
Chapter 157 Identity Exposed

Chu Hao said angrily: "What's the use of talking about this now, let's quickly find a way to get rid of me."

His body was firmly fixed on top of the giant tortoise, his right hand could not break free, and the "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique" in his body had been running since the very beginning. At this moment, it was in conflict with the giant tortoise's devilish energy, repelling each other, Fighting endlessly in Chu Hao's body.

Chu Hao was excited all over, and his black robe was flying randomly in the air. At this moment, the giant tortoise roared, and its eyes shot a red light towards him!

Accompanied by the howling wind, the light was shot out, bent, and then sprayed on Chu Hao's body!


Chu Hao took a deep breath, and his body suddenly fell into an ice cellar.

This red light is not a strong spell or shock wave, and it did not cause any damage to Chu Hao's body, but it contained a powerful shock of magic energy, which made Chu Hao's innate true energy chaotic and rampant. Once again by the violent impact!Even the Eight Extraordinary Meridians were also invaded by demon energy, and the situation was very critical.

Chu Hao's mind is still clear now. He tried his best to circulate his true energy to fight against the devil's energy, but the effect was minimal. If he ate a little bit of devil's energy, then ten points of devil's energy would surely invade again!

I'm afraid even the giant tortoise below didn't expect that there are people who come to die like this.

Not only was Chu Hao's situation anxious and urgent, but Chen Honghong also became a little flustered in his heart.Just now he told Chu Hao that he was [-]% sure that it was a phantom, but he never thought that the latter would be a body of demonic energy.Moreover, the great demon giant tortoise's resentment was extremely heavy during its lifetime, and there were bursts of ghost cries and howls in the devil's energy. In the strong wind all around, there seemed to be countless ghost faces circling around. They couldn't see them, but they could clearly feel them in their hearts. ,

This is the difference between immortal energy and devil energy, and also the difference between immortal law and magic!

Once a cultivator of immortality is invaded by the devil's energy, at least he will go mad, and at worst, he will die and lose his soul.

What Chu Hao is facing now is such a situation. The devilish energy from the giant tortoise rushed into his body, tumbling and flowing, occupying every meridian, and gradually flowing towards the dantian.

"Chen Honghong, think of a way..." Chu Hao felt excruciating pain all over his body, as if he was about to explode. This kind of pain is very understandable.In the past, it was always said that immortals and demons are in conflict, that water and fire cannot tolerate each other, but now he finally understands deeply.

It's not tolerance, but mutual annihilation, only one side can exist!

But right now, the devilish energy on this giant tortoise is extremely huge, so Chu Hao, who has just arrived at the innate stage, can't fight against it. How can the little bit of innate true energy in his body be compared with the devilish energy that has existed for an unknown number of years? !

Chen Honghong originally wanted to occupy Chu Hao's body, and used her magical powers to pull Chu Hao away to see if she could escape the catastrophe.But the devilish energy is too huge, as soon as he moves, the devilish energy invades faster, the devilish energy howls, Chu Hao's body shakes violently, Chen Honghong's heart is covered with a layer of haze, this time the anxiety is getting stronger and stronger , Doomed!

The giant tortoise's head exuded a strong suction force, which firmly fixed Chu Hao's right hand, which was about to absorb the magic energy.And with the invasion of the demonic energy, Chu Hao's head became even more chaotic. The demonic energy, which was only thick as noodles, gradually grew in size in the meridians at this moment, and slowly expanded to more than double, almost supporting every one of his meridians. Living.

The sudden occurrence of this accident shocked Du Changyi and Gu Wen five people in the distance.of

Although Chu Hao didn't make a move, everyone could tell that the senior was at a disadvantage at the moment, and his body was standing on his head, precariously, as if he might be thrown out at any time, without the slightest ability to resist.

"What was that red light just now? It's so evil." Du Changyi muttered to himself, suddenly seemed to think of something, took out the fragment of the treasure in his arms, compared it to the direction of the giant tortoise, and muttered something.

Everyone didn't know what he was doing, but they didn't pay attention to his movements at the moment, but stared at the fight between Chu Hao and the giant tortoise. After all, this was related to their opportunity to go deep into the five forbidden areas.

His sanity gradually became blurred. Chu Hao's body was swallowed up by the devilish energy bit by bit like a fire frying smoke, and the operation of "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique" also began to calm down slowly, as if he could no longer I am resisting the magic energy.

Chu Hao is not a person who gives up easily. Although even Chen Honghong is helpless at this moment, he is not willing to die inexplicably like this.He roared wildly, and the last remaining wit unexpectedly activated the "External Transformation Technique" technique by accident!

At this moment, Chu Hao completely walked out of the adversity!

I saw that the black mist began to gradually cover Chu Hao's body, and the circles of black air gradually merged with the demonic energy on the giant turtle!Chu Hao's consciousness gradually recovered. Before he could figure out what was going on, he heard Chen Honghong's surprised voice: "It's saved, I didn't expect that there is an external transformation technique just now! The old man Xuanyuan has modified it, but its predecessor is the evil art of "exorcism and shape"! It does not belong to Taoism and immortality, so it can naturally be compatible with devil energy!"

Chu Hao was still a little confused, but the magic flow was driven by the magic flow in his body and began to slowly eliminate the previous severe pain. He was startled and said, "You mean, I Can you absorb magic energy now?"

"That's right, although this giant tortoise is beyond my expectation, it is not transformed by immortal energy but demonic energy, which contradicts your Xin Jue technique and cannot be absorbed." Chen Honghong said happily: "However, I just ignored that you still have body. External Transformation Art, the predecessor of this skill is an evil skill. You can also absorb magic energy when you run your mind. Although it does not help your cultivation, it has a great effect on the supernatural power of External Transformation Art. The promotion can also save your life, which is in danger from being invaded by demonic energy!"

Hearing this, Chu Hao's spirits were revived, and he would not hesitate for half a second at the moment. The heart formula of "External Body Transformation Technique" was running, which was to carry out the cycle of the sky.

For a long time, Chu Hao has been learning the technique of transforming form outside of the body as a supernatural power. As for its mentality, he has rarely practiced it. After all, it is an evil skill. Chu Hao is a person who cultivates immortality and Taoism.

And mentality and true energy are the things that support the clone's attack. Now Chu Hao's true energy can only control one Vajra No. [-], so he has no intention to cultivate its mentality.But he didn't expect that the world is impermanent, and this evil skill has become his life-saving weapon at this moment.

With the operation of the mental method, the devil energy in the body no longer poses the slightest threat to Chu Hao, but began to be crazily absorbed and adjusted by the mental method. This process lasted for half a stick of incense, and Chu Hao was refreshed. !He quickly took out a "Jinyang Pill" from the storage bag, and after swallowing it, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he roared: "You bastard, how dare you make Lao Tzu like this!" So embarrassed, look at the trick!"

He began to frantically absorb the magic energy from the giant tortoise. This time, it was not the magic energy that eroded his body, but he took the initiative!With the increase of devil energy in the body, the devil energy flowing in the meridians gradually gathered together like a stream, forming a small river, and then a river... bit by bit, it accumulated more and more, but Chu Hao's body is like a bottomless pit, such devilish energy can't fill his body at all!

Exorcising corpses and shapes, it really is very evil!

Chu Hao was determined. At this moment, he was reluctant to take his hands off the top of the giant tortoise's head. He turned over in the air, and then put his hands against its head. The devilish energy, like a curtain, moved towards him one by one. Bodies swarmed away.

The giant tortoise's eyes flashed red, and another brilliance rushed towards him. Chu Hao laughed, and said, "Good job!" He did his part, and absorbed this more pure magic energy.

After a long time, the giant tortoise began to panic. It finally discovered Chu Hao's purpose, which was to absorb his body with the condensed magic energy, and it still planned to absorb it completely!

The power of the external transformation technique made Chu Hao feel like a fish in water. Even if the giant tortoise was not transformed by immortal energy, the magic energy was a great tonic for the external transformation technique!

Chu Hao had very little time to cultivate his mind before, but now he felt that his mental powers had improved, and his heart was extremely happy. He wished he could absorb all the magic energy of the giant tortoise immediately.

In fear, the giant tortoise couldn't get rid of Chu Hao's absorption at all, it suddenly shook its head, then opened its mouth and roared!

This roar was incomparably loud and high-pitched, surrounded by the shaking of the earth, and the sky and the earth changed color.

In such a short distance, Chu Hao felt as if he had been seriously injured. Blood spurted from his mouth and nose in an instant, and the strong wind swirled violently around him, as if sharp knives were slashing across his skin and body one by one!

Taking a breath of cool air, Chu Hao spit out a mouthful of blood on the giant tortoise, which was invisible: "You still want to struggle to the death, I tell you, there is no door!" The buttocks sat on the head of the giant tortoise, and both hands were like sharp cones, sinking into the top of the giant tortoise at the same time!


The giant tortoise was in excruciating pain. Its body was too large to make violent movements, but its head swung sharply again and again, trying to shake off this shameful predator.

How could Chu Hao do what he wished? The inner and outer transformation techniques in his body were more than ten times faster than usual, and he was firmly fixed on the giant turtle's head like riding a big horse, letting it struggle, Also stood still.The trajectories formed by the magic energy are visible to the naked eye one by one, and Chu Hao is like a fish in water, absorbing it endlessly.

After a while, the giant tortoise was about to lose its strength gradually. It didn't have many means of attacking, it was an illusion. Besides, Chu Hao was absorbing the magic energy on its head now, and the attack of the magic energy was even more harmful to him. is invalid.

Finally, the giant tortoise roared, and the huge sharp edges on the turtle's back burst out of the air in an instant, turning into countless blade-like vigor, and charged towards Chu Hao at an extremely fast speed.

Those were huge, like cold wind knives, sharp and sharp. Although Chu Hao was already vigilant, he was too close to avoid them. He used spiritual energy to resist, but this was an angry blow from a giant tortoise, so densely packed, how could he count them all? Arrive.

In an instant, the sound of the clothes breaking was heard, and Chu Hao was caught off guard. The clothes on his upper body were torn apart by the strong wind, and several blood lines were carved on his skin.What was even more terrible was that his cloak was also toppled, and his hair fluttered in the strong wind, revealing his young and handsome face.


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