
Chapter 164 Hesitation

"Eight Great Secret Techniques?" Chu Hao thought for a while, and said, "The brother you mentioned is the cultivator who has the psychic magic weapon?"

"That's right, my senior brother is supernatural, and he is the chief elder of my Pure Yin Palace. He is in charge of the eight secret arts, and his status is second only to the head of my sect." Xu Wenzi said: "Our Pure Yin Palace looked down upon the sixth heaven. , is the most powerful magic orthodoxy, and my brother's psychic magic weapon is even more powerful." Speaking of this, Xu Wenzi sighed, and said: "But unfortunately, it was completely destroyed in the turbulent flow of the outer starry sky. , after so many years, there is no sign of repair at all, and it cannot take us out."

Chu Hao was a little shocked after hearing this.Magical weapons of the same level as psychic magic weapons were destroyed in the outer starry sky. How terrifying is that place?I just don't know if that psychic weapon is as powerful as Chen Honghong.

Xu Wenzi's spiritual consciousness is extremely weak, otherwise it would be impossible not to feel Chen Honghong's existence. Seeing that Chu Hao hadn't spoken, he continued to speak: "I don't know if you have thought it through carefully, but I don't have much spiritual consciousness left. It can survive for about ten years, but if it is consumed all the time, it can only last for less than half a year."

For a monk, half a year is fleeting, but for Xu Wenzi, this time is extremely precious, so he cannot afford to waste it.

Chu Hao said: "Senior, then you go back to the treasure fragment first, and I will reply to you after I think about it."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to inherit my great magic lineage." Hearing Chu Hao's voice, Xu Wenzi didn't seem to be excited or joyful, and hurriedly said: "The eight secret arts are my secrets that cannot be passed on in the pure yin palace. Your Excellency can Get to learn, this mere second heaven, where is the land of peace for your excellency, promotion to the high realm is just around the corner."

Chu Hao was not at all tempted by his temptation, and said lightly, "I'll look for you later, senior, that's all I have to say. If you want me to give you an answer now, I'm sorry, I can only refuse."

Xu Wenzi choked on his words, seemingly inconceivable.With his former status and the strength of several senior brothers, in the world of Tiankuotian, he stomped his feet and the ground would shake a few times, but he was rejected by a low-level monk!

But now he has something to ask for, so no matter what Chu Hao's attitude is, he can only compromise, saying: "In this case, then please think about it before replying to me. This treasure fragment contains my consciousness. I can feel you exuding a bit of magic energy that absorbs my giant tortoise, and I will appear to communicate with you at that time."

Chu Hao hummed, and felt Xu Wenzi's spiritual consciousness slowly passing in his mind, and within two breaths, he completely retreated.The treasure fragment that Chu Hao held tightly in his hand trembled a few more times before regaining his composure.

Raising his head, Chu Hao slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the giant tortoise. After Xu Wenzi calmed down, the giant tortoise also did not continue to shake its body, and slowly calmed down on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Hao asked, "Chen Honghong, what should we do now?"

Chen Honghong was silent for a while, and said: "I can't judge how strong that person's spiritual consciousness was before he was born. After all, the Hunyuan cauldron has also been damaged. At this moment, my cultivation base is not as backward as before." After a pause, Chen Honghong said: "However, that person's experience can be trusted [-]% to [-]%. The outer starry sky is not a place that everyone can go to. Although the people in the pure Yin Palace are demons, their courage is extraordinary. Although they almost died in the in."

Chu Hao said: "Indeed, all the spiritual treasures have been destroyed."

Chen Honghong snorted coldly, and said: "Stinky boy, I don't have any knowledge. Hunyuanding is also a top-notch psychic magic weapon. Although it is only auxiliary, it can beat Lao Tzu's aggressiveness. Artifacts, in psychic magic weapons No more than ten. Even if his Pure Yin Palace belongs to the sect of the sixth heaven, so what?"

Chu Hao heard Chen Honghong's voice-over, and said, "What do you mean by that, is there a higher-level magic weapon beyond the psychic magic weapon?"

Chen Honghong sneered and said: "Ignorant child, there are still many things you don't know. I won't tell you now. When you reach that level, you will naturally know."

Chu Hao's tone choked up, and he said, "You're really stingy, let's not talk about it. Then tell me, is the guy named Xu Wenzi, the magic system, the eight secret arts, etc., credible or not?"

"I don't know if it's credible or not, but I believe that as long as you refuse, the monsters here will definitely swallow you up." Chen Honghong smiled and said, "Do you believe it?"

Facing Chen Honghong's gloating thoughts, Chu Hao was really furious, and said, "You really don't have enough loyalty, do you want to watch Xiao Wang die?"

"Where is it? I haven't reached your level of thinking yet, so I'm flattered." Chen Honghong laughed and said, "If it's a last resort, I can help you out."

Chu Hao snorted, stopped joking with Chen Honghong, and said, "Now we have to make up our minds. I don't know what will happen if I stay in this ghost place for ten years."

Chen Honghong said: "Do you think it's so easy to cultivate? Of all the monks who have achieved something, who can't stand loneliness? Not to mention ten years, there are many monks who spend 50 years in meditation just to break through the bottleneck. "

Chu Hao said lightly: "Do you think I don't want to stay here for ten years? If I can stay here for ten years, my cultivation will naturally improve a lot, and with the guidance of this mysterious and powerful monk, at least I can fight against Ziyun You can also have more confidence.” After a pause, Chu Hao’s voice became more serious, and he said, “But in this case, what about my father, what about the martial arts he recommended to me? There is a two-year agreement with Tao Ranju? How should we deal with it? We missed the appointment with Tao Ranju. Judging by its ability to integrate the auction of the entire continent's cultivation world, even the Purple Cloud Sect is afraid, isn't it just plain for us? I have set up an enemy? Similarly, if I disappear for ten years, will Ziyunmen let my father go?"

Regarding Chu Hao's concerns, Chen Honghong seemed much calmer, and said: "These are all mundane things, you have to remember that you are a cultivator, and you can give you such a chance to improve your strength, even without What kind of opportunity is it for half a person to influence you? If you don’t grasp it well, you may be retaliated by Ziyunmen or the Li family after you go out.”

Chen Honghong continued to sneer and said: "Besides, the two-year agreement of Tao Ranju is based on the strength behind your Bi Zhuang. You think you are really the powerful Jian Lao who can help the old man in Qingshan get the lecture of Jiutian Pagoda. ?”

Chu Hao said: "Of course I have thought about this, but there is still you. There are only one and a half years left in these two years. As long as I am promoted to the fifth level of Qi training, I can use the supernatural power of Hunyuanding, and then Plus you're old, even if you go to the Nine Heavens Pagoda, wouldn't it be like a fish in water, who can see through it?"

Chen Honghong sneered and said: "You brat, your thinking is too naive. Do you think that Lao Tzu is now strong enough to compete with the cultivators of the Nine Heavens Pagoda? , the difficulty is not at 01:30, you still have to avenge Lin Yueer, revive Lin Yueer, you have to figure it out yourself."

Chu Hao fell silent, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the surrounding space, there was only the sound of his moderate breathing, which was carried on slowly.After about a stick of incense, Chu Hao finally opened his mouth and said: "I think it through now, I have been reborn as the son of Prince Weiyuan, and I also have the root of the heavenly spirit. Fate, the law of heaven. At least in my heart, I can't watch Chu Yunfei being suppressed by Ziyunmen because of this, and I don't care whether he has the support of Liulao's mysterious sect behind him as you guessed, but my heart I can't get over this hurdle."

Speaking of this, Chu Hao's eyes became extremely sharp, his face was full of solemnity, and he said: "I still decided to go out, at least this way for me, I won't have any regrets. I won't have any thoughts in my heart." Blocked. Peace of mind."

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