
Chapter 199 Foundation Building

In the cave, Chu Hao sat cross-legged in one of the sub-caves, with Dayu Mu on his knees, and the aura around him was absorbed out of his body by a unique technique.

Chu Hao closed his eyes. In him now, the Baopuzi nourished his body and circulated the true energy over and over again.

The foundation has begun!

After coming to Ziyunmen for such a long time, and the whole year and a half of preparation, Chu Hao already felt that it was sufficient, and now leveling up is a matter of course. Of course, if it doesn't work, Chu Hao has nothing to do.

"With the foundation building pill and these supplementary pills, at least the success rate of foundation building can be increased to more than [-]%." Chu Hao stimulated his true energy to try to attack the meridians, especially the Tianmen, Baopu Ziyang Body skills are slowly progressing in the body, "But there is still a [-]% chance of failure, so don't be careless."

When building the foundation, the true energy is converted into true energy, which is what the Nine Heavens World calls spiritual power.Then the three souls and seven souls are combined with spiritual power to cleanse the marrow and cut down the body, open up the meridians and acupoints of the whole body, and reshape the body, so that the physical body can gain the power of a dragon.

When transforming the body with spiritual power, Chu Hao must run the Baopuzi Body Cultivation Kung Fu in the fastest time, so that the new body and the kung fu can blend in harmony without distinguishing each other.

This is a must for every cultivator who hits the foundation building stage. Many people may be defeated because of the inability to combine the skills and physical strength, and they are lonely and miserable, unable to build the foundation.The role of Zhuji Dan is to stabilize the dantian and increase the success rate of the combination.

The probability of combining low-level skills with physical strength is relatively low, so this is also the root cause of the failure of many casual cultivators to complete foundation building. Chu Hao possesses the Baopuzi body-nourishing skill, which is the way of golden core and great success. This top-level skill On the contrary, the law can help him when building the foundation.Building the foundation is to transform the body from a mortal body into a true comprehension body.Generally speaking, only when one reaches the Foundation Establishment can one be considered completely extraordinary.And after the foundation is established, the spiritual consciousness is wide open, and the essence of all dharmas can be deduced. The practice of any dharma formula is much faster than that of a mortal body.Chu Hao has the Hunyuan Ding in his hand. After the foundation is established, he has many choices, whether it is the supernatural powers in Baopuzi's body cultivation skills, or the countless formulas given by Chen Honghong.

The true qi in Chu Hao's body is extremely pure, and it is truly magnificent and vast body-nourishing true qi. This kind of true qi has no distinction between yin and yang and five elements except for tempering the body when building the foundation.You must know that the human body is also born of the aura of heaven and earth. From the day of birth, the body will have the vitality of the five elements of yin and yang.However, this kind of vitality is not absolutely uniform, but according to the individual's physique and spiritual root, each has its own emphasis.The same is true for Chu Hao's body, but because his physique is the root of the sky, it is above the five elements, and he is more sensitive to the five elements than the five elements and the mutant spirit roots.

And this time to reshape the body, Chu Hao even combined Baopuzi's body cultivation skills to turn the body into a piece of Hunyuan. The purest innate qi in the body was completely dispersed by Chu Hao, and used to turn the aura into spiritual power.

But the innate zhenqi bred before is extremely precious, and Chu Hao will not just waste it like that.Using this innate qi, I just took the opportunity to shape a strong and strong physical body.

Time went on like this minute by minute. In Chu Hao's constant attempts to hit the meridian, unconsciously, he was trying for a full five days without moving.

Seven days later, Chu Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was full of golden light all over his body, like golden glass. The clear golden light came from the inside out, and the internal organs, meridians, muscles, bones, flesh and fur were all clearly visible!

"Building the foundation is the foundation of cultivating immortals, and reshaping the physical body is the most critical at this stage. The third supernatural power in Baopuzi's body cultivation is the physical body of the 'Heaven and Man Dharma' achieved by building the foundation. I asked you to practice the storm before." Curse and Thunder Fire Curse to persuade you not to cultivate the Dharma of Heaven and Man, it is for this foundation establishment!"

Chen Honghong's voice rang in Chu Hao's mind, saying: "After the foundation is established, the celestial beings can just turn your four avatars into real spiritual objects, and that Li Mao's avatar is quite intelligent. If you follow you The foundation has been successfully established, and the four monks in the foundation stage, plus you, combining the sword formation is definitely a nightmare for the entire continent!"

The law of heaven and man, the third supernatural power in Baopuzi's health-cultivating skills!

This kind of supernatural power is the essence of the whole Baopuzi health-cultivating skill. Together with the 'Heavenly-Man Dharma Body', Chen Honghong called it the greatest supernatural power of Baopuzi's health-cultivating skill!

The Dharma Body of Heaven and Man is the exercise of Baopuzi's second chapter, and it is a supernatural power that can only be cultivated after the golden core.But when Chen Honghong gave it to Chu Hao, the next part was not complete, and if he wanted to learn from the celestial body, he would have to wait for the opportunity in the future.

As for the dharma form of heaven and man, as the name suggests, it is to completely condense one's spiritual power in the body when the monk leaves the mortal body, and then create the dharma form.

Dharma appearance is changeable, and it is a formal thing, but once it is practiced, it can have great magic power.This supernatural power is neither specific nor aggressive, but it can actually increase the monk's strength!

To use an analogy, once the celestial body is successfully cultivated and combined with the physical body, the whole body can completely break away from the shackles of a dantian and can be dispersed!Like Chu Hao, who has four major avatars, if he becomes a divine form, he can have five dantians to store spiritual power!

This way of cultivation will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, and there is no need to worry about the depletion of the dantian, and if you are lucky when forming the alchemy, you can cultivate five golden elixirs!

During the entire nine days, Baopuzi is not the only exercise that can cultivate the appearance of heaven and man, but most of them are top-level exercises.Moreover, due to the limitations of Baopuzi's body cultivation skills in cultivation, there will be no space for Jindan after that, and it is necessary to find exercises again. This is something that many monks with family background and talents are unwilling to face.

After all, time is strength and lifespan. Finding exercises and re-cultivating them can take as little as two years a year and as many as decades. Who wants to spend that kind of time?

After an unknown period of time, the golden light on Chu Hao's body suddenly disappeared.The body returned to normal, and there was no longer the image of heaven and man that was illuminated by the divine light just now.Immediately afterwards, four clones came out one after another, and stood around Chu Hao in a group. Blue gas flowed out of Chu Hao's body continuously, and Chu Hao started the foundation building attack!

First wave, second wave...

The impact of ten waves of meridians was completed in just ten breaths of time.

Each impact consumed twenty or thirty of Chu Hao's auxiliary pills.

Finally, when he made more than 60 breakthroughs, Chu Hao hardened his heart, and then picked up the wooden box that he had prepared early in the morning from the side.As soon as the wooden box was opened, a huge pill rolled into Chu Hao's hand from inside.

I saw that this Foundation Establishment Pill was protected by a wooden box, and it was sealed with a thin shell to prevent the medicinal gas from dispersing.Even so, it is still crystal clear, and a huge aura is emitted through the thin shell, which smells extremely refreshing.

Without hesitation, Chu Hao swallowed the Foundation Establishment Pill in one gulp!

Closing his eyes, Chu Hao's whole body began to burn, and the turbid air overflowed. The two types of weapon fire in his dantian and the transformation technique outside his body began to agitate at this moment.It was as if Chu Hao was facing the smoke of a fire, and he was in the heat of lava, and his body was instantly wet with sweat.

In a blink of an eye, if you observe from the front, you will find that Chu Hao's complexion is constantly changing, and his complexion will turn blue in a while, but he is practicing the external transformation technique, and his nature is yin.But after a while it changed from blue to red, but it was because Zhujidan and Baopuzi's body cultivation skills and weapon fire were too strong, and his body was completely burned into red.And Chu Hao was suffering bitterly in this test of fire and ice. The medicine in his dantian seemed to be endless, as if it was going to burn Chu Hao's whole body, and it kept emitting strange heat, burning his dantian. It was as uncomfortable as if there were tens of thousands of golden needles constantly piercing.When Chu Hao's complexion turned blue, it was Chu Hao who was struggling to circulate the true energy in his body, resisting the fierce fire, trying to absorb and refine it.

Shock, digest, shock, digest...

This is the last time to hit the meridians!

Before I knew it, three days had passed!

It took only three days to see that Chu Hao finally succeeded in refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. Chu Hao could clearly feel that the meridians began to expand and relax to a certain degree. , Start the transformation of spiritual power!

This is the last impact on the meridians of the body. As long as it succeeds, it will be reborn, separated from the mortal womb, and achieved the Dharma of heaven and man!Chu Hao felt calm in his heart, and the more he got to this critical moment, the calmer he became.

After the Foundation Establishment Pill was refined, the benefits it could bring him did save him a lot of time. He had been preparing for it for more than a year, and he couldn't afford to fail, and he couldn't afford to waste such time!

Only to succeed, not to fail!

Huh, ho! ——

Chu Hao suddenly opened his eyes. There seemed to be a purple dragon-shaped flame jumping in the left eye, and a phoenix flame fluttered in the right eye.But without exception, both eyes were shining with golden light, making it impossible to stare at them closely.In the entire sub-cave, the space where the night pearl above the head was originally no longer dim, it became dazzling!

At this moment, Baopuzi's health cultivation skills began to run crazily. The dantian was stretched bigger and bigger, and the meridians were also expanded and thicker. A bad smell.

A day later, Chu Hao's eyes were still wide open, but the twin fires in his pupils gradually dimmed. At this moment, the golden light that had surrounded Chu Hao's head suddenly swept across Chu Hao's body and gradually dissipated!

This time the attack was about to fail!

Chu Hao looked at his dantian through internal vision, and found that the dantian seemed to have a baby's heart swollen, and it was obvious that he couldn't hold on anymore.If he had another Foundation Establishment Pill, although he failed this time, he would be [-]% sure of success next time.

It's a pity that Chu Hao didn't, so he must succeed!

This time the foundation building was a confrontation between Chu Hao and Tian Yuan, the heaven wanted him to fail in building the foundation, but he forbade himself to fail!

Swallowed the last remaining auxiliary pill into his mouth, and the effect of the medicine was injected again, which shocked Chu Hao. The Jinyang pill restored his energy, and he responded coldly, driving his true energy in The meridians are constantly running, while sucking teeth hard to support the feeling of fullness in the dantian.In this invisible confrontation, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye from the retreat to the present. Finally, Chu Hao let out a roar. With the circulation of true energy, some impurities and dirt were completely expelled from the body, and at the same time, the tension kept becoming tense. Get more refined!

The moment Chu Hao clearly felt that the effect of the medicine was about to disappear, something happened in his dantian.

Spiritual power!

During the transformation of Dantian, a trace of spiritual power finally appeared!

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