
Chapter 200

Just after the spiritual power appeared, Chu Hao's consciousness was wide open, and the Lingtai was completely clear!

He knows what that means!

The foundation was built successfully!

The moment the spiritual power appeared, the dantian swelled, and the true energy began to transform rapidly at this moment!

The success of foundation establishment means that Chu Hao has escaped from the mortal body, and has become a cultivator who truly surpasses mortals!

Spiritual power is the best symbol at this stage!He is no longer the true qi bred by kung fu, but the power that can directly drive five-element spells and aura attacks.Combined with the body, combined with the mind, inseparable!

How many people yearn for foundation establishment, not only because of the extended life span after foundation establishment, but also because of monks' mastery of spells after foundation establishment, which has improved by more than a notch!

Both the dantian and the meridians will grow much stronger, which is more conducive to the cultivation of monks!

The foundation-building period is the watershed for cultivators. Only monks who have reached this stage can be called cultivators who pursue the way of heaven!

In just one stick of incense, Chu Hao breathed out thousands of turbid air.His eyes were firm and firm, and he was running Baopuzi body cultivation skills without stopping every second, and began to prepare to practice the law of heaven and man!

At the stage of just establishing the foundation, the time between the transformation of true qi is the best time to cultivate the appearance of heaven and man, so don't delay!

After thinking about it, Chu Hao checked his body, and then gradually followed the steps of the mental method of the law of heaven and man——

The four avatars had already stood beside him. Chu Hao opened his hands and muttered something, then stood up suddenly.I saw circles of golden light blooming from his hands. At this moment, the skin of Chu Hao's body showed a lustrous luster like glass. Since the establishment of the foundation, those who were still working physically and kept rushing to the dantian After the spiritual power suddenly flowed madly into the dantian, it no longer flowed out in an instant, but flowed into Chu Hao's mind instead!

As soon as the spiritual power flowed into the mind, it was absorbed and assimilated by the divine consciousness, and when it was spit out again, it was much less than before it entered, and it was much weaker.But Chu Hao could feel that the spiritual power was not quite the same as before. The spiritual power absorbed and refined by the divine sense was more pure and more in line with the attributes of the heavenly spirit root. It contained all the five elements, and the spiritual power sign.In fact, Chu Hao himself didn't know that when those spiritual powers passed through the Tianmen and then emitted with the supernatural powers of heaven and man, they had already deteriorated.When the changed spiritual power circulates towards the dantian again, it gradually forms a vortex, continuously shrinking together, and compressing together towards the dantian.Chu Hao looked inside his whole body, and saw pure golden light shining in the lungs, meridians, bones and blood vessels.Chu Hao knew that this golden light was not real, but the aura emanating from the flesh and blood that had been tempered to the extreme.It is the masculine in line with Baopuzi's health cultivation skills.

However, in some subtle places of the meridians, you can still see inadvertent black air and small black lumps, as if attached to the meridians and the flesh wall, and the whole body presents two extremes.The transformation outside the body actually tempered the body.Chu Hao smiled wryly, but he didn't expect that the transformation technique outside his body would affect him through foundation establishment.

However, after finding that there were no sequelae or disadvantages, Chu Hao continued to practice the exercises. Baopuzi's unique golden light snaked around his body like a snake, and his spiritual power responded like this to every breath.And every gesture seems to have endless power!

Chu Hao and King Kong No. [-] faced each other, and drew out a few magic circles casually. Whether it was the control of spiritual power, the attraction of heaven and earth vitality, or the condensation of spirit, it was like flowing clouds and flowing water without any stagnation.With a palm strike out of thin air, the strong spiritual power oscillated like a howl of wind and thunder, and the thoughts flashed, and the spiritual power that tore the air disappeared invisible.Sending and receiving from the heart, breathing in and out at will, mind moving and mind moving, mind moving and body following.The Dharma has been completed!

Chu Hao let out a loud roar, formed seals with his hands, and quickly slapped several palms, hitting the foreheads of the four King Kongs one by one, and saw the subtle golden airflow stagnant on the heads of the four clones, dazzling, like a circle of golden light wrapped around .

Taking a deep breath, Chu Hao lasted for an entire hour, and the golden light on each clone's head finally gradually changed. At this moment, Chu Hao was covered in sweat. The void outlines the array.

Unknowingly, more than an hour passed, and the golden light on the clone's head formed a virtual body, and each golden light was a lifelike face.Happy, angry, sad, happy!

This is the facial expression that Chu Hao came up with on the spur of the moment. The four expressions are like facial makeup, but they are extremely terrifying and strange when expressed by the golden light.Chu Hao gestured with two fingers, raised it above his head, and then pulled it downwards fiercely!

Seeing that the golden light in his hand formed four strips and submerged into the four facial makeups one after another, Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he had only touched the edge of the supernatural power of the divine appearance, it was undoubtedly an excellent start!

The four golden lights dragged the four kinds of facial makeup and penetrated directly into the bodies of the four clones, and the aura radiated out, which was extremely abundant.The four vajra clones were all in a burst. At this moment, Chu Hao and the four clones were connected by blood and mind, and the spiritual power in the dantian also moved towards the four through the infiltration of the Dharma, supplementing what they had already done. Exhausted dantian.

Four dantians that store spiritual power mean that Chu Hao has four times more spiritual power than a monk of the same rank!The Dharma of Heaven and Man has just been cultivated, and there is no effect yet, but once it is achieved, it will be a great help to Chu Hao!Four clones, can attack and defend!

The spiritual power was injected slowly, and after seven days, Chu Hao finally completely transformed the true energy in his body into spiritual power.It's just that in addition to transforming the true energy, he has been tempering the dantian of the four king kongs. Through the celestial and man's law, he also wants to make the four clones reach the foundation-building stage and become a powerful clone of the foundation-building stage!

Although the foundation building of the avatar is much easier than the foundation building of the deity, but Chu Hao has just broken through the unstable foundation, and he has to build the foundations for four avatars in a row. It is conceivable how difficult it is.Without the Dharma of Heaven and Man, it would be impossible for him to try, let alone succeed or fail.

Suddenly, Chu Hao felt a wave of spiritual wisdom in King Kong No. [-]'s mind.The fluctuations were very weak, like a baby babbling, and the whole sound could not be heard clearly.

The sudden appearance of this feeling immediately made Chu Hao happy. Before, he felt that King Kong No. [-] had produced its own spiritual wisdom, but only after the foundation building was successful this time did he realize that it really was so!

King Kong No. [-] sensed that Chu Hao's consciousness was attacking his mind, not only did not guard against it, but even went up to him, sent a friendly message, and was very happy.

However, this spiritual intelligence has not yet been fully developed, Chu Hao can only guide it slowly, and he also sent a friendly message. This kind of communication between spiritual consciousness is actually easier for people to understand than direct speaking.

But King Kong No. [-] is friendly to Chu Hao, but there are only a few emotions that can be expressed. After King Kong No. [-] absorbs the Dharma of Heaven and Man, it becomes more flexible.

But as for King Kong No. [-], which is a dead body, why it has an independent consciousness, Chu Hao himself can't figure it out.It can only be attributed to the power of the transformation technique outside the body. After all, the souls of the four children of the Li family have already entered reincarnation.


Three months later, the No. 18 cave, which had been closed for five full months, suddenly opened.

During this period of time, he has completely combined the external transformation technique with the law of heaven and man.The physical strength possesses the strength of a dragon and ten elephants. With this strength alone, except for those monks in the foundation stage who also practice **, no one can be as terrifying as him!

And the four clones were finally promoted to the Foundation Establishment stage by Chu Hao. Now Chu Hao is at the Foundation Establishment level alone, and beside him are the Four King Kongs at the Foundation Establishment level, a total of five Foundation Establishment stage monks!Even when the Four King Kongs were not summoned, Chu Hao had the spiritual power of five dantians, but when he was summoned, he had the strength of five foundation-building monks!

Not only that, counting the psychic magic weapon Hunyuan Ding, Qiling Chen Honghong, flying centipede, the king of the three spirit insects, the appearance of heaven and man, and the technique of concealing breath, Chu Hao has more skills now than he can.To have such a perverted family fortune in the Foundation Establishment Stage, even a Golden Core Stage monk would covet it!

But it's too early to fight against the Golden Core Stage cultivators, so Chu Hao naturally wouldn't be so stupid.

Chu Hao walked out from inside with a clean body, and then walked towards the No. [-] cave without stopping.

The No. [-] cave is also the cave of the Yue family. Chu Hao came out of the Liutian ruins and finally fulfilled his dream of building a foundation.At this moment, Ziyunmen's use value for him is running out, and it is time to start refining fifth-rank treasures and find out the reality of Ziyunmen.

Moreover, the materials collected in the Baicao Garden in Wumai are almost used up now, Chu Hao also wants to ask where the Baicao Garden in Simai is, and where to go to Yuebuqi to get a wooden sign, and then go after getting more familiar with it.

When he arrived at the No. [-] cave, Chu Hao took out a sound transmission talisman.

This was given to him by Yue Buqi before the retreat, so please contact him when he comes out of the retreat.It just so happened that Chu Hao succeeded in building the foundation, and Yue Buqi, who was taken advantage of, naturally wanted to get in touch.The sound-transmitting talisman is easier to use, and it can also enter the other party's spiritual consciousness during retreat. When he realized that Yue Buqi seemed to be in seclusion, Chu Hao called out at the door a few times. After no response, the spiritual consciousness infiltrated into the sound-transmitting talisman.

"Who?" Yue Buqi's voice came next.

"It's me, Brother Yue."

"Nie Yun?" Yue Buqi's voice raised a little, "wait for me." Then the voice fell silent.

Chu Hao threw the sound-transmitting talisman aside. This kind of one-time talisman is naturally not worth storing.After about a quarter of an hour, Yue Buqi came out.He stood at the door and stared at Chu Hao for a long while, as if he didn't know Chu Hao anymore, his brows were tightly knit together.

After the establishment of the foundation, Chu Hao's temperament has undergone a fundamental change. If Chu Hao used to feel like a sharp blade hidden in a scabbard, now he has pulled out a trace of the blade. There was a chilling light that made people tremble.

Noticing Yue Buqi's gaze, Chu Hao suddenly remembered that the difference between before and after foundation establishment was so great that he was almost careless.He secretly used the breath concealment technique, and then said with a smile: "Senior brother Yue, why are you looking at me like this?"

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