
Chapter 183

Entering the Yanyu Jewelry Store, a dazzling array of pearls dazzle people's eyes.

Chu Hao's head was tightly wrapped under the cloak, and entering this kind of place was indeed somewhat nondescript.Not caring about the whispers and curious eyes of the women inside, Chu Hao went straight to the counter and knocked on the table.

"Is shopkeeper Lin Dongsheng there?" Chu Hao asked lightly.

The man who was questioned was startled, and then asked, "Excuse me?"

"You'll know when you let him out." Chu Hao said, remembering something, took out a xiu handkerchief from the storage bag, handed it to the waiter, and said, "Give this to him."

The guy was confused, and took the Xiu handkerchief Chu Hao handed over. There was a little bird embroidered on it, and he could smell a faint fragrance. "Wait a minute." Although the guy didn't know what Chu Hao's job was, he felt a bit condescending when he saw the other party's words and demeanor, so he instinctively told him to do what the other party said.

Seeing the buddy entered, Chu Hao didn't sit down, but stood in place, motionless like an old tree.

After about a quarter of an hour, the guy came out from the inside, saw that Chu Hao was still there, walked over quickly, and made a gesture of invitation: "Our shopkeeper invites you in."

Chu Hao nodded without speaking, and went straight into the inner room.When he came to the backyard, Chu Hao glanced over and saw a middle-aged man in the central pavilion.This person was dressed in a Chinese robe, with a straight face, and between his brows, there was a trace of familiarity that Chu Hao could not erase from his memory.

"Sir, please sit down." Although the middle-aged man was surprised by Chu Hao's attire, he didn't show too much emotion on his face and spread his hands slightly.But Chu Hao didn't sit down, walked to the opposite of the middle-aged man, suddenly bent down heavily, and saluted him as a senior.The middle-aged man, that is, Lin Dongsheng, the shopkeeper of Yanyu Jewelry Co., was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "Sir, why is this?"

"It's nothing, it's just a courtesy that should be done as soon as possible for others." Chu Hao said lightly, and looked at the stone table in front of the middle-aged man, where the Xiu handkerchief he had just handed to the assistant was laid out on a flat surface.

At this moment, there were only the two of them in the backyard. Chu Hao stretched out his hand, picked up the Xiupa, took a deep breath, and said, "The shopkeeper must recognize this."

"This is the Pajuan that my wife showed off to my little girl when she was full moon. How could I not recognize it?" Lin Dongsheng's smile was full of bitterness, and then he looked at Chu Hao with frowned, and said, "I don't know how it happened Went to Mr.'s place?"

"Your Excellency's daughter is fine now, so you don't have to worry." Chu Hao received Xiupa in his arms, but Lin Dongsheng couldn't stop him: "Your Excellency, don't be nervous, this Xiupa is not a real thing, but an illusion."

"Illusion?" Lin Dongsheng was startled, and then sneered, "Could it be that Mr. Fei thinks I'm too old to remember this clearly? Where is my daughter? Is she still alive?" At the end, his voice trembled. stand up.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I'm here to tell you this today." Chu Hao said indifferently: "Your daughter is doing well now, and her life is not in danger at all."

"The prince is missing, and she is also missing, is it already..." Lin Dongsheng felt that Chu Hao was mysterious, but he suppressed many things for a long time, and with Xiupa as a witness, it didn't matter whether he met for the first time or not , and asked anxiously.

"Lin Yue'er has nothing to do, Mr. Lin, don't think too much." Chu Hao changed his title, and continued, "Does Mr. Lin believe in immortals?"

After being asked by Chu Hao inexplicably, Lin Dongsheng's mood gradually calmed down, and he said with a dumb smile: "Immortal? What kind of immortal, an immortal who turns stone into gold?"

"Almost." Chu Hao said flatly, "Lin Yue'er is now accepted as a disciple by my master, but because the mundane matters are not over, I was asked to come here to inform you."

Lin Dongsheng seemed to be listening to heavenly scriptures. After Chu Hao finished speaking, he smiled back and said, "How many people do you think will believe the nonsense of immortals?"

"At least I believe it." Chu Hao said lightly, then slowly raised his hand, and then, a pinch of flame rose from his hand.Chu Hao asked: "Do you believe it now?"

Looking at the little flame, which shone with a faint purple light, and the outer flame curled around like a purple dragon-shaped creature, Lin Dongsheng was stunned for a few seconds before he said, "This is what you call a fairy? People in the troupe will also Let's do it. This is not a fairy method, it should be called juggling."

Chu Hao didn't get angry, and took Zilonghuo away, and said calmly: "What should Mr. Lin do if Mr. is here?"

"Immortals can fly, can you fly?"

"Of course." Originally, Lin Dongsheng just said something casually, but he was a little impatient with Chu Hao.I feel that this person's head is a bit weird, although he may know about his daughter, but he is blind.

However, when he heard Chu Hao say "Of course it can", he was startled for a moment, and said, "Is it okay to let me fly?"

"Of course!" Chu Hao said lightly, and then turned the seal with both hands, and the violent innate qi fluctuations spread around him around him.He patted the storage bag, and saw a golden flying sword flying out of it, the brilliance was flowing, and the sword body was cold.

"Good sword!" Lin Dongsheng was a jewelry maker, and his eyes lit up when he saw the Bran sword.The texture and workmanship of this sword, he has never seen in his life, it is definitely a rare treasure.

With a slight smile, Chu Hao blasted out a burst of energy, and then the Bolan sword instantly grew bigger, and the phantom swayed, more than three times stronger. Chu Hao slapped another palm from the air, and Lin Dongsheng was caught in the air without noticing it. With a strong bang, he fell on the flying sword under great shock.Only at this time did Chu Hao speak: "Mr. Lin, sit down."

After all, the air around his body surged, and then the ten fingers of both hands closed the middle finger and ring finger, and dragged upwards.I saw the flying sword humming loudly, and with a flash of golden light, it drew out the gazebo, soared into the air, and flew straight away from the courtyard of the house.

Seeing the underground scenery gradually shrinking, Lin Dongsheng felt his heartbeat almost stop.The flying sword flew higher and higher, and Lin Dongsheng was even more at a loss on the flying sword. When had he ever felt this kind of feeling, the feeling of weightlessness in the air, and the whirlwind squeezed around him, as if flying through the clouds and riding the fog, becoming a fairy with his sleeves.

He wanted to yell, but the sound couldn't get out. There seemed to be an invisible barrier around him, blocking all the sound from his yelling.He bared his teeth and claws, but it seemed that he was performing a pantomime.

After gradually getting used to it, Lin Dongsheng felt an unprecedented pride and excitement in his heart.

Which mortal in the world does not yearn for the feeling of flying into the sky and swimming in the sea?

People in the world envy birds and fish is the most direct manifestation!

But at this moment, when Lin Dongsheng was middle-aged, he experienced the feeling of flying into the sky that he had never experienced before. He finally became a bird!

Chu Hao could almost see it from below. Although he set up a forbidden method, it still attracted the attention of others, so he turned his hands together and slowly lowered the flying sword from the air and landed on the ground.

Getting off the flying sword, Chu Hao looked at Lin Dongsheng who was still wandering in vain, and a strange emotion rose in his heart.Once upon a time, like Lin Dongsheng, he envied those disciples of the Foundry Sect who could wield their swords freely.

Chu Hao took back the Bolan Sword, circulated his true energy around, and said with a slight smile, "Mr. Lin, do you believe it now?"

After asking again, Lin Dongsheng still didn't respond, Chu Hao raised his voice and asked a second time.Only at this time did Lin Dongsheng suddenly come back to his senses, waking up like a hammer.His face changed drastically, he lost the indifference just now, and actually wanted to kneel down on the ground.

Chu Hao was shocked, how could he be allowed to kneel down, threw a ball of fresh air to drag his body, and said, "Mr. Lin, why?"

"Immortal Elder, Immortal Elder, just now I have no eyes. I doubt what the Immortal Elder said. If the Immortal Elder wants to punish, please punish me. No, punish the villain." pious.He tried hard to kneel down, but he felt the pressure invisibly, and immediately knew that it was Chu Hao who did it, and he felt even more revered in his heart.

"Mr. Lin's kneeling is absolutely unbearable." Chu Hao paused, and asked, "Sir, should you believe me now?"

Since he couldn't kneel down, Lin Dongsheng wasn't stubborn, for fear of offending Chu Hao.After he straightened his body, he nodded quickly: "I believe it, I believe it, the immortal head is an immortal, just now I compared juggling with immortal art, it is really blasphemy to an immortal, damn it."

Seeing that he was talking endlessly, Chu Hao hurriedly said in a blunt tone, "Since Mr. Lin believed it, I'd better explain why I came here. Miss Lin Yueer is very safe at my master's place now. It's just that she follows the teacher. My lord, sooner or later she will be among the immortals, and from now on, she will be an immortal too."

"My daughter is an immortal?" Lin Dongsheng was stunned, he didn't realize it, looked at the "immortal" in front of him, and asked after a while: "Then can I also become an immortal?"

"Of course not." Chu Hao laughed dumbly, and said, "Mr. Lin, you should be happy that your daughter is about to become a fairy. But because of this, from now on, your daughter will not be able to meet you. The ravine cannot be crossed, you bless your daughter."

Lin Dongsheng's train of thought has been led by Chu Hao, and now he has eased a bit, and asked: "Immortal Elder, why did you choose my daughter? What about the eldest son?"

"Dead." Chu Hao said without hesitation: "He was killed by my master, that is to say, from him, we saved Yue'er."

"The bastard is dead?" Lin Dongsheng was overjoyed, he was more happy to hear the news than Lin Yueer could become a fairy, and asked, "Is this true?"

"It's absolutely true." The corners of Chu Hao's mouth twitched a few times, he endured it, and said, "You must keep this matter a secret, otherwise there will be a catastrophe, otherwise your bad luck will continue, and your family will be destroyed."

"I know, I know." Lin Dongsheng immediately whispered, looked up at the sky, and said, "Since that bastard who committed all kinds of evils is dead, and the little girl is following the master of the fairy, the villain can rest assured."

"This is for you from Yue'er." Chu Hao didn't want to stay here any longer, and took out a lot of things from his arms, all of which were the mortal things in those storage bags before and the bones of the old man. Putting some rare jewelry in the bag on the table, he said: "From now on, the common relationship between Mr. Lin and Yue'er will end here. I bid farewell!"

After all, Chu Hao used the Phantom Art and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Dongsheng stared at the jewels on the table in a daze, and then fell to his knees in a daze.His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, he didn't know whether he was happy or angry, shocked or horrified, after a long time, this big man burst into tears.

Hearing the crying, the curtain outside was pulled open, and several servants rushed over. Seeing Lin Dongsheng here alone, the guy wondered, "Shopkeeper, what's wrong with you, where's the customer just now?"

"I've become a fairy!" Lin Dongsheng choked up a little, crying.


Continue to ask for red tickets and collections, there will be an outbreak in the near future.thanks for your support.

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