
Chapter 168

The cloud-swallowing insect is the highest-ranked spirit insect among Chu Hao's three existing spirit insects.

Except for the male and female flying centipedes that he still can't wipe out the Xiangyang consciousness and re-refined, the cloud-swallowing insect king is his most powerful baby spirit insect now!

Chu Hao touched the cloud swallowing worm's head, then stretched out his hand to suck it, and sucked the storage bag on the ground into his hand.He took out a bottle of Golden Sun Pill from the storage bag, Chu Hao poured out three pills, and threw them to the cloud swallowing worm.


The cloud swallowing worm let out a strange cry of joy, opened three slits on its head, left Chu Hao's shoulder, and swallowed three golden yang pills into its stomach respectively.As for the scene of it devouring things, even though Chu Hao had seen it no less than a hundred times, it still had a weird feeling that his back was getting cold.

After the Cloud Swallowing Insect finished eating the Jinyang Pill, it chewed and chewed.Not long after, the surface of the pool started to make bubbles, and not long after, five spirit insects suddenly emerged from the water.

Of the five spirit insects, three of them have green backs and small wings, while the other two are covered in black. At first glance, they are no different from ordinary mosquitoes. There was an evil dark light, and a pair of compound eyes flashed with a breathtaking faint light from time to time.

Self-demolition insect king and bone-eating insect king!

In addition to the cloud-swallowing insect king who had just been born as the insect king, Chu Hao now possesses the six-headed insect king, which was one of his trump cards against other monks before the Golden Core stage.

Among them, the self-explosive insect king poses the greatest threat, after all, it can perish together with the monsters in the foundation-building period; the threat of the cloud-swallowing insect king is second, but it is not a one-off. After refining by Chen Honghong's special means, the cloud-swallowing insect The king has already deteriorated, and can devour all tough attacks, as long as it does not exceed the load it can carry; Chu Hao still doesn't know the function of the bone-eating insect king. After all, he has never used it once, but Chen Honghong said that its effect will not Worse than the self-destructing bug king.

I saw the five-headed insect king emerging from the pool shake the water drops on his body, and flew towards Chu Hao with a buzzing sound.The size of the self-destructing insect kings is the largest among the three insect kings, so they can't stay on Chu Hao at all, they can only fly around.Chu Hao smiled, took out another ten pills from the bottle of Jinyang pills, and threw two pills to the insect king.

"You guys, if it wasn't for Chen Honghong saying that you are better at refining this way, I would really be reluctant to give you the Jinyang Pill!" Chu Hao put the Jinyang Pill back into the storage bag, muttered, and urged Infuriating, after steaming the water droplets on his body, he put on his robe.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Hao used a trick to force the six-headed insect king to soak in the clear water of spiritual energy again, and then walked out of the sub-cave and came to the open space in the middle of the cave.He condensed his true energy on his fingertips, and when he swiped down, he carved another mark on the wall.

Looking around, the entire wall was densely covered with air marks carved by him, with different shades.

Chu Hao stared at the wall for a while, then smiled wryly, and murmured: "Unexpectedly, it has been 290 days, almost a year. There are no children in the mountains, damn it, I finally realized it..."

After finishing speaking, Chu Hao shook his head, and felt another deafening roar coming from outside, followed by the sound of gliding through the air, the thunder of hitting the mountain peak.

The monsters still stayed in this place, listening to the cries outside one after another, they could faintly hear the roar of the giant tortoise, Taiyin, hoarse.

Chu Hao was so aggrieved that he couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, that bastard turtle has been screaming for a year and still doesn't stop. I'm not a mother turtle, what a fart you are!"

After cursing several times in a row, Chu Hao's mood improved. Then he summoned the Hunyuan Ding, sat cross-legged on the spot, then activated the fire, and took out the materials collected before from the storage bag and put them in the storage bag. side.

Now that Chu Hao has reached the pinnacle level of the third-rank human-level weapon refining, if Yunling Pill can be made this time, it is not impossible to break through to the fourth-rank stage.

Chu Hao thought about it: "Now after nearly a year of searching for the ingredients of the Yunling Pill, I have found a substitute for the missing material. I only hope that the inner alchemy of the fifth-order monster can allow me to refine the Yunling Pill. achieved success.”

After thinking about it, Chu Hao's eyes were no longer distracted, and he firmly urged Zilonghuo, whoosh-poof-the weapon fire rose from his fingertips, Chu Hao kept calm on his face, but from between his brows, But a bit of dignified color can be vaguely seen.

The Hunyuan Ding slowly rose in the air and became larger, occupying almost one-fifth of the entire cave space.The rays of light shone in all directions, and the blue light runes lingered, and clusters of fresh air seemed to spread out from the ground, covering the surrounding area.


Chu Hao's eyes were cold, and then he gave a soft drink, raised his hands upwards, and saw that the Hunyuan Ding began to rotate slowly, and the flame of Zilonghuo's weapon rose up, burning under the Hunyuan Ding, burning the entire Hunyuan Ding. The space is illuminated brightly and flickeringly.

As time passed minute by minute, Chu Hao was resolute in his heart, staring at the Hunyuan cauldron firmly.He knew that there was nothing wrong with appearing now. After all, it was impossible to find any extra materials in the Five Zong Forbidden Areas. This failure meant that he might not be able to make Yunling Pill for a long time.

Although the failure rate is extremely high, Chu Hao has extremely strong confidence in himself. He has rich experience, whether it is for refining weapons or alchemy, it is the same.

Because this is the domain of his great master.


Like the sound of an old windmill, every time a piece of material is thrown into the Hunyuan Ding, the Zilonghuo will rise and turn for a few minutes.The golden liquid stimulated by Chen Honghong poured into the Hunyuan cauldron continuously, and the fiery feeling gradually heated up all around.

For about half an hour, Chu Hao's whole body was soaked in sweat, his clothes were covered with sweat stains, and his hair and forehead were also completely wet.Under his urging, Zilonghuo became more and more fierce at this moment. He had to maintain a certain temperature and heat, otherwise the alchemy would easily fail this time.

As time passed, Lie Huanghuo sneered a few times, and finally sprang out from Chu Hao's dantian. After he threw the inner alchemy of the fifth-order monster and three dragon beasts into the Hunyuan cauldron, Lie Huang The phoenix fire roared towards it, and Zilonghuo and Zilonghuo wrapped the Hunyuan cauldron on the left and right, and the huge weapon fire breath and the unique aura breath were poured into the Hunyuan cauldron continuously at this moment.

A slight tremor began to appear on the outside of the entire cauldron.


Chen Honghong said in a concentrated voice: "Now is the integration stage. Whether it is one successful pill or ten pills, I will find a way to make it produce new pills continuously. But the most important thing is that you must succeed!"

"There's so much nonsense!" Chu Hao yelled, and immediately calmed down, his heart was like a rock, and he started to move steadily.

About another quarter of an hour later, Chu Hao let out a soft drink and flipped his hands. The Purple Dragon Fire was on the left and the Fierce Phoenix Fire was on the right. The mat was blown by the wind, and the brilliant light was billowing, like colorful auspicious clouds piled up, and a thunderbolt flashed in the middle, illuminating the surroundings of the cave extremely brightly.

A blur of mist rose above the Hunyuan Ding, the lid was lifted, runes flashed in the blue light, and countless beams of golden light shot up into the sky vaguely, and immediately after that, a huge spiritual energy burst out wildly.

Yun Lingdan!

A burst of ecstasy surged in Chu Hao's heart, it was done!

Half a quarter of an hour later, Chu Hao slowly withdrew his power, and the two weapon fires rushed back into his body one after another.In an instant, a sense of coolness swept over his body and mind, Chu Hao's face was full of joy, and his weapons had advanced!

Human rank four!

Standing up, Chu Hao slowly spread the Hunyuan Ding on the ground, and only heard Chen Honghong's voice: "Stinky boy, how many do you think you succeeded this time?"

Chu Hao paused, and thought: "I still need to guess, just don't see it." After that, he said, "Guess what."

He ignored Chen Honghong's mysterious protest, and opened the Hunyuan cauldron. Looking at the three red pills lying quietly in the clouds, Chu Hao suddenly felt relieved.

Yunling Pill, this is Yunling Pill!

"Stinky boy, the Yunling Pill you are refining now is made of the inner alchemy of a fifth-order monster, and then injected with Lao Tzu's gold liquid, which is full of aura. The pills are several grades higher." Chen Honghong laughed and said, "You can take one pill and see the effect. I will use my supernatural powers to derive the remaining two pills."

Chu Hao knew that Hunyuan Ding also had a supernatural power, that is, he could use the golden liquid and huge aura to divide the pills. As long as there was a prototype of the pill, he could continuously make the rest through a certain medium. Elixir.

Of course, this kind of consumption is also huge. Of course, Chen Honghong was reluctant to consume a large amount of gold liquid to revive the low-level pills that Chu Hao refined before, but the ingredients for this spirit pill are scarce, and even one can only be revived in a day. , is also sufficient.

"I don't know if that Foundation Establishment Pill can be used to revive people." Chu Hao thought anxiously.If his idea can be realized, then in this second heaven, he can really become an upstart.May I ask which sect can continuously produce countless high-level pills like he owns the Hunyuan Ding?

Hearing Chen Honghong's words, Chu Hao didn't eat the Yunling Pill immediately. After picking it up from the Hunyuan Ding, he thought for a while before putting it in the storage bag.After taking out the Golden Sun Pill, Chu Hao regained his energy and sat down to meditate.

After a long time, Chu Hao stood up, put away the Hunyuan Cauldron, and then slowly came to the entrance of the cave.He exuded some spiritual consciousness, and there were no fifth-order monsters around.The rumbling sound outside made Chu Hao sneer, "I haven't left this cave since I reached the third level of Qi training. Hey, little monsters, Xiao Wang is here to pamper you now!"

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