
Chapter 156 Demonic Giant Turtle

Chu Hao's move was so fast, Du Changyi and others did not expect that Chu Hao, who had been silent before, would suddenly attack the monster at this time!

The three-headed dragon beast was only concerned with running away at the moment. Although it felt a wave of spiritual energy the moment Chu Hao made his move, it maintained its thick skin and strong scales. It was attacked by Du Changyi and the others for a long time, but it was not injured at all.Therefore, it ignored Chu Hao's attack, and when it sensed the big turtle's approach, it didn't even dare to turn its head back.

At this moment, it suddenly felt like something was growing on its body. At first, it thought it was the five-element magic spell attacking people, but it didn't feel the slightest pain.Unable to bear it, the three-headed dragon beast turned its head and took a look, just in time to see a spirit worm full of compound eyes, making a hissing sound, sticking to its back!

Bug King!

King of spirit insects!

This strong breath is so obvious, although this is a low-level spirit insect, but the breath of the king of insects, as the three-headed dragon beast of the monster, it is impossible to feel wrong!


Every face of the three-headed dragon beast showed panic, and its already flustered heart became even more nervous. Its body began to twist violently, trying to throw the insect king off its body.

This scene surprised Du Changyi and the others. The attack method that Chu Hao sent out just now was neither a profound talisman paper nor a mysterious magic power. He just sacrificed a large spirit insect!

But, why is there such panic and panic on the face of that fifth-order monster?Just now I and others have been attacking for so long, and have been at a disadvantage. I have never seen this monster behave like this!

The thoughts in their hearts soon had the answer. After the three dragon beasts could not get rid of the insect king for a long time, they suddenly turned their heads and sprayed a flame, and rushed towards the insect king on their back in embarrassment!

"It's now..." Chu Hao's eyes flickered with an inexplicable color, and then he twisted his fingers a few times, and softly moaned, - "Explosion!"

Boom - bang, bang, bang, bang! ! !

In an instant, a burst sounded, and a powerful energy storm, centered on the three dragon beasts, bloomed with an astonishingly dazzling smoothness.The turbulent air raged wildly towards the surroundings, and the air flow splashed countless times, causing the world to change color!

Above the entire sky, clouds were suddenly formed, and blood mist was sprayed, only to hear the mournful cries of the three dragon beasts echoing in the space!

This explosion made Du Changyi and the others tremble with fear, their tongues went numb, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.The suppressed feeling in the space surged like a tide. Although the beasts below roared and stirred again and again, they still couldn't cover up the shattering caused by the explosion.

When the light of the explosion gradually dissipated, Du Changyi and the others only saw a black shadow flash past, and then they saw Chu Hao galloping towards the center of the explosion. He summoned the Bran sword, and then the figure disappeared into the circle of light.

After a few breaths, the brilliance gradually dissipated, and Chu Hao flew over again safe and sound, but in the air, except for the blood and smoke, he couldn't even see the wreckage of the three dragon beasts.

Du Changyi and Taoist Guwen looked at each other, and they both noticed the horror in each other's eyes!

What kind of attack method is this, it is so terrifying, under the attack of the huge spirit insect, this fifth-level high-level monster was blown apart without any bones remaining? !

Although they lost the inner alchemy but did not get it, the Taoist bone pattern did not dare to complain, their eyes were full of horror and respect.They immediately took back their magic weapons, and said respectfully to Chu Hao who was flying over, "Thank you, senior, for your help."

Chu Hao only has two self-destructing insect kings on his body. At the price of consuming one, he got the entire body and inner alchemy of the fifth-level monster. It can be said that the harvest is huge, even if it is wasted, it is worth it.

And the self-explosive insect king can have such a shocking power, which is beyond Chu Hao's expectation. Although he was caught off guard, the three dragon beasts are fifth-level monsters after all, and they were blown up by the self-explosive insect king at once. It's frightening to be out of your wits!

"Stinky boy, the quality of this worm king is as expected. The foundation-building monks will be defeated when they see this thing!" Chen Honghong laughed heartily.

Chu Hao didn't answer him. He got the wreckage of the fifth-order monster and the inner alchemy. His trip was very rewarding.

At this moment, the giant tortoise approached step by step, and amidst the great momentum, everyone could clearly see the milky white breath coming out of its mouth.

"Senior, what should we do now?" The group of monsters fled, invisibly adding huge psychological pressure to everyone. Du Changyi and others looked a little ugly, looking at Chu Hao, waiting for this "supernatural power" The vast majority of seniors make a choice.

Chu Hao had just consumed an insect king. Although the rewards in exchange were satisfactory, he did not want to consume any more insect kings. After all, he still had to rely on the remaining insect kings to give birth to subsequent insect kings. How could he be so wasteful? .Furthermore, this giant tortoise is inexplicably powerful, and can scare away even fifth-order monsters. Whether I, the insect king, can deal with it is another matter.

But seeing how tall this giant tortoise is, I and others are so insignificant in front of him. At first, everyone thought it would not move and could easily step over it, but now they have no such thoughts, and the space is full of strings. dignified nervous.

"If I know what to do, then I want you to do something for me."

Chu Hao swallowed the fifth-order monster for himself. Hearing Du Changyi's question at this moment, he felt a bit of slander in his heart, but he didn't say it out.

Taoist Bone Pattern relaxed a lot after the death of the fifth-order monster, but he was even more respectful to Chu Hao. Seeing that he was silent, he smiled wryly and said, "You have never met this giant tortoise, Fellow Daoist Du, and you are so forced to leave the group." How can we resist the power of the monster, just by looking at its size, we can tell that the cultivation base is sure, and I am afraid that even the monks at the golden core stage can't defeat it, so let's leave."

Du Changyi was a little reconciled, watching the herd of beasts galloping below, receding like a tide, and said, "Let's just leave like this. Is our trip to the forbidden area this time too hasty?"

"What's so hasty?" Although the Taoist bone pattern was not injured, he had consumed a lot of his innate qi. The big black bird he had just used to make with the Yifeng Banner had also seriously damaged his energy.

He snorted, and said coldly: "Saving your life is the most important thing right now. When fellow Daoist told me, there were only more than a hundred monsters, and the highest was only a fourth-order monster. But now you Look, there are only a hundred monsters here? Within a few days, a fifth-level high-level monster appeared. Those three dragon beasts have never been heard before. If it wasn't for the action of the seniors, we would have died a long time ago Here, let alone this giant turtle, who can deal with it?"

After finishing speaking, Taoist Bone Pattern said sinisterly: "Fellow Daoist Du, I haven't settled this matter with you yet, and you still want us to die, that's just a big joke."

Du Changyi blushed and was speechless.Taoist Bone Pattern was a little angry in his words. The latter was notorious among the casual cultivators, and the exercises he practiced were weird and unpredictable, and there was even Phantom Art, which was extremely tricky.As soon as he opened his mouth to say the coexistence of facts and threats, he couldn't find any words to refute.

Chu Hao also hesitated. Seeing that the giant tortoise was less than a hundred feet away from him and the others, his body immediately flew back.Everyone followed him and flew back, and stopped after ten breaths.

Brother Wang Xin maintained an indifferent attitude, and said, "Fellow Daoist Du, do you want to break in again?" Xiang Yang was also a little unwilling, but here he had the weakest voice. In the group, Taoist Bone Pattern is much stronger than him, not to mention Chu Hao.Therefore, if he speaks out, it will not have the slightest weight.

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