
Chapter 170 1 Nine Years

Although Chu Hao does not know where the source of this mountain spring is, the aura contained in it is not too thin. At least soaking in it to absorb the aura from Dayu wood, or practicing exercises or even healing injuries are all surprisingly better than usual. Effect.

Sensing Chu Hao's entry into the water, the five insect kings in the pool immediately rushed over, rippling in the water, splashing a circle of ripples.Chu Hao nodded their heads and smiled slightly.This cloud-swallowing worm is quite psychic, and it should be the most intelligent of the three kinds of spirit insects. Chu Hao pressed its head, and the cloud-swallowing worm made a chi-chi sound, as if to please it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chu Hao stood up, shook off the water droplets on his body, and then sat down cross-legged.

In the dark cave, white mist rose from Chu Hao's body, like a fairy in the clouds.After running for a few weeks, Chu Hao breathed heavily, and then got up before putting on his robe.

After sucking up the storage bag on the ground, Chu Hao stretched out his hand to pat it, and a Yunling Pill appeared in his hand.

After going through several battles, at this moment Chu Hao began to experience the effects of these four pills.Only at this time can the absorption of the medicinal effect reach the most perfect state of absorption.

Chu Hao adjusted the true energy in his body, pushed the devil energy to one side of the dantian, and then slowly took out the Yunling Pill, and took it.As soon as the Yunling Pill was taken in, Chu Hao felt a burning sensation rising from his throat, like magma from a volcano, churning between his chest and abdomen.

Chu Hao was taken aback. He had such a weird burning feeling before he swallowed the Yunling Pill. If he really took it, wouldn't everyone be burned to death?

Tongue kept licking the Yunling Pill in his mouth, but Chu Hao refused to swallow it for a long time.In the end, I couldn't stand the burning pain in my mouth, so I swallowed it in one breath and ate it in my stomach.

Immediately, after the Yunling Pill entered the intestines, the heat flow instantly divided into several streams, and went everywhere along the meridian, and every time it passed through, it was extremely hot.Chu Hao gritted his teeth and held on until the last few streams of heat flowed into his dantian, turning into a stream of coolness, and the feeling like a heat wave just now was swept away.


Chu Hao was covered in sweat. The feeling just now was even more uncomfortable than when the fire was activated. Now that the pain is over, the coolness melted into the dantian in an instant, and then turned into true energy, which slowly condensed and increased in the meridians. .

Chu Hao let out a muffled roar. He didn't dare to be negligent in the current situation, and immediately began to operate the exercises. The "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique" was operating in the body, and then gathered in the entire dantian, and then slowly walked around, taking the Yunling Pill The huge spiritual energy in it was completely transformed into true energy.

"As expected, it is a fourth-grade pill."

Chu Hao thought to himself, he was also a little surprised.After taking this Yunling Pill, true energy really began to flow rapidly, and every little bit of kung fu operation was a little bit of concentration and increase.

Until the end, the aura of those Yunling Pills finally swallowed up Chu Hao's body and fused together.

It took about half an hour to run around the sky, and Chu Hao opened his eyes. The light in his eyes pierced the darkness at this moment, and the milky white beam of light disappeared in an instant.

Chu Hao's heart was filled with joy. It would have taken several hours to digest the Yunling Pill, but Chu Hao's physique was different. At this moment, it had been diluted to seventy-eight eighty-eight, and the body's true energy began to surge. Chu Hao Rinse again and start working.It took a little longer this time, about ten hours and nearly a day later, before Chu Hao opened his eyes and got up.

He moved his body stiffly, and after looking inside, his face was full of joy, "The peak of the third level of Qi training!" When a Yunling Pill went down, all the remaining spiritual energy in Chu Hao's body was mobilized. No need to refine it anymore, just turn it into true qi. At this moment, Chu Hao is only one step away from the fourth floor of the innate!

"Yun Ling Pill is really powerful. If it can be revived in batches, it would be unimaginable." Chu Hao thought to himself, and couldn't help thinking of Liu Li and others. Now that he has been away for a year, he doesn't know Duo Rui Has there been any change in the city, what is the current situation in Sanxie Pass, and whether the crumbling tree of King Father in the court can continue to support it.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao sighed. From the storage bag, he slowly took out the soft hedgehog armor, and gently pressed it against his chest.Sitting in the cave, while closing eyes, while breathing, let the time flow.

After a long time, Chen Honghong said slowly: "Okay brat, don't be pretentious, take out the inner alchemy, since the effect of Yunling pill is so good, I am more confident in the chance of resurrection now."

Chu Hao smiled lightly and said, "Let me rest for a while."

In his mind, he suddenly recalled that beautiful rainbow on the edge of the cliff, which stretched between the sky and the earth. It was so beautiful and thrilling. The phrase "Forgetting each other in the rivers and lakes" will never be forgotten.

In the pitch-black cave, there was no sound, and the roar of monsters outside had nothing to do with Chu Hao.After sitting for an unknown amount of time, Chu Hao gritted his teeth and put away the soft hedgehog, then stood up and came to the hall.

Pointing out with two fingers, he carved three gas marks on the stone wall of the hall, and then sat cross-legged.He muttered something in his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to move, only to see the Hunyuan Cauldron appearing in mid-air in the midst of the blue light.

"Let's get started. To become stronger."

Chu Hao took a deep breath, and finally said slowly.

Voice, firm.


In the Five Zong Forbidden Land, Chu Hao had already forgotten the time, and could not feel the passage of time. He repeated every day, refining alchemy, refining insects, eating alchemy, and cultivating... From his birth to the present, he was in the fifth heaven. When casting the door, because he knew that he had no spiritual roots, he had never worked so hard.

Many times, it is difficult for people to generate motivation when there is no pressure.

As for Chu Hao's motivation, apart from revenge, Lin Yue'er was also there.

His pressure comes from the constant threat of death.

Because of Chen Honghong's restriction, Chu Hao is safe in this cave for the time being, except for Chu Hao's sixth-level monsters, and those monsters below the sixth level can't feel the existence of the cave at all, and naturally they can't feel it. Chu Hao is cultivating and undergoing his transformation.

Outside the karst cave in the entire pitch-black valley, after an unknown number of years, a small formation formed by a few more stones appeared, with three low-grade spirit stones in the middle of which were placed dimly and shimmering.Although this formation seems simple, the aura contained in it is huge. If someone who is proficient in formation checks here, he will definitely find that there are no less than ten circuitous complex formations and more than 20 illusion formations in this formation. .

So many formations are used together without repetition or conflict, from complex to simple, it is really ingenious and unique.I'm afraid that any monk who is proficient in formations or a master of formations will be amazed when they see it.

After all, it is not difficult to know the principle, but it is even more difficult to do it.There is such a formation, at least if the monks in the Jindan stage discover it, it can last for an hour without breaking.

Of course, if the practicability of this formation is very strong, if you want to make it larger and use a middle-grade spirit stone as the eye of the formation, at least a third-level golden core monk will not be able to break it.

This formation has been placed here six years ago, and it has been revised hundreds of times during this period before it has the current appearance.

On the other hand, in the stone hall of the cave, the walls were already densely engraved with an unknown number of air marks, and at the back, it was almost the same depth, covering the air marks engraved long ago.

In the pool of water, the water gurgled, and a centipede that stretched more than six feet slowly emerged.Its body was black and blue, its legs were squirming, and when it slowly climbed out, water drops dripped from its head from time to time. With its pair of ghostly black eyes, you could see the black light even in the darkness.

chi chi chi...

The flying centipede sprayed out a stream of poisonous gas, tearing through the darkness and spraying towards the rock wall of the cave.Not long after, another burst of bubbles rose from the surface of the water, and three cloud swallowing insect kings flew out in an instant. They opened their densely packed mouths, and gradually swallowed the poisonous gas into their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, another flying centipede emerged from the water. Its body was softer and more shiny than the previous flying centipede.I saw its tail wrapping around the former's body slowly. At the end of the tail, there was even a long shining stinger, stained with water droplets, which was extremely clear.

It stabbed its stinger fiercely into the wall beside it, and immediately after that, more than ten Bone Eater Kings flew over from the hall, and the buzzing sound echoed in the surrounding space.I saw that the wall after being pierced by the sting needle began to show a softening posture, and the crackling sound continued, as if the entire valley was about to collapse.

The bone-eating insect kings screamed a few times, and then got into the wall. Not long after, the flying centipede retracted its tail, took out the stinger, and when the bone-eating insect kings slowly flew out, those walls unexpectedly changed again. Get as hard as before.

You must know that bone-eating insects are extremely destructive spirit insects. Although they are only low-level spirit insects, the power of the insect king should not be underestimated. insect.

But as a spirit insect that only destroys, devours bone marrow, and kills without blood, it is really shocking that it can reverse the way at this moment and restore the hardness and originality of the wall that is about to decay!

This simply surpassed the principle of spirit insects and all things, but it was performed against the sky!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no monk will believe that in addition to destroying corrosion, bone-eating insects can also re-condense matter!

These spirit insect kings were flying slowly in the sub-caves of the cave, and the small space was filled with muffled insect sounds.

And in the hall, in the space that had been silent for a long time, suddenly there was a figure flickering, and there was a slight sound of piercing through the air. With the rapid flickering of the figure, it appeared in the cave in the blink of an eye. middle.This person's beard is already extremely long, his hair is unkempt, and he can't see clearly.

But he was extremely tall and strong, and his naked eyes were as bright as morning stars.

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