
Chapter 190

Chu Hao didn't even bother to flip through the secret book on the purple energy coming from the east since he had glanced at it the first day he entered the cave.During this period of time, the spiritual energy has not benefited his body too much. Even if he absorbs it, he cannot break through his own shackles and barriers.

In this way, most of them are studying the two supernatural powers of Storm Curse and Thunder Cloud Storm.Of course, Chu Hao has already completed the trapped dragon formation. As long as there are enough spirit stones, he can create a large-scale trapped formation, even the golden core stage monks who have been blocked!

The formations in "The Encyclopedia of Formation" are all extraordinary, which really exceeded Chu Hao's expectations at the beginning. Speaking of which, this is also an adventure. I should really thank that fat man I met in the cultivation market.

But in the past ten years, I don't know if the fat man has researched the so-called ancestral formation. If there is a chance to meet it, you can learn it secretly and reminisce about the old days.

"Stinky boy, cultivating in this wretched place is not as good as Dayu Wood. Leave as soon as possible." Chen Honghong said to Chu Hao: "Your body's true qi can no longer grow, unless it is transformed into true energy, otherwise you can't move forward at all. !"

Chu Hao said: "Of course I know this." He couldn't help taking a breath, his eyes were extremely cold, and said: "Don't worry, Chen Honghong, I will not give up any chance to enter Ziyunmen. One, which means that there is only one chance of success, and I must be fully prepared."

"Well, you really can't afford to fail." Chen Honghong also nodded, and said: "Okay, you can study supernatural powers, I won't bother you anymore. After 20 years, there must be pieces of the Skyfire Golden Diamond and the psychic magic weapon. Hunyuanding can also repair a lot."

"Just know how to fix it!" Chu Hao angrily cut off the contact with Chen Honghong.

In the past six months, under his study, the trapped dragon array can be laid out at will, and there is no need to study the positions of Tiangang and Diyao as before.And thinking of "The Encyclopedia of Arrays", Chu Hao couldn't help but take it out and read it.

The sleepy dragon formation is naturally not enough for him, and it is only an auxiliary formation. Chu Hao now needs an offensive formation, which can at least superimpose the attacks of spells, otherwise he will rely on spirit insects and Brother King Kong, it's too embarrassing.

Chu Hao is a person who does what he says, and this fine tradition is what he is proud of.After finding the "Complete Formation", Chu Hao found a water formation called "Tianyuan ** Formation" and stopped.This formation just met his requirements, and his requirements had just met his requirements, and then he was overjoyed, so he frowned and looked at it.


In the category of Xianle Province of the Yuntian Empire, a large piece of territory here belongs to the fiefdom of Prince Weiyuan of the current empire.

Ever since Chu Hao, the eldest son of Prince Weiyuan disappeared more than ten years ago, he has been looking for it for three years without success.King Weiyuan had no more heirs, and was disheartened. In desperation, he asked Emperor Yuntian to leave the capital and return to his fiefdom.

No one knew what the prince was thinking at that time, but all bureaucrats in Yuntian, big or small, knew that this move caused a shocking earthquake in the entire Yuntian!It is said that the night before the prince left the capital, the emperor went to the prince's mansion in person, talked with the prince Chu Yunfei for one night, and left the next day.

No one knew exactly what the two of them talked about that night, but the prince really handed over the talisman of the Ministry of War just like that, and then returned to the fief to live up to his old age.

No matter what the rest of the people thought, when the prince proposed to leave, the Sun family and the Wang family were a little helpless.Before the prince made this decision, they still had a heart of disobedience to Emperor Yuntian, but once the prince was dismissed indifferently, the power in their hands would naturally serve the emperor.

Although there is no change on the surface, in essence, it played a key role in the differentiation of the emperor's forces.

However, Prince Weiyuan's life has been full of ups and downs. Under the impact of underestimating his life and the loss of his relatives, it is impossible for the Sun family and the Wang family to slander him for making such a decision.I can only sigh.

At this moment, in Prince Weiyuan's mansion.A skinny, stooped old man in a black robe hurried out, then walked out of the mansion, passed through the streets of the county town, and left the city.

This person is none other than Liu Lao, the housekeeper who exposed his strength during the Houtian period of Chu Hao's capital.

Old Liu's strength was treacherous back then, and he followed Chu Hao several times without even Chen Honghong noticing.But he had been with the prince for many years, and Chu Hao didn't think much about it. After he went to Duorui City to practice, he couldn't think of it.

I saw Mr. Liu still looked sickly and harmless to you.After stepping out of the city, he walked towards the woods in the suburbs.Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be waiting for someone, and stopped after walking less than three miles.Unmoved in the woods.

After about one stick of incense, a rainbow light flashed across the sky, and a figure flew towards him with a sword, but he was a congenital Dzogchen monk.

A monk who was close to the foundation building period unexpectedly appeared here!

As soon as the monk landed, he snorted coldly when he saw Old Liu, and said, "Liu Zongyuan, how are things going?"

Seeing the monk tremble all over, Mr. Liu exuded a strange aura from his eerie body, which seemed to be a little frightening.He bowed his head respectfully, and said, "There is no news about the son yet."

"The son of heaven is the root of the heavenly spirit. We must find it no matter what!" The monk snorted coldly and said, "The word came from above that the bone-pattern Taoist and the bone-skull old man died, and suddenly ran out of a Bizhuang, maybe Manpower is needed at any time, and you have almost stayed here, if you don’t find it again, someone will be sent to swap with you, and you can retire with peace of mind.”

Old Liu trembled all over, as if terrified, and hurriedly said: "This subordinate must do his best to serve the Lord!"

The monk spoke earnestly and said, "Liu Zongyuan, if we casual cultivators want to gain a foothold in this world, we must have a lot of capital. We invested so much energy in assisting Chu Yunfei, what is it for? Or is it? For the treasure map of mountains and rivers?" He sighed and said, "It's a pity that the Ziyun sect took the lead and realized our purpose and helped another prince ascend the throne. We couldn't beat them, so we naturally lost."

"However, that son is the root of the heavenly spirit. At the beginning, when he gave Ziyunmen face, the restriction was preserved, and we can't undo it." The monk said: "But it's different now, Prince Weiyuan retreated here, and the son disappeared Afterwards, we will find him again, remove his seal, and become our own, and in time, there will be one more golden core stage monk."

The monk's tone was full of excitement: "At that time, our casual cultivators will be able to compete with this Ziyun sect! Our casual cultivators will also have a place in the entire continent!"

"For the master's plan, for the rise of casual cultivators, I will do my best and leave nothing to chance!" Liu Lao said: "The master is a monk of the golden core stage, and he has been planning for so long. As long as he has a treasure, In addition, the casual cultivators we gathered in secret will definitely not be inferior to the pious wolf sect waiting for Ziyunmen, even if we rule the mainland, it may not be impossible!"

"You can't say that casually!" The cultivator straightened his face, and said solemnly: "Okay, you have been a servant of the prince's mansion for so long, and as a cultivator on the sixth floor of the Qi training period, you have been sealed by the master for so many years You have been wronged by suppressing your cultivation and only advancing to one level. No matter what, if you find your son, you can retire!"

The two talked for a while, and at noon, they dispersed.

Of all this, Chu Yunfei in the prince's mansion naturally did not know about it.


The sacred mountain of six veins, the cave heaven and blessed land above the five veins.

After Chu Hao had been running for a few weeks this day, he couldn't help stretching his body, and then slowly walked out of the cave.Outside, by the lake in front of the mountain wall, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, his hands constantly touching the lake water.

But no matter how his true qi moves and pulls, the resulting water waves are not rough and violent, just like a child playing with water, with a few puffs of waves.The monk's face was red and his ears were red, and the true energy from his body was radiating out one after another, but he couldn't hold on for long, and he was out of breath and had no stamina.

Seeing this scene, Chu Hao couldn't help showing a sneer.

This cultivator was none other than Chu Hao, who changed his cave with Chu Hao, and also followed the fourth-level Qi training disciple Yang Ke who never gave up on the moon.

However, the cultivation of the fourth level of Qi training has become a thing of the past.The current Yang Ke's cultivation level is comparable to Chu Hao's, and he only has the second level of Qi training.Moreover, the second level of Qi training is only aimed at his cultivation base. Yang Ke's magical powers have at least fallen below the second level of Qi training, and attacks such as moving qi are not painful at all.

"Brother, are you practicing the 'Water Diversion Art' again today?"

Chu Hao hadn't spoken while standing on the stone ladder on the mountain wall, when he heard a voice from below.I saw a purple-robed disciple walking towards the lake, sneering at Yang Ke.

This greeting contained full of ridicule and sarcasm, Chu Hao could hear it, and it was impossible for Yang Ke not to hear it.I saw Yang Ke looked back at the monk coldly, but didn't stop, turned his head, and started to touch again.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother is asking you something!" Seeing Yang Ke's arrogant attitude towards him, the monk smiled coldly, thinking that you thought it was a former Qi-training fourth-level monk who failed.He said something strangely, and then stepped on the edge of the lake.Standing in front of Yang Ke, he said condescendingly: "Senior brother, this water diversion formula can be used superbly, why don't you teach me!"

"Chen Peng!" Yang Ke stood up, his face full of anger.He was already thin, but his stature was extremely tall. When he stood up, he was much taller than this monk. He looked at him coldly and said, "Don't push yourself too hard!"


There is one more chapter before twelve o'clock.

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