
Chapter 189 Purple Qi coming from the east

When he brought Chu Hao to the blessed land, Guan Yi's head was still a little dazed.

Along the way, he foolishly asked three times: "Are you really No. 22 Blessed Land?" After getting Chu Hao's affirmation many times, he asked several times: "Junior Brother, No. 22 Dongfu is Yue's house." Yes, do you know Brother Yue Buqi? You must know each other, right?"

Chu Hao was asked tirelessly, Guan Yi really played the [-]% ratio in his mouth, led Chu Hao, and kept asking questions along the way.However, this was the first Purple Cloud Sect disciple that Chu Hao knew in Wumai, and it was convenient to ask him many things, so it was not easy to offend him, so he kept smiling frequently.

After arriving at the cave, Guan Yi was not angry when he saw that Chu Hao was still keeping his mouth shut. It was just that his attitude changed from the initial tactful teaching to a little more flattering.This change made Chu Hao sigh.

The mansion in Wumai Valley is composed of several mountain walls, and many caves have been dug out. The closer to the cave in the center of Wumai, the more abundant the spiritual energy is, densely packed, there are no less than 300 caves.

Chu Hao sighed: "It turns out that there are so many true disciples among the five veins."

Guan Yidao: "Brother, you are from a family of cultivators. You don't know how fierce the competition outside is. There are so many warriors who want to enter Ziyunmen, and even more so who want to become true disciples. Under this kind of pressure, there are four There are more than 300 true disciples on the pulse, which is not easy."

Chu Hao nodded.True disciples mean at least one level of Qi training and above, three hundred innate disciples below the fifth level of Qi training, Ziyunmen really deserves to be called the Holy Land of the Three Daomen.It is this follow-up development force that must not be underestimated in the entire Sky Continent.

Looking at the densely packed stone caves, Guan Yi pointed to Chu Hao in the distance, and said, "Where is the senior brother's cave, if there is anything, the junior brother can come to me." After a pause, he laughed at himself again , said: "However, with the aptitude of the senior brother and the care of the senior brother Yue, it must not be long before I will call you a senior brother."

"Where is Senior Brother Guan? If the junior brother gets ahead in the future, he will never forget the care of the senior brother today."

Guan Yi got what he wanted, excited in his heart, and then said: "Okay, I won't bother my brother's cultivation anymore. I can't enter the category above No. 30 Dongfu. You can go there."

After Guan Yi left, Chu Hao looked at the mountain wall, there was a winding stone staircase below, and there was an old Taoist with closed eyes leaning on it.Seeing Chu Hao approaching, he opened his eyes.Chu Hao was startled, this old man was also a monk of the seventh level of Qi training.Unexpectedly, such monks guard the cave here.

"Brand." The old man glanced at Chu Hao lazily, and realized that the latter was only a disciple of the first level of Qi training, so he lowered his eyes again.Chu Hao handed him his signboard, and after the old Taoist took it, he nodded and said, "No. 22. You go up." After finishing speaking, he wiped a wave of true energy on the wooden signboard, and then gave it back to Chu Hao. Hao.

After Chu Hao took it, he went up the stone ladder.

When he came to No.20 No. [-] cave, Chu Hao remembered what Yuebuqi said before, and contacted the backstage that Guan Yi said.Glanced inside.The cave is pitch-black, and nothing can be seen. It must be covered by a phantom array, which can only be opened through a wooden sign.Chu Hao thought for a while, shouting here is too ostentatious, let's talk about it after getting familiar with it.For him right now, it is still important to strive for cultivation, and it is important to enter the fourth or even the third meridian as soon as possible.

Although the spiritual energy of these five veins is better than that of Dayu wood, it is far from enough if it is to be used to build a foundation.

There are five caves next to blessed land No. 22, and the others are on the upper floor.The aura is even thinner there.Chu Hao opened the cave with a wooden sign and walked in.

"What is the strength of spiritual energy here?" Chu Hao had never practiced the technique of feeling the strength of spiritual energy, so he could only ask Chen Honghong.

Chen Honghong snorted and said, "Rank 39, not as good as Dayu wood."

Chu Hao said: "This Ziyunmen is really stingy, dividing the blessed land into so many areas."

Chen Honghong said: "What do you think, if all the monks gather together to absorb the spiritual energy, then sooner or later the spiritual energy will be exhausted in this ruined place. These so-called big sects naturally want to consider talented disciples, but they cannot Disciples with mediocre talents who let go. Divide areas to cultivate, and there are layers of upward comparisons, which not only motivates disciples, but also preserves aura."

Chu Hao nodded. What Chen Honghong said was indeed reasonable. As he said, only in this way can the entire sect survive. Otherwise, from generation to generation, even if a certain disciple is outstanding, it is only a momentary power, so how can it last for thousands of years? .

"Let's start practicing."

The cave is not big, there are only two sub-caves.Chu Hao looked at the phantom formation at the door, feeling a little worried, then took some gravel from the mountain wall, put spirit stones in the center, recreated a simple formation of trapped dragons, and then sat down cross-legged.

In this place, he naturally couldn't take out the flying centipedes and spirit insects to refine them. He devoted himself to running "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique", and Chu Hao entered the state after a while.

There is no time for cultivation, and the time for true disciples of Ziyunmen is equally boring.

Before he knew it, it had been three months since Chu Hao came to this No. 22 cave.His true qi cultivation has already reached the peak of Dzogchen, and he can generate spiritual power just by building a foundation in one step.The realm he once dreamed of.

Chu Hao was studying the formation that day, when his consciousness suddenly felt someone shaking at the entrance of the cave, he closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then he heard someone's voice. "Junior Brother Nie, is Junior Brother Nie here?"

The person outside is a monk at the fourth level of qi training, and he should be very good at this five meridians.Chu Hao slowly retracted the exercises, then stood up, retracted the trapped dragon formation, and opened the phantom formation.

I saw a thin-faced man in a purple robe standing at the door.He was about thirty to forty years old, but he was very tall, about nine feet. When he saw Chu Hao coming out, he stared at him with dissatisfaction, and said, "Junior Brother Nie, I've been calling you for a quarter of an hour. , why did you come out now?"

Although Chu Hao didn't recognize this person, he should not be an unknown person in Wumai during the fourth-level Qi training period. The author apologized: "Just now, I broke through retreat and didn't hear my call. Please forgive me."

The monk sneered: "Breakthrough?" Then suddenly his eyes widened, he looked at Chu Hao and said, "Have you reached the second level of Qi training?"

Chu Hao rubbed his head, and said embarrassingly: "I just made a breakthrough yesterday, and now I don't have time to experience it, so I made my brother laugh." The monk looked shocked, took a breath, and took a long time to come back to his senses, and said : "Brother, if I remember correctly, you should be a true disciple who was only promoted three months ago. At that time, you only practiced one level of Qi!"

"Unexpectedly, even the senior brother can remember when the junior brother went up the mountain!" Chu Hao was flattered and said: "The junior brother is really honored."

The monk said indifferently: "I don't remember when you went up the mountain, it was Brother Yue Buqi who told me about it."

"Dare to ask, brother...?" Chu Hao was sure, as if he knew the identity of this person, but he still asked.

"I'm right next to you in the Paradise of Paradise." The monk said, "My name is Yang Ke, and I'm also a brother who never abandons me."

"So that's it. It seems that everyone is following Senior Brother Yue Buqi's brother." Chu Hao nodded after hearing this, and said, "I don't know why Senior Brother is looking for me this time, so anxious?"

"Senior Brother Yue asked me to tell you..." The man stared at Chu Hao, and said, "How is your cultivation? In another year, there will be a battle between the true disciples of the Five Meridians. You have to practice hard, don't Embarrass Senior Brother Yue."

"What battle?" Chu Hao was taken aback.

"You don't even know about the Great War?" Yang Ke stared at Chu Hao for a while, and found that the latter was telling the truth, and then hummed: "The true disciples of our five veins will have a competition every five years. Only the top three winners can get the magic weapon."

"What magic weapon? A fourth-grade magic weapon?" Chu Hao asked shamelessly.

"Junior brother, you really know how to joke, will you give us a fourth-grade magic weapon?" Yang Ke sneered. You have been promoted to the second level of Qi training, it must be another adventure. I don’t know if there is any panacea, can I let the senior brother also get your luck?"

"Brother, I'm worrying too much. I've been in this No. 22 blessed land all this time, so where would there be any adventures?" Chu Hao said with a smile.

"Really?" Yang Ke glanced coldly at Chu Hao, his spiritual sense turned into coercion, and pressed towards him, saying: "Your brother, are you telling the truth?"

Chu Hao's face turned pale, and then he took a few steps back, reluctantly said: "Where is the senior brother, we are all members of Senior Brother Yue, if the senior brother really has a panacea, naturally we will not be stingy."

"What do you mean, that all of your cultivation bases have been improved through your own efforts?" Yang Ke sneered, with unknown intentions on his face, and said: "It seems that Senior Brother Yue has a good vision. My son has chosen you as a talented disciple. You have raised a whole level of cultivation in three months, and you are a genius."

From Yang Ke's mouth, Chu Hao heard a bit of jealousy and ruthlessness. After thinking about it, Chu Hao understood why the other party was like this.He was disdainful in his heart, this person has such a magnanimity, even if he has no conflict with himself, he is so obvious, he is better than a fool if he is not a fool.

"Senior Brother, I've just met Senior Brother Yue once." Although Chu Hao had murderous intentions in his heart, he still said sincerely and fearfully on the surface: "Senior Brother has been diligent and conscientious since he came to Wumai. After Senior Brother Yue took a fancy to it, he was even more unwilling to slack off."

"It's best like this." Yang Ke said: "We are all Brother Yue's people, you have to work hard, otherwise you will be ashamed of Senior Brother Yue, and I will kill you first!"

Yang Ke's last words were extremely cold, and he actually wanted to kill Chu Hao!

This cultivation world is indeed extremely cruel.Chu Hao was used to seeing casual cultivators killing and killing cruelly outside, but he never expected that in such a big sect as Ziyunmen, there would be such intrigues, coldness and viciousness in large numbers.

At least Chu Hao had never met Chu Hao in the Forge Gate before.

Lowering his head, Chu Hao had a murderous intent in his eyes, and then said slowly: "Senior brother teaches, and I will remember it in my heart."

"Well, this is the best!" Yang Ke said lightly: "Your cave is better than mine, which is not conducive to your level of absorption of spiritual energy. How about this, brother, give me the sign , let's change it."

Chu Hao held back his anger and said, "No need?"

Yang Ke exuded a wave of power, and said: "Brother, brother, this is for your own good. Don't you know the truth of greed and not gain? Why, you still don't accept brother's love?"

Chu Hao took a deep breath, then looked at Yang Ke, and smiled slightly.

Yang Ke was taken aback by Chu Hao's inexplicable smile. For some reason, he suddenly felt his scalp tingling.Looking at Chu Hao's smile, which seemed to be ridiculed, he became angry from embarrassment, and said, "Did you not agree?"

"No, no, of course I agreed!" Chu Hao quickly suppressed his smile, and said, "It's my brother's blessing to ask for my brother's cave, but I'll wait for my brother to clean it up before giving it to me. It's too messy inside. I'm afraid that senior brother won't get used to it."

Yang Ke smiled coldly, showing satisfaction, and said, "Brother didn't force you, you did it voluntarily."

Chu Hao said: "Of course, of course."

As he said that, Chu Hao lowered his head and said, "Junior brother went in to clean up." After opening the cave with a wooden sign, Chu Hao walked in, then destroyed the trapping dragon formation inside, and collected the spirit stones.He thought for a while, then released two of the Bone-eating Insect Kings, watching them slowly disappear into the stone wall.Chu Hao touched the surface of the stone wall, with a sneer on his face, snorted, and walked out.

"Brother can do it."

Yang Ke nodded, flung his wooden token to Chu Hao lightly, and said, "This is the token of my No. 23 cave. Give me your token, and you can go in."

Chu Hao was about to walk towards the cave when he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing towards his face.

Motivation tactics!

Chu Hao's heart turned cold, and he was about to dodge the counterattack, but he remembered something, endured it abruptly, and circulated his true energy to his back.Just after doing all this, his back was hit by strength, he leaned forward a little, and then fell to the ground.

Turning his head, Chu Hao glared at Yang Ke.

"Junior brother, don't be unable to even do the most basic induction for the sake of cultivation." Yang Ke said earnestly, sighed and shook his head, and said, "Look at you, senior brother only used less than [-]% of his strength, and you can Get down. Don't covet the growth of your cultivation, but forget to supplement your strength."

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth trembled, he lowered his head and said, "Junior brother understands."

"It's good if you understand, senior brother is helping you. You can't take it lightly in the competition after a year, thinking that cultivation is everything." Yang Ke laughed out loud when he said this.Then he thought of something, and threw a book in his hand, saying: "By the way, you don't need to practice Zixin Jue, Senior Brother Yue treats you well, even giving you one-fifth of the Zixin Jue from the east." I found it for you, so you can practice well."

Chu Hao took the cheat book, felt the strength contained on the surface, and after he invisible eliminated it, he pretended to be shocked and took a few steps back continuously.

Raising his head, he saw Yang Ke stepping into the cave that belonged to him while laughing loudly.

"Damn it, I won't torture you to death, I'm your grandson!"

An astonishing chill flickered in Chu Hao's eyes, and bursts of murderous aura erupted for a short moment before sinking into his body again.Then, like everyone else, he walked into Yang Ke's No. 23 cave.

"Stinky boy. That guy is so arrogant that even I can't help but want to shoot." After entering the cave, I found that there was no mess inside, but there were a few ridges protruding from the mountain wall, so don't modify it. It is not convenient to sit cross-legged.Furthermore, the light is very poor, not enough.

As for the rest, it's no different.

But at this time, Chen Honghong's voice sounded, full of anger, and said: "This place is less than one level lower than the cave just now, but the spiritual energy is indeed much less, and you are actually allowed to come, so fucking kind !"

"Don't worry, I'll play him to death slowly." Chu Hao sneered, "Doesn't he like to watch people joke, like to rely on the old to sell the old, and teach people with his cultivation? I pulled out the bird feathers he relied on and let him Without hair, without capital, how will you face me.”

"This method is better than killing him!" Chen Honghong's eyes lit up, and he smiled sinisterly: "After a while, I will go to him again and restrain his spiritual roots. If his cultivation base is not there, he must not be able to gather!"

"good idea!"

These two sluts laughed tacitly at this moment, full of joy.

Chen Honghong thought of something, and said: "By the way, what is that competition, you don't want to reveal your strength."

Chu Hao snorted coldly and said: "I know this, it must be some potential disciple who has been promoted to the four veins to participate. But that month Buqi only met me once, and put so much hope into it. Looking at Yang Ke beside him, I know he's not doing well."

"Nonsense. That kid has a nose soaring to the sky, and his eyes have grown into the sky. I'd be surprised if he does well in this." Chen Honghong laughed, and said: "By the way, didn't that kid give you a book of some kind? Are you angry, look at what it is, I remember Li Beihong seemed to have used it before."

When Li Beihong and the Li family were mentioned, a fierce light flashed in Chu Hao's eyes.

Now is not the time to take revenge, otherwise he will definitely kill the Li family and make no one stay behind!

Nodding his head, Chu Hao took out the secret book according to his words.Then look through it.

After flipping through the pages for a while, Chu Hao couldn't help cursing, "There's no one-fifth of this exercise, I don't think it's even one-tenth, and it's still deleted and deleted. The sentences don't make sense, shit. I I think it's Yang Ke, that stinky monkey who's messing with me!"

As he said that, he threw the cheat book to the wall on one side and landed on the ground, and he didn't even look at it again.

This exercise, even if it is the complete version, is more than two levels behind my own "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique".

During this practice, half a year hastily passed since Chu Hao came to No. 23 cave.

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