
Chapter 171

Blood rained, and a disgusting aura reverberated in the air. Within two breaths, the attack of the first wave of monsters collapsed in an instant, and all of them became the souls of Chu Hao's sword!


Chu Hao took a deep breath, and the 49 flying swords in the air were full of light. The Bolan Sword emitted an astonishing blue light, containing a faintly visible earth-yellow light. Incisively and vividly!

The whole process was just as Chu Hao said, within two breaths of the monster beast attacking, all the monster beasts that attacked in the first wave were killed by him, not more than a little!Minced meat and blood were scattered all over the top of the mountain, and the smell was ten miles away.

After finishing all this, Chu Hao let out a loud roar, and the flying swords returned to their respective positions in the formation again. In the brilliance, the phantom was not heavy, and the four avatars looked solemn, with black energy lingering, and evil energy radiating layer upon layer in the space. middle.

"What's going on now?" Chu Hao stretched out his hand and put all the inner alchemy into the storage bag. Although there are some low-level monster inner alchemy that he doesn't need now, if he leaves the Liutian Ruins, he still uses them. Got it.

Facing Chu Hao's question, Chen Honghong snorted, and said, "Don't be complacent, brat, look at those fifth-level top-rank monsters coming soon, and see how you deal with them."

"I'm not what I used to be today, and I'm carrying a Hunyuan cauldron, so I'm still afraid of them! Even if I break them one by one, I won't back down!" Chu Hao was full of arrogance, and he laughed loudly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, coldly He said coldly, "That Kui Niu chased me down eight years ago, and now it's time to clear my face!"


Following Chu Hao's words, he saw more and more monsters rushing towards him from a distance. Chu Hao laughed wildly, and the roaring sound was endless in his ears, as if he was in a space like lightning and thunder, which made people instantly shattered .

At a glance, the monsters are undulating in the mountains, covering the sky and covering the earth, with no end in sight.

The second wave of monster attacks came again, and Chu Hao's flying sword began to dance again at this moment. The Kanshui sword array is indestructible, and anyone who comes will die. For all monsters of the fourth rank, there is no monster with this sword A combination of tricks!

About a quarter of an hour after the massacre, the attacks of the monsters began to gather gradually, and they also felt fear. Chu Hao's killing method made them startled. At this moment, the monsters in front slowed down amidst the roars. Slowly stopped all four hooves, even the birds and monsters in the air hovered in mid-air, refusing to dive and attack again!

In a short period of time, Chu Hao killed two hundred monsters. The flying swords were already covered with blood, and each one projected a horrible horror.This group of fierce monsters who only knew how to attack and go crazy, were also shocked by Chu Hao's cruelty and flinched!





Twelve top-grade fifth-order monsters suddenly roared at the same time at the same time. Around Chuhao Mountain, those restless monsters seemed to be even more frightened. Chu Hao at the top, and then turned his head to look at his companions in the distance, and finally seemed to be going all out, splashing smoke and dust!

Bang bang bang bang!

Chu Hao blasted out the Storm Curse, and six dragon-shaped whirlwinds rose up from the ground at this moment, and from every place around the rock where the monsters were rushing, one rose up, bursting out of the ground with a crackling sound. The dragon-shaped whirlwind pierced through the sky, and the huge power was about 20 feet. Amid the screams of the monsters, their bodies were suddenly swept into the sky by the storm, and their bodies spun rapidly, like ground meat. , was pierced by the powerful magic power in the storm, two parts of his body were pierced, and his limbs were torn apart.

The Storm Curse is really powerful!

Although Chu Hao practiced this mantra no less than [-] times when he was in the cave, using it now still made him a little scared.Its power really exceeded his imagination.

Up to now, "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Skill" has only reached the fifth level. Since Chu Hao's "External Body Transformation Technique" relies on the practice of magic energy, "Zi Xian Gong" can no longer be used as a health cultivation skill. As a supplement, Chu Hao needs to build a foundation at least to reach the sixth floor, and the Storm Curse and Kanshui Sword Art are one of the magical powers he has learned in the past nine years.

Of course, it is precisely because of his physique that the casting of the Storm Curse and its power after he is proficient is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary people, and the Storm Curse can set off ten to twenty gusts of wind at most, Chu Hao Now he can use ten strokes, and this feeling does not have any sense of stagnation at all. I believe that twenty winds will definitely not be his limit.

Accompanied by the storm curse soaring into the sky, the flying swords of the four avatars also quickly assembled and dispersed at this moment, and then with the Bran sword as the leader, 49 flying swords were stacked one after another in the midst of the brilliance in the sky, forming a continuous formation. A sword snake that looks like a dragon snake, with the sound of metal swishing and the sound of true energy breaking through the air, it shuttles between the six storms at an extremely fast speed!

This scene can no longer be described as killing, but a kind of misery!

The monsters had no power to resist, and they never thought that this human being who didn't even build a foundation, and whose aura never threatened him at all, could be so powerful to such an unbelievable level!

cuckoo cuckoo-

A toad-like monster with a huge body wanted to use its venom to break through the rotting flying swords in the storm, but just as it moved, one of the flying swords seemed to react, and instantly pulled away from the middle of the sword snake. When it came out, the humming movement pierced through the hard skin of the toad monster, pus and blood splashed, and died tragically on the spot!

And a deer beast is also struggling to leave, roaring repeatedly, because it is a top-rank fourth-order monster with a relatively strong cultivation base, and it is considered the strongest among these monsters.Trapped in the storm at this moment, seeing flying swords approaching in clusters, it dashed in mid-air in horror, knocking down many monsters that were lower than it, but still failed to break free, and was rushed towards dozens of monsters. The flying swords pierced through the stomach one after another, and the scene was extremely bloody.


Things like this happened one after another among the monsters. Those fifth-level monsters seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding. Among the monsters attacking Chu Hao at this moment, none of the monsters was of the fifth level. The strange beasts in the sky were also hovering constantly, but they didn't attack.

More and more monsters died. In just half an hour, the entire mountains, slopes, valleys, peaks and sky visible to the naked eye were densely packed with monsters, which made people feel chills.

As for Chu Hao, under the mountain peak, the bleak blood made people's eyes hurt. Chu Hao's true anger eased, and he felt a little out of breath. The two palms were slapped upwards, and then slapped forwards. The power of the several movement moves was terrifying, and all the remains of the corpses were knocked down the mountain!

He took out a Golden Sun Pill, and after Chu Hao swallowed it, the mental method in his body circulated, and the true qi circulated rapidly in the meridians around the sky, generating supplemental true qi for the dantian silk.Although he was a little exhausted, there was no serious problem on Chu Hao's face. The four avatars collided diagonally, and the flying swords scattered in the air in panic.


Chu Hao took a deep breath, and pulled his right hand towards the rear, the six storms dissipated instantly, revealing the hideous scenery below. "Eh?", Chu Hao let out a sigh, but saw that the monsters that came after him stopped moving at the foot of the mountain, as if they were waiting for something, but those eyes were full of blood and ferocity. Staring at himself, like a snake spitting out letters, killing every inch, Chu Hao also felt a little uncomfortable.

There are at least [-] monsters here, [-]% of the third-tier monsters, [-]% of the fourth-tier monsters, and less than [-]% of the fifth-tier monsters.All over the mountains and plains, covering the sky.

Chu Hao didn't feel anything just now, but now that he was bathed in blood, his passion, pride and resentment were almost vented, and he felt that the monsters seemed to be not so stupid to rush forward, and Chu Hao would not be so stupid as to fight against so many by himself. monster.At that moment he calmed down, and then he laughed loudly, the flying sword circled in the air, gathering his true energy, and said loudly:

"Why, conquered by Lao Tzu's handsomeness? How about this, you kill all those fifth-order monsters, and Lao Tzu can consider accepting you as younger brothers, and then follow Lao Tzu to leave this hellish place. How about Stinky Niubi giving you a supper?"


All the monsters of the fifth rank roared wildly. Among all the monsters, only those above the fifth rank possessed spiritual intelligence. Only they could understand Chu Hao's words.

How can this kind of provocation be tolerated by the most high-end monsters standing here? The moment Chu Hao finished speaking, the monsters were excited, thunder burst, and the three-headed fifth-level monster in the sky The beast swooped down, thunderbolts of lightning, water waves, and vigor charged at Chu Hao on the top of the mountain without mercy!

Chu Hao snorted coldly, and said: "I don't know what's good and what's wrong, you are such stupid little brothers, I would be ashamed to take you out!" After that, he had no fear on his face, and amidst wild laughter, he put all his avatars into the Hunyuan cauldron, and then , a blue light flashed on his chest, and his spiritual consciousness covered the sky, instantly dividing the strength of the three monsters.

Two low-rank monsters and one middle-rank fifth-rank monster!

If it was eight years ago, he would have died without a doubt. He would not be able to resist this wave of attacks!

But now, he has enough confidence!

At this moment, no less than a hundred runes flashed around Chu Hao, and a small cauldron slowly rose out of his chest, and the blue light enveloped him extremely dazzlingly.

Hun Yuan Ding!

Chu Hao's complexion gradually became serious, and his robe and hair were blown by the strong wind. Immediately afterwards, with his arms outstretched, he supported the Hunyuan Cauldron and lifted it upwards fiercely!


The runes swirled around quickly. In the golden light, they seemed to be infused with life. They began to combine one by one, and the speed was unbelievably fast!In the end, the hundred runes formed a huge golden rune before the monster attacked. Chu Hao's face turned pale, and then his hands formed a handprint, pointing his middle finger toward the sky, and hit the center of the rune!


Chu Hao spat out this word heavily!

Following his low and muffled roar, Hunyuan Ding groaned heavily, becoming three or four times the size, and the huge rune circled clockwise, overflowing with violent golden light, Dao attacks covered all of them, clearly forming an ancient glyph of "Ba" in the air!

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