
Chapter 198 4 Pulses

After leaving the main hall, Chu Hao flew towards the blessed land of the cave.

Although he didn't get the qualification to enter the Four Meridians today, after two months of shelving, it is very likely that he will be provided with a better blessed place of aura. This is undoubtedly the biggest gain for Chu Hao.

With a long howl, Chu Hao was so excited beyond words!

When he returned to the blessed land, Yang Ke came out. When he saw Chu Hao coming back, he laughed and said, "Junior brother, are you going to go to Simai?" Chu Hao shook his head and told Qing Wuzi what he said just now. After giving it to him, Yang Ke's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise, and said: "Junior brother, it seems that you have had great luck this time. Elder Qing Wuzi recommended you to go up the mountain. This is the treatment only available to a big family. The talent is so outstanding, and it will definitely shine in the future.”

Chu Hao said with a smile: "It's just the last four veins, no senior brother said so exaggeratedly."

Yang Ke said solemnly: "I don't know anything about the younger brother. Among the disciples who enter the four veins from the competition of the five veins, the scope of choosing Dongtianfu is extremely small, but if it is recommended by the elders, the chances are much greater, and the aura of the cave is more abundant. You choose. Besides, your third-grade magic weapon has also been reported to the master again, and it should be much better than Zhong Ming and the others. Magic weapon is a monk's life-saving tool, isn't this very lucky." Yang Ke shook his head, Said: "Brother has only come to Wumai for a year to have such an opportunity. It is true that different people have different fates. Brother, I can't even envy you."

Chu Hao said: "Where is the brother, I see that the brother's face is red today, could it be that he has made some progress in cultivation?"

Mentioning this, Yang Ke laughed and said, "Junior brother has extraordinary eyesight, let me tell you, after these two days of training, I have finally raised my cultivation level to the third level of Qi training. I am afraid it will not take long before it will return to the previous level." Peak."

Chu Hao quickly congratulated and said: "After the precipitation of the fall of cultivation base, I think the brother will improve to a higher level."

Yang Ke's eyes lit up, and he said: "I have this feeling too. Well, junior brother, you are now a celebrity of the entire five veins, and you may be valued more by the sect in the future. Senior brother, I will not delay your cultivation." He paused Paused, then hesitated for a moment, and said: "I will come to Simai to find you."

Chu Hao looked at him steadfastly, and said equally firmly: "I'm waiting for senior brother to come to Simai!"

The two laughed, then hammered and beat their chests, and entered the cave respectively.

For two consecutive months, Chu Hao locked himself in the cave and continued to study the formation, and occasionally refined some third-grade pills and demon spirit pills to supplement the spirit insects.

The spiritual energy here is not suitable for Chu Hao's cultivation, and the real energy can be improved to no limit. Only after the foundation is established can the transformation be increased.

And Yue Buqi also came to find Chu Hao once, maybe because he got some news, his attitude towards Chu Hao was a little bit better, instead of speaking with the domineering feeling before, but really put his identity on the senior brother In this capacity.

On the third day after two months, Qing Wuzi finally came to the door. Chu Hao didn't pack much, so he went out empty-handed. Seeing Qing Wuzi standing in the school with a smile, he quickly said respectfully: " Elder."

He naturally knew that after such a long time, it was impossible to just report to the head to select a cave as simple as this.Maybe the identity of Nie Yun was re-investigated.But Tao Ranju is not inferior to Ziyunmen, and is even more mysterious among them, and Tao Ranju's second suzerain will handle all funeral affairs properly.

Just as Chu Hao thought, after Qing Wuzi reported to the head, he immediately conducted a multi-level investigation on Chu Hao, a disciple who had three levels of Qi training and possessed the spiritual root of Qi.Since they don't plan to train them in the way of ordinary true disciples, it is natural to find out all the family background of the other party.

And coming here this time is exactly as Chu Hao described it, and there is no discrepancy, so Qing Wuzi smiled all over his face and said to Chu Hao: "Nie Yun, congratulations, this old man is here to take you to the four meridians. "

"Thank you Elder!" Chu Hao nodded with a calm face.

Chu Hao is so calm and composed, which makes Qing Wuzi look at him even more differently. After being put on hold for more than two months, this child is not impatient and has a stable Taoist heart.

Qing Wuzi nodded, then sacrificed the flying sword, and said to Chu Hao, "Let's go."

Following Qing Wuzi, Chu Hao flew in the direction of the four veins.Qing Wuzi is an elder, and after the token directly broke through the restriction, the two of them came to the peak of the four veins.

The scenery here is no different from that of Wumai. If you want to say the only difference, it is the level of aura, which is indeed one or two points higher than Wumai.Qing Wuzi looked at Chu Hao's expression looking down, and said with a smile: "Nie Yun, it's the first time you come to Simai, don't get used to it, you may have to stay here for a long time in the future."

Chu Hao smiled, but did not answer.

Flying all the way towards the main hall of the four veins, Chu Hao saw many true disciples sitting on futons and meditating with their eyes closed on the square of the main hall.There are also disciples who are talking with each other, and it is thriving.

Qing Wuzi explained: "This is the square of the Great Hall of Enlightenment, and it is also a feature of my Ziyun Sect. From now on, the Avenue of Enlightenment will be held once a month, and there will be special elders giving lectures. You can also come and listen."

Chu Hao nodded. Compared with the independent cultivation of the five meridians, the four meridians are much more humane.

It seems that only by entering the four veins can one truly become a true disciple, and although the disciples in the five veins have the same name, the treatment and the actual situation are much different.

"Your cave has been selected by the head." Qing Wuzi put away the flying sword, fell from the sky, and said to Chu Hao who followed him: "I'll help you get your wooden token and magic weapon now. Cultivation, after the head master said the fifth level of Qi training, he will see you in person."

Chu Hao was flattered and said, "The head will meet me?"

Qing Wuzi smiled and said: "Well, practice hard, Nie Yun, your future is limitless, I am very much looking forward to witnessing your growth." Chu Hao nodded and said: "I will definitely not disappoint the elders and the head of the sect, The disciples must go all out."

The mission of a monk is to practice.

After Qing Wuzi took out the wooden sign and magic weapon of the cave, Qing Wuzi took Chu Hao to the blessed land of Simai, pointed out the location of the cave, and then left.

Like Wumai, the caves here also have numbers, but it is much less than Simai, only more than 60 disciples.It is precisely because a small number of people enjoy the spiritual energy treatment here that the spiritual energy here is very abundant, not as rare as the five veins.

Chu Hao's wooden sign is No. 18, which is relatively high.It seems that the head is not bad to him.

After entering the cave, Chu Hao discovered that compared to Wumai, the cave here is simply a cave-shaped living room, which is more than three times larger. It is built with sharp edges, and there are three sub-caves and a stone bed, which is very good. .

According to the usual practice, Chu Hao naturally used spirit stones to make a small trapped dragon formation at the entrance of the magic formation in the cave, and then went into one of the sub-caves, dug out one of the walls, and made a pit.Then he used the water diversion tactic to inject a large amount of water, forming a pool of about three feet, and finally released the spirit insect kings and submerged them in the water.

"The aura in this cave is pretty good. It's already rank 32. It's a middle-grade blessed place!" Chen Honghong praised, "The highest aura in this four-vein is only rank 31. It seems that Ziyunmen really takes good care of you."

Chu Hao said with a smile: "If I succeed in building the foundation, wouldn't I directly enter the three veins?"

Chen Honghong said: "The preparations are almost done. Let others be paralyzed for a while. The aura here is much better than that of Dayu Wood. It's a whole grade, and we can consider building a foundation."

Chu Hao nodded, and said: "After the foundation is established, I will start refining the fifth-grade treasures. By the way, there is also the Herb Garden with four veins. I have to take a chance to have a look."

This guy is still thinking about his precious spiritual grass.

After discussing with Chen Honghong, Chu Hao smiled and began to sit down cross-legged to adjust his state to the best.In the blessed place of Simai, there are even monks who practiced great perfection in Qi training. Naturally, Chu Hao did not dare to show his negligence. Although he was not afraid of those monks, the Foundation Establishment would die prematurely because of this.

Acquaintances such as Yue Buqi, He Gongming, Qin Bo, Lu Ruhua, and Xia Jixing all practiced in the caves around this blessed land. Although it was difficult to see them in seclusion, Chu Hao had to guard against them.

For a whole month, Chu Hao dealt with some disciples around him, and got close.His cultivation is the lowest in this place. Everyone knows that there is a disciple who has just broken through the third level of Qi training from the five meridians, so without Chu Hao's introduction, most of them look at him with admiration. Besides, he has the right to use the NO.18 cave. , everyone knew that Chu Hao had already been trained by the sect.

However, Chu Hao saw innocuous disciples for a month. Most of the disciples above the seventh level of qi training were in retreat, seeking to break through the realm, so it was naturally difficult to see them.

And Chu Hao also learned who the real most powerful disciple among these four veins is.A guy named Yue Linglong.Hearing the name at first, Chu Hao thought it was a woman, but later he found out that it was a man. Although he looks more delicate and handsome, he is a senior brother among the true disciples. In his lifetime, Lu Hu, Hezi Youhu's disciple, was named after him.

Yue Linglong is from the Yue family, although Yue Buqi didn't mention it in the few meetings with Chu Hao, but it can be seen from his expression.Relying on Yue Linglong, she warned Chu Hao that although he is now powerful, it would be very unwise to turn against the camp.

Chu Hao is naturally a hypocrite and a snake, with a gentle face and a heart mocking.

For a month, Chu Hao did not practice any exercises in the cave. Instead, he used the aura here and the spiritual herbs collected from the five meridians to make a large number of auxiliary pills to help build the foundation.

Although he has Foundation Establishment Pill at the moment, he always feels that it is not safe enough.

Finally, one and a half years since Chu Hao came to Ziyunmen, and three months after he came to Simai, he closed the phantom formation in the cave, took out a piece of spiritual stone to rearrange the trapped dragon formation, and announced to the outside world that he had closed it. .

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