
Chapter 194 One Victory

The fluctuations of the energy-moving formula cascaded through the space. Yang Xiu's face changed, and the movements of his hands were not slow. Tactics to fight back!

The third level of Qi training is always the third level of Qi training, even if it is facing Yang Ke who used to practice the fourth level of Qi, the level of true energy of this move is not something Yang Ke can resist! --"boom"!

With a muffled sound, Yang Ke quickly lost his balance, and his body flew upside down three or four feet before he stabilized his figure.

His face turned cold, and he quickly controlled Fei Jian, his face was gloomy and without saying a word, he called out with one hand and rushed towards Yang Xiu's horizontal bar!

Divide swordsmanship!

I saw the flying swords turned into two in the air, covering Yang Xiu's head up and down!

Yang Ke has rich experience and is still superior in skills. The power of this sword is to block all of Yang Xiu's escape routes, and Yang Xiu can only face it head-on.I saw Yang Xiu quickly recalled the flying sword, blocked one flying sword, gestured with two fingers with the remaining hand, and a cloud of purple energy rushed towards the other flying sword.

Chu Hao nodded secretly while watching from the outside. It turned out that Zi Qi Donglai used it like this.

The book Yang Ke gave him Zi Qi came to him and he practiced it a bit, not because of his excellent skills.Seeing Yang Xiu use Ziqi Donglai's supernatural power at this moment, he figured it out a little, and then he understood the general idea.

The two fought on the stage for a long time. After more than 30 moves, Yang Ke gradually became exhausted, and it became more and more difficult to resist Yang Xiu's attack. Living.

Yang Xiu's face was grim, he laughed loudly, and said, "Senior brother, you have to take this move well!"

After Yang Xiu finished speaking, a talisman paper was sacrificed from his hand, and instantly exploded in the air.Yang Ke's face was startled, and he felt the ground under his feet move slightly. Immediately afterwards, a circle of earth waves surged in, forming a earth wall and submerging his body.

Yang Xiu came after him, and while flipping his hands, he used two qi mobilization formulas in succession. Accompanied by the purple qi coming from the east, the strong zhen qi hit the dirt wall in an instant,——"Boom"

There was a crackling sound, and Yang Ke spat out a stream of blood, and his body stumbled back a distance of three feet.The flying sword at the pinnacle of the second rank also fell in response. This move made Yang Ke's true energy stagnate and he couldn't work.

When he raised his head again, Yang Xiu's flying sword was less than an inch above his head.

"Number 44, Yang Xiusheng!"

The old Taoist outside the field immediately shouted loudly, Yang Xiu's face was pale, he took a step forward and retracted the flying sword, looked at the extremely ugly Yang Ke on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Senior brother, I have accepted it!"

Yang Ke lost, which was expected by all the disciples.After all, the gap in cultivation is too far. Even if they have experience in fighting duels, the gap is always the gap. The two have similar aptitudes, and it is naturally difficult to fight across levels.

Watching Yang Xiu win and end, Yang Ke's expression was unpredictable and he was extremely sad.Hearing the faint boos and laughter coming from outside the arena, his chest was constricted, he took a deep breath before standing up, and slowly walked off the stage.

Chu Hao watched him end, went up to meet him, and said, "Senior brother."

Yang Ke waved his hand, with a bitter expression on his face, and said: "You don't need to comfort me, junior brother, if you lose, you lose. Senior brother's skills are not as good as others, so there is nothing to say."

Chu Hao sighed, and said, "Brother, don't be sad. Just now, Yang Xiu cheated and used the magic talisman. If the brother used the magic talisman, the result would definitely not be like this."

"It's my fault." Yang Ke shook his head and said, "I've never used a magic talisman before. Even if I fight with fourth-tier disciples, it's all based on strength. If I knew that Yang Xiu is so powerful now, I should have Sacrifice the talisman. Even if you lose, you have to look good when you lose."

Chu Hao could hear the frustration in his words, and for some reason, he sighed in his heart.Yang Ke is now 40 years old, if calculated according to the lifespan of a mortal, he has entered middle age.And even a cultivator, if he stays on the second level of Qi training all his life, he can live for another 30 years at most.

Life is ruthless, and monks are ruthless. As Guan Yi said, survival is the highest pursuit of a cultivator.What is the way of heaven, what is becoming a fairy, you have to have a destiny to realize it.

And the spiritual root was sealed, with the treatment of a low-level disciple like Yang Ke, I am afraid that there will be no hope in his life...

Seeing that Chu Hao fell silent, Yang Ke thought he was worried and upset for him. He was moved in his heart, patted Chu Hao on the shoulder, and said, "Junior Brother Nie, don't worry, even if Brother Nie loses this time, he won't be depressed. Yes. In the next competition, I will definitely cleanse myself and make those villains who laughed at me regret it!"

Chu Hao raised his head and looked at Yang Ke's firm eyes, but when he looked at himself, his eyes were sincere.Knowing that Yang Ke was in order not to worry himself, he regained his strength.

Chu Hao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Senior Brother, Senior Brother can trust you!"

Yang Ke laughed, and then told Chu Hao what he should pay attention to in the fight just now, where his mistakes were, and reminded Chu Hao to take precautions.After a while, I started to introduce the disciples who fought in the three venues, what they are good at, and how to deal with them after encountering them.

Chu Hao naturally couldn't listen to these things. He pondered for a long time before making a decision.

Hey, that's all, I just have a soft heart.

Chu Hao shouted in the space of spiritual consciousness: "Chen Honghong, take a chance and lift the restriction on Yang Ke's spiritual root."

Chen Honghong was silent for a while, and said: "Stinky boy, you have to think about it, how did this guy treat you back then? If his cultivation base recovers again, he will probably be arrogant and arrogant. I have seen these things a lot. The monk is ruthless, don't be fooled by the short appearance."

Chu Hao sighed: "Just this time. Anyway, this person is not a threat to me, and when he entered Baicao Garden, his token also played a role, even if he made up for it."

Chen Honghong said: "Do you want to get him into the four veins?"

Chu Hao shook his head, and said: "I haven't thought about it yet. After all, I haven't been in contact with Yang Ke for a long time. Although he regards me as a friend at the moment, after the restriction is lifted, there will definitely be many disciples who will come to curry favor with me again. Let's see if he can Can you maintain your current xinxing."

"That possibility is very small." Chen Honghong snorted, and said: "This person has a relationship that will never give up, and his strength can enter the four veins at any time. It is feasible to use it. I really don't understand what you're thinking!"

"I didn't think much about it, we'll talk about it later." Chu Hao said lightly.

After hearing Chu Hao's words, Chen Honghong was silent for a long while, and then said "It's up to you." Then there was no sound.

Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that what Chen Honghong disliked the most was Yang Ke's behavior, and he wanted to kill Yang Ke back then.Being able to lift Yang Ke's restraint for himself, Chu Hao knew that Chen Honghong had made a huge concession, so he didn't know what to say at the moment, so he just said: "Thank you."

Now that the battle on the field is going on more intensely, Chu Hao has no other thoughts in his mind, but now facing Yang Ke, he has no other feelings in his heart.The restriction was lifted, and after the competition, he also entered the four veins. What will happen in the future depends on Yang Ke's fortune.I hope that the recovery of his cultivation will not let him be blinded by arrogance again.

Soon it will be noon, and there should be three more rounds to rest. Chu Hao was wondering why he hadn't been called yet. At this moment, the old Taoist in the central venue suddenly said: "No. 22, No. 44 out."

Chu Hao was startled, and Yang Ke was also startled. The two of them looked at each other. They didn't expect such a coincidence that the person who confronted Chu Hao was actually Yang Xiu from No. 44 Cave Mansion!

Yang Ke smiled wryly and said, "Unexpectedly, I changed brands with you just now, and you still meet this person now." When he fought against each other, he found that he was not far from the peak of the third level of Qi training, and although you are talented, junior brother, the time to reach innate is still short, you can't love to fight for a while, even if you have a long experience."

Chu Hao nodded and said, "Thank you, brother, for your reminder."

Yang Ke was still a little worried, and said: "Junior Brother, don't do it, otherwise you will lose more than you gain if you get injured."

Yang Xiu had already stood on the stage indifferently at this moment. Chu Hao had been standing with Yang Ke before, and he had seen it. Now that Chu Hao was on the stage, he stood proudly and said, "Junior brother, you are only at the second level of qi training, how about you?" Go on, you are not my opponent. Don't delay everyone's rest time."

Chu Hao didn't expect Yang Xiu to say this as soon as he came to the stage. He sneered in his heart, but on the surface he said indifferently, "Junior Brother is here today to learn more, please be merciful, Senior Brother."

Seeing that Chu Hao was so ignorant of current affairs, Yang Xiu sneered, and said, "Since the younger brother insists, when we fight in a short while, the older brother will only use [-]% of his strength, so it's not strange for the younger brother."

"Thank you, brother." Chu Hao replied.

The competition between Yang Xiu and Chu Hao here lost interest after all the disciples glanced over it. One is at the third level of Qi training, the other is at the second level of Qi training, and Chu Hao is still a strange face, so you can tell at a glance He is a monk who has just entered Xiantian.Coupled with the fact that Yang Xiu defeated Yang Ke just now with the momentum of wind and thunder, there is no suspense in this fight, and the outcome is obvious.

In this way, no one was optimistic about Chu Hao, and no longer focused on this field.

In the stands, Qin Bo turned his head and smiled at Yue Buqi, saying, "Junior Brother Yue, your trump card is here."

Yang Ke lost just now, and Yue Buqi's face was a bit ugly. Now that Chu Hao is fighting Yang Xiu, who belongs to He Gongming, with the second level of Qi training, he is already a little angry in his heart, secretly thinking that the battle is unfair.

Hearing Qin Bo's words at this moment, Yue Buqi said coldly: "Even if that Yang Xiu wins, it's nothing unusual."

Qin Bo laughed, and said: "It turns out that Junior Brother Yue has already made up his mind, but Senior Brother is talking too much."

With a pun, Yue Buqi turned his head away and ignored him, and stared down.And at this time, the old Taoist finally said: "Start!"

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