
Chapter 169

Chapter 160 Nine Monster Beasts Frenzy

After confirming that it was correct, Chu Hao quickly got out of the cave.

He restrained his breath, and tried to cover the edge of the hidden valley gap as much as possible. Taking advantage of the geographical advantages and sensitive intuition here, the monsters in the sky did not notice his existence.

In order to improve his strength and break through the shackles of the second level of Qi training, Chu Hao has not left the cave for nearly three months. Now that his cultivation has reached the third level of Qi training, he can just show his skills.

Chu Hao has been staying in this ghostly place for nearly a year. It can be said that there is indeed not a single hair in the entire desolate place. The distance is very long, otherwise the cave will be exposed sooner or later even if it is touched by a fifth-order monster, even with Chen Honghong's restraint.

It was still dark outside, the blood cloud was billowing, and it was very cold.The roars of the monsters were like hundreds of spring thunders, oscillating endlessly, and the huge valley chain was full of danger.

Chu Hao didn't dare to fly, and his body galloped between the mountains for a while, and suddenly twisted the magic formula with his hands while he was running fast, and black air quickly attacked his body, and then his figure quickly disappeared into the original place. The ground, in the blink of an eye, appeared several feet away!

Phantom tactics!

Chu Hao has studied this set of exercises for a long time, and Chen Honghong taught him. Now he can use it, but it is still a little short of time to reach the highest level.But now, for him, being able to teleport such a distance is enough to save his life.

In the past year, Chu Hao also contacted Xu Wenzi once. Of course, Chu Hao's tone was not so friendly, and he scolded the old man who caused him to be trapped here.Xu Wenzi was originally a member of the Demonic Way, and he didn't have much self-cultivation. After scolding Chu Hao, he couldn't take advantage of it, so he simply dropped the cruel words, saying that he would never get out for the rest of his life.

Chu Hao was furious at the time, his spiritual sense was like a needle, and he stimulated Xu Wenzi fiercely. Xu Wenzi was just a weak spiritual sense, so he couldn't compete with Chu Hao who had Chen Honghong.While screaming, he hurriedly begged for mercy. In the subsequent conversation, he was still unwilling to withdraw the monster beast group, and wanted Chu Hao to agree to his conditions.

But this made Chu Hao feel more and more weird, no matter where someone forced someone to learn supernatural powers, Xu Wenzi either had something wrong with his head or had other plans.Chu Hao had already scolded enough, and only because of his hypocrisy and the conversation with the snake, he realized that the secret method of the skin scroll obtained from the Taoist bone pattern was actually left behind by them after they entered the ancient battlefield. It has been six to seventy years since then.

And those words turned out to be the unique words of the magic way of the sixth heaven world.

I don't know where the bone pattern Taoist got this skin scroll. Maybe it was obtained in the Liutian ruins, or maybe someone else got it in the Liutian ruins and was taken away by him in the cave. Cultivation must be supported by magical exercises.

Chu Hao has the technique of transforming form outside the body. Although he is not a pure-bred magic skill, he still has magic energy in his body, so it is not a problem to practice phantom art.As for the following three supernatural powers, Chu Hao couldn't understand them, and Nasu Wenzi didn't translate them for him.

After using the Phantom Art, Chu Hao's speed was astonishingly fast, his body flickered between the mountain peaks, and phantoms flashed by one after another, like ghosts.

Not long after, on a small hillside in the distance, Chu Hao saw a monster walking slowly.It was a large ape with four ears, the fur on its body stood up like sharp edges, its two front feet rested on the ground, its face was ferocious, and it sniffed its nose from time to time, smelling strange smells around it.Its movements are extremely flexible, even though it walks very slowly, its eyeballs are moving extremely nimbly.

This monster is a fourth-tier middle-grade monster!

Chu Hao's spiritual consciousness spread out, so he knew it clearly.In this ghostly place, he killed no less than a hundred fourth-tier high-grade monsters. If this monster was carried into his hands, it would naturally die!

In the distance, there are more than 20 monster beast branches in various places. If there is a battle, it must be resolved quickly.

Chu Hao made the most perfect attack method in his heart, but at this moment, the ape looked at him with big eyes flashing, and sniffed, as if he had discovered something.

No, apes are psychic, extremely sensitive!

When he made a quick decision, Chu Hao snorted coldly. After using the phantom art, his body quickly disappeared in place, and within three breaths, he suddenly appeared behind the monster.The monster turned pale with fright, obviously it didn't expect Chu Hao to have such a ghostly speed!It was about to turn around and open its arms to embrace Chu Hao, but at this moment, Chu Hao's palm was already attached to its pointed hair!

Motivation tactics!

Bang bang bang! ——

With one breath, the combination of nearly sixty moving qi formulas is the result of Chu Hao's hard work!

Originally, it was just a low-level magical power, but now Chu Hao's use of it is not inferior to high-level magical powers!

The monster let out a scream, and with a shrill sound, it was ruthlessly knocked into the air. It flew seven or eight feet into the air in embarrassment. Chu Hao shook his body again, Phantom Art!

Appearing in the sky above the monster this time, the Bolan sword appeared in his hand out of thin air, the true energy in his body circulated, the power of the five elements condensed in his hand, and he slashed down fiercely!Immediately, five or six soil-shaped cones rose abruptly from the ground, poof - they stabbed the four-eared ape viciously!

Unexpectedly, the movement of this monster is not slow, no, it should be said to be very fast!

After being hit by the passive Qi Jue, he felt Chu Hao appearing in the sky above it. The monster's tail quickly rolled away and hooked Chu Hao's neck. He wanted to pull Chu Hao off and put him under him.

How could Chu Hao let it get what it wanted? His face was full of fortitude, and while the magic formula in his hand was flipping, white lights of true energy knocked down its tail, and the flying sword ruthlessly knocked it down from its skull. The monster was in a hurry Pale, the body instantly submerged in the soil cone!

Penetrating, blood flying everywhere!

It was another phantom art, Chu Hao appeared under the monster, received the spell, and ended the life of the four-eared ape who was struggling to get up with a sword, directly took out its inner alchemy, and put it back into the storage bag middle.

Shaking his head, Chu Hao sighed.There was still a discrepancy in the time, originally planned to kill the monster within half a stick of incense, but I didn't expect this ape to be quite difficult to deal with, so it took some more time.Now it seems that the other monsters have been alarmed.

Sure enough, as Chu Hao expected, just after he took away the inner alchemy, before he had time to escape, a two-headed vulture flew down from the sky, and on the ground far away, the sound of rushing footsteps was getting closer and closer, no less than twenty The first monster was running towards Chu Hao at this moment.Chu Hao's face was full of sternness, and his spiritual consciousness radiated out. There was not a fifth-level monster. He immediately licked his chapped lips, and said with a sneer, "Come on, come on, Xiao Wang will accompany you."

After finishing speaking, he let out a wild roar, and the radiance of his swordsmanship was dazzling, and he instantly transformed into six flying swords in the air, bearing the brunt of stabbing at the vultures flying in the sky.

And a lion, beast, and monster arrived first, Chu Hao stomped the ground fiercely, and an earth wall that condensed his true energy appeared out of thin air, blocking it, and then struck out continuously with his hands, bang bang bang——

It took about two breaths before the lion, beast and monster broke through the earth wall, but what greeted it was the dynamic energy art after no less than a hundred combinations, the air flow was like a knife, whizzing towards it.

After fighting guerrilla warfare for so long, Chu Hao is now facing more than 20 monsters. Not only does he have no fear in his heart, but he is full of pride after letting go of his resentment!

Recalling that a year ago, he was still afraid of the fourth-order high-grade monsters here, but now, these monsters can't do five tricks in his hands!The strength of Tianlinggen can be seen!


Come, all come!

Chu Hao exuded a strong aura. Although he was only a junior who had not yet established a foundation, his aura was like that of a monk at the Golden Core stage or even the Nascent Soul stage. He was confident and powerful!

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows coldly, and he hit two monsters one after another. The lion and monster screamed, staggered, and couldn't stand upright. The head fell first, and the two-headed vulture in the sky was also shot by Chu Haofei. The sword fell, but the direction of the fall was exactly where the lion beast was. The two monsters screamed at the same time, collided with each other, and immediately the soil cone rushed out, blood was everywhere.

Without the slightest hesitation or pity on his face, Chu Hao raised his sword and opened his stomach, taking out the inner alchemy of the two monsters.These two low-rank monsters, who are only of the fourth rank, can't survive a single move in Chu Hao's hands!

With the power of moving energy and his extremely proficient sword control, Chu Hao can almost be invincible among the fourth-order monsters!

In the distance, more than 20 monsters surrounded three or four monsters roaring from the sky, and they rushed towards Chu Hao amidst screaming and howling.He stood on this hillside, motionless, his face darkened by the blood-yellow sky, in the flickering blue light, Chu Haobolan sword flew out, and then a blue light flashed, King Kong No.[-] and King Kong No.[-] They appeared on both sides of him respectively.

go with!

The smoke and dust on the ground billowed and oscillated endlessly. The group of monsters approached from far to near. They either bared their teeth or opened their mouths. The bloody air was like the cover of the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth. There seemed to be a crackling and dangerous air in the air. machine!

Chu Hao's eyes turned cold, he didn't dodge or dodge, and then formed seals with both hands, and the energy movement formula roared out!At the same time, Vajra No. [-] and No. [-] on both sides of him were also twirling magic tricks. Flying swords swirled up, forming dozens of flying swords in an instant, and in the flickering light, they attacked Chu Hao left and right. The demon beasts galloped away!

Bang bang bang!

The massive monster attack was Chu Hao's most violent collision since he entered the Five Zong Forbidden Area!

Nearly [-] monsters of different shapes came into contact with Chu Hao at this moment, bloody aura spread in the air, and the crackling sound in the space was like firecrackers and cold thunderous air currents, scattered far away distance!


The state is not good recently, there is only one update.

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