
Chapter 185 Rescue.

"The eldest son Chu Hao?!"

The old man in blue was stunned, then his face was full of disbelief, and he said, "How could it be him?"

"Is it not possible?" Chu Hao smiled lightly.It's a bit awkward to say his name from his own mouth, but he couldn't show his flaws, so he continued: "This old man hopes that Tao Ranju will handle it for me, and the fifth-grade treasure he promised will never break his promise." !"

Chu Hao's words are simply nonsense. For him, as long as there are enough materials and the assistance of Hunyuanding, the fifth-grade treasure, his success rate can definitely reach more than [-]%!

In his previous life, he was able to make a tenth-grade treasure, second only to a magic weapon, Chu Hao still had confidence in that.

And to give Tao Ranju a little sweetness, Chu Hao was also happy to do it.After all, in the entire continent, only Tao Ranju is his closest ally.If Chu Hao didn't use them, who else could he use?

Of course, in Chu Hao's mind, this is a win-win and mutual benefit.

Although to Chu Hao, the fifth-grade treasure may be difficult to catch, but to the old man in green shirt, it is a real treasure!Therefore, after Chu Hao said these words in a serious manner, he straightened his face, hesitated for a moment, and said, "The son, Chu Hao, has now reached the state of great perfection in Qi training, in just ten years?"

"Will I still lie to you?" Chu Hao said indifferently: "Ten years is slow enough."

The old man in green shirt was shocked. Chu Hao's light words hit him too hard.He hadn't made any progress in ten years, and that son went straight to the sky in one step in the next day, approaching the cultivation of the foundation!

How did Bizhuang do it? !

Thinking that Bi Zhuang is really unfathomable, he has searched and searched for many times in the past ten years without any results. I'll go back and think about it."

"Think about it. I'll come to you again in three days." Chu Hao said lightly, "I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer then."

"Then I'll tell the other elders now, and I'll tell the seniors when I have the result." The old man in the green shirt took out a sound transmission talisman from his bosom, and said, "This sound transmission talisman is covered with a wisp of the junior's spiritual consciousness. You can contact the junior once. After three days, the senior remembers to transmit the sound on time."

"It's easy." Chu Hao nodded, then stood up, knocked on the surface of the table, and said, "Daoist Qingshan, thank you."

"Senior, you are polite." Qingshan hurriedly bowed to see him off, "I will reply to senior as soon as possible, and will not delay the refining of senior."

"Hehe, I can trust you!" Chu Hao patted him on the shoulder like an elder, then returned his hand to signal that the green shirt should not be seen off, and then walked out of the hall.

After leaving Tao Ranju, Chu Hao exuded divine consciousness, and after not feeling anyone following him, he slowly walked back to the backyard of the restaurant where he was staying.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to use these worldly bank notes in the future." Chu Hao still had 4 to [-] taels of silver notes on him. After returning to the room, he took them out and looked through them, shaking his head and sighing.

There are things to do today, Chu Hao meditated and rested for a while, then lay down on the chair and closed his eyes, and continued to roughly calculate "The Trapped Dragon Formation".In the last year of the Liutian Ruins, he was only a few steps away from the Sleepy Dragon Formation before he could understand it. Once he came out, he would do calculations whenever he had free time.

After calculating for a while, I saw that it was evening.Chu Hao suddenly remembered the storage bag he got from the old man with a bone skull. There were all sorts of miscellaneous things in it, even poison and venom. He was definitely an old monster.There are more than 40 spirit stones inside, which can be regarded as a rich harvest. Putting these spirit stones together is enough for Chu Hao to use the simple trapped dragon formation several times.

As for magic tools and the like, Chu Hao doesn't care about them at all now. In addition, those magic tools are all gloomy, and he throws away the useless ones. The useful ones are the auxiliary equipment for refining in the future. use.

After sorting out today's thoughts for a while, it was not until late at night that Chu Hao stood up from his cross-legged posture.In the darkness, his pupils were shining brightly.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Hao used the Phantom Art, and the next time he appeared, he would be outside the inn.

At this moment of night, although the capital is corrupt, there are not many people there.Chu Hao walked towards the south of Shenglong City, where the sky prison of the entire capital was located.

Walking fast all the way, mortals basically couldn't see the shadow of Chu Hao passing by. They only felt a gust of wind blowing by. When they came back to their senses, they couldn't see anything.When he came outside the dungeon, Chu Hao cast an invisibility spell, and then flipped inside lightly.

Looking at the sign hanging on the iron wall in the hall, Chu Hao snorted, and after killing everyone around him, he came to the cell.When he saw Liu Li and the others, his eyes couldn't help turning red.

"It's me who is incompetent as the master." Chu Hao sighed, looking at the nine people who were tortured so badly in the prison, he felt a dull pain in his heart. "Farewell to the mortal world, this is the last thing I will do for you."

After Chu Hao knocked the nine people unconscious, starting with Liu Li, he slowly washed them to their bones.At midnight, Chu Hao stood up sweating profusely, and patted the dust off his body.

Liu Li's cultivation had reached the seventh level of bone refinement. If it wasn't for the guilt in his heart, it shouldn't be a problem if he wanted to run away, at least he wouldn't be caught like this.

Thinking about this, Chu Hao couldn't help but sighed again.This feeling really made him extremely uncomfortable.

After Chu Hao got the nine people out of the prison, Chu Hao went to the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of War to delete all their files, and then used the occult technique to take nine corpses and put them in the prison cell, turning them into nine people look like.

After doing all this, Chu Hao took them out of the capital overnight.Chu Hao thought about the matter of Liu Li and other brothers for a long time, but he didn't think of a perfect solution. At least for now, with his purpose, it is definitely not suitable for him to stay by his side.Ten years have passed, and it is different from the past.

It took half a day, and early the next morning, Chu Hao sent Liu Li and his brothers to a village near the city.Let Chen Honghong control her body, erase the memory of the nine people's brains about being in prison, and then convey an order to wait for the prince, leave the bank note, and Chu Hao left.

Before leaving, he thought a lot, but like the stars at night, he couldn't reach them.


The day before the appointment with Tao Ranju, Chu Hao went to Yuzhu Mountain outside the capital.

There is a Taoist temple there called "Taiyuan Taoist Temple".

Chu Hao hesitated for a long time before this decision, and finally decided to take a look.

Some things were completely different after three days. At that time, he would only live for his own purpose.But now, some things need to be resolved.

Although, he didn't know how to deal with it.


The second update is still at eight o'clock.

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