
Chapter 174

Xu Wenzi knew that what Chen Honghong said was the truth, his voice was silent for a while, and then he said: "Then what will happen, will Fellow Daoist be willing to stop absorbing demonic energy?"

From Your Excellency to Fellow Daoist, this Xu Wenzi's changing address invisibly recognized the strength of Chen Honghong and Chu Hao.I no longer feel domineering, but rather begging for mercy.

"How do you know this is the Hunyuan Ding?" Chen Honghong didn't rush to answer his words, but asked rhetorically.

But Xu Wenzi said: "Fellow Daoist, this is indeed the Hunyuan Ding, one of the top five auxiliary magic weapons among psychic magic weapons." After a pause, he controlled his tone, and said: "It seems that Fellow Daoist must be Master of refining, I have heard people describe the magic weapon of Hunyuan Ding. The golden liquid it can provide is a treasure that many high-level monks covet. And the production of this golden liquid does not rely on Hunyuan The cauldron itself, but the ten fierce beasts are sealed in the Hunyuan cauldron, and it is only with their energy that they can continuously produce the crazy golden liquid."

"You know quite a lot." Chen Honghong smiled coldly and said, "It's the appearance of Taotie that made you guess?"

"Not really." Xu Wenzi proudly said: "This Hunyuan cauldron has disappeared in the Nine Heavens World for thousands of years, even when I didn't enter the extraterritorial starry sky, I never saw it. With a fierce beast, it can't explain the problem."

"Oh? Then tell me." Chen Honghong said with interest.

"Hey... If I'm not mistaken, this body has more than one consciousness. You are not the person I talked to last time... You——should be the spirit of this Primordial Cauldron." Xu Wenzi suddenly He took a breath, laughed a few times, and suddenly said: "Don't rush to refute me, if you are not a weapon spirit, your spiritual consciousness cannot be so strong. Although the space of this monk's spiritual consciousness is huge, it is not It might imprison me too."

Chen Honghong fell silent when she heard the words, but several thoughts quickly turned in her mind.He originally thought that it was impossible for this remnant consciousness to feel his existence under his seal, but he didn't expect that he would feel two different consciousnesses, and even guessed his identity.

This Xu Wenzi is really not simple.

Although it was exposed, Chen Honghong was not in a hurry to tell the truth, but smiled lightly: "Are you so sure? Are you sure that I am the spirit of Hunyuanding?"

"Every psychic magic weapon has a consciousness. The innate psychic magic weapon like Hunyuan Ding has much higher spiritual intelligence than ordinary acquired ones. You can create a barrier of spiritual consciousness and bind my spiritual consciousness. , it is because of your strong spiritual intelligence." Xu Wen said: "Fellow Daoist, we are wise and don't speak dark words, you are a weapon spirit, you can't hide this from me."

"Since you can see it, then I won't beat around the bush with you." Chen Honghong's voice gradually became condensed, and said: "Yes, I am the weapon spirit of the Hunyuan Cauldron. After living for so many years, you want me to stop absorbing magic energy and your tone is so panic, it is impossible that the giant tortoise has nothing to do with you. Xu Wenzi, before this, you told my host that you practiced the eight secret arts, which can be used continuously. Absorbing the giant tortoise's demon energy, but now it is about to absorb it, and it looks like this, inconsistent."

Xu Wenzi said: "Fellow Taoist, stop absorbing that clone first, and I will tell you about it."

Chen Honghong said with a smile: "I don't have much time to create the formation, and you must be able to see it. Do you think I'm an idiot, or do you think I'm really afraid of those monsters under my feet? As long as I last this time, wait for my host demon With great accomplishments and the addition of the flying centipede, are you still afraid of these monsters?"

"Then what if it's a sixth-level monster!" Xu Wenzi said coldly: "In this five-vertical forbidden area, there are still three sixth-level low-level monsters that were not exterminated at that time. With the Primordial Cauldron, is there any chance of winning?"

Chen Honghong was startled by Xu Wenzi's words, but then calmed down and said, "Who are you fooling?"

After waiting for a long time, Xu Wenzi didn't speak, but at this moment, Chen Honghong's spiritual consciousness felt three auras rising from different directions one after another, and after only a while, he fell silent again.The aura soared into the sky, covering the entire mountain group intensely, like a dark cloud covering it in the blink of an eye, and then passing away in the blink of an eye, Chen Honghong's face suddenly changed.

"Friend Daoist, do you believe my words now?" Xu Wenzi's voice rang out wearily.

Chen Honghong didn't speak, but was extremely shocked in her heart.This Xu Wenzi is possessed in the fragment of the treasure, and he is able to drive the monsters, how did he do it?Or, is there any essential connection between him and the giant tortoise? !

It should be driven by the giant tortoise!

Chen Honghong guessed in his heart that although Chu Hao had been fighting with monsters for so long, if the Four King Kong clones and the flying centipede were counted, the outcome of the fight against the fifth-level top-rank monsters was uncertain, and if the sixth-level monsters appeared, what would happen? Absolutely at stake.

Although Chen Honghong was concerned, she would not tell Xu Wenzi so easily, nor would she compromise easily.Since Xu Wenzi was so nervous about the devilish giant tortoise, he and Chu Hao had the absolute upper hand in this matter.

After thinking about it, Chen Honghong said calmly: "Even if it is a sixth-level monster, if you don't want to say it now, then I will continue to absorb the magic energy regardless of the sixth-level monster. Since you know the Primordial Cauldron, then You should know that there is not only Taotie but an ancient beast sealed here, if I can release Taotie, then other beasts are also possible!"

Xu Wenzi's voice was choked, and then fell silent.

The surroundings were quiet. Although the communication between Chen Honghong and Xu Wenzi seemed to take a lot of time, it was all carried out in the space of spiritual consciousness. To the outside world, it was only a moment at this moment.

There is less than a quarter of an hour!

Chen Honghong knew how long the trapped dragon formation would last. With Chu Hao's current cultivation and four low-grade spirit stones, it was the limit to reach an hour.At this moment, if it can be held for 1 minute, it is 1 minute. As long as the giant tortoise can't cry for help, with the power of the formation, the monsters in this forbidden area will not be able to feel its danger!


Chen Honghong saw that Taotie was being attacked by several top-rank monsters and retreated steadily. At this moment, only twelve top-rank fifth-rank monsters remained. The faction, and Taotie fought again and again.

Taotie's phantom also couldn't last much longer, Chen Honghong gave up the idea of ​​letting Chu Hao take the place of her body, re-infused gold liquid into Taotie, and waited for Xu Wenzi's answer.

A golden light shot out from Chen Honghong's fingertips and sank into the top of Taotie's head. Immediately, as before, Taotie let out a wild roar, and started to run wild again!After being stimulated by the monster this time, Taotie's attack was even more relentless, and considering the issue of time, Chen Honghong's order to Taotie was to kill as much as he could, only attacking but not defending!

Anyway, the low-level monsters couldn't really kill this ominous beast phantom, Taotie went crazy, the surrounding low-level monsters couldn't resist, and after a while, a series of fifth-level monsters and fourth-level monsters were killed. He swallowed it with a big gulp, and turned it into the food in Taotie's belly. The battle situation that had started to tilt changed rapidly at this moment.

Chen Honghong closed his eyes, the fragment of the treasure still floating in front of him.

During this tedious waiting, Xu Wenzi didn't have much time, and he didn't have much time either, because not counting the problem of gold liquid, it was that it took so long to unlock the seal before his own strength was insufficient. For the seal on it, it is a huge impact!

Whether it will cause sequelae is also what Chen Honghong is worried about.

And at this time, Xu Wenzi in the space of spiritual consciousness finally spoke slowly, this time his voice was even weaker, and said: "Friend Daoist, you won the bet, I can't afford to lose."

Chen Honghong was overjoyed, but her voice remained calm, and said calmly: "This is not a gamble, it's just a proposal. If you don't agree, I won't lose either. If you agree, I may not win. "

"No, you won..." Xu Wenzi's voice was full of bitterness: "If you really absorb the magic energy, then I will disappear, my soul will disappear, and I will not even be able to enter reincarnation, and disappear forever in the Nine Heavens middle."

Chen Honghong was a little surprised when he heard the words, but still smiled and said: "That is just the illusion of the spiritual consciousness of your spirit beast, supported by your skill, even if you absorb all the magic energy and consume it, it will only affect your cultivation base, and it will not affect your cruelty." What's the disadvantage of the soul?"

Xu Wenzi sighed, hesitated for a while, and then said: "After I say it, I hope you will keep your promise, fellow daoist, and stop absorbing magic energy, and I will also let the monsters leave."

With a cold snort, Chen Honghong said: "I don't want to repeat what I said before for the second time. I am the weapon spirit of the Hunyuan Cauldron. Do you think I am a low-level monk? Even if you are in front of you. I don’t even care about it.”

Hearing that Chen Honghong was so tough, Xu Wenzi could only say: "That's all. Fellow Daoist, then I will be honest with you. In fact, I deceived him and concealed some things in what I said to your host earlier. .”

"whats the matter."

"Although I am indeed from the sixth heaven, and I am indeed a disciple of the Pure Yin Palace, my name is not Xu Wenzi, and I am not one of the six pure Yin Palace demons with great supernatural powers. It is even... I Like you, I am not human..." Xu Wenzi's voice sounded slowly.

Chen Honghong seemed to have thought of something, forced herself to suppress the shock in her heart, and pretended to sneer, "What do you mean by that? Do you want to clear your identity? Then what you said about the eight secret arts is also a lie ? You are not a human being, so what are you? Is the spirit of your destroyed psychic magic weapon?"

"No, it's not. I am a descendant of the Xuanwu clan of spirit beasts, that is, the former soul of the giant tortoise you saw. My name is Taiyin..."

Xu Wenzi, oh no, it should be Taiyin, his voice was full of bitterness.

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