
Chapter 167 Cooperation

The approach of this monster made Chu Hao sneer, his consciousness spread, and after confirming that there were no extra monsters around, he urged King Kong No. [-], and suddenly let it fly out of the cave!

Outside the cave, a flash of brilliance flashed by, and the flying monster was taken aback immediately, snorted and stopped, and then saw King Kong II standing outside.

Seeing King Kong No. [-], the monster's mouth twitched and its lips twitched, and it let out a series of strange screams, and then it hit King Kong No. [-] with horns on its head.

The intelligence of monsters below the fifth level is extremely low. If it is not for the inner alchemy of monsters, it is simply the strengthening of beasts with thick skin and claws.I saw this monster roaring again and again, rushing towards King Kong No. [-], Chu Hao snorted coldly in the cave, the brilliance flickered, and saw King Kong No.

Four flying swords appeared out of thin air, surrounded by astonishing power, and counterattacked the monster beast that was approaching.


Less than two rounds had passed between the third-tier monster and King Kong No. [-], when the four flying swords pierced the body in different directions in an instant. Pierce from the ground and pass through the intestines!

Such a bloody scene is really frightening.

However, Chu Hao's heart was filled with great joy.This King Kong No. [-] is worthy of being a powerful clone. It is the first time to attack at this moment, and it ended the life of the third-rank high-grade monster so easily and freely!

Chu Hao was sure in his heart that he already had a clear understanding of King Kong No. [-]'s strength. Although there would be a certain sense of stagnation when using it, it was not as smooth as No. [-], but in terms of the use and sensitivity of the formulas, it was on par with I am very closely connected, and none of my movements is out of the water.

King Kong II, who has no self-awareness, seems to be more suitable to be his clone.

King Kong No. [-]'s body was enveloped in black energy. Driven by Chu Hao, he stretched out his hand and transformed the flying sword into a flying sword. Then he disemboweled the corpse of the monster, took out the inner alchemy in its waist, and then turned around. It is to fly back to the cave again.

Chu Hao circulated the purple dragon fire, urging the flames to incinerate the corpses.

The corpse of a third-order monster is of no use to Chu Hao today. What he needs are things like Ningshen Xingshuang Pill and Yunling Pill.

Although Chu Hao dealt with the death of this monster quickly, the stench of the corpse was still spread, attracting another six or seven monsters. In the depths of the mountains, the tallest of these monsters is only the fourth-rank top-grade, which is more than enough for King Kong II.

The flying sword's light was as cold as snow, and when a monster came, even if it was killed by King Kong II, Chu Hao became more and more proficient.Finally, the fourth-order monsters appeared, and he drove King Kong No. [-] together to fight with the monsters.

With the use of the two clones, Chu Hao became more and more flexible from his lack of true energy at the beginning. Their flying swords were able to cooperate with each other, and the chanting of magic spells was also seamless. One person manipulated the two clones. Chu Hao's strength It is also gradually growing during this tempering. Due to the operation of the external transformation technique, the magic energy is also consumed in the bodies of the two clones little by little, and gradually grows stronger.

Chu Hao just hid in the gap beside the cave to fight against the monsters. He never went out himself, but even his avatar made the monsters restless. After just ten days, Chu Hao's storage bag The inner alchemy of the third-level monsters has reached a terrifying 60, and the inner alchemy of the fourth-level monsters has also reached five.

Those fourth-rank monsters are only middle-rank at the highest level. Now that the two avatars are added together, there is no problem in dealing with the middle-rank fourth-rank monsters. But if it is a top-rank monster, Chu Hao dare not have full confidence.

After another five days, Chu Hao still didn't dare to leave here. If he encounters a fifth-rank top-grade monster, not only he can't deal with it, but even Chen Honghong can't deal with it. What's more, Nasu Wenzi said that there were many high-level monsters in this ancient battlefield. Beasts, God knows if the sixth-order monsters also exist here, if there are sixth-order monsters, then Chu Hao will never want to leave this place for the rest of his life except for his death.

"The ruins of Poliutian are opened every six months, and the opening time is only one month. Now there are less than ten days left. Could it be that I really can't get out?" Chu Hao thought to himself, but he didn't seem too anxious , as Chen Honghong said, he is a monk, and he can't keep thinking about his status in the secular world.And if he tried hard and failed to achieve it, then don't blame him, and there will be no mental obstacles in the future on the path of practice.

After staying for another five days, Chu Hao was trapped in this cave, and now he clearly knew that he couldn't get out for the time being.

Those monsters kept coming, even if he killed seventy or eighty monsters, the momentum outside just became more and more intense, and there was no sign of it calming down.And Chu Hao searched through this cave, and there was nothing surprising. After entering the Five Zong Forbidden Area for a month, Chu Hao finally decided to temporarily retreat in this cave.

Firstly, because too many monsters have been killed recently, I am afraid it will attract the attention of those monsters circling in search, so they simply stop for a while to see if they will leave.

Secondly, Chu Hao has now stored more than 100 inner alchemy of monsters, which is best used for alchemy, and he can also increase the level of his own alchemy by the way, and use Du Changyi's magic hammer and Wang Xin's golden bell magic weapon For refining.

This cave is a milk cave, and there is a milk spring pool in the depths, with clear water falling from it, I don't know where the source is.And that pool of clear water was determined by Chen Honghong to be the first water source full of spiritual energy encountered since entering the five vertical forbidden areas.

Although this is not a paradise, but with this Wang Qingquan, Chu Hao's spirit insects can exchange and soak with the Hunyuanding golden liquid at any time.

The Cloud Swallowing Insect was about to be born, and Chen Honghong was naturally too busy during this time, so everything was naturally up to Chu Hao himself.

I don't know if the Liutian ruins have re-entered the extraterrestrial starry sky. Anyway, during this period of time, Chu Hao has not contacted Xu Wenzi. The fragment of the treasure was put into the Hunyuan tripod by him, and it has not been activated.


In a certain sub-cave of the pitch-black cave, there was incomparable silence, only the sound of gurgling water echoing.

Chu Hao closed his eyes. In the darkness, he could only vaguely see his naked body buried in the deep pool of clear water.

Dayu Wood slowly floated in mid-air, less than an inch away from the water surface, and only occasionally emitted a faint cyan light.That blue light could easily tear through the darkness, illuminating Chu Hao's resolute and dignified face extremely clearly.

The innate zhenqi circulated unimpeded in the body, reaching some meridians in corners that were not easy to reach on weekdays, and the black devil qi remaining in the body retreated one after another.Layers of white mist suddenly rose above his head, diluting every drop of falling water to the gate of heaven.It is conceivable that after this breath adjustment, Chu Hao's cultivation base will improve a little more.

He closed his eyes and meditated for a while, trying to get rid of the negative emotions in his mind. With a wave of his hands, Chu Hao finally jumped out of the pool amidst a large splash of water!


Not long after, a white bug whose head was more than three times bigger than his body appeared beside Chu Hao, and then settled on his wet shoulder.

This spirit insect doesn't look huge as a whole, but when it flaps its wings, it can make a thunderous sound, which echoes clearly in the cave.What's scary about it is its huge head, which is densely covered with no less than ten gaps visible to the naked eye. It seems that ten mouths fit together on one face.Even its eyes on both sides of the head are covered by the dozen or so mouths, and it is easy to be ignored if you don't look carefully.

This spirit worm was exactly the cloud-swallowing worm that Li Beihong had taken from him.

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