
Chapter 158 Suspicion

The black robe on his body is just ordinary, and it is normal for him to be unable to resist the attack of the giant tortoise!

But it was the first time that Chu Hao suffered such a serious injury since he fought against the giant tortoise, and he was furious immediately.Now that he is able to absorb the demonic energy, he is not afraid of the attack of the giant turtle's demonic energy. He quickly chanted his thoughts, and then stretched out his hand to send the demonic energy from the sharp edge of the giant turtle's back to him. Take it all in.

"Damn it, come again if you have the guts!" Chu Hao waved his hand and hit the giant tortoise on the head with a "slap". He was in high spirits, and suddenly felt something was wrong. He stretched out his hand to touch his face, and his heart skipped a beat. .

He gritted his teeth suddenly, and then began to stick his hands tightly to the top of the giant tortoise's head. This time, he absorbed the devilish energy from the latter's body like desperately.Seeing Chu Hao's crazy behavior, Chen Honghong was startled and said, "Stinky boy, do you think that your external transformation technique is perfect? ​​Do you think your body can bear it when you absorb it like this?"

Chu Hao said coldly: "Now that my appearance has been exposed, if I don't take advantage of it to absorb more, when the bone pattern and the others come back to their senses, I won't have the extra time to absorb the devilish energy."

Now the mental method of the external transformation technique can no longer assimilate the magic energy, and it has reached a bottleneck.But the absorption of demonic energy is a huge benefit to the external form, and the two are compatible. Demonic energy can coexist in the dantian by relying on the mind, and it can be stored like aura.Therefore, even if Chu Hao couldn't absorb all the devilish energy of the giant tortoise, he could at least saturate the devilish energy in his body, making it easier to use for breakthroughs in the future.

Of course, I don't know how much magic energy is needed to make the Tianlinggen reach a state of saturation with magic energy.

Looking at the entire world of the Second Heaven, only a physique technique like Chu Hao's can achieve the point where spiritual energy and devil energy are interdependent in the body.

Hearing Chu Hao's words, Chen Honghong also reacted, and said, "So that's the case, don't say it earlier!" After finishing speaking, he shouted: "Hurry up and get some spiritual consciousness, I will help you, how much can I absorb now?" Absorb as much as you want!"

Hearing this, Chu Hao laughed. With Chen Honghong's help, he was even more powerful, absorbing magic energy more than twice as fast as before.Chu Hao's heart was extremely happy, and his sword eyebrows frowned. The wounds from the wind blades were slowly healing under Chen Honghong's thoughts, but the roar of the giant tortoise became extremely desolate at this moment.

Several more red lights attacked, and Chu Hao yelled that it was a good time, and swallowed it unceremoniously.

The Guwen Taoist and others in the distance watched the strange scene, and were extremely shocked in their hearts.Several people stared at the battle between Chu Hao and the giant tortoise, until Chu Hao's clothes shattered in mid-air, revealing his face and upper body, everyone opened their eyes wide, and their hearts were overwhelmed by shock for a moment Full.

The Taoist with bone patterns has the most mysterious eyes, making it hard to see through.But Wang Xin and Wang Yue looked at each other, they both saw the horror in each other's eyes, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Wang Xin murmured: "What's going on...that senior...why?" Maybe, at such a young age..."

Wang Yue also looked at the front in disbelief. The place where Chu Hao and the giant tortoise were fighting was surrounded by black air, like water snakes flying in the air, unable to dissipate.But at this moment, it looked like the giant tortoise was going crazy, and it was impossible for Chu Hao to be at a disadvantage. It seemed that the situation was suddenly reversed, and Chu Hao had the upper hand.

"Could it be the legendary art of retaining the face?" Wang Yue also muttered: "Or what kind of panacea did the senior take to restore the appearance, so that the appearance can be kept the same as that of a young man in his 20s?"

"The art of retaining face, even Zi Youhu's Golden Core Stage Granny Murong didn't know how to practice it, how could this senior have it?" Xiang Yang stood up suddenly at this moment, with a faint impulse in his heart.He watched Chu Hao fight with the giant tortoise in the front, the black energy poured into the former's body, no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be absorbing the energy.

What the hell are those air currents?

Is it also useful for my flying centipede?

Xiang Yang was uncertain, but he couldn't think of a better way. He couldn't possibly run over to release the flying centipede after the senior warned him just now.

The scene where the opponent killed the fifth-order monster with one blow just now is still very clear in his mind at this moment, and he can't get rid of it.

Hearing Xiang Yang's words, Wang Xin and Wang Xin also deeply agreed. After all, the art of retaining face is rare in the cultivation world of the whole mainland, and no monks in the Golden Core stage have been found. I don't know if this is a senior in the Golden Core stage. , and what are the chances of getting it?Furthermore, if it is a panacea, but the effect of retaining the face is also somewhat biased, the best elixir in the mainland can only restore the face to be about 20 years younger.They would not believe that the person in front of them was in their 40s.

But otherwise, how to explain it?How could he look so young?And as a man, he would pay attention to these appearances?

Just when everyone couldn't figure it out, a red light flashed in the eyes of the Taoist bone pattern, and he said in a high-pitched voice like the head of an old crow tree: "Why do you think so much, this senior's strength is unpredictable, and he can have some face-saving skills." The secret method is also normal. If you follow what Fellow Daoist Xiang said, none of us monks have ever obtained the flying centipede, but you have been allowed to obtain it. Isn't your luck a little bit better?"

When Xiang Yang heard him talking about this, he smiled sheepishly and stopped answering, but still did not sit down, staring fixedly at Chu Hao in the distance and the giant tortoise struggling violently at this moment, shaking the ground.

Not long after everyone was silent, Du Changyi, who was taking out the treasure fragments and fiddled with something, suddenly opened his eyes, and then his eyes seemed to shoot out a flame, and the treasure fragments fell lightly on him from the air hands.

Du Changyi snorted coldly, noticing everyone's gazes, he sneered and said, "The giant tortoise is the former owner who took the fragment of the treasure out of the forbidden area. I checked it with a unique secret method just now, and the giant tortoise is not real. It is transformed from a phantom, and the breath it emits is of great benefit to us monks!"

The bone pattern Taoist said coldly: "Daoyou Du, this treasure fragment of yours just flew out of the Five Zong forbidden area. It is not easy for you to know how it opened the forbidden area. Now you still say that you can feel it before. Master. Could it be that this giant tortoise can still use treasures? What a joke."

"Fellow Daoist Bone Pattern, it's just as long as you don't want to believe it." Du Changyi didn't mind, then stared at Chu Hao, and said, "And that senior, it seems that he knew the benefits of giant tortoises a long time ago, and absorbed them a few steps earlier than us."

The bone pattern Taoist laughed, and said: "Du Changyi, I think you are confused. Do you think that we will fight against the giant tortoise? Who knows if you got some secret place in this treasure fragment, Treasures can be found in the forbidden area. Hey, you want us to help you cover, do you think this old man would be so stupid?"

"Believe it or not!" As soon as Du Changyi said this, his expression suddenly changed, not only him, but also the expressions of the rest of the people suddenly changed.Because at this moment, they clearly felt two completely different auras emanating from Chu Hao's body in the distance, one of which, they could clearly feel that his cultivation was only at the second level of Qi training!

"He's so young?" Du Changyi seemed to be seeing Chu Hao's face exposed at this moment, and he struggled in his heart. He came to the five forbidden places and wasted several magic talismans, and his magic weapon also consumed his spiritual energy. go back?

Finally, he couldn't hold back the temptation of the giant tortoise's devilish energy, and then he got up and rushed towards the giant tortoise.

With his movement, Xiang Yang was not to be outdone, and instantly summoned a flying centipede from his storage bag. Regardless of the greedy look on the face of the bone-pattern Taoist, he rode lightly on the centipede, much faster than Du Changyi!


ask for a red ticket

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