
Chapter 188 Blessed Land No. 22

After Yue Buqi left, Chu Hao thought about it for a while, but found that he didn't know the location of Dongtian Paradise at all.This is the first time he has come to the Six Meridians Divine Mountain, so where can he find it clearly.

Naturally, Chu Hao would not be troubled by this difficulty.After walking down the stone ladder in the main hall, Chu Hao walked towards the forest for more than a quarter of an hour, hesitating whether to send out his consciousness to check, and saw a Ziyunmen disciple passing by in front of him.His eyes lit up, and he quickly put on a smile and walked up.

"Senior brother, please wait a moment!"

The man turned his head, looked at Chu Hao, and said, "This is Junior Brother?"

Chu Hao said with a smile: "Brother, I don't know. I have just been promoted to a true disciple, from the sixth meridian to the fifth meridian. It's just that I just got the token of Dongtian Paradise, and I saw that you are so chivalrous and heroic. Senior brother. Senior fellow admires you so much, I really have the courage to come here to get acquainted, and I hope senior fellow will not be offended."

That Ziyun sect disciple is only at the second level of congenital, and although there are not many of them among the five meridians, there are quite a few.Among true disciples, he doesn't have any sense of superiority. A low-level disciple like this is easily surpassed by others. What he thinks about every day is to cultivate, and then to gain the respect and admiration of others!

Seeing Chu Hao respecting him so much, he was overjoyed.This feeling has not appeared for a long time since he was promoted to a true disciple.A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said: "Where is the brother? Although the brother has only stayed in this five veins for three years, he still knows a lot. Since you are here for the first time, I will take you Let's go around."

Chu Hao said in surprise: "Senior brother, that's really hard work!"

The man nodded, very seriously, and said: "I don't know the name of the younger brother, how should I call him?"

Chu Hao hurriedly said: "My brother is called Nie Yun. I was promoted to a true disciple in less than a month. Please take care of me in the future."

"Well, brother, my name is Guan Yi, just call me brother Guan." The man was also quite enthusiastic, and after introducing himself to Chu Hao, he said unintentionally: "This is the first time for me to come to Wumai, I don't know if I know you well. brother."

"No." Chu Hao patted his head shyly, and said, "Junior brother used to practice alone."

"If that's the case, then junior brother will follow me." Guan Yi's eyes lit up, and then he reached out his spiritual sense to feel Chu Hao's cultivation, and then said slowly: "Don't worry, senior brother, there are still a few brothers on this mountain." networked."

Chu Hao didn't understand why these true disciples saw him like a wolf seeing a sheep, and they all started to get restless.Leaving Yue Buqi aside, even this guy on the second level of Qi training wants to win him over.

Is Ziyunmen a gang gathering people, or is it a holy place of cultivation?

Seeing that Chu Hao didn't answer, Guan Yi patted Chu Hao's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Junior brother, this is your first visit to Wumai, and I'm afraid no one has given you a hand at the foot of the mountain. Here, the competitiveness of cultivation is comparable to It will be too complicated and difficult for you below!"

"Why is this?" Chu Hao asked doubtfully.

Guan Yidao: "When I was in Liumai, everyone was an outer disciple, and what I thought about every day was how to become a true disciple, and to become a true disciple, do you know what you want most?"

Chu Hao wondered, "Isn't it strength?"

"Strength?!" Guan Yi said as he walked, "This is just a small part of it! There are also spells and supernatural powers, as well as pills related to life span and cultivation!" Having said this, Guan Yi's voice became low, Said: "What I said before, if you really want to calculate it, it can only be regarded as a [-]% ratio!"

"Sixty percent?" Chu Hao was extremely puzzled when he heard this, and thought to himself that so many tedious things added together, are not the most important.Damn it, is this Ziyunmen even better than Lao Tzu's Zhuqimen?

Although Chu Hao was thinking about things in his heart, he said on his mouth: "Forgive me for being stupid, I don't know what is the remaining [-]% in my brother's mouth?"

"What is cultivation? It's longevity. It's attaining the Tao and becoming a fairy." Guan Yiyu said earnestly and eloquently, "But what do we use to cultivate? We use our lives to cultivate, we use our lives to exchange strength, and our lives to gain More lifespan!"

Chu Hao was slightly moved. He didn't expect that an ordinary true disciple of Ziyun Sect would have such insights. It was really unexpected that he could say such words when they met for the first time!

Guan Yi sighed and said, "But where do we get so much lifespan? Among the five meridians, we desperately want to go to the four meridians, just like those Jindan monks who desperately want to go to the higher level of Jiutian We are all the same." As he spoke, Guan Yi shook his head and said, "You don't know why the competition among true disciples is more intense than outside disciples? The control is in the hands of the children of those large cultivation families! If they want you to live, you will live; if they want you to die, you will die!"

Guan Yi's tone was low and bitter: "The true disciples below the four veins and the outer disciples, unless they are disciples with backers, the others are just like ants and let them be killed. We have to find a backer, and we must You have to find the right backer, otherwise, you won’t be able to survive.”

Chu Hao heard him speak so negatively, and comforted him: "Senior brother, the matter is actually not that bad."

"You are only on the five meridians. It is natural that many things are not clear. In addition to cultivation, we also need to cultivate our minds and find the right person." Guan Yi took a deep breath, and then smiled: "Brother, fortunately, you met me, brother." , Senior Brother is now following Senior Brother Yang Ke, who lives in No. 23 Dongtian Paradise. He is a person who never abandons Senior Brother. The Yue family is a large family of cultivation. Among the true disciples, six or seven are members of the Yue family. At least in the Five Meridians, no one dares to mess with it."

Chu Hao nodded and said, "So that's it. Thank you brother for reminding me. If I didn't have my brother, I really wouldn't know about these intrigues, and I would definitely suffer a lot."

Guan Yi patted him on the shoulder again, and said with a smile: "It's good if you meet me, by the way, let me take you to the blessed land, have you received the wooden token of your blessed land? Before the fifth level of Qi training, we all have to Stay here long enough."

Chu Hao smiled and said, "Senior brother, thank you."

"Be polite. We will all be brothers from now on. If you have anything, I won't refuse." Guan Yi took Chu Hao to Dongtian Paradise with a guaranteed ticket, and suddenly asked, "By the way, brother I'm in blessed land No. 130, I don't know where the younger brother is, so I'll take you there conveniently."

"Me?" Chu Hao was taken aback, then took out the wooden sign and said, "Blessed Land No. 22."

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