
Chapter 162 Guidelines for Treasure Fragments

This scene made Chu Hao a little surprised. He floated in the air for a long time, and after nothing happened, he slowly fell down.Now in the five forbidden areas, he is the only one who is empty.Chu Hao sat cross-legged, and now the storage bags of Taoist Bone Pattern and Xiangyang were torn, leaving only the storage bags of Du Changyi and Wang Xin.

Chu Hao first took out Brother Wang Xin's storage bag and looked at it. There were one or two bottles of pills inside, but they were all low-level pills of the third rank, which were used for Qi training and had little effect.But talking is better than nothing, Chu Hao opened his mouth and swallowed all the pills, the effect is slightly better than that of Hujin Wan.

And in the storage bags of the two of them, there was no extra flying sword, Chu Hao searched it, and only the golden bell magic weapon that he took away was the most valuable.Storage bags are not uncommon among casual cultivators, but they are also rare. Chu Hao threw away all the miscellaneous things, and then took away the empty storage bags.He already has nearly ten of these storage bags, and it would be nice to give them to others in the future, after all, only disciples of the Great School have them in the Second Heaven.

Chu Hao was a little disappointed by the items in Wang Xin's storage bags, so he opened Du Changyi's storage bag again.The moment it was turned on, the giant tortoise lying on the ground that turned into rocks suddenly trembled, and Chu Hao felt that something in the storage bag started to jump with its frequency.

With Chu Hao's mind moving, Chen Honghong opened the storage bag's consciousness, and slapped it on it, only to see a flash of light, and something flew out, floating in the sky, surrounded by overflowing brilliance, brilliant shine.

Taking a closer look, Chu Hao was a little surprised that it was the fragment of Du Changyi's treasure.

Du Changyi had used it before when he opened the five-vertical forbidden area, and Chu Hao had checked it before cooperating with him, and there was nothing strange about it, but he didn't know why it would have a strange effect if it fell into Du Changyi's hands.

Chu Hao held it in his hand, feeling it beating like a heart in his hand, Chu Hao stared at the giant tortoise.Then slowly opened the palm to check the fragment of the treasure.

Sixth-rank treasures do not exist in this world of the second heaven, and no one can make them. Even if there are only one-tenth of such treasure fragments in the five forbidden lands, it is enough to cause a sensation in this world.

Before, Chu Hao hadn't paid attention to the magic of this treasure fragment, but now that he was holding it in his hand, he realized that there was indeed something different.There is a gray font written on the central part of this treasure fragment, which has been covered by black before, so it cannot be seen clearly.Chu Hao held the fragment in his hand, feeling its pulsating jump, and then, a throbbing emotion spread from the depths of his mind.

Spiritual attack!

Chu Hao was startled, and was about to resist this mental attack, but at this moment, Chen Honghong's voice sounded, stopping his movement: "Don't move around, this should be some kind of guidance, and it won't harm your spiritual consciousness at all. , and besides, I can't hurt you anymore." Hearing this, Chu Hao relaxed.

Slowly closing his eyes, he felt that the spirit was very weak, but it was very clear, like a clear stream, slowly pouring into Chu Hao's consciousness.Chen Honghong hid, but protected Chu Hao's brain and consciousness all the time.

The spiritual force injected into Chu Hao's mind seemed to be the same condensed spiritual consciousness, very thick and vicissitudes, it should have existed for many years and had not dissipated between heaven and earth.

The space of Chu Hao's spiritual consciousness is connected with the weapon spirit Chen Honghong, so it is naturally extremely huge, and that spiritual consciousness seems to be a little surprised. Fleeing.Chen Honghong controlled it, and then, it seemed to sense danger, so it stopped moving.

After a while, a deep voice came out:

"Your Excellency's spiritual sense is so powerful. If it wasn't for the fact that less than one ten-thousandth of my spiritual sense is left behind, I really want to fight with you." The voice sounded, and Chu Hao was immediately startled.

In the fragments of the treasure, there is indeed a secret, and there is still a spiritual consciousness that has not been dispersed for many years!

Hearing him say one in ten thousand, Chen Honghong scoffed, but didn't speak. Chu Hao also didn't know what to say. The entire space of spiritual consciousness was extremely silent.After a while, the divine sense still couldn't hold back, and said:

"Don't panic, Your Excellency. Your spiritual sense is much stronger than mine, and I can't hurt you. Besides, I don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to talk to you."

Chu Hao calmed down, his face was unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.This person is mysterious and unusual, he can leave his spiritual consciousness on the fragments of treasures, and his cultivation level during his lifetime has really reached an unimaginable level.

"What do you want to talk about?" This divine consciousness was either a great demon or a powerful monk during his lifetime. After all, the demonic energy is powerful and unorthodox.Chu Hao pondered for a moment, then asked tentatively.

"I don't know if your Excellency knew about the ancient battlefield?" The man said, "That is the ancient battlefield."

Chu Hao said indifferently: "Isn't this place the ancient battlefield? Could it be that fellow Taoists are testing me?"

The divine consciousness was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the emotion was revealed in the words, saying: "Your Excellency knows, this is easy to handle! The low-level monk who had a little contact with me before couldn't even handle the ancient battlefield." Clearly, it was a mistake for me to let him enter the ancient battlefield."

Chu Hao knew in his heart that he was talking about Du Changyi, and that old fox really hid things from himself and others.No wonder he dared to go to the Five Zong Forbidden Land where no one dared to enter, it turned out to be the reason.

Greed is the greatest weakness of human beings, and it was because of this weakness that Du Changyi died at the hands of Taoist Bone Pattern.

Without waiting for Chu Hao to continue speaking, the divine sense continued to speak: "Your Excellency has such a wide knowledge, you must not be an ordinary monk. This time I finally met the right person. I don't know if your Excellency has ever known the extraterrestrial starry sky?"

"Of course you know about the extraterrestrial starry sky." Chu Hao smiled, and said, "Isn't this ghostly place just floating out of the extraterritorial starry sky?"

Hearing the words, the divine consciousness hurriedly said: "It seems that your excellency knows a lot of things, isn't it a person from this second world?"

Chu Hao smiled and said, "Do you still know that this is the world of the Second Heaven?"

"Of course, the low-ranking monk named Du Changyi was the first person I met in these years, and he told me." Divine Sense replied: "Your Excellency, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Tell me about your affairs first." Chu Hao said, "I'm just like Du Changyi, and I'm also a casual cultivator. Let's talk about it when we're done."

The spiritual voice seemed to be very appreciative, and said: "Your Excellency's approach is very right, I have no reason to ask, well, anyway, I don't live long now, Your Excellency, listen to my story."

As he spoke, he paused, as if he had sorted out his thoughts, before continuing:

"Your Excellency must be very strange. Why is my spiritual consciousness attached to the low-level fragments of these sixth-grade treasures? Hey, in fact, there is no way to do this! Back then, I traveled to the outer starry sky with a few fellow Taoists. We can go in and out of the outer space freely with our cultivation base, but we didn’t expect that we think too much of ourselves after all. After learning some superficial knowledge, we don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth. Less than two days after entering the outer starry sky, we encountered the chaotic flow layer. This chaotic flow layer is It is the weakest link in the starry sky outside the territory, but it is a pity that we couldn't get through it, and ended up with a remnant soul and no physical body! Speaking of it, it is really embarrassing."

The voice of the divine sense was full of bitterness, as if recalling the previous scene, with indescribable fear and heartache, "At the beginning, the magic weapon of our group flying in the sky was smashed by the turbulent rock, and we couldn't fly in the starry sky outside the territory. Continue to fly. At that time, those meteorites and chaotic rocks were attacking us like waves. Now that I think of that scene, I am afraid that even higher-level monks will be terrified and shocked when they encounter it."

After a pause, he continued: "Luckily, my spirit beast, the giant tortoise Taiyin, blocked us a step earlier, and saved us from being completely wiped out by the rocks and torrents. But my spirit tortoise I was seriously injured and nearly lost my soul. At that time, I endured the severe pain and kept the soul of the spirit turtle. I was unwilling to run out of energy like this, and finally used the apparition technique together, consuming more than half of my life span and the soul of a fellow Taoist. The power of the psychic magic weapon used a long-distance teleportation in the turbulent flow of the outer starry sky. Although the teleportation process almost tore our souls apart, luckily we arrived safely at one of the ancient battlefields."

What he said made Chu Hao dumbfounded. If this guy didn't brag and lie, he should have been an extremely powerful monk in his lifetime. How dare they venture into another world, the extremely dangerous extraterrestrial starry sky!

Moreover, among the group of people whose spiritual consciousness went to, there were monks who had a higher level of cultivation than him and possessed psychic magic weapons. If this was true, it meant that they came from the Nine Heavens, which is higher than the Fifth Heaven!

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