
Chapter 161 Phantom Art

This green-backed gray-winged bug was exactly the self-destructive bug king that Chu Hao had killed the fifth-level monster with a single strike just now!

Taoist Bone Pattern's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that when he was helping Chu Hao deal with Xiang Yang and his flying centipede, he would also be tricked by Chu Hao!

In the middle of the air, the smile on Chu Hao's face gradually faded, and he looked at the two of them extremely coldly.Neither Taoist Bone Pattern nor Xiang Yang thought that Chu Hao would sneak attack him at this time!

A high-level monk should have his own arrogance, and he actually did it to himself!

The bone pattern Taoist was startled and horrified, he moved very quickly, and pulled the Yifeng flag over, and suddenly several black clouds surged up, trying to stop the insect king.At the same time, Taoist Guwen yelled: "Senior, why are you doing this!" His voice was hoarse with a little excitement, and he seemed extremely nervous.

If Chu Hao understood Taoist Guwen's thoughts at this moment, he would laugh out loud.He is just a person with no manners, not to mention that he is not a master at all, even if someone provokes him, no matter what level he is, he will still shoot.

What's more, this bone pattern Taoist may not be so noble. Judging from his appearance, he is already prepared for himself, but he probably didn't expect that he would attack at this time, and he still used the self-destructing insect king!

Chu Hao's eyes were cold, and he didn't answer the pale question of Taoist Bone Pattern. When the self-destructing worm king flew closer, he snapped his fingers and uttered a word from his mouth heavily: "—Explosion!"


In the horror of Xiangyang and Taoist Guwen, the self-destructing insect king burst out violent shock ripples, which was so loud and deafening!The screams of the two of them were instantly covered by the rumbling sound of the explosion. The billowing smoke and pungent smell rose from mid-air at this moment, rolling straight into the sky.

The flying centipede let out a mournful scream, and was dragged by King Kong No. [-], but it couldn't break free. The screams of grief and indignation reverberated around, and it tried to struggle several times, but King Kong No. [-] blocked it.

King Kong No. [-]'s flying sword has long been corroded by the flying centipede, but he has a strong acuity, and also has a fusion type of dynamic energy, overflowing with magical energy, the two restrain each other, and no one can do anything to the other!

After a few breaths, Chu Hao looked at the explosion in the distance, still uneasy, controlled the Bolan sword, and then flew over.In the smoke and dust, the whole body of the flying centipede was burnt black, and with the body of the congenital stage, Xiang Yang and the bone pattern Taoist were unable to stop the power of the self-destructing insect king. No flesh left.

The power of the insect king was really extraordinary. Chu Hao avoided Ye Changmeng Duo's misfortune, so he summoned the insect king when they were together. From the looks of it now, the effect was astonishingly perfect.

"The storage bag is gone..."

Chu Hao shook his head, sighed in his heart, and faintly felt unbearable, but this thought was thrown aside in an instant.The strong survive, the weak prey on the strong, if you don't kill them, you must be the one who dies.

From then on, among all the companions who entered the Five Zong Forbidden Area, Chu Hao was the only one left.

"Another self-destructing worm king wasted, but he didn't even leave a storage bag." Chu Hao shook his head.

However, Chen Honghong said: "You should be satisfied, kid. This flying centipede, one male and one female, is one of the world's five poisonous spirit insects. It is easy to cultivate and has infinite supernatural powers. The sacrifice of a self-destroying insect king is worth it."

As he said that, Chen Honghong asked Chu Hao to call out the Hunyuan Ding, and then he cast the spell to run, and the two flying centipedes were slowly absorbed into the Hunyuan Ding amidst the sound of unwillingness, and then the blue light gradually disappeared and merged into Chu Hao's body.

"How big is the mustard seed space of this Hunyuan cauldron?" Chu Hao was speechless inwardly.

"You don't know after I've said it, and you'll understand it later." Chen Honghong smiled and said, "You can't open the Hunyuan Cauldron's Sumeru Space yet, so I'll talk about it later. Tsk tsk, these two flying centipedes need you Refining it yourself, temporarily putting it in the Hunyuan cauldron to temper your body, and I will teach you the way of refining insects later."

Chu Hao nodded, and looked at the mid-air where Taoist Bone Pattern died just now. The Yifeng flag was broken, and he sucked it in his hand, feeling slightly regretful.If the Yifeng Banner had not been destroyed, it could be attacked and defended, it was indeed a powerful magic weapon in the innate stage.But at the moment it is damaged, it is definitely not worth repairing, it can only be used as auxiliary consumables for refining other magic tools.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao just took back King Kong No. [-], and when he turned his head to look, his eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, a piece of parchment-like thing was found, which was slowly floating downward in the strong wind of the aftermath of the explosion.Chu Hao's mind moved, and he drew it over to take a look, only to see that it was densely written with small characters.

Cultivation secrets?

Chu Hao was startled. Under the explosion of the self-explosive insect king, this piece of paper was actually intact. It was really unexpected. The exercises on it must not be simple.He browsed for a while, but found that he didn't know most of the characters. Only the first four or five rows on both sides were written in common characters, which should have been translated by Taoist Gu Wen or someone else.

But when he saw the first few words, Chu Hao was overjoyed, and saw the words "Phantom Art" written on it in a slightly larger font!

The Phantom Jue is exactly what the bone pattern Taoist used before, and it is similar to the magical power of teleportation in the Nascent Soul Stage!

When Chu Hao used this supernatural power, he coveted it in his heart and was ready to move.He thought that he and the storage bag were blown away by the self-destruct blast, and he sighed a little, but at this moment, getting this leather scroll made him overjoyed.

Chu Hao was not in a hurry to see the magic power of the Phantom Jue, but asked Chen Honghong to come out and identify the words on it.It is written on this scroll that there are about three or four supernatural powers, and the Phantom Jue is only the first one.

Chen Honghong stared at the leather scroll for a long while, but with his knowledge of psychic magic weapons, he couldn't recognize all the words on it. For the first time, this old monster who had lived for thousands of years was a little nervous, and said: "This...should be It is a very ancient script. I only know one or two of them. This one reads 'jue' and this one reads 'no'..."

Chu Hao laughed, and said fiercely: "It's really an eye-opener for you to still have things you don't know. Even Taoists with bone patterns know how to use Phantom Art, but you are not good at it."

Chen Honghong became angry from embarrassment, and said: "Do you think the margins of this Phantom Jue can be recognized by his bone patterns? I am not bragging. These words are very old, and they don't seem to be written in Jiutian. There is absolutely no one in the second heaven." people know!"

"I'll just listen to you blowing the cauldron." Chu Hao has a vivid memory now, he read the heart formula of the Phantom Art once, and remembered it in his mind.Then he threw the parchment into the Hunyuan cauldron, "This thing is definitely not simple, at least this kind of supernatural power should not appear in the second heaven. Well, I will look at it later, and I don't know what kind of luck the bone-pattern Taoist has had. I got such a powerful thing, and now it’s cheap for me.”

"I don't know if this supernatural power is related to his skills, but if I remember correctly, there must be someone in the capital who gave me such a strange feeling..." Chen Honghong was concentrating, and suddenly said: "I remembered That's it, Mr. Liu! The steward of your prince's mansion, Mr. Liu!"

"Old Liu?" Chu Hao was startled, and he also thought of that gloomy old man. If he wanted to say who he couldn't see through in the prince's mansion, and who appeared and disappeared without attracting attention, only this silent and invisible man had followed him a few times. This time, Mr. Liu!

"You mean, Elder Liu knows how to use the Phantom Art?" Chu Hao wondered.

"Of course not. I'm just saying that Old Liu's skills are very similar to those of the Taoist bone pattern. There should be a connection between the two. It's a casual cultivator... Could it be that he betrayed?"

Hearing what Chen Honghong said, Chu Hao felt something was wrong.After all, Taoist Guwen practiced evil skills, and Liu Lao was the same as him, no wonder he was gloomy all day long.And besides his father, there is such a strange existence as Liu Lao, and he has stayed in the palace for so long, and he has been a housekeeper for so long. Could it be that he has no plans and can't do his best?

"I'm afraid this will involve other sects." Chen Honghong said indifferently: "Based on my guess, of course, it's just a guess: maybe there is an inside story about the incident of seizing the heirloom back then. The current emperor of Yuntian was backed by Ziyunmen at that time, and You, a cheap father, may not have no support behind you. But it may be that the Ziyun Sect is powerful, your father lost to the opponent, and after the failure of the succession, he did not intend to support your father anymore, only leaving It’s only right for a Liu Lao to change his mind.”

Chu Hao felt that Chen Honghong's analysis was reasonable, but he still had some doubts, and said, "This Emperor Yuntian has never been a monk. If this is true, it would be a bit unbelievable. What happened 20 years ago to make Ziyun All sects have participated in secular scrambles, and have also involved other sects."

"Hey. For example, what high-level magical artifacts do you Yuntian have, what panacea, or heavenly pets, heavenly blessings, anything, it's all possible." Chen Honghong laughed heartlessly.

Chu Hao didn't bother to pay attention to him. At this moment, he was the only one left in the huge five-vertical forbidden area, and he felt a little depressed.He bowed his head and sighed: "I want to go back by the wind, but I'm afraid that Qionglou Yuyu will be too cold on the heights, ai ai ai!"

Chen Honghong couldn't bear Chu Hao's stinky look the most, and cursed: "Shameless!" and simply didn't say a word.

Chu Hao shook his head, suddenly felt something, looked down, and saw the giant tortoise on the ground suddenly opened his mouth and screamed like crazy!Accompanied by its roar, the whole ground was shaken violently by him. Not long after, the giant turtle, which had been absorbed by Chu Hao and the flying centipede, began to crawl slowly on the ground. Its body was only smaller than before. After more than a quarter of the time, the tortoise's shell arched, and it turned into a rocky mountain again.

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