
Chapter 179

This roar was earth-shattering, shaking endlessly over the entire sea area, and reaching the ears of every monk!

"I finally came out!?"

Who is so arrogant, so many monks in the Foundation Establishment stage dare to yell so loudly?Could it be - another powerful monk came out of the ruins?Several thoughts quickly turned in everyone's minds. When they saw the black shadow rushing out of the restricted turbulent lightning and knocked the old man with a skull into the air, their faces were full of astonishment and shock!

A monk in the foundation building period was knocked into the air like this? !

Above the ruins, the gap torn by the great swords of Ziyouhu's six-person formation began to close gradually, and the phantoms of the six flying swords gradually disappeared in the air, the clouds converged, and their brilliance faded.The face of the sleepwalker in the middle changed, and he turned his eyes quickly to midair, watching the black shadow flying out, and then snorted coldly: "Just now, the old man felt a breath rushing out, as expected!"

After saying that, he yelled loudly, and the other five people in Ziyou Lake shouted loudly. The phantoms of the six flying swords alternated. film!

"Did I come to the wrong place? There are so many Niubi, is this a cattle ranch or is Niubi in charge now?"

Faced with this power, the black figure suddenly burst out laughing, the black energy on his body rose, and a huge centipede with a winding length of no less than sixteen feet appeared out of nowhere in the black air!The centipede's two teeth spread out, chi-chi-chi, its body covered with black ash, gloomy, its hundred-legged wriggling, full of a sense of evil.

As soon as the centipede appeared, it turned around in the air, and then opened its mouth to spit out a stream of saliva at the attacking blue light!

Puff puff--

When the blue light encountered the saliva of the flying centipede in the air, it was instantly corroded, and within two breaths, it was completely melted away, and it disappeared without a trace after only advancing an inch or two. Keep.

Mengyouzi and other people in Ziyou Lake were all shocked.This is the first time they have encountered this weird scene.Although the formation is no longer as powerful as it was at the moment due to breaking the restriction of the ruins, but with the strength of six people, how can it be resisted so easily!

Mengyouzi stared at the centipede for a while, then suddenly remembered something, his face changed, and said: "Flying centipede! The poisonous flying centipede!" His voice trembled like never before, obviously he recognized the flying centipede. Centipede, extremely afraid of it!

Accompanied by his words, the faces of the five monks including Zi Youhu were stunned at the same time, remembering the descriptions they had seen in the classics before, and then looking at the poisonous beast in the sky that was provoking him and others, full of demonic energy, They all agree with Sleepwalker's point of view!

This is the most poisonous substance of spirit insects. Many people have never seen it and only heard about it. Even the sleepwalker saw the flying centipede for the first time.And it's such a big flying centipede!

"Call back!" Mengyouzi's face softened, the person in front of him had a flying centipede shield, and it must be difficult for him and others to deal with him. Seeing that the Liutian ruins below were about to sink to the bottom of the sea, they quickly withdrew the formation , no longer wasting their spiritual power.

But the complexions of the casual cultivators are extremely ugly. From the appearance of the black shadow to the present, half of the area of ​​the Liutian Ruins has been submerged in the sea in no more than twenty breaths. At this moment, it should be impossible to reappear. There is a baby!

What's going on here?

After waiting for so many years, only a person and a centipede flew out of the ruins?

Many people feel like crying but have no tears in their hearts.

Mengyouzi and the others quickly retracted the formation, then breathed out the exercises heavily to adjust their breath, and opened their eyes.At this moment, the blackness has subsided a lot.Everyone looked up into the sky, and the black figure beside the flying centipede finally became clear from blur, revealing a person wrapped in black robes, whose face and figure could not be seen.

In addition to the height of this person, it can be seen that the black air around his body is full of indescribable weirdness.He stepped on the head of the flying centipede with both feet, looking down at everyone.

This scene shocked everyone, and countless spiritual senses were emitted at this moment, sensing the opponent's strength and cultivation.But without exception, they were separated by an invisible barrier before they got close, and it was difficult to get close to them at a distance of ten feet.

Ziyouhu and others were no exception, and they also encountered such a situation.Mengyouzi withdrew his consciousness and looked at the man in black in the sky.After a long time, I made an episode, and said in a dignified voice: "We are the monks of Zi Youhu, the old man is a sleepwalker of the law enforcement elder, and the fellow Taoist came out of the Liutian Ruins. Could it be that the Daoists sealed the ruins for a full ten years? "

It is not difficult for everyone to imagine such a guess. After Sleepwalker said it, everyone's eyes were on the mighty black-robed man standing on top of the flying centipede.

"Ten years..."

After changing the arrogant tone just now, the tone of the man in black suddenly became a little hoarse and sighed. I saw his head looking up at the sky, and then slowly looking down at the sinking island, and fell silent at this moment.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't know how to make a sound.Mengyouzi and the other seniors also looked back. Lu Hu looked at the man in black and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.A monk with such strength, and also possessed a flying centipede to withstand the attacks of the five seniors and himself, should not forget it.But I just can't remember.

At this silent stall, the Liutian ruins finally set off a huge wave in front of everyone, and sank into the bottom of the sea. After being squeezed one after another, the water column shot up into the sky, and the entire sea area continued to tumbling, with waves churning.

And as the ruins of Liutian sank into the bottom of the sea, the old man with a bone skull who was struggling in the restraint also flew up, gulping and wearing rough clothes, the old man with a bone skull looked at the man in black in the sky with a sinister and dignified.

"Where's my apprentice!" The bone-headed old man yelled, and before the black-robed man could answer, he stretched out his right hand, and a stream of black energy entwined, and grabbed the black-robed man like crazy.

He is extremely annoyed now. If the Liutian ruins still exist, he can still have a little bit of luck, but now, all his hopes have been shattered.Regardless of whether the Guwen Taoist is alive or not, but now that the island is sinking into the bottom of the sea, it means that they are all dead!

This monk who emerged from the ruins for ten years is definitely related to his apprentice!

Therefore, the bone-skull old man struggled out of the restraint, desperately, and attacked the black-robed man with all his strength!

"Hmph!" The black-robed man snorted coldly, and when the bone-skull old man was about to approach him, he suddenly disappeared in place.In the next second, it appeared in the air six feet away, floating out of thin air!

Phantom Jue, without any talisman fluctuations,—Golden Elixir Yufeng? !

Before the old man with a bone skull could be shocked, he let out a high-pitched neighing sound and bumped his head against the flying centipede.The bone-skull old man's magic power rolled, but it was no match for the steel-like body of the flying centipede. Under the pain, his body was directly knocked down into the air, and fell heavily into the sea, stirring up a jet of water.

The flying centipede seemed to have done an insignificant thing, raised its head provocatively, then rolled its body in the air, came to the man in black again, lowered his head, and let the man in black step on him.


At this moment, all the monks, including Zi Youhu and others, suppressed the shock in their hearts, lowered their heads slowly, and saluted respectfully to the man in black.

That senior voice resounded over the entire sea area.

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