
Chapter 186


Regardless of whether the number of votes is reached or not, I have seen the enthusiasm of fellow Taoists, and the fifth update is still delivered!


When the first ray of sunlight broke through the window in the morning, Chu Hao slowly opened his eyes.

His head was in a trance for a while, and he turned his head to the side, and then saw the black hair on the snow-white pillow.

A hunchbacked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Chu Hao slowly lifted the quilt, and saw that Sun Meixiang was curled up, lying on her side with her hands hugging her knees, her tender skin was curvy and graceful, her waist was bowed and her buttocks were bowed, shining slightly .


Sensing Chu Hao's movements, Sun Meixiang in her sleep seemed to sense it. She raised her head slowly with sleepy eyes, and let out a murmur like a cat's meow from her nose.

"My lord..." When she opened her beautiful Qiushui eyes, she found that Chu Hao was staring straight at her, her pretty face flushed, and then she gave a startling smile and said, "Are you awake?"

"Little girl, why did you come to sleep on my bed?" Chu Hao asked eagerly.

Sun Meixiang gave a "hmm" and hugged her knees even tighter. The quilt wrapped her small buttocks more and more alluring, and said, "My lord, this is Mei Xiang's bed..."

Chu Hao said again: "Little girl, why did I come to your bed?"

Sun Meixiang couldn't say no to him, and her tiredness was driven away by seven or eight points. She threw Chu Hao on the bed and bit his shoulder with her white teeth.Chu Hao screamed, but there was no pain as imagined. Immediately, his shoulder became wet, and the injured place was licked and touched by a flexible tongue, soft and slippery.

Chu Hao took a deep breath, this little girl is really good at torturing people, don't you know that morning is the best time for me to show off my animal nature!

There was a strange fragrance floating in the air, if there was nothing there, it was neither blue musk nor musk. Chu Hao's spirit was lifted when he smelled this fragrance.


With a muffled growl, Chu Hao turned and pushed Sun Meixiang under him, propped his hands on the bed, and faced her.

This beauty who has just become a married woman has blushed cheeks, as if with a rosy glow, her eyes are closed, her eye marks are like arcs, her long eyelashes flicker in surprise, her nose and cherry lips are so delicate that there is no blemish.

Chu Hao's heart was pounding, and Xuan'er said viciously: "Sun Xiaoniu, didn't you say that there is no plum appreciator? There is a plum eater here, you should be more charming!"

After all, amidst Sun Meixiang's exclamation, Chu Hao drove straight in and started the conquest...

After the passion was over, Chu Hao lay on the bed panting heavily, and Sun Meixiang curled up in his arms like a cat.Sun Meixiang closed her eyes and rubbed her head against Chu Hao's armpit. Chu Hao lowered his head and said domineeringly, "Mei Xiang, open your eyes."

Sun Meixiang slowly opened her eyes, glanced at Chu Hao, then quickly lowered her eyes, and yelled, "Little prince."

Chu Hao stared straight into her eyes and said, "I'm here."

"But you're going to leave soon, right?" Sun Meixiang said sadly, "Meixiang kept the prince for a night last night, but she couldn't keep the whole heart of the prince."

"Mei Xiang, do you know why I dare not see you for more than ten years?"

Sun Meixiang was startled, and said, "Why?"

Chu Hao sighed, and said: "That's because I don't know what position Xiao Wang is in your heart..." After speaking, Chu Hao grabbed Sun Meixiang's left breast with one hand, and said affectionately : "Now I've found it, right here."

He said firmly, "So, I won't run away!"

Sun Meixiang was very moved in her heart, mist welled up in her eyes, she snorted, she seemed to fly away, and said, "My lord... Let Mei Xiang serve you again."

As she said that, she got under the quilt and slid her head back and forth.

Chu Hao hurriedly said: "Wait a minute!"

He threw off the quilt and saw Sun Meixiang in the quilt, looking at him with pure eyes, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her expression was extremely gentle and innocent.

Chu Hao said: "That... double cultivation is a matter of restraint, it belongs to you and I wish. You just broke your body last night, and this morning...cough, if you can't bear it again, it will make my heart hurt. "Sun Meixiang shrank into Chu Hao's arms, stretched out her bare hands and gently grabbed Chu Hao's legs, and said a word, which completely exposed Chu Hao's hypocrite face.

Sun Meixiang said: "But my lord, you've become very big down there."

"Ah!" Chu Hao shrank back as if being stung by a scorpion, let his lower body slide a few times to break free from Sun Meixiang's female wolf's claws, and said embarrassingly: "This is a natural reaction, its nature is yang, facing the sky, The old man can't control it either."

Sun Meixiang didn't speak, but twisted her body and leaned over again, her hands simply hugged Chu Hao's back, and clung to him tightly, a bit like an overlord bowing hard, that leg kept touching Chu Hao's vitals, Knees, thighs... What a little fairy, is she really a young girl with a broken body? !

Chu Hao was thrown out of the evil fire, and this pious guy was at a loss like a little virgin at this moment, saying: "It's all about etiquette—"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Meixiang attacked and blocked his mouth.

Chu Hao was stunned, and thought to himself: I'm not stupid, what kind of courtesy, if the tiger doesn't go into heat, others will think I'm impotent!

The tongue that penetrated into Chu Hao's mouth stirred like a spirit snake. He couldn't stand the stimulation anymore. What a double score, I will let her open and open again today!


Chu Hao raised his divine power again, and a conquest started again.

The process is naturally not detailed, but both of them are very crazy. In this battle, no one has taken the initiative, there is no pity and tenderness, only wildness, which tastes a bit rotten.

Until Chu Hao stopped panting and lay on his side on the bed, Sun Meixiang had no strength at all, she couldn't even move her fingers, and lay on Chu Hao's shoulder lazily.

"Little girl, are you satisfied now!" Chu Hao said fiercely, feeling a little proud in his heart.

Sun Meixiang looked at Chu Hao absent-mindedly, with a weak breath, she murmured, "Little prince, please don't forget me."

Chu Hao hugged her tightly, put his chin against her forehead, and said, "Don't worry, you are my woman now."



From Chu Hao in Taiyuan Taoist Temple, Chu Hao looked at the sky, and for some reason, a sense of relief suddenly rose in his heart.No heaviness, no burden, but a little light.

"Brat, you are the only animal that thinks in the lower body. You haven't even saved the moon yet, and now you're messing around again!"

Chu Hao countered and said: "You know what, she is my woman now, and she has her heart for me. If God doesn't take it, there will be future troubles! I follow the way of heaven, love between men and women, if you don't cherish the way of heaven, you will be punished! "

"That's the only mouth you can speak!" Chen Honghong snorted, her tone extremely unkind.

Chu Hao didn't bother to talk to him, and remembered that he had given Sun Meixiang a bottle of Yunling Pill before. At her cultivation level, if she really practiced quietly, it would not be a problem to reach the seventh or eighth level of the innate stage.

After you succeed in building your own foundation, come find her again.At least take her to a place with more aura.

Thinking of the problem of aura, Chu Hao hurriedly walked towards the hidden place on the mountain, and saw that there were still many talented scholars and poets surrounding the Taoist temple.He was in a different mood at the moment, he couldn't bear it any longer, he laughed out loud as he walked, feeling refreshed.

"Is that man a fool? The smirking early in the morning may have been stimulated in the Taoist temple."

A scholar said.

Immediately after he finished speaking, someone echoed him, saying: "I'm really irritated. I can't see Miss Mei Xiang, so I don't have to give up on myself like this. Seeing him messy and messy, it really embarrasses us scholars."

"Brother Zou is right."

"Pair to pole."

"I am over-flattered!"

After flattering each other for a while, the few of them started to write poems and essays again.

Chu Hao walked to a safe hillside. After exuding his spiritual consciousness, he took out the black robe from his storage bag and changed into it.Immediately afterwards, he held the sound transmission talisman in his hand.

Chu Hao's voice was low and hoarse, "Fellow Daoist Qing Shirt, is there any result?"

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