
Chapter 184 1 request

Not to mention how Lin Dongsheng and the stunned servants get along with each other at this moment, after Chu Hao left Yanyu Jewelry Store, he found an inn and slept for a night, but the next day he rushed to another place in the capital without stopping .

There is General Sun's Mansion.

Chu Hao looked up at the mansion above, felt a lot of emotion, and then sneaked in.He cast an invisibility spell, and mortals couldn't see him, and walked into General Sun's mansion swaggeringly.This invisibility spell is a kind of magical power in the "breathing concealment technique". Although it sounds powerful from the name, it is actually not practical.During the casting period of this spell, not only can't use the spell's true energy, or even spiritual power to attack, even if it touches a monk, how can he not feel it if his six senses are sensitive?Therefore, this tasteless spell can only be effective when used on mortals.

However, performing this method consumes a lot of energy and energy, so when Chu Hao entered the general's mansion, he eliminated the invisibility curse.

Spreading his consciousness, avoiding the guards and servant girls all the way, Chu Hao went straight to the main hall of the courtyard.I saw that there was an additional plaque on the top that was not there before, and it was written: the courage of thousands of people!

Chu Hao looked at the plaque and smiled. He heard about it in the restaurant where he lived yesterday.Sun Haoran was admitted as the No. [-] martial arts scholar seven years ago. At that time, the emperor personally inscribed and sealed the plaque.

This is the "courage of all people".

Sun Haoran is from a military family, and there are generals and masters like Sun Lei, so he should not have to take any imperial examinations, but the world has changed, the prince wants a fief and leaves the capital, the Wang family and the Sun family are helpless in Beijing, and there are many political enemies , Therefore, to obtain fame and fame, seek stability.This time the Sun family is still high and powerful, but they are much more low-key and cautious.

Looking at the plaque, Chu Hao had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was a little crazy.

When he came back to his senses, he felt that someone was walking towards this side, and quickly concealed his body again, it was a servant girl passing by.Chu Hao quietly walked past her, and then walked straight into the inner courtyard.After checking with his spiritual sense, Chu Hao identified the direction and walked towards it.

Chu Hao stood outside the room and glanced inside through the window.Just at this glance, infinite emotions surged in his heart.The young man who used to be crazy and fight crickets with me, always followed behind me saying "Brother Hao", "The little prince is big and hard", and singing "Thank you for underestimating me", is now mature.

Really became a man.

Sun Haoran lay on the bed, rested with his eyes closed, and seemed to have fallen asleep.And his originally somewhat cynical face was filled with a calm and introverted aura at this moment, his brows were thicker and darker, his nose bridge was straighter, and his outline was more defined.

However, the original ordinary body was taller and stronger, and although his eyes were not opened, there was a sense of calm and prestige. This kid seemed to have a bit of aura contained in it.

But here, it seems that the shadow of ten years ago can still be seen...

"You brat, you've grown a beard."

Chu Hao stared at it for a long time, then suddenly cursed in a low voice.This sentence was full of thousands of words that choked in his throat.Then, he gently opened Sun Haoran's mouth through the air, and a Yunling Pill flew out of his hand and threw it into Sun Haoran's mouth.

A gust of fresh air enveloped Sun Haoran's body, Chu Hao naturally took his place, and after about a quarter of an hour, he slowly stopped.

"Goodbye, Haoran."

Turning around, Chu Hao secretly wiped the corners of his eyes, and the turbulent emotions in his heart overwhelmed him.No longer lingering, and no longer taking a second look, he left the Sun's mansion.


After a long time, Sun Haoran moved his body, let out a murmur, and slowly opened his eyes.Then for some reason, he felt an indescribable pain in his heart.Looking out the window, he was speechless for a long time.

He remembered that the window there was covered by him before, and it was not wide open...


After leaving General Sun's mansion, Chu Hao suddenly felt relieved.extremely strong.

Shaking his head, he smiled wryly, then stopped thinking about it and walked out of the street.

After half an hour.Chu Hao came to the door of Tao Ranju, everything he was familiar with, but Chu Hao calmed down at this moment.The two guards at the gate had already been replaced, and it seemed that today was not the time for the auction. There were still not many people in front of Tao Ranju, and it was extremely quiet.

"I'm looking for Hu Dong." Chu Hao spoke first without waiting for the guard at the door to speak.

"Are you looking for a supervisor?" The guard looked at Chu Hao curiously, and found that the latter's voice was hoarse, and he couldn't tell his actual age at all, but there was always a chilling feeling.

One nodded and went in to report, while the other stayed where he was and looked at Chu Hao.

Chu Hao didn't continue to speak.He was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that Hu Dong would still be in charge here for ten years. If Hu Dong wasn't around, he would have to make a big detour.

Not long after, Hu Dong came out.Compared with ten years ago, Hu Dong's eyes seem to be smaller, and there are almost no eyebrows at all.But his aura is more calm than before, and on the contrary, he seems to be younger.

It's congenital.

Feeling the latter's cultivation, Chu Hao was slightly surprised, but calmed down again.Presumably with Tao Ranju's strength, it is extremely simple and easy for people to break through the Tianmen, even if it is Tao Ranju's steward, don't be too surprised.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao said slightly, "Guard Hu, congratulations on your great progress."

"Huh?" Hu Dong wanted to ask, but when he heard Chu Hao's words, he suddenly became suspicious.He felt that the voice was very familiar, and then he looked at Chu Hao steadily, and suddenly his expression changed, and he remembered, and said: "So it's senior, senior, please come in quickly, senior."

Chu Hao nodded at him, and he was brought into Tao Ranju by the former.

The two guards at the door looked at each other in blank dismay. They had never seen a steward so nervous before.

After entering the living room, Hu Dong walked this distance, but his face was covered with beads of sweat again.From time to time, he secretly looked at Chu Hao with his eyes, and then he summoned up his courage and said, "Senior Jian?"

Chu Hao nodded, and said, "Unexpectedly, Manager Hu still remembers this old man."

Immediately, Hu Dong's face was full of surprises, and said: "It turns out that it is really Senior Jian."

"Well, I, Bizhuang, have been in seclusion for ten years this time, and I have delayed a lot of things during this time, so I am here to apologize to you." Chu Hao didn't care whether Hu Dong received the news, anyway, let's fool around first.

Hu Dong nodded, and said, "I'll notify Elder Qingshan to come here now."

Chu Hao nodded, then released three pills on the table, and said, "Guan Hu, these are three golden sun pills. You can take them when you are tired from cultivation to strengthen your spirit."

The things that Bi Zhuang put out are generally extraordinary, and he was deeply touched when he was still in the postnatal period.Chu Hao was the first monk he came into contact with who was suspected of being in the Golden Core stage, and it was even more impossible for him to forget.And although Hu Dong has never heard of the name of this Jinyang Pill, it feels extraordinary to hold it in his hand.

Unexpectedly, ten years later, Bizhuang would still be so generous.

Hu Dong took Chu Hao to make dozens of pills every day with all his strength, he was grateful, and said: "Thank you, senior." After finishing speaking, he said: "Please wait a moment, senior." The old man in the shirt.


The second one broke out at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow.There are four more bases, more than [-] characters.

The more red votes there will be more explosions

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