
Chapter 166

After killing Taoist Bone Pattern and others, Chu Hao didn't intend to enter the depths of the five vertical forbidden areas.After all, he is alone and weak, and after absorbing the devilish energy from the devilish giant tortoise, his external transformation technique has reached the stage of minor success.According to Chen Honghong's words, it takes 30 or even 50 years of practice to reach the level where the magic energy is abundant now.

Invisibly, he saved so many years of training time for himself. If it wasn't for Chu Hao's strength not being strong enough, he might be able to summon four clones at the same time to help him.

Being overwhelmed by Xu Wenzi's immortality, under the pursuit of the group of monsters, Chu Hao could only cross the monster tortoise and head towards the depths of the Five Zong Forbidden Land.

The roar of the giant tortoise continued in the dark, and every time it roared, the monsters roared wildly in response to the crowd's enthusiasm.I'm afraid that the monks who have stayed in the second heaven all their lives will never have the chance to see such a spectacular scene.

Chu Hao doesn't want to watch it at all now. He would rather be chasing him now with a thousand chickens and ducks, and pigeons chasing after him with fluttering feathers. At least in this way, the pressure will not belong to him, but to the livestock behind. them.

On the deeper horizon, it was extremely dark. After Chu Hao flew for about a quarter of an hour, some undulating mountains appeared in front of his vision.That is a group of mountain peaks!

Chu Hao's eyes lit up!

The geographical advantages of the mountain group are excellent, and they rise endlessly. They can just use this place to deal with the monsters that are chasing after them. As long as those fifth-level monsters don't take the initiative to look for him, Chu Hao is confident that the rest of the monsters will defeat them one by one. .

During the flight, Chu Hao and King Kong II's control became more and more tacit. Although it was the first time to use it, with the precedent of King Kong No. [-], Chu Hao drove it with ease.

Chu Hao accelerated his speed, and after a while, he saw the nearest mountain peak. The color here was still dim and yellow, but Chu Hao at least felt a little sense of security.There are no fewer than a hundred mountains rolling here, if Xu Wenzi hadn't tampered with here, then this place would undoubtedly be the safest place for him.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao became even more excited, raised his head and let out a long roar, releasing his resentment, and flew close to the mountains.

The group of monsters came chasing after less than ten breaths. The monsters on the ground began to charge against the mountain, while the monsters in the sky lingered around, looking for Chu Hao's trace.

Chu Hao hid in one of the caves, held his breath, and gradually calmed down the breath on his body, so as not to let the monsters outside feel that he was here.This cave is located in the gap at the foot of the mountain, and there are some pits and deep pits in the mud outside, which is very secretive. Chu Hao looked around and chose this cave.

The rumbling sound outside still shook the mountain, Chu Hao let out a heavy breath, without distracting thoughts, and then Chen Honghong made a restraint to cover the entrance of the cave, and then slowly sat cross-legged in the cave.

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows coldly, King Kong No. [-] and King Kong No. [-] sat cross-legged on both sides opposite him, and the three crossed their legs in the shape of a "human". Chu Hao slowly closed his eyes and swallowed a "Golden Sun Pill" After that, he began to activate the external transformation technique.

With this urging, King Kong No. [-] and No. [-] had a deeper telepathy with Chu Hao.If water and milk blend together, only Chu Hao's spiritual consciousness flows among the three of them.

The black air slowly enveloped, covering the already extremely dark cave even more gloomy.Chu Hao was trapped here, and the only one he could rely on now was himself, and he would not let Chen Honghong come out to help if he had to.After all, this is also his catastrophe.


At the same time as he was running the mental technique of transforming body and shape outside his body, Chu Hao was surprised to find that the "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique" also started to work rapidly at the same time.Judging from the current form, there is no conflict between the two completely opposite types of exercises at this moment, as if one yin and one yang are circulating in the body respectively, just like mercury and water.

These two kinds of exercises, one is the best of the righteous way, and the other is the adaptation of the extremely evil exorcism and exorcism. At this moment, Chu Hao's dantian can clearly It is incomparable to see the picture of the convergence of the two exercises after flowing.Using Chu Hao's internal vision technique, he saw that the saturated demonic energy and the remaining true energy in his body surrounded the two ends of his dantian in a black and white pattern, and in the veins, the two breaths also merged naturally and harmoniously Together.

"It's really weird." Chu Hao tried a few more times, but he didn't have any clue.This "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique" occasionally relies on the basic qi training method "Zixian Gong" of Zhuqimen to be activated.Because the former is too advanced and needs to find a medium to practice, so when the "Zixian Gong" is not running normally, "Baopuzi" will generally not run autonomously.

But at this moment, amidst the surge of devilish energy in his body, Baopuzi began to function inexplicably.

Chu Hao calmed down. Now that the two exercises are not contradictory, he will not break this delicate balance, at least before Jindan, there will be no problem.Unless more than one golden pill can be formed...

Of course, Chu Hao can only think about this idea...

And after this period of breathing adjustment, Chu Hao was able to use King Kong No. [-] with ease, at least there would be no problem in driving it, except that the follow-up zhenqi couldn't be replenished.

Because of this, Chu Hao discovered that King Kong No. [-] is really different from No. [-] King Kong No. [-]. In many cases, King Kong No. [-] does not need to explain the moves or spells too clearly, so he can clearly know Chu Hao's purpose and do it. Find the most suitable attack method.That's why Chu Hao had always doubted whether King Kong No. [-] had independent consciousness before.

King Kong No. [-] was much more dull and sluggish. Although it was cultivated and tempered by Chen Honghong because of the problem of the body's predecessor, its cultivation base was even stronger than King Kong No. [-] at this moment, and it had reached the fourth level of Qi training.

Chu Hao thought about it: Although King Kong No. [-]'s cultivation level is lower than that of No. [-], it is more flexible, and it is easier to be used by him.After being tempered by the Hunyuan cauldron, the souls of those boys from the Li family have long been scattered, and it is impossible to exist.Even if this King Kong No. [-] has an independent consciousness, it definitely does not belong to that kid Li Mao.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao collected his energy. Now he is looking for an opportunity to train King Kong No. [-], because he doesn't know how strong King Kong No. [-] is now. The magic energy absorbed by the giant tortoise just now still remains in his body, and he can just use it .

Opening his eyes, Chu Hao looked at the entire cave, with rocks hanging upside down, gravel everywhere, and some sub-caves piercing through the mountain wall. Looking directly at the entire tunnel, he could see a small open space.

Whether it is natural or man-made, Chu Hao is still unable to make a conclusion, but it can be seen that this cave seems a little unusual, at least not too small.

Chu Hao was not in a hurry. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, communicating with the two clones. At the same time, he was constantly sorting out the things since he entered the five vertical forbidden areas in his mind, and straightened out all his thoughts.

Just sat like this for two days.In two days, the group of beasts called Xuan outside the cave not only did not die away, but became more and more fierce, rumbling like thunder all day long, shaking the sky and the earth.

Although Chu Hao was able to settle down with peace of mind, he wasn't too annoyed by this tossing.Due to the prohibition of Hunyuan Ding, although they couldn't feel Chu Hao's existence, even doing some damage in this mountain range made it hard for Chu Hao to bear.

"This Taiyin, you're fucking dead, and you're screaming fart every day. If it wasn't for the phantom, I would have taken you in!" Chu Hao spat cursingly, then opened a small mouth of the restraint, and let out his consciousness. , observe.

About two sticks of incense, in the gap between the mountain peaks, a third-rank top-rank monster suddenly came.

This monster is covered with scales against the light, blue and red intertwined, it looks like a rhinoceros, but there are three horns on the top of the head, it is huge, with flying fleshy hooves, snorting, and a pair of big copper bell-like eyes flickering from time to time. Searching around.

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