
Chapter 182

Thang Long City.

As the capital of the Sky Empire, it is full of prosperity and grace.This place is located in the north of the entire empire. Although it is not the extreme north, one can still feel a bit of lingering coldness in the air at this moment.

When it is warm and cold, it is most difficult to breathe.

Unlike Duorui City and Sanxie Pass, where the life of soldiers and horses is treated with strictness and preparation, this place is full of scenes of prosperity and prosperity. Outside Zhuque Street, there are rumbling carriages, crowds of people, and an endless stream.

Lofts, teahouses, and curved terraces are lined up one after another, full of extravagant scenes.

In a restaurant, the second floor is the place with the most customers. Outside the central room, there are storytellers chatting at the table, fanning like a breeze.He only heard him slowly say: "... When Miss Sun Meixiang learned of the disappearance of His Royal Highness, although she came back from the frontier station, she vowed not to marry in her life, and got married in the 'Taiyuan Taoist Temple' outside the capital. Time passed in a flash During this period, countless talents and celebrities went to visit, but none of them could impress his heart. The old guy remembers that once, it was a great talent from Shiyue City in the southwest, called Li Hai, who made a special trip to Beijing , fell in love with Ms. Sun at first sight, and stayed on the mountain for three years, eating vegetarian robes outside the Taoist temple, and wrote more than ten poems, the first of which was touching. Leave. Miss Sun's actions make people sigh and respect..."

The storyteller shook his head and tapped his fingers on the table from time to time, telling the story of Sun Meixiang's resolute swearing, which is well known in the capital, eloquently and movingly.

After one paragraph, the audience agreed for a while: "Yes, Ms. Sun is really a strange woman..."

"It's a pity that the overlord is not here. In Ms. Sun's eyes, all the men in the world are trash; otherwise, if I can marry such a woman, even if I die now, I will be willing..."

"It's true, it's true, it's like getting a wife, what more can a husband ask for. Poor Ms. Sun, living a lonely life like this..."

There was a sigh from outside the box and the hall, and it seemed extremely excited.Although the story of Sun Meixiang has been circulated for so long, it is still something that is talked about in the capital, and many talented scholars are full of ambitions, trying to kiss Fangze.

After all, such an infatuated woman with both talent and appearance is really a good match in a man's heart.

Seeing that the storyteller had stirred up the atmosphere of the scene, his emotions became even higher, and when he opened his mouth to speak, it was like rain falling on the eaves.A romance went on for half an hour without stopping.

At this moment, a man in a black robe came up from the restaurant.He was wearing a hood so tightly that he couldn't see any features.The aura of this person is a bit cold, but it is extremely outstanding, so as soon as he comes up, he attracts everyone's attention.

"For you."

The man in black lightly threw a piece of silver, and it landed firmly on the storyteller's table with a "thump".

Everyone could hear that this person's voice was a bit hoarse, and he couldn't tell his age.

The storyteller's eyes were staring straight. Looking at the fist-sized silver on the table, he felt his heart beat faster.He hastily put away the fan, picked up the silver and bit it in his mouth, and immediately smiled, "Which passage do you want to hear, sir?"

"This money is for you to shut up." The man in black said coldly: "When I drink tea, I don't like people talking and making noise."

The storyteller was startled, although the man in black robe didn't look at him, but he felt a frightening coolness in his heart.He immediately nodded repeatedly, and said: "Listen to you, listen to you." After taking such a large piece of silver, he put it in his arms, sat on a chair and clasped his fists at the crowd: "Sorry, sorry, I'm going to stop now. Closed." Accompanied by a burst of boos and dissatisfaction.

The man in black who went up to the second floor was exactly Chu Hao who arrived in the capital in the morning.

Sitting on the chair painted with black wood, there was a faint scent of sandalwood, recalling that it only took five days from Duorui City to the capital, he couldn't help shaking his head.There are many things that he has to see with his own eyes to know.The burning mood has calmed down at this moment.

Picking up the teacup on the table, shaking it, and taking a sip, Chu Hao looked out the window.Through the attics of many houses, the prince's mansion on the other side of Suzaku Street seems to have really become depressed.

Putting down the teacup, Chu Hao whispered to himself, "If it was in the past, no matter how inferior the tea is, I wouldn't drink it bitter. Yue'er, you messed with my taste, but you left... ..."

Not only is the tea bitter, but the smile is also bitter now.

Putting aside his thoughts, Chu Hao just sat quietly by the window for a while.Xiao Er came by his side several times, and finally got up the courage to ask, "Guest officer, what do you want?"

"Quiet." Chu Hao frowned, then took a deep breath, took out a 1 tael bank note from his pocket, and put it on the table without looking at it: "The time for a cup of tea, I've booked the second floor."

That Xiao Er was like a storyteller, his eyes widened again, and he quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes..." After a while, the manager also came up. Seeing Chu Hao like this, he knew that he didn't like to talk to people, so he immediately started to clear the scene and make amends .

Chu Hao didn't care about all this, as if it wasn't him who threw out the 1 taels just now, but someone else.He was still quietly holding the teacup in one hand, leaning on the table with the other, and turned his head out of the window, maintaining this posture for a long, long time.

The second floor was filled with darkness, and then someone came up and lit the lamp, and after an unknown period of time, the lamp was turned off again...

On the fourth day, when Xiaoer went upstairs to clean again, he looked at the window in surprise, but there was no sign of the strange man in black.Must have left.

Chu Hao had indeed left.

Coming out of the restaurant, he didn't enter the wealthy area of ​​Suzaku Street, but walked in another direction.Although there is no wall to stop him there, there is an insurmountable wall in his heart, which will last forever.

Things are different, nothing more than that.

It's just that when you return to a familiar place and see everything familiar, only you are strange, is this word and this feeling applicable?

Chu Hao even wondered if one day he could return to the fifth heaven, whether he would have emotions a million times stronger than this one. At that time, it should be even more suffocating.

In less than half an hour, Chu Hao came to the same strange place.It was a shop, and on the gilded signboard, there were five big characters "Yanyu Jewelry Shop".

Chu Hao stood at the door and stared blankly for a long time. After a long time, many rich women began to point fingers at him.I thought he was so rude.

The jewelry shop is not big, but it is full of a luxurious atmosphere. I don't know if it is because of an illusion, but Chu Hao still feels a kind of warmth.After hesitating for a moment, he finally walked in.


There will be another chapter later, asking for red tickets and collections.In the new week, when the mundane affairs are dealt with, Xiaobawang's road to revenge will begin. It will definitely be an exciting plot.

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