
Chapter 193 Start

Qin Bo was in the stands, he didn't notice at all that there was a piercing figure below, staring at him coldly.He was chatting with Lu Ruhua with a smile, discussing all the works of these disciples of the same generation.

"Junior Sister Lu, look, that Zhong Ming is extraordinary. It is rumored that Ziqi Donglai has already reached the sixth level, and he has such an attainment in the fourth level of Qi training. I have never been able to do it before." Qin Bo pointed down. A disciple who was waiting to be sorted turned his head to Lu Ruhua and said, "And he has the feather spear, the second-rank peak magic weapon, and he is definitely the favorite to win the championship."

"Junior Sister, there is also that disciple named Chen Xiong, who is also a disciple of the fourth level of qi training. Although he does not have a second-rank peak magic weapon, he has supernatural powers. What he cultivates is wood-type kung fu. In the same level of competition, it is really amazing. Qi Derivation is no problem..."

"Brother, have you contacted these juniors early in the morning?" Lu Ruhua waited for Qin Bo to talk alone for a long time, before saying something leisurely.Those clear eyes stared at Qin Bo for a moment, and said: "After they are top three, do you want me to propose to enter the four veins in front of the master?"

"It's not like you don't know my heart, junior sister. It's been so many years..." Qin Bo looked at Lu Ruhua, his eyes filled with passion and admiration. After being an elder, I can have some confidantes, so that I can rest assured, senior brother."

"Senior sister doesn't understand what brother wants at all." Lu Ruhua withdrew her gaze, stopped looking at Qin Bo, and said indifferently: "Before establishing the foundation, junior sister will not consider any matters of Taoist companions. It is still important to be promoted to elder." In the foreseeable future, the senior brother has put in so much painstaking efforts, and the junior sister is grateful, but there is nothing to repay."

Qin Bo was used to being rejected by Lu Ruhua face to face, he smiled and said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, junior sister, I will never refuse any place where junior sister needs a senior brother. These disciples have great potential, so don't be fooled by He Gongming." It was stolen."

"Junior Brother He..." Lu Ruhua's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then slowly said: "In just 11 years, Junior Brother He has jumped from a disciple who has just stepped into the innate to a seventh-level Qi training. Qualifications, picturesque beyond compare..."

Although he said so, Lu Ruhua's tone was not at all depressed, but full of firmness and other meanings.Qin Bo nodded. He had been in contact with Lu Ruhua for so long, so he naturally knew the temperament of this junior sister, and said: "He Gongming has a rare spiritual root, and it is also a thunder root. Practicing the natal thunder system will naturally advance to a very high level. Hurry up, but junior sister is not equally powerful, now there is only one step away from Dzogchen, as long as it is achieved, foundation establishment is not worth mentioning to junior sister."

Lu Ruhua couldn't deny it, she didn't seem to hear Qin Bo's flattering words, she calmed down lightly, and didn't say a word.

Qin Bodun felt bored, turned his head to look at the other senior brothers in the stands, only the family of Yue Buqi was second only to Lu Ruhua, with a slight smile, he asked, "Junior Brother Yue, who do you like this time?"

Yue Buqi's face turned cold.This Qin Bo was very scheming and unscrupulous. It is said that Li Beihong, who was also Yun Feiyang's senior uncle, was suppressed by him all the time, and then died inexplicably.Hearing this now, Yue Buqi pointed to the center indifferently, and said: "Junior brother only cares about two people."

"Oh?" Qin Bo looked surprised and said, "Could it be that besides Yang Ke, you have an extra fourth-tier disciple."

Yue Buqi's face was even more ugly when he heard the words, he didn't know whether Qin Bo had got the news, but seeing his sincerity, he couldn't get angry, and said: "Yang Ke's cultivation has inexplicably regressed, and now he is not qualified for the third level of Qi training. "

"So there is such a thing." Qin Bo nodded, and said, "Then I wonder who the two disciples are?" Qin Bo spoke with a kind of arrogance, as if facing these five-vein disciples , he is like an elder.But if seniority is really counted, even though they are of the same generation, they are actually one level lower.

Yue Buqi said coldly: "That is Chen Peng, and there is another one beside Yang Ke, Nie Yun, who is also from the Nie family of the cultivation family."

"Chen Peng has heard of it, and it is said that his talent is also good." Following Yuebuqi's gaze, Qin Bo saw Chu Hao's location at once, and smiled immediately: "The second level of Qi training, this disciple came to Five Meridians, I’m afraid it’s less than three years. Junior Brother Yue is really interesting, putting his hopes on two disciples whose Qi training is less than the fourth level.”

"Exactly one year." Yue Buqi said indifferently, "Senior Brother Qin, what I value is their potential. Their lack of strength now does not mean that they will not be able to enter the Four Meridians in the next competition."

Qin Bo's face was slightly shocked, and he stared at Chu Hao for a while, only to see that Chu Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at him, Qin Bo suddenly smiled and said: "It's only been a year, and I have reached the second level of Qi training ... This Nie Yun is a bit interesting, his talent is outstanding, his bearing is also extraordinary, Junior Brother Yue really has a good eye." After a pause, he said: "But this time there is absolutely no hope, but the disciples that Junior Brother He has wooed are good. .I don’t know why I didn’t come today.”

Yue Buqi's face turned cold, he and He Gongming are the same master, and said: "He Gongming is retreating today and practicing hard, in his eyes, these competitions are of no benefit to him, how can he be willing to do it." Yue Buqi's voice was full of resentment and resentment, even if He Gongming didn't come, there were more disciples willing to follow him than himself.

"Junior Brother He is really hardworking. Given time, I'm afraid even senior brother Yue Linglong will be inferior to him." Qin Bo said meaningfully.

Yue Buqi snorted and said, "I will pass this on to my elder brother."

Qin Bo's speech faltered, and he smiled slightly: "Junior disciple is too hot-tempered." Since they couldn't talk together, the two of them stopped talking.Qin Bo wanted to provoke the relationship between Xiayue Buqi and He Gongming, but at the moment, it seems that he succeeded.And when Yue Linglong's name was mentioned, a cold light flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Although Yue Buqi is only less than the sixth level of Qi training, but he is a disciple of the Yue family, and there are several brothers above him, Yue Linglong is one of them.Although Qin Bo's strength is superb and he follows old man Yun, he still has to weigh it if he wants to offend the Yue family.

In this way, with Qing Wuzi's voice "the competition begins", everyone's eyes turned to the bottom.

"No. 36 vs. No. 58." Qing Wuzi dragged out a long ending, and walked out of three old Taoists in gray robes, all of whom were in the eighth to ninth level of Qi training.It should be presiding over the outcome.

Chu Hao didn't see any more Ziyunmen elders, so the competition between the five veins should not attract much attention.After Qing Wuzi's words fell behind, two people came up from the crowd immediately, and after saluting, the two began to confront each other.

On the other two sides, two old gray-robed Taoists also began to call their numbers, and after a while the three open spaces were filled with disciples who had made the decision.Chu Hao took a few glances and found that they were all disciples of the first and second levels of Qi training, nothing special about them.I saw that the three divided open spaces were all very far apart. Fortunately, this square was large enough to accommodate so many people.

Chu Hao in the crowd saw Chen Peng's presence, and the kid kept staring at Chu Hao with a sneer on his face.Chu Hao turned a blind eye to his gaze and gave him the back of his head.

Chu Hao's actions naturally aroused Chen Peng's fury, he thought coldly: Brat, you will know how powerful I am after a while, and when you meet me, I won't care about fellowship.

The competition was going on fiercely, but Chu Hao was almost dozing off while watching.These people's competitions were fairly standard, and there was nothing to watch. During the period, only a fourth-level disciple came on stage, but in Chu Hao's view, they were all extremely ordinary spells. Even compared to Lu Ruhua, who only had a fourth-level Qi training, Both the power and aura are inferior.

After a while, the number 23 was suddenly called. Chu Hao regained his energy and was about to go up, but Yang Ke stopped him and said, "You can't deal with that person, so let me go. Besides, everyone knows that I am On the 23rd, if I don’t go up now, I’ll think I’m timid.” Chu Hao noticed the firmness in his eyes, nodded, and said, “Brother, go up.” After finishing speaking, the two put the wooden sign back together. Swapped back.

The disciple who confronted Yang Ke was a monk at the third level of Qi training. If it was before, Yang Ke would be able to knock him out with a few moves and then admit defeat.But seeing Yang Ke at this moment, the disciple had a look of contempt on his face. Since the elder was present, he couldn't say too harsh words, but he still smiled and said, "Brother, I never thought we would meet again."

When Chu Hao heard this, he suddenly understood.It seems that this person and Yang Ke have fought against each other before, and if Yang Ke does not play because of this, he will indeed be looked down upon.But I just don't know if he is really worried about himself.

Thinking that the cave was still occupied by him, Chu Hao calmed down and stopped thinking about it.

After handing the wooden card to the veteran referee next to him, Yang Ke stood on the stage and said calmly: "Junior Brother Yang Xiu, I didn't expect to meet so soon. In five years, you have reached the peak of the third level of Qi training. The fourth air level is not far away."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yang Xiu said coldly: "Five years ago, you defeated me with two moves, and you sneered at me coldly, making me lose face. Today's feng shui turns, Yang Ke, you'd better wake up first!"

Yang Ke's eyes flashed coldly, and he only heard "start" from the old man outside the field, and the two of them sacrificed the flying sword at the same time!

The moment he saw Yang Ke's flying sword, Chu Hao's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that Yang Ke actually possessed a top-grade flying sword at the peak of the second rank. He probably couldn't get it with his cultivation base, maybe it's because he never gave up. for him.

"go with!"

The two of them simultaneously displayed the imperial sword technique, and the flying swords blazed brightly, and they handed over soldiers in the air, making a crisp sound!Immediately afterwards, under the control of Yang Ke and Yang Xiu, the flying swords broke apart at the touch of a touch, and then crackled and fought in the air again!

After all, Yang Ke was a fourth-level monk. Although his true energy was not as good as Yang Xiu's, he was superior in his rich experience. When he saw an opportunity, he swung his palm—the air rippled instantly, and the dynamic energy formula was blasted out!

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