
Chapter 180

After the explosion, the body of the bone-skull old man fell straight towards the sea below, and the water rippled instantly, forming a large vortex.The sea was rippling, sweeping tens of feet away, the waves were rolling and could not be calmed down.

After the bone-skull old man fell, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, and gradually became silent with the rippling waves.

Chu Hao stood up from the flying centipede very coquettishly, and was very satisfied with the scene where there was no sound but the heartbeat.He felt that the bone-skull old man hadn't completely died, and a self-demolition insect king hadn't killed him yet, but his life was tenacious.Chu Hao knew that if he wanted to frighten everyone and leave an image of a peak that would never be reached and collapsed in everyone's mind, he had to be tough and have the strength to make everyone despair!

Although Chu Hao's cultivation level is not up to scratch, his spirit worm can help him achieve this!

Buzz buzz! ——

Chu Hao snorted softly, and then the Cloud Swallowing Insect King flew out from his side, and the sound of the amplitude space came out, and then he got into the turbulent Atlanta Sea.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the Cloud Swallowing Insect appear. This Spirit Insect looked even more weird in their eyes, but it looked more familiar than the Flying Sky Centipede.

"Isn't that a cloud swallowing worm?"

The knowledgeable cultivator hurriedly said, and exclaimed, "How can there be such a big cloud-eating worm?"

"That's right, it has more than ten mouths on its face, how did it do it?"

Cloud-swallowing insects belong to the category of spirit insects, but they are not too high-level, so it is not unusual for someone present to recognize them.And following one person's call, the rest of them came to their senses one after another and recognized the Cloud Swallowing Insect King himself, but they had never seen such a big Cloud Swallowing Insect before.


Among them, Mengyouzi is the most knowledgeable person. He exuded a ray of consciousness, felt the breath of the Cloud Swallowing Insect King, and suddenly remembered something in his heart, and cried out: "Insect King, Spirit Insect King! , This is the Cloud Swallowing Insect King!"

Sleepwalker couldn't remember how many times he was shocked after this mysterious monk appeared today.The legendary King of Spirit Insects, which is extremely difficult to breed and refine, also appeared in front of him!

In the entire mainland cultivation world, except for the Spirit Dao Alliance of the Wu Kingdom, the refining methods mastered by other sects are inferior, and the chances of cultivating a spirit insect king are basically negligible.However, the other two sects didn't pay much attention to these things. After all, there are specialties in the art industry. For example, Ziyunmen is superior in spells and supernatural powers, while Ziyouhu is excellent in sword formations. They are different and cannot be judged.

But at this moment, Bi Zhuang, represented by this mysterious monk, not only has an additional monk at the golden core stage that is unknown in the mainland, but also has the five poisonous spirit insects flying centipede and the king of spirit insects that only exist in the classics!

With his own strength, what else would he have? !

How powerful can it be?

The king of spirit insects? !

Sleepwalker's shout made all the monks turn around immediately, with disbelief in their eyes.

I saw the Cloud Swallowing Insect King dive into the sea with a "plop", and then the vortex became bigger and bigger. After a while, black air escaped from the sea, covering the entire sea surface.A stench of corpses, accompanied by some sea fish floating on the surface of the sea with their white bellies, instantly occupied the gap in the entire space.

The surface of the sea began to wrinkle and rippling, and the underwater seemed to be in a fierce battle. The whole process lasted for half a stick of incense before slowly stopping.

No need to think too much at this moment, everyone knows what Chu Hao sent the Cloud Swallowing Insect King for.

Those scarlet and black liquids slowly emerged from the center of the vortex, rippling away towards the surroundings, and the smell stronger than the fishy smell swayed in the air, making people sick.

"Puff" - the sound of breaking the water came, and everyone looked at it, and saw the cloud-swallowing insect king emerging from the bottom of the water, shaking the water drops on his head, the cloud-swallowing insect king fluttered his wings, with a unique The amplitude of the melody flew back in the direction of Chu Hao.

Everyone noticed that at this moment, there were three big mouths in the mind of the swallowing insect king, each containing a storage bag, a broken hand and a foot.

Standing on the flying sword, Dream Wanderer couldn't help but gasped. Looking at it like this, the bone-headed old man had no chance of surviving. Even the storage bag was taken away. What was left in the sea could only be It was a cold corpse!

Chu Hao recalled the cloud swallowing worm, put the storage bag into his arms, and then slowly swept over the crowd.Killing the bone-headed old man is a must. If this kind of crooked casual cultivator recognizes him, he will be hard to guard against in the future. Instead of letting him go, it is better to kill the grass once and for all.

And Chu Hao was quite heartbroken to lose a self-destructive bug king, and he could only hope that this storage bag could make up for it.

The flying centipede also flew over, and two poisonous insects were beside Chu Hao, one on the left and the other on the right, chi-chi, and the corners of their mouths rubbed against each other, making creepy noises.

Although everyone didn't see the body of the old man with a bone skull, they were not stupid, and they didn't understand that the old man with a bone skull no longer existed.At this moment, they have seen the means of this mysterious golden core monk.Unused supernatural powers, unused spells, unexpectedly killed a great master of the third level of the foundation establishment period in an understatement!

Horror, terror!

At this moment, only these two words can match their current thoughts.

"Dear friends, I'm sorry, there was a little problem just now, let's continue now." Chu Hao floated in the air lightly, and said to everyone: "Where did we talk just now?" His own head, said: "By the way, I forgot, Land Rover, Land Rover, I mentioned you just now, right?"

When everyone came back to their senses, their faces were all a little unnatural.

Is this the courage of the golden core stage monks?After casually killing a monk in the foundation building period, he seemed to be fine afterwards, and he could still chat and laugh happily, as if it was really just a "small problem" just now.

Only Jindan period monks, people who stand at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, can have such a calm and magnanimous attitude!

Some acquaintances looked around at each other, their eyes were filled with admiration and awe, and there was also a trace of longing.Let me ask, who wouldn't want their strength to be so strong that they could make huge waves and be domineering! ?

In the minds of most casual cultivators, big schools of cultivation such as Ziyou Lake and Ziyunmen are regarded as unattainable sacred existences, and in their hearts, they have never had the idea of ​​​​confronting such a big school.Among the big factions, the roots and branches are connected, and there will be no scenes that make them watch jokes and liveliness.

Therefore, if they want to survive in the cracks of the wave of cultivation, they must strengthen themselves and strengthen their cultivation base.Otherwise, you can only rely on others.But now, the mysteriously appearing Bizhuang Jianlao not only frightened Ziyouhu's elders who had reached the foundation-building stage with his own power, but also killed another long-established elder without even moving his hand. Foundation-building period monks.

How can this level of strength not make their hearts tremble and yearn for! ?

Lu Hu was named again by Chu Hao, and his mood was different from before.Before Chu Hao killed the bone-headed old man, he only had awe of Chu Hao's strength, but now, he had more fear and palpitations from his heart.After being pointed out by him, there was a trace of... a trace of excitement in my heart!

Such a big master, know yourself!

And he can clearly call out his own name!

Even the masters and uncles did not enjoy such treatment!

"Junior...junior is here." Lu Hu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, remembering that there were several uncles and uncles beside him, trying hard to control his emotions.

"Well. I know you are here. If you are not here, will I still talk to you?" Chu Hao's words were meant to be a sneer.But at this moment, to Lu Hu's ears, it sounded like a kind of appreciation, thinking that it was a kind of affirmation from the seniors, an acknowledgment of his strength!

That's right, for me to be able to talk to such a Jindan stage monk, what a privilege it is for me who has never even met Grandma Murong, the Supreme Elder in the sect!

Before he knew it, Lu Rover straightened his back a little, and said: "This junior is stupid, I made the senior laugh." After speaking, he stopped talking suddenly, as if he was listening to something, then hesitated for a moment, tentatively He said calmly: "Senior, my uncle has something to ask you, I don't know if you are inconvenient to answer."

Chu Hao obviously didn't know what Lu Rover was thinking, otherwise he would laugh like hell.While Lu Hu was silent for a while, Chu Hao also felt the abnormal fluctuations in the air, and guessed that someone had sound transmission to him.However, with Chu Hao's cultivation base, he couldn't stop him. After all, the other party was the foundation-building stage monks of Zi Youhu's group of bull-nosed and real guys, and he was barely considered a quasi-foundation stage.Turning his eyes to the sleepwalker, Chu Hao said indifferently: "What do you have to say, you bastard, just say it."

Mengyouzi was startled, and then respectfully said: "Senior really has great powers, you can't hide anything from Senior."

Chu Hao chuckled, and said, "Don't flatter me. It's because of Lu Hu's sake that I let you speak. Otherwise, do you think you have the right to talk to me?"

Ziyouhu and other elders had mixed feelings in their hearts, but Lu Hu's Taoist heart had another ripple, and his back straightened up a bit.

Mengyouzi said: "The junior dares to ask the senior, what kind of power is the Bizhuang mentioned by the senior?" After a pause, he continued: "The junior has no other meaning. The senior knows that we are the elders of Ziyouhu. Golden core stage masters like Senior are naturally a blessing to the world of comprehension, as the mainland’s cultivation talents are withered and their cultivation methods vary, if there is an opportunity, our two factions can also exchange Dao methods with each other, share our experience, and carry forward the cultivation skills."

"This sentence is pleasant to hear." Chu Hao guessed the question from Sleepwalker, and he opened his mouth to walk the horse, and said, "Whether I, Bizhuang, is a great cultivator or not, I can't tell you clearly, because I don’t even have the qualifications to criticize my village.”

Mengyouzi was taken aback, and said, "Why?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you in shame." Chu Hao shook his head, pretending to sigh: "With my cultivation base in Bi Zhuang, I'm just a servant. Tell me, what can I do as a servant?" The right to know and the right to inform?”

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