. Within a few breaths, they were enveloped from the sky, and the entire visual sense became thick and abnormal again!Rumbling—boom boom boom—countless small voices slowly spread into everyone's ears, and then, the sound became louder like rain, and gradually became clearer!Du Changyi's face became extremely ugly, pale, and he murmured: "No, no, the monsters have come out, the group of monsters has come out!" As if to confirm his words, those rumbling sounds became more heroic and shocking. Their ears were torn apart as if they were deaf. Although their feet were not on the ground, they could still feel the astonishing power rippling from the sky. "The Five Zong Forbidden Land is indeed a forbidden area. Damn it, so many monsters appeared after only a few steps, so I don't know how many monsters will appear in the future." Chu Hao also complained in his heart, but looking at the bottom, Before the herd arrives, the dust goes first.In an instant, the wind blew violently, and the gray dust and yellow sand covered the sky all over the place. Against the whole blood-yellow sky, Chu Hao only felt that his surroundings were dark and hard to see.There was rumbling in his ears, and he couldn't hear anything except strong vibrations and noisy roars.The herds of beasts under the feet are like a stream, surging and roaring, dragons and horses, lions and tigers, bull monsters, and elephants... Shuttle like a stream, occasionally huge unknown monsters gallop past, and the awe-inspiring madness they carry threatens to sweep everyone in the sky down. land.There are so many monsters, no less than 30 of them densely packed, which is more exaggerated than what Du Changyi described before!Xiang Yang was terrified when he saw it. He thought he had the lowest level of cultivation. Seeing the group of monsters howling below, Nuonuo said: "Fortunately, fortunately, these monsters can't fly. Although most of them are third-order monsters, there are so many of them. I can't resist." As soon as the words fell, a winged leopard suddenly passed by like lightning, tearing its sharp claws and teeth, and biting towards Wang Yue.A third-tier high-grade monster!Facing this monster, Wang Yue roared loudly, and Wang Xin and Du Changyi also came back to their senses, and then the three of them joined forces to strike a move,——Boom, white light flashed, and finally hit a large piece of the dark sky. In the bright light, the monster was hit by the combined attack of the three, and with a whine, it was shot down to the ground!When it fell, it just bumped into the horn of a shield-armored sword rhinoceros, and its guts were pierced immediately, followed by the body was instantly submerged by the group of beasts!With lingering fears in his heart, Xiang Yang drew back and flew higher, and said, "Fortunately, fortunately, there is only one flying monster." After saying that, there was a babbling sound above his head, whoosh, whoosh - in an instant, no less than thirty monsters appeared in the air. In the middle of the sky, roaring towards the crowd, they galloped towards them!Their momentum was fierce, mixed with a bloody aura, and their wings were like cast iron, blowing a torrent of wind.Chu Hao was furious and wanted to kick the crow's mouth down. "Fellow daoists, take care of yourselves, let's meet up ahead!" Taoist Gu Wen was the most loyal, and reminded everyone before leaving.Then the black energy rolled over his body, his hands seemed to roll up black clouds one by one, and rushed out towards the monster in front of him.His figure flashed in the air quickly, and he used the Phantom Art so frequently that he escaped this wave of attacks in the blink of an eye.Appeared again, already ten feet away.Du Changyi and the others cursed inwardly, but they could not think too much about the current situation. They could only look at their own supernatural powers. As long as they passed the big turtle, they should be safe.Seeing the bone pattern Taoist fly away from the range of himself and the others, Chu Hao also hummed softly.This impromptu team is really bad.While thinking about it, more than [-] winged monsters rushed over in an instant. Du Changyi and the two brothers of the Wang family have been partners for many years. Spells poured out all over the sky, injuring the three monsters in front of them and retreating.Afterwards, Du Changyi slapped the storage bag, and a piece of talisman paper appeared in his hand.The zhenqi instantly activated the talisman paper, and Du Changyi's face became solemn. The talisman paper burned up, and instantly turned into four runes, flying into the sky.Hearing a piercing sound in the air, Du Changyi quickly pointed with his left hand, and the four runes immediately turned into four thunderballs, and they fell like raindrops, counterattacking the monster that came at him again!After Du Changyi used the talisman, Wang Xin and the others were not to be outdone, and sacrificed the talisman paper at the same time, and two golden ancient clocks appeared in the sky one after another. There were waves of ripples on the clock!Xiang Yang was the weakest among them, so he took this opportunity to get close to the range where Chu Hao was floating.Chu Hao stared at him, then stood aside to watch the excitement.Seeing that Chu Hao didn't intend to do anything at all, Xiang Yang saw that the monster was forcing him. His expression changed several times in a second, and then he gritted his teeth and patted the storage bag!Immediately, a red light flashed out from the center of Xiangyang. One end was about three feet long, and the whole body was full of tentacles. The flying centipede soared above the sky.Hiss!The flying centipede exuded bursts of evil aura, and the whole body was red, only the pair of compound eyes seemed to be a bottomless abyss, a piece of pitch black, occasionally flashing a yellow cold light.As soon as it appeared, it twisted its body, and then there was a sneering sound from its mouth, and a mouthful of pus-like saliva was sprayed towards the monster beast flying nearby.Fluttering—a sound of corroding bones rang out. The flying centipede is indeed a poisonous spirit insect. Under this mouthful of saliva, one wing of the flying monster was directly rotted, and then Amidst the screams, he stumbled and fell below.This scene not only surprised Chu Hao, but Du Changyi and the others took the time to look back at the flying centipede, full of astonishment and shock.There is such a big spirit worm, no wonder Xiang Yang was so confident, he definitely asked to join! "Flying centipede, this kid's celestial affinity is indeed extremely strong, brat, you have to find a way to get it back, flying centipede, this quality is much better than cloud swallowing insect!" Chen Honghong said greedily. "I'm not the kind of person who donates money with righteousness!" Chu Hao was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Chen Honghong at the moment, because in front of him, there were also no less than ten monsters attacking him, and more than half of the flying monsters locked him!Isn't it just a little more handsome, is it necessary? !Chu Hao was furious, these monsters are really good at bullying people, thinking that they are easy to bully, and ganged up to deal with him!Several people used their magical powers to fight against the flying monsters one after another. Only Chu Hao was watching the show just now. At this moment, most of the monsters attacked Chu Hao, immediately attracting the attention of Du Changyi and others.What kind of earth-shattering tricks will this senior use? !During this speculation, Chu Hao's black robe moved automatically without wind, and everyone's pupils shrank, only feeling a frenzied hurricane lingering around Chu Hao, and the huge spiritual energy centered on him, raging towards the surroundings!I saw the hands in the black robe stretching out slowly, surrounded by milky white light, like a dragon beast hovering in his hands!Chu Hao finally made a move!Motivation tactics!

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