
Chapter 159 Fierce battle!

The actions of the two made the remaining bone pattern and the Wang Xin brothers a little stunned.

But this kind of emotion is only for a moment. Wang Xinfei took a quick look at his younger brother and said solemnly: "When the fragment of the treasure flew out, Du Changyi held it in his hand alone. Specifically, what can be opened with secret methods and what is recorded , we all listened to him alone. Could it be that this giant tortoise is really the treasure of the Five Zong Forbidden Land?"

Wang Yue understood what his elder brother meant, and nodded at him. Immediately, two flying swords flew out of the sky, and then the two stepped on the flying swords to fly up, ignoring the bone-pattern Taoist below, and also followed !

The Taoist bone pattern snorted coldly.He was extremely cautious, and he knew that with Du Changyi's character, it was impossible to be so impulsive. Maybe there was nothing recorded on the fragment of the treasure.But he would not act rashly until he figured out Chu Hao's strength.

If Chu Hao is really just a junior who deceived everyone, he still has weird spirit insects in his hands that can kill fifth-level monsters with one blow, and he must be afraid of such things.

And if Chu Hao has no support and beats Du Changyi and others into a mess, then his cultivation level with the bone pattern present will be the highest, then who else will be the treasure in the forbidden area? !

The wages of avarice is death.Just let these guys become snipe and clam, and the old man will wait for the result in peace.

Du Changyi saw that Xiangyang's speed was a few points faster than his own, his face turned cold, and then he said angrily: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, do you want to compete with the old man?"

Xiang Yang didn't speak, but speeded up.

Du Changyi was even more furious with his indifferent look, stepped on the flying sword, and with a whoosh, his body barely kept parallel with Xiangyang who was riding the flying centipede, his face was stern, and he didn't say a word.

But Wang Yue and the two came later, and after a while, the four of them surrounded Chu Hao.

The giant tortoise roared again and again, but under Chu Hao's oppression, its bloated and huge body did not have any threat at all.After everyone flew over the giant tortoise, they discovered this one after another. Although the vigor of the giant tortoise was fierce and the red light was frightening, Chu Hao was calm and calm, without the slightest hint of fear. Once Qi got close to him, it disappeared without a trace. "Sure enough, it's an illusion!" Du Changyi's face turned cold, and then he laughed loudly, and the flying sword raged down from the sky, rushing towards the sharp edge ejected by the giant tortoise.

Just as the few people flew over, Chu Hao felt his heart, but he didn't fight back yet, but seeing Du Changyi's attack on the giant tortoise, his body was shocked, and then he almost couldn't stand in the air Steady, he backed away a few feet in panic, his face turned blue and red, and then he calmed down.

Chu Hao thought coldly: This giant tortoise is an illusion of magic energy. Du Changyi, an old fox, thought he could absorb it like Lao Tzu.

"What kind of weird airflow is this?" Du Changyi couldn't digest the devilish energy. He bent his middle fingers and pressed them against his chest, chanting a formula in his mouth to force out the devilish energy.Originally, this scene made Wang Xin and Wang Xin dare not act rashly. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang drove the flying centipede under his feet and swallowed the demonic energy he forced out in one breath.

The flying centipede was still full of thoughts, his eyes flickered with black light, and he actually let out a "hiss" sound, full of joy.

Xiang Yang's face was overjoyed, and he whispered: "It really works!"

Then he ignored everyone and planned to attack the giant tortoise.How could Chu Hao tolerate others taking a share of the pie, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said, "It's dangerous here, fellow daoists, leave quickly!"

After saying that, the Bran sword soared into the sky, and the green light streaked across the sky, separating four phantoms, and then they headed towards Yang's flying centipede.

Xiang Yang was startled at first, but the flying centipede's movement was not slow, a stream of saliva sprayed out from its mouth, and hit one of the Bran swords.And Xiang Yang used the power of Feng Xing, a wind wall for body protection rose out of thin air, and three flying swords clanged on it, and was resisted.The sound of Bo Lan's sword sneered through the air, and flew back to Chu Hao's side, freezing in the air.

It was beyond Xiang Yang's expectation that he could be so relaxed, and he couldn't help being a little stunned.

At this time, Du Changyi felt the fluctuation of Chu Hao's true qi. Thinking of everything before, he who was suspicious at first suddenly became furious, and said: "Stinky boy, you dare to play with us, you only have the second level of qi training Junior."

Chu Hao laughed, he was not afraid of being exposed at this moment, "I never said that I am a great master of building foundation pills, it's you, an idiot, who keeps shouting before and after seniors. I think, since you want to be my junior so much, I will not fulfill your good wishes, and I am too sorry for you."

"I'm going to kill you today!" Du Changyi watched as Chu Hao absorbed the devilish energy from the giant tortoise, and his heart was bleeding. He didn't know if this was the biggest treasure in the Five Zong Forbidden Lands, but it was owned by Chu Hao alone, and It's still cheating all the way to the present, so where to put the face of this innate master.

What's more, the other party is so young, he has deceived himself, a monk who has been in the ups and downs of the cultivation world for many years!

It is possible, what can be tolerated by scholars can not be tolerated.

Wang Xin and Wang Yue were also furious at the same time. Their predecessors shouted no less than Du Changyi just now.The two brothers showed their evil looks, and then the two golden bells were sacrificed in mid-air, and then ripples in the space moved towards Chu Hao.

Chu Hao laughed out loud. Although he can't be distracted now, Wang Xin and Wang Yue are only at the sixth level of Qi training. Even with this weird ancient clock, the threat is not as great as the flying centipede.He snorted coldly, and just waved his hand. Driven by the external transformation technique, King Kong No. [-] suddenly appeared out of thin air. He stepped on the flying sword, and black air poured out from his body. At this moment, it has transformed into magic energy, which is actually exactly the same in nature as magic energy.

In the past, Chu Hao felt that King Kong No. [-] seemed to have a little sense of autonomy, but now, this guess seems to be established.The moment King Kong No. [-] appeared, the second-grade flying sword in his hand flew out from the sky. Before Chu Hao could order, the devilish energy on his body was scattered into the space one after another. The golden bell ripples of the person, when approaching the black air, were inexplicably swallowed up.

Before they had time to be shocked, they saw King Kong No. [-] flying sword coming first, piercing the void, and the sword tip was still flying with magic energy, like a moving spirit snake, winding several arcs, and then Wang Yue's from the right Belly across.

Wang Yue took a deep breath, although his movements were fast enough, and he quickly took the golden bell back to resist, but the devilish energy was born to be the nemesis of the golden bell, and he was knocked away before he could resist for a moment , The flying sword slashed across, directly tore off a piece of cloth mixed with flesh and blood from Wang Yue's waist, and flew into the air.

Wang Yue quickly took out a elixir, and after eating it, he meditated silently, performed exercises, and stopped the bleeding.But even so, the devilish energy stained on it was still like maggots on the tarsal bone, and the pain never stopped. Even though the bleeding was stopped and the flesh was covered, but the devilish energy entered his body, he still felt cold all over, and his true energy gradually became disordered.

Such a wicked thing made Wang Yue both shocked and angry.Not only him, but Du Changyi and the other three people also looked at Vajra No. [-] floating in the air in amazement. They didn't know where this person came from. The snake is entangled, which is very strange.

"What is this!"

Based on the knowledge of Du Changyi and others, they still don't know what the clone is. At this moment, King Kong No. [-] appeared in mid-air with evil spirits, and even dealt a fatal blow to Wang Yue, all of them were stunned.

Chu Hao felt that the demonic energy in his body was about to be saturated at this moment, and he didn't dare to be careless. Although the external transformation technique had reached a small success at the moment, and King Kong No. [-] had also become stronger, he was not sure whether he could resist it. Passed Du Changyi's gavel, and there was a Taoist with bone patterns staring at him in the distance.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, let me do it!" For the flying centipede, this devilish energy is a great tonic. After Xiang Yang came back to his senses, he was also very pleasantly surprised. He could already guess what Chu Hao was doing now, let alone Leave him alone!He yelled loudly and urged the flying centipede under his feet. It opened its mouth and sucked it out, and then sucked out the devilish energy in Wang Yue's abdomen.Immediately afterwards, Xiang Yang kept moving his body, urging the flying centipede, and flew towards the back of the giant tortoise.

Although he could see Chu Hao's appearance and cultivation level clearly, but Chu Hao still had spirit insects that could kill fifth-order monsters. He didn't dare to be careless, and would rather not answer or ask questions, and avoid Chu Hao.

Xiang Yang was so knowledgeable, Chu Hao thought about it, and didn't intend to stop him.Now that his identity was exposed, everyone was determined to kill him. Naturally, Chu Hao would not let it go. He would not let these people go.

And Xiangyang's flying centipede is a must-have for him, it can allow it to absorb the magic energy and grow stronger, and he is happy to do this cheap hard work for Xiangyang, and recover it once his body's magic energy is saturated.

Xiang Yang flew to the tail end of the giant tortoise, released the flying sword, and then stepped on it, and the flying centipede began to absorb the magic energy.As if the giant tortoise had been severely injured, its body shook even more violently, and its four legs desperately began to stomp the ground, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

Du Changyi also came back to his senses at this moment, only to see that he glanced at Chu Hao quickly, then stared at King Kong No. [-] solemnly, and with a jerk of his body, he sacrificed the magic weapon, the small mallet.

As soon as he held the mallet in his hand, the aura on Du Changyi's body suddenly changed. He was chanting words, and a huge amount of innate zhenqi radiated from him crazily at this moment.Following his thoughts, the small hammer gradually shone with white light. He raised it towards the sky, and behind the small hammer suddenly appeared a phantom shadow of a giant hammer, which was more than three times taller than the human figure. Hurricane-like air waves circled around him!

"This magic hammer really deserves to be a third-grade magic weapon." Chen Honghong's voice sounded in Chu Hao's heart: "Let me collect it, and you can refine it again. Although it is an imitation, it can be used against the enemy after raising a few grades." , but it is a great weapon.”

Hearing this, Chu Hao raised his head to look at Du Changyi, who had a dignified face and a faint sense of holiness, laughed, and said, "Okay, since Du Changyi gave it to me so sincerely, I'm embarrassed not to accept it! "

How could Du Changyi know what was going on in Chu Hao's mind, but he saw the brilliance on the giant hammer, and with his roar, he hammered it down at Chu Hao in the air!

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