
Chapter 163 Xu Wenzi

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Chu Hao controlled his emotions, and said lightly, "So, this ancient battlefield is what you ended up in?"

"Yes." The divine sense nodded, and then slowly said: "Although we used the secret magic power to leave the chaotic rock flow layer safely, but because the consumption of teleportation was too high, we fell behind this ancient battlefield. The monsters on the battlefield chased and separated helplessly. At that time, there were many high-level monsters on the battlefield called Liutian, but they were all killed by us one after another."

"But outside the starry sky, we don't have any spiritual energy to absorb and cultivate, and we can't repair it. The day our elixir is used up, we know that we are facing death. We are absolutely unwilling and unwilling to die like this. So, the six of us occupied the six formation positions of this ancient battlefield, exhausted all our life's knowledge, and sent this ancient battlefield to the parallel Nine Heavens, looking for someone to save us." That divine sense took a deep breath With a sigh of relief, he said: "Fortunately, after an unknown period of time, we finally sent this ancient battlefield outside, but when it appeared that time, it was the fifth heaven, and we were unlucky, and we didn't have time to send out the signal , was discovered by the Nine Heavens Pagoda cultivator from the Nine Heavens World at that time, she rushed to the Liutian battlefield, and before we left, she immediately used the law to send us back to the outer starry sky."

Speaking of this, the divine sense was indignant, then sighed helplessly, and said: "Later, we tried many times, and finally after nearly a thousand years, the true energy in our bodies was almost exhausted. We have not recovered from our serious injuries, and we have practiced kung fu here for so many years, our physical body is no longer bearable, and our lifespan is about to be exhausted. In desperation, we closed the area around us tightly, and I used the turtle's The soul and supernatural powers re-transformed the turtle Taiyin to protect me. And my magic weapon was destroyed in the chaotic rock layer. When the longevity was exhausted, I finally found a broken piece on this ancient battlefield. Fragments of the sixth-grade treasure, and moved the spiritual consciousness to it. Over the years, we have worked together to make the ancient battlefield leave the outer starry sky, and the spiritual consciousness has gradually been consumed and weakened. Fortunately, it has not completely disappeared. When I was here, I sent this Liutian battlefield to the world of the second heaven, and met you."

Chu Hao's heart was surging, and this unimaginable story was narrated from the mouth of the monk's spiritual consciousness, which made it difficult for him to digest.Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, he looked at the giant tortoise prostrated on the ground, and said, "So... that giant tortoise is Tao... the condensed body of senior's previous skills?"

"Yes." The man smiled wryly: "I have no choice. After all, monks are not immortals and cannot live forever. Our lifespan will eventually be exhausted. For such a long time, we have been able to do this until now It is not easy to leave the outer starry sky once in a while to absorb spiritual energy."

Chu Hao pondered: "Since you have left the outer starry sky, why don't you go out?"

"Because of this formation?" Divine consciousness said helplessly: "As long as we leave the scope we keep, this ancient battlefield will inevitably be re-entered into the outer starry sky. It will be dragged back to the chaotic layer by the law of heaven and earth, so we can only wait for foreign aid."

Chu Hao said: "This Liutian relic has appeared in Erchongtian for more than 100 years, from once every ten years to every half a year now, are you eagerly waiting for someone to rescue? Before this, did any monks enter this place? "

"Sent to the world of the Second Heaven, this low-level Nine Heavens is beyond our expectations." Shen Sense sighed, and said: "The monk entered 100 years ago, but it was only in the foundation building period, and he couldn't help us at all. , but with our help, he stepped into the golden core stage. Originally, we planned to train him to the yin and yang stage, and then use supernatural powers to rescue us, at least to use the corpse to revive the soul, but unfortunately, the monk from the Nine Heavens Pagoda appeared again." Pause , continued: "And the strength of this Nine Heavens Pagoda cultivator is not as strong as ours. He can only send the foundation-building stage cultivator to the high-level world and turn several areas of our existence into forbidden areas, but he cannot prevent others from entering."

Spiritual consciousness finally said: "Because of the work of the cultivator of Jiutian Tower, no one has ever visited this forbidden area on the ancient battlefield, and we can't get in touch with people outside. We are really not reconciled, and we all left We entered the starry sky outside the territory, but we still couldn’t get out of trouble, and the six of us gradually lost contact with each other, but we all know that this ancient battlefield must be sent outside, so that someone can see it and have a chance of being rescued. That's why we sent Liutian Ancient Battlefield to Erzhongtian more and more frequently, shortening the time, and the energy we stored in the end is also huge."

Chu Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "Then senior sent this piece of treasure outside, and it landed right next to Du Changyi, allowing him to enter the forbidden area."

"That's right, unfortunately, that monk is not the best candidate, he can't absorb my devilish energy." Divine Sense said: "At first I thought we were doomed, but I didn't expect Your Excellency to come in together and know so many things, It is also a kind of luck to be able to absorb the magic energy transformed by my skill, and to be able to see my orthodox people in the magic way at the last moment."

Chu Hao curled his lips, did not explain, and slowly digested all this in his heart, and finally said: "So, you plan to train me to be a great master in the yin and yang stage, and then help you guys come out?"

"Hey." Shen Sense sighed: "There is no need for this now. We have less than ten years to survive, and then we will return to nothingness. For so many years, we have violated the laws of heaven and earth, because outside the territory Starry Sky, that's why we survived. But now, our spiritual consciousness and true energy will be exhausted, and it doesn't matter if we can't get out."

Chu Hao asked suspiciously, "Then what do you mean by throwing out the fragments of treasures for others to pick up?"

Divine consciousness said: "Just let my whole life be wasted and dissipate in the outer starry sky. I will not be reconciled. Fortunately, this time, you have entered this place this time, and you are a member of my demonic way. I don't know you Would you ever be willing to be the successor of me, Su Wenzi, and pass on all the knowledge I have learned all my life to you!"

Chu Hao didn't expect that this person would give him such a big benefit after talking for a long time!

Although Chu Hao had never practiced magic arts, but judging from the fact that this man was so powerful in his life, he could transform a giant tortoise with magic energy. He was at least a powerful monk higher than the fifth heaven!Even though Chu Hao is not a member of the demonic way, if he can learn one and a half moves, it will be enough to run rampant in this world, and it will also be of great help to him entering the fifth heaven.

And this is not a fairy fate, it is simply a pie in the sky!

Chu Hao is a theory of immortality, but he is definitely not a theory of bringing it. He never believes that such a good thing will fall on his own head.But this person spoke without any flaws and was vivid and sensational. Chu Hao pondered for a moment and said, "So, what level of monk do you plan to train me to be in ten years?"

"This depends on your good fortune." The divine sense said: "This area is surrounded by monsters. They thrive and cannot be destroyed. Because of my giant tortoise, many powerful monsters cannot appear. If fellow daoists are willing, I can let these monsters baptize you with life and death, to see how your actual combat skills are, and whether you are suitable for practicing my supernatural power, Xu Wenzi."

Chu Hao chuckled, and said, "I'm not busy for now, I don't know what kind of supernatural power senior is talking about?"

"I am a pure yin palace in the sixth level of heavenly magic, divided into eight secret arts, and spread across the world, and everyone who hears it will be frightened! Although I only know three of them, my senior brother knows the remaining five. He was defeated in this ancient battlefield. In the forbidden area named Yiyuan by the monks of the Jiutian Pagoda, as long as your bones are suitable, and my giant tortoise absorbs the magic energy, there is absolutely no problem in cultivating the eight secret arts."


Ask for a red ticket, don't spread too much.

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