
Chapter 173 Su Wenzi's Compromise

Entering the mountain range, the sound of the monsters galloping became more and more intense, the whole earth was shaken one after another, the mountain peak was crumbling, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

The seven-headed fifth-rank top-grade monsters below the most powerful natural place screamed loudly. After Chu Hao's series of play, they were already furious, and at this moment they gave full play to Chu Hao's pursuit.

Winding around in a circle among the mountain peaks, Chu Hao seemed to be pulling the string of a kite, followed by a large group of monsters. Amid the sound of galloping, Chu Hao released several bone-eating insect kings.There were vibrations one after another in the air, and the buzzing insect kings raged downward, attacking some monsters behind.

Although the bone-eating worm's spirit insect level is not high, it is a spirit insect of the worm king level. After going down, several worm kings attack the monsters together, and instantly penetrate into the body of a fourth-level monster among.

After the Bone Eater King entered the body of the monster, the running monster began to tremble uncontrollably, staggered like flying hooves, leaned forward and fell to the ground!Then a disgusting scene appeared, in less than two breaths, its flesh began to rot gradually, slowly revealing the cold white bones, blood flowing, under the painful eyes of the monster In the end, only a bunch of skeletons remained of the huge body!

The bones were still stained with traces of blood and minced meat that had not been corroded.


Three bone-eating worm kings flew out from the center of the monster's ribs, and then attacked another monster.

When Chu Hao fled to the valley to hide, the bone-eating worm kings had already swallowed six or seven monsters. Chu Hao turned his head and looked at it, and couldn't help sighing: "Damn it, the inner alchemy is just a piece of cake!" Such a waste..."

The terrain of the valley was complicated, and it was difficult for Chu Hao to suffer substantial damage while driving the Hunyuan Ding. Except for the five top-grade monsters in the sky that day, it was difficult for the rest of the monsters to attack him.

Half an hour later, Chu Hao went back and forth three times in the direction of the mountain peaks and the plain. Among them, the Cloud Swallowing Insect King and the Bone-eating Insect King appeared one after another, killing no less than a hundred monsters.And at this moment, the monsters finally sensed that something was wrong. One of the monkey-shaped monsters of the fifth rank high-rank roared, turned back, stopped chasing Chu Hao, and went back to the plain.

Seeing this scene, Chu Hao's eyes froze immediately, and he looked in the direction where the giant devil tortoise was.

It was discovered!

Chu Hao ate three Golden Sun Pills in a row, and sat on the Hunyuan Cauldron. Although his speed did not decrease, he had already driven the Bone Eater Dynasty to fly over with it.The bone-eating worm king had already struggled to fight against the fifth-rank middle-rank monsters, and it was impossible to defeat the top-rank monsters at this moment, so he could only delay and delay.I saw the four-eyed monkey slapping its claws, knocking a flying bone-eating worm into the air, bared its teeth and hissed a few times, and immediately the monsters beside it seemed to understand what it said, and they all stopped. , turned his head and rushed towards the plain.The bone-eating insect screamed loudly, unable to resist it, it could only fly into the air.

Chu Hao gritted his teeth, and sacrificed the cloud-swallowing worm to resist the monster.The four-eyed monkey was quite spiritual. Knowing that Chu Hao was trying to harass him, he didn't pay any attention to it. With his body and sharp claws, he knocked all the spirit insects away, landed on all fours, and moved quickly!


The moment Chu Hao was distracted, the speed of Hunyuan Ding also slowed down, the monsters in the air found an opportunity, and countless magic attacks swept towards him overwhelmingly.Bang, bang, bang—the sound of strong impact was endless, and the Hunyuan Ding's shield was continuously dropped by the attack of the monster for a distance of several feet. go down.

"Damn it!" Chu Hao's eyes flashed fiercely, looking at the monster in the sky, the Bolan sword flew out of the storage bag.With a flash of blue light, Chu Hao drove the flying sword to perform the flying sword technique, and six brilliant flying swords formed in the air, facing the four-eyed monster in the air.

Puff puff!

With a snort, the high-grade monster ignored Chu Hao's attack, and swept its tail back into the air. With a series of clanging sounds, Chu Hao's flying sword was instantly hit by the monster. fly!

Chu Hao's body shook, he slapped Hunyuanding around him, his speed gradually slowed down, and then he passed away towards the plain!Absorbing the magic energy is now a critical moment. Whether the clone can become more powerful depends on the abundance of magic energy. Naturally, he can't let these monsters make trouble and make his plan fall short.

The innate qi continuously leaked out from both palms, Chu Hao was distracted, and the speed of the Hunyuan cauldron suddenly began to accelerate again, the ball of light raged, knocking into the air a group of monsters blocking the way.But even so, Chu Hao was also injured all over by the spells of the monsters. As soon as he recalled the Bolan sword in the air, Chu Hao exuded a compelling true energy. The monsters below swept away.

Bone-eating worms and cloud-swallowing worms can't stop the running of high-grade monsters at all, but if they release the self-destructive worm king, they are not sure whether they can stop the four-eyed monkey monster.

Therefore, Chu Hao's flying sword kept harassing the monsters around it, while the spirit insect kings attacked the monsters around it.The cloud-swallowing worm is really powerful, as long as the magic attacks are not too powerful, they will be swallowed by its mouth, and then open another mouth to bounce back the attack.

Although it weakened a lot, it also made those monsters flustered and their hooves overturned.Following a series of collision sounds, many monsters were tortured by the spirit beasts and collided together, and the scene once again became chaotic.

But these are not the most important, the key is to wait for half an hour, let the four clones and the flying centipede completely absorb the magic energy of the giant tortoise.Right now, the fifth-rank high-grade monsters are the biggest problem.

Every time Feijian attacked, he was knocked away by the four-eyed monkey monster, and every time he was knocked into the air, Chu Hao, who had sensed it, trembled once.In the end, the monster was tirelessly troubled by Feijian, and stopped suddenly, with a startling white light blooming from its sharp claws, and touched Feijian with a "pong", sparks shot up all over the place, and Chu Hao almost fell on the Hunyuan cauldron Going down, he managed to barely control the Bran sword and pulled it upwards, stabilizing his figure.But there was a shock in his chest.

It really won't work if you want to rely on your true energy to resist high-grade monsters!

Even if Chu Hao casts the Storm Curse and Hunyuanding's "tyrant" motto, he may be able to stop the monsters, but as a price, he will consume all the true energy in his body. He still has two Concentrating Star Frost Pills, Although there are enough Jinyang pills, but without true energy, the cave is destroyed, and he can no longer fight against the monsters for a long time!

Being blocked by the four-eyed monster monkey again, Chu Hao's true energy appeared temporarily stagnant and disordered. He barely controlled himself to calm down. Chu Hao drew the flying sword again, and then drove the Hunyuan cauldron to gradually grow bigger in the air, brilliant In the radiant light, Chu Hao didn't dare to use his own cultivation to face the high-grade monsters head-on.

I saw the Hunyuan cauldron rumbling, tearing through the void, and the fierce and scorching air flow rolled in, knocking away the surrounding monsters in an instant, and then smashed down on the four-eyed monsters in the air!

As if feeling the extraordinaryness of this attack, the four-eyed monster finally stopped for the first time, looked up into the air, its eyes were full of surprise, and then turned into scarlet blood, squeaked out. With a sound, he squatted on his hind legs, then kicked hard, and raised his hand towards the Hunyuan Ding in the sky!

It actually wants to have a head-to-head encounter with Hunyuan Ding!

Chu Hao believed in the material of Hunyuan Ding, so he was naturally not afraid. Instead, he accelerated his speed, his eyes were firm!

It would be the best if this monster can be killed right away!

The two streams of air finally converged in the air, and only heard "bang!—boom—"

A heaven-shattering sound suddenly erupted in mid-air, cutting off a large circle of ripples created by the airflow, and spreading towards the surroundings.The Spirit Insect King and some birds and monsters chasing after him shook off a long distance, and immediately flew wildly, screaming, and a messy scene appeared in the air.

The fog suddenly rose all around, and the thunder-like boom lasted for about two breaths. As the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the four-eyed monster seemed to be unharmed except for some fur on its hands. It landed on the ground, shook its body, and grinned fiercely into the air.

On the other hand, there was no Hunyuan Ding in the air, and Chu Hao was sent flying more than 30 feet into the air. His expression was extremely painful and ugly, and a thin layer of aura exuded around his body, which barely protected him. the key.

Hunyuan Ding was automatically withdrawn from the body during the attack just now, this is something Chu Hao has never encountered before!It seems that without the avatar and the flying centipede, it is indeed difficult for him to fight against the fifth-rank top-rank monsters on his own.Adjusting the innate qi scurrying in his body, Chu Hao looked at the monsters roaring around, taking advantage of the chaos, finally took a deep breath, and roared in the air: "Chen Honghong, I leave this to you Already!"

After all, the spirit insect kings flew towards him one after another. The moment they took away the spirit insects, two fifth-rank high-grade monsters suddenly arrived. Using magic to attack, he attacked Chu Hao fiercely in the form of melee combat!



Two high-pitched chirping sounds sounded. Their huge bodies spread their wings high, and instantly completely covered Chu Hao who had no support and balance in the air!

Followed by more than a dozen middle-rank fifth-rank monsters, their dense feathers and roars engulfed Chu Hao's figure, and a strong stream of spells rose up in the air.At this moment, the monsters who had found the opportunity almost left no room for each attack, rumble rumble——

Explosions sounded wave after wave without stopping, and there was no gap in the incomparably gorgeous brilliance!

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