
Chapter 197 Shelving

After entering the main hall, Chu Hao realized that there was nothing luxurious inside as it looked on the outside. Except for the dazzling picture scrolls pasted on the walls and a few blue beads that exuded the light of star fans, there were only a few floating in the front hall. A few fragments of the book.

These remnants are not real objects, but a fixed shape made of an unknown material, and a strange formation to create an illusion of meditation. Matching the mural on the front of the hall, there are more There is a sense of tranquility and sanctity.

The aura of this place should be derived from the spiritual cave underground in the mountain. Chen Honghong sensed it before telling Chu Hao that the aura here was only one grade less than the aura in Baicao Garden.

They are all blessed lands with the highest aura in the five meridians.

Under the mural in the middle of the main hall, there are five futons, one up and four down, and the five elements are unified.I saw that Qingwuzi was sitting on the top at the moment.Chu Hao looked around, the other two elders were not in the hall yesterday, it seemed that Qing Wuzi was the only elder in the whole hall.

Qing Wuzi was accompanied by a Taoist boy, and the old Taoist who led Chu Hao into the hall retreated after saluting Qing Wuzi. "You also retreat." Qing Wuzi said lightly to Dao Tong beside him. After allowing him to retreat, only Chu Hao and Qing Wuzi were left in the entire hall.

Chu Hao was about to speak, but Qing Wuzi waved his hand at him, a pair of long and narrow eyes swept over Chu Hao gently, and said lightly: "Nie Yun, let me ask you a few questions, you have to tell the truth .”

Chu Hao was startled, not knowing why.But his face was very calm, he bowed and said: "Although the elder asks questions, the disciple will definitely tell the truth and never hide anything."

He thought to himself: I'm just weird if I'm truthful, I'm a dead cow, I'm not happy to see your dead face.

Qing Wuzi nodded and said, "Nie Yun, how long have you been here at Ziyunmen? What kind of cultivation level were you in when you went up the mountain?"

Chu Hao said: "Reporting to the elder, it has been nine years since I came to Ziyunmen on the first level of bone refinement at the age of 13 and became an outer disciple."

"Yeah." The expression on Qing Wuzi's face did not change, and he said: "So, you are already twenty-two this year. It took nine years, the first eight years to reach the innate realm, complete the mission given by the sect and enter the five veins. Then , after you returned to the family and sect, it only took one year to jump from the first level of Qi training to the third level of Qi training."

"The elder has insight into the details, it is true." Chu Hao nodded and replied.

"Then I'll ask you again." Qing Wuzi didn't intend to hand out the magic weapon at all, and continued: "Then why did it take you eight years to reach the innate, but it took only eight years for the Qi training period, which is more difficult to cultivate upward?" After a year, he has advanced two full levels?!"

Speaking of this, Qing Wuzi's slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, as if a knife-like sword full of cold Limang shot out from his eyes.

Divine Consciousness Attack!

If Chu Hao is really a disciple of the third level of Qi training, under the attack of such spiritual consciousness, the flaws in his heart will definitely be wide open, and all the secrets will be hidden, and he will be clear about it!

But Chu Hao is not a monk at the third level of Qi training, but a monk who is close to the foundation of Qi training and Dzogchen!

Even in terms of realm strength, he is more than a notch above Qing Wuzi!His spiritual consciousness is equally powerful, and it is impossible for Qing Wuzi to put him directly into his mind!

It was easy to reduce the danger of this consciousness to the minimum. Chu Hao pretended to be shocked, and his eyes were slightly absent-minded. Na Na replied: "I am also very puzzled about this matter. It's just that I have never had a chance Report to the elders, I don’t know if such a speed will bring harm, and I ask the elders to clarify.”

Chu Hao's answer was ambiguous, but there was no flaw to follow. Qing Wuzi couldn't figure out what he was thinking.After staring at Chu Hao for a while, Qing Wuzi said: "When you entered the sect, the spiritual root that tested you was the mixed spiritual root of the five elements. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, Elder Kong You personally tested it at that time." Chu Hao nodded, recalled it before saying.

"Give me your hand, and I'll take another look." Qing Wuzi couldn't help breaking up, and pulled Chu Hao's hand up, and then a purple air mass suddenly emanated from his body, which made him look like a fairy.

Chu Hao's right hand was held by Qing Wuzi, and suddenly he felt a spiritual power coming from his hand. Chu Hao didn't stop it, and let the spiritual power flow in his body.

After the spiritual power circulated in the body for two weeks, Qing Wuzi's eyes suddenly flashed with splendor.There was a strange brilliance in his eyes, and then he let go of Chu Hao's right hand.

Chu Hao was startled, his absent-minded eyes gradually regained clarity, and then looked at Qing Wuzi suspiciously.

Qing Wuzi was silent for a while, and said: "Nie Yun, tell me, before you came to Wumai, did you ever have any forbidden things left in your body?" Qing Wuzi asked this very seriously.

Chu Hao was startled, and then asked, "How did the elder know?"

"Is it restricted by your Nie family?" Qing Wuzi didn't answer, but continued to ask.

Chu Hao hesitated for a moment, Qing Wuzi saw him like this, and immediately said: "Have you forgotten the promise you made to the old man just now?" After speaking, he said: "Answer truthfully!"

Chu Hao gritted his teeth suddenly, and said: "Reporting to the elder, this is the prohibition imposed by my father after I was six years old, and he warned me that if I am greedy, I will rebel. When I was promoted to a true disciple, when I returned to the family, it was my father who summoned me. The ban was lifted."

Hearing this, Qing Wuzi's face turned serious, and said: "So that's the case. You may not know that the spiritual roots in your body have been restrained by a clever restraint. Presumably it was your father who did it. Elder Kong You You specialize in alchemy, so it's only natural that you didn't see it. This restraint technique has been in your body for 15 years, and it was only a year ago that you fully revealed your spiritual roots." When saying this, Qing Wuzi kept staring at Chu Hao , paying attention to the expression on his face, "If it weren't for the aura left by the restriction around your dantian, the old man wouldn't be able to feel it."

After hearing Qing Wuzi's words, Chu Hao was startled, and said, "Elder, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Qing Wuzi said: "If you don't understand, don't force yourself to understand. I think your father blocked your outstanding spiritual root to protect you, and he didn't release it until you have enough self-protection ability to become a true disciple. This restriction has been lifted." Qing Wuzi said to himself: "Nie Yun, you can improve so quickly because of your spiritual root, which has been suppressed for so many years, and you have accumulated a lot of energy, so naturally you can improve quickly after innate. "

"Isn't this disciple's spiritual root a mixed five-element spiritual root?" Chu Hao asked in surprise.

Qing Wuzi chuckled, this was the first time Chu Hao saw this bull-nosed smile, he was unspeakably disgusted, and he continued: "It seems that your father didn't tell you about this, you It's not those low-grade spiritual roots, nor the five elements' spiritual roots, but the middle-grade mutated spiritual roots, air spirit roots!"

"Aura root?" Chu Hao asked in surprise, "What kind of spirit root is that?"

Qing Wuzi said: "Same as Lei Lingen and Ice Lingen, this is also a spiritual root produced after a strange mutation, even beyond the five elements." There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said: "This kind of I have only seen the spiritual root in the classics, but your spiritual root is not like any kind of spiritual root after the mutation of the five elements, coupled with your unique energy-moving formula, the old man guessed that your spiritual root is a unique one. Qi Ling Root, but this guess is not far off."

Seeing Qing Wuzi's determined appearance, Chu Hao nodded, and said humbly: "The elder's eyes are as bright as a torch. This disciple has never thought before that the disciple's spiritual root will be a middle-grade spiritual root. It’s very handy, and it’s effortless to stack them up and practice.”

"This is talent." Solving the doubts in her heart, Qing Wuzi gradually calmed down, and said: "It seems that only you who belong to the root of qi spirit can use such a frightening energy movement art. With a disciple like you in your Nie family, I’m afraid it’s really going to rise again.” He laughed and said, “No wonder you’ve cultivated so fast, Qi Linggen is probably more attention-grabbing than Lei Linggen, especially for Qi Jin. The understanding is incomparably profound. It is difficult to find thunder-attribute skills, and the energy-moving formula is a low-level spell that everyone can use."

Qing Wuzi's words contained deep meaning, then she looked at Chu Hao and said, "Nie Yun, I have one last question."

Chu Hao said: "Elder, please tell me."

"When you fought against Meng Fei, what kind of movement technique did you use? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Chu Hao replied without hesitation: "That is a unique body technique of the disciple's family. After being modified by the disciple, it can circulate the air in the air around the body and reach the limit speed." After a pause, Chu Hao hesitated Said: "That spell is like shrinking the ground to an inch, but it is much lower than the legendary skill."

Qing Wuzi suddenly realized, and said: "Your comprehension ability is so extraordinary, it is really gratifying."

He twisted his beard and smiled, dispelling his doubts, and looked at Chu Hao differently.This disciple is indeed extraordinary. If Ziyun Sect vigorously cultivates him in the future, another Golden Core stage monk may appear, and he will definitely surpass himself.Now Ziyunmen has He Gongming, Yue Linglong, and Lu Ruhua, three mid-level spiritual root disciples, plus this person, after 200 years, in the entire Sky Continent, only Ziyunmen will be at the top, smiling proudly up!

Thinking of this, Qing Wuzi was extremely excited, and his Dao heart trembled faintly.

He said: "Okay, I have finished asking my questions, Nie Yun, today you are here to receive the magic weapon reward, but it is not enough for me but I can't give you the magic weapon issued by the previous sect. Do you know why?"

Chu Hao said: "Everything is subject to the arrangement of the sect."

For Chu Hao's performance, Qing Wuzi was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Because I want to report to the master, re-select the magic weapon for you, and personally select the four-vein cave for you, allowing you to concentrate on cultivation. So this time The time to go to the four meridians may be delayed, a month or two later than Zhong Ming and the others, I hope you will not be offended by such a delay."

Qing Wuzi's words are polite, but until now, her attitude towards Chu Hao has become like that of her peers, without the slightest arrogance of an elder!Chu Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words. What he was waiting for was such a result, so he naturally lowered his head and said, "My disciple obeys!"

A burning thought flashed in his heart: Foundation building, true energy, I, Chu Hao, are here!


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