
Chapter 187

After a while, the sound transmission talisman started to vibrate, only to hear the voice of the old man in green shirt, "Senior Jian, let's talk face to face, I don't know where we will meet?"

"Go ahead."

"How was the gazebo on Yuzhu Mountain last time?" The old man in green shirt said, "The scenery there is nice."

After the sound transmission symbol is used once, it loses its effect.After Chu Hao burned it with a firearm, he patted Fen Chen on his robe, and said with a smile, "This old man in blue is really good at finding places, and I'm here on Yuzhu Mountain. It saves trouble."

I went to the Yuzhu Pavilion, where I played against Wu Lang last time.After Chu Hao sat down, he closed his eyes and waited.After a while, Chu Hao thought of something, then rummaged through the storage bag, and asked Chen Honghong, "How many pieces of Dayumu's spiritual energy are left?"

Chen Honghong wondered: "Why do you ask this? There are probably 42 products left."

Chu Hao nodded, and said: "I have my own use." After finishing speaking, he took out the Dayu wood, and with enough energy, he sprayed out the purple dragon fire, cut off a small piece of his palm and put it in the air. on the table.Then he took the Dayu wood, leaving only a small piece in his arms, and then began to absorb spiritual energy and perform exercises.

Chen Honghong looked puzzled, but vaguely felt that Chu Hao had his own reasons, so he didn't speak.

After about two sticks of incense, Chu Hao opened his eyes and said, "It's almost there." The spiritual energy hadn't had time to transform into innate true energy, but Chu Hao could eat energy the day after tomorrow, so his body could already store spiritual energy for cultivation.

He carved the cut Dayu wood again, and wrote a big "bi" character on it.Then he patted off the sawdust and dust, held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, before nodding in satisfaction.

"What is this?" Chen Honghong asked.

"Of course it's Bizhuang's token." Chu Hao laughed, and said, "I'm going to give Tao Ranju a gift later."

Chen Honghong was also happy when he heard it, and said: "You have a lot of tricks."

It took about two hours for the old man in blue to come late. Seeing Chu Hao waiting in the middle of the pavilion, he hurried up and said apologetically, "Senior Jian, the junior is late."

Seeing that he was alone, Chu Hao smiled, and said, "It's okay, I've been here not long ago." Just now, my waist still hurt a little, and I felt much better after resting for a while.

There was no one around the gazebo. The old man in green shirt sat opposite Chu Hao, and then exuded his spiritual consciousness. After making a barrier with spiritual power, his face became serious, and he said to Chu Hao: "Senior Jian, it's like this. It is not impossible for you to send Chu Hao who has been missing for ten years, but Chu Hao must be recognized by many people in Ziyun Sect, how to solve this?"

"Fellow Daoist Qingshan, you have seen Chu Hao, right?" Chu Hao said indifferently: "Since the old man has made such an arrangement, it means that I have a solution, and Tao Ranju doesn't need to worry about it. The old man is concerned now, It is the result of your discussions now, Tao Ranju, whether you agree or not, let me give this old man a good word."

The old man in green shirt hesitated for a moment, and said: "To tell you the truth, my second lord of Tao Ranju agreed, but..."

"Second suzerain?" Chu Hao heard for the first time that Tao Ranju had been divided into several suzerains. Although he had several thoughts in his mind, his expression remained unchanged on the surface. Still hesitating."

"It's like this." The old man in green shirt smiled awkwardly, and said, "Our Tao Ranju is not the second suzerain alone, and there are many elders who have the right to make decisions. For example, those who are connected with the cultivation family of the Yuntian Empire The two elders, they have some conflicts with us, and Guizhuang did not show up at the Nine Heavens Pagoda as agreed before, which made us Tao Ranju fall into a passive position, and those two elders complained a little."

Chu Hao smiled coldly.The reason why the elders disagree is probably because you, an old boy, are upset and took the opportunity to ask for prices.Chu Hao shook his head and said, "So that's it!" Chu Hao nodded, and then said, "From the point of view of a fellow Taoist, could it be that three bottles of Yunling Pill and the right to trade fifth-grade treasures can't make up for this missed appointment? ?”

"No, no." The old man in the green shirt heard that Chu Hao was a little angry, and hurriedly said, "We Tao Ranju didn't mean that, what the two elders meant was that it would take a great risk to send the son to Ziyunmen , and becoming a true disciple is even more risky. Although our Tao Ranju is an auction house, it is a sect that has joined the world, but we can't just rely on a word from Guizhuang to give away such a big favor for nothing. Senior, look, ..."

The old man in green shirt didn't say any more when he said this.Although he was vague, Chu Hao didn't know what the old fox was thinking, and said lightly, "I understand what Tao Ranju means. He is worried about me, Bi Zhuang, for fear that I, Bi Zhuang, will miss the appointment again."

The old man in green shirt smiled awkwardly, and said: "Probably, that's what it means." After a pause, he said: "Of course, the second suzerain and I still support this transaction with Guizhuang. It's just that the division of labor in Taoranju is different. I can't pass it with a word, I really feel sorry for the senior."

Chu Hao patted the storage bag, and took out the Dayu wood that had been cut off just now, and then it turned into a beam of light, and shot at the old man in blue.

The old man in green shirt was startled, he reached out his hand to grab it, and looked intently. Before he could speak, he heard Chu Hao say: "This is my token of Bi Zhuang, and there will be no more than five people who own this token in the whole continent. This token will be my eternal friend of Bi Zhuang, and I can give priority to all the instruments and treasures of my Bi Zhuang, and even the right to trade pills. So, fellow Taoists, can you rest assured?"

Hearing Chu Hao's words, the old man in green shirt touched the Dayu wood in his hand, and saw that the token was very irregular, but it was smooth and cool like water in his hand, which made people's heart tremble.A large "bi" character is written on the front of the token.

The old man in the green shirt held the Dayu Wood, and after revealing some spiritual sense, his face suddenly changed, and he said, "Spiritual energy, such a powerful spiritual energy." He looked at Chu Hao in amazement, and suddenly knew in his heart that this token was also a worldly treasure. Contains, a rare treasure!

Chu Hao was extremely satisfied with the old man's reaction in blue, and said with a smile: "This token is made of the rare Dayu wood. It has been refined by my owner for a whole year, and the entire continent is only 20 yuan. This time, the old man Is it enough to hand it over to Tao Ranju?"

Feeling the aura of Dayu Mu's body, the astonishment in the eyes of the old man in blue became more intense. "Dayu wood?" He murmured to himself, then looked up at Chu Hao, and said, "Could it be that this is the legendary Dayu wood that can be compared to the blessed land of the cave!? The aura of this small piece of token is so abundant that it can Reached level 43!"

Chu Hao said: "It's just a gadget."

Chu Hao's words shocked the old man in blue again.This thing is rare in the entire continent, and the aura is so abundant that even if you are yourself, you can use it to find a blessed land, and practice with this token for half a year!

How rich and powerful is Bi Zhuang to use such a thing as a token? !

A violent thing!

The old man in the green shirt felt aching in his heart, he touched the surface of Dayu wood as if he was touching his wife.Chu Hao couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "With this token, I don't know if Tao Ranju is willing to make friends with us, don't worry?"

If it was any other token made of black steel, fine steel or meteorite, the old man in blue would definitely laugh.Relying on a brand name, a few words of yours, you want to be an empty-handed white wolf, that would be too contemptuous of Tao Ranju.

But now, the old man in green shirt had to be serious.

He has only seen such rare treasures as Dayu wood in the classics of various families, but now Bi Zhuang actually uses these things as tokens, not for cultivation.

Tao Ranju couldn't do this!

Huge monster, Bi Zhuang really is a huge monster.

Seeing little knowledge, one can tell from a small token, that the old man in blue can't afford not to take it seriously!

Furthermore, a monk at the golden core stage lowered his status and was willing to be a lobbyist. The old man in blue was very clear about what this meant!No Golden Core cultivator would drop in price like this!

Hearing the impatience in Chu Hao's tone, the old man in Qingshan knew that Bizhuang sincerely regarded Tao Ranju as a friend this time, he hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth suddenly: "Senior, since Guizhuang is so sincere, Then we, Tao Ranju, can’t help but say that after the fifth-grade treasure is born, we will trade and negotiate terms with Tao Ranju. If senior agrees, then this matter will be settled.”

Chu Hao smiled slightly, and said: "No problem, fellow daoist, give me a sound transmission talisman, and I will take the initiative to contact fellow daoist at that time." After accepting the sound transmission talisman from the old man in green shirt, he said: "Senior Jian , when do you need to go up the mountain?"

"The sooner the better!" Chu Hao said lightly, "Fellow Daoist Qingshan, even if this matter cannot be seamless, at least ten years will not let Ziyunmen see the clues."

"No problem at all!" The old man in green shirt took out another talisman paper from his arms and said, "This is the sound transmission talisman of my Elder Longhua, Tao Ranju, after five days, you will let Shizi use this to obtain a new identity to go up the mountain! "

After Chu Hao took it, the two looked at each other and smiled.

* *

Five days later, at the foot of the mountain range of the Six Meridians of Shenglong City.

The Six Meridians Sacred Mountain is where Ziyunmen, one of the three Taoist gates in the entire continent, is located.The entire mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles, with undulating peaks and peaks. The highest six-veined sacred mountain towers into the clouds. On weekdays, you can only see white clouds surrounding the mountainside, and you don't know the true face of the mountain top.There are dense mountains and forests, waterfalls and strange rocks, rare birds and animals, and the scenery is famous all over the world.

But now, Chu Hao was wearing a purple Taoist robe, standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the towering peak.

There was a strange look in his eyes.


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