
Chapter 195 Five Ways to Mobilize Qi

No matter what Qin Bo thought at the moment, it was a fact that Chu Hao had won against Han Feng.If it was said that when Chu Hao defeated Yang Xiu just now, everyone would have thought that there was a suspicion of taking the sword by surprise, but now it really reflects the strength of the former!

With the cultivation base of the second level of Qi training, two disciples who were at the peak of the third level of Qi training several times in a row!

Even if this kind of thing happened in a big faction like Ziyunmen, it was enough to cause shock!What's more, Chu Hao looks so young now, and he looks so fresh!He came to Wumai for no more than two years!

The word "genius" flashed in many people's minds. Not only were they surprised by Chu Hao's calm duel, but they were also surprised by his strange proficiency in both Yujian and Qijue spells!

In many cases, people's concepts have changed unconsciously like this. Before that, Chu Hao was still unknown, and he was not well-known in the five channels, and no one was optimistic about his disciples.But now, he has become the biggest dark horse in this five-meridian competition, and has become the idol of hundreds of second-level Qi training disciples, and even outer disciples!

These few battles today have completely spread the name Nie Yun throughout the five veins!

Yue Buqi laughed, and after Chu Hao won, he blushed, cupped his hands at Qin Bo, and said, "Senior Brother Qin, I've accepted." He didn't say anything, but all the meaning was contained in this sentence .Qin Bo's face turned ugly again.But soon he restrained his disbelief, smiled slightly, and said: "The Yue family has such a fierce tiger, and in time, it can indeed overwhelm He Gongming. This Nie Yun has outstanding talent, and he must have a spiritual root that is not inferior to He Gongming."

Even though she knew that Qin Bo had ulterior motives in saying this, Yue Buqi couldn't help but feel resentment and resentment in her heart.He had never heard Qin Bo praise himself for such words.

An hour later, the competition finally ended. To Chu Hao's surprise, only about 40 people participated in tomorrow's duel, seven of them were from the fourth level of Qi training, and the rest were disciples of the third level of Qi training. Chu Hao is the only disciple on the second level of Qi training!

On this day, the name Nie Yun is doomed!

Yang Ke patted Chu Hao's shoulder, watched Qing Wuzi speak the written words summed up on the stage, and said: "Brother, brother, I will go back to the cave first, and I won't go with you." Shan is lonely, but more happy.

Chu Hao didn't understand what this sentence meant at first, but after Qing Wuzi said the end, he understood.There were no less than 20 disciples swarming towards him in an instant.

"Junior Brother Nie, today you stole the limelight, even defeating Han Feng."

"Junior Brother Nie, it's not bad. When did you get into the Five Meridians? Why haven't I met you before? Hehe, my name is Zou Fan. You can call me Senior Brother Zou."

"Senior Brother Nie, I have long admired your demeanor, Senior Brother, and felt that Senior Brother is definitely not someone in the pool, but I have no chance to make friends with you. As expected, today, Senior Brother has not lost in four consecutive fights, which is really an unprecedented milestone in the sect. Senior Brother, I... ..."

"Senior brother Nie, you are so powerful. How did you use the technique of mobilizing qi? My sister has been studying for a long time, but I still can't fully learn it. Why don't you teach me someday, okay..."

Humming sounds came from around him, and Chu Hao couldn't help worrying that his spiritual sense was too strong, and these flattery words reached his ears no matter how quietly they were spoken, no matter how far away they were.But in the crowd, he saw an old friend, Guan Yi, whom he knew when he first came to Wumai.

Guan Yi had a bad tone in the second round and met the disciples of the fourth level of Qi training, so he immediately surrendered and retired.Chu Hao greeted him.He immediately straightened his waist, and then said something to his senior brothers beside him with a red face, as if it was an extremely extraordinary thing to get to know Chu Hao.

Of course, some of them showed disdain, but whether it was praise or contempt, Chu Hao didn't mind. Anyway, this Purple Cloud Sect had nothing to do with him, it was just his enemy's territory, so he had to handle it.

Chu Hao didn't have the time to deal with those people, so he said he wanted to retreat and adjust his breath, and he returned to the Paradise of Paradise.But at the entrance of the cave, he saw Yue Buqi, Yang Ke and Chen Peng standing beside him.

With a sneer in his heart, Chu Hao noticed that Chen Peng looked at him full of surprise and jealousy.That expression was simply the best scenery Chu Hao had seen today.

With this posture, I also want to fight against Lao Tzu. If I am not in a good mood, you will not know how you died.

After talking to Yue Buqi, Yue Buqi looked extremely happy, praised Chu Hao a few words, and promised that no matter whether he wins or loses tomorrow, he will give Chu Hao a magic weapon of the peak of the second rank.

Chu Hao naturally accepted it readily, but Chen Peng's face gradually became gloomy.

Afterwards, Yuebuqi sent Chen Peng and Chu Hao away, and then went to talk to Yang Ke, which naturally wasn't Chu Hao's concern.However, he noticed one thing Yue Buqi said just now.

Yue Buqi said that his performance today had attracted the attention of Elder Qingwuzi, and maybe more than one elder would come to watch the battle tomorrow.For talented disciples, Ziyun Sect never misses them.What's more, Chu Hao is still a disciple of an aristocratic cultivation family, and he has a relationship with this level that he will not give up for a month, so he naturally hopes to be valued by the sect.

For Chu Hao, this news was both good and bad. To enter the more ample paradise, he had to attract Ziyunmen's attention, and he couldn't afford to waste his time.Therefore, it is the best result to have the attention of the elders and enter in advance.But as for the bad direction, Chu Hao is not yet fully confident that he can fight against Ziyunmen at this moment. If his cultivation base or purpose is discovered, even if he can escape, the foundation building will be delayed a lot!

After tidying up his thoughts during the day, Chu Hao felt that what he had done was not enough. Tomorrow he would become a blockbuster, enter the four veins, and then build the foundation!A year of delay is enough!

After thinking about it, Chu Hao stopped thinking about it, and reviewed the Ziqi Donglai Kungfu that Yang Ke had given him before.The strength and supernatural power in it, he will use it tomorrow.

One night passed by in a hurry, and it was six o'clock again, when Chu Hao heard noises coming from outside.The difference from last time was that this time there was chaos outside the cave. After he got out of the cave, he realized that there were actually a large number of people standing, including disciples of high and low cultivation levels.Perhaps it was because of some rumors that when they saw Chu Hao coming out, they all came forward to greet him with a smile, and encouraged Chu Hao to show off his might today.

Hearing these words, Chu Hao smiled wryly in his heart.He has gained some knowledge. The usually crowded cave has become such an impenetrable situation. In the cultivation world, no matter whether it is a casual cultivator or a large sect, strength is really the most important thing.

Chu Hao nodded and didn't say much. When he saw Yang Ke waiting for him outside, he smiled with him, and then the two headed towards the main hall square with swords.Chu Hao noticed that Yang Ke's spirit seemed to have changed a lot in one night, and his face was filled with excitement, which was completely different from yesterday.

Chu Hao was determined in his heart, so he naturally knew why, but he still said, "Brother, you look pretty good today."

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