
Chapter 23

Chapter 23


The faces of the young princes from the group of little princes turned into the color of a pig's liver, and they stared blankly at Chu Hao who spoke boldly, and were all stunned for a while, not knowing how to respond!

This lawless little prince is really too imaginative!

Chu Hao, however, had no sense of being the person who caused public anger at all. He smiled lightly, glanced at the crowd frivolously, and finally turned his attention to the little prince, and said with a smile: "Imperial brother, what do you mean by imperial brother?" How about this proposal?"

The little prince looked very indifferent, he also looked at Chu Hao, and said, "Listen to Brother Huang, is it certain that you will win this competition?"

"Of course not!" Chu Hao said seriously, "Since ancient times, the outcome has never been absolute. It's all [-]-[-], [-]-[-]." He said, "Oh no, it should be [-]-[-], I don't know." Four, you six. Hehe. Why? The emperor has been planning for a long time, is it because he is afraid of losing that he dare not agree to this small proposal of the emperor?"

The little prince stared at Chu Hao, as if he wanted to see something from his face and expression, but it was a pity that Chu Hao had cast an iron skin in his previous life, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to fire and water.Therefore, even a powerful man like the little prince can hardly discern some clues.

He thought for a while, then disregarded the eyebrows and winks of the nobles around him, and suddenly said: "Okay, sharing the stage with a beautiful woman can be regarded as a good story of exile through the ages, and it is not good for me to refuse the emperor's brother's intention. Since the emperor's brother Urgently wanting to sing with Fairy Yaomengchi on stage, the prince agreed!"

"In this case, I have to thank you, brother, for your kindness!" Chu Hao smiled innocently and innocently.

The two of you said something to each other, and neither of them wanted to lose the wind, but the lottery was decided in this way.

Right now, this cricket fight is not only related to the face of the dandies, but also the reputation of each family!Once they lose, they will perform on stage at the Lantern Festival in full view and spread the word that they will not be beaten to death by their elders, which is already a great favor!

Therefore, except for the little prince who was still a little calm, the other young masters were all worried and nervously staring at the table, even the young masters on Chu Hao's side were no exception.You know, they are all from a military family, and their parents don't care if they fight, and they can't blame anyone if they are killed!

Sun Haoran touched Chu Hao, and whispered: "I said, can you do it?"

Chu Hao stared: "Have you ever seen me fight an unsure battle?"

Unexpectedly, this sentence made Sun Haoran and others even more nervous. They all knew that this little prince always loses more and wins less, and usually when these words are said, the outcome is almost settled.

But right now there is no time for them to stop them, because Wu Donghan has already stepped forward, came to the table, glanced at everyone lightly, and said: "In order to prevent such things as cheating from happening, except for the little prince and the little prince , others, please consciously step back three steps away from the table."

Hearing this, Chu Hao cursed endlessly. What Wu Donghan meant was obviously implying that the warriors on his side would cheat, but the little prince is still a warrior at the ninth level of bone refinement. How can it compare to killing my cricket with anger?If this king wants to see it, let him also retreat, and direct with his mouth.

Chu Hao thought dirty in his heart.

When everyone else retreated, Wu Donghan stood aside as a witness.And since both parties are big figures in the capital who would tremble seven points when stomping their feet, this time the senior steward of Juyun Building presided over the cricket fight. The middle-aged fat man stepped forward, looked at Chu Hao, then looked at Chu Hao Looking at the little prince, he said loudly: "Open the gate, release the insects!"

"General Zhenshi" and "Fengyun Sword God" went down to the bucket basin, and with the steward's "start", the two insects were about to start a hand-to-hand battle.

It was only after getting out of the bucket that Chu Hao's "General Zhenshi" was bigger and bigger than "Fengyun Sword God", with a horn protruding from his forehead, a bowed back and a broad neck, wings with shiny spots, black and purple tongs with evil spirits Absolutely, worthy of being a 500 taels of gold worm!Seeing that General Zhenshi had begun to tweet impatiently, Chu Hao's confidence increased greatly!

The little prince sneered, took out the hot grass and began to tease it, and immediately "Fengyun Sword God" was full of fighting spirit, and quickly rushed across the center line, beeping loudly.

Chu Hao swept the "General Zhenshi" on the buttocks with the grass, and the "General Zhenshi" immediately flapped its wings and screamed, forming an echo in the bucket, and the urn vibrated, and its momentum was not inferior to that of the opponent.

The little prince always felt that "General Zhenshi" made him feel a little bit wrong. You must know that "Fengyun Sword God" was transported from Wu Kingdom specially for this competition. He was cautious and didn't attack immediately. "Sword God of Wind and Cloud" was fixed there wielding the tongs, as if wielding a black and purple Xuanhua sword, whoever will cut whoever.

"General Zhenshi" was in full swing, unafraid, rushed forward with his white teeth tongs straight, hit "Fengyun Sword God" in the face, and then took advantage of the opportunity to grab it with the tongs, like a secular The "four or two strokes of a thousand catties" in the middle suddenly lifted the "Fengyun Sword God" to the basin wall!

Before "Fengyun Sword God" turned his head around, "General Zhenshi" was full of power, and the general's sword was already in his waist!

The little prince was startled, and hurriedly chased him away. Although "Fengyun Sword God" quickly turned his head and dodged swiftly, his left wing was still scratched by the black teeth of "General Zhenshi", and a small piece of hard wing was scraped off!

In the first round, the little prince's "Fengyun Sword God" was slightly injured!

Everyone was shocked, this "General Zhenshi" was too fierce, it was too unbelievable, everyone present were people who knew insects, this "Fengyun Sword God" was obviously a level higher than "General Zhenshi", but Being at a disadvantage all the time, "General Zhenshi" is nothing compared to before!

Chu Hao's side suddenly became agitated, while the little prince's side was depressed, unbelievable.

The two worms regained their positions, facing each other with their jaws facing each other. "Fengyun Sword God" already knew how powerful his opponent was. After losing a wing, he was a little scared, and even shrank back at a corner, not to mention taking the initiative to attack.On the other hand, "General Zhenshi" seemed to have gone mad, and frequently launched attacks on his own initiative, beating "Fengyun Sword God" into a panic.

The little prince was secretly worried, it was really evil today, he urged the hot grass to let the "Sword God of Wind and Cloud" attack quickly, finally, this generation of fierce insects was also completely enraged by the innocence of "General Zhenshi", sniffing out In a neutral position, when the big teeth are closed, they want to buckle the opponent's teeth and shake them!

But Chu Hao's "General Zhenshi" is really powerful, as if he had taken an aphrodisiac, regardless of the opponent's big teeth, the black and purple big teeth were combined one by one, and they came first, and turned the "Fengyun Sword God" "'s white teeth clenched, relying on his big head and thick neck, he suddenly pressed the head of "Fengyun Sword God" to the bottom of the pelvis.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... The little prince leaned his head forward and stared at the bucket, his face no longer had the indifferent and incomparable solemnity before.He knew in his heart that if "Fengyun Sword God" could not get rid of the opponent's strong pressure in time, his big teeth would loosen and he would not be able to close them together, so the fate of failure was inevitable!

On the contrary, Chu Hao was quite leisurely, holding the tea handed by Xiao Si in one hand, and holding the other hand behind his back, with a leisurely attitude, looking at the ravaged "Fengyun Sword God" in the bucket basin, and at the sweaty little boy Everyone on the prince's side is in such a good mood!

This is the joy of fighting insects!

Finally, "Fengyun Sword God" really couldn't withstand the crazy blow of "General Zhenshi", lying on the ground without moving, no matter how much the little prince teased him, he didn't get up anymore, without a trace of fighting spirit.

Everyone knew at this moment that "Fengyun Sword God" had lost, the little prince had lost, and the little prince's side had also lost!

The middle-aged steward stared at the bucket, then glanced at the smiling Chu Hao and the livid little prince, and said cautiously: "'Fengyun Sword God' has lost the fighting insect will, please Mr. Wu to announce the result."

Wu Donghan was free and unrestrained, his eyes stayed on Chu Hao for a moment, and then he said slowly: "This competition is won by the little prince's 'General Zhenshi'!"

After saying a word, everyone on Chu Hao's side immediately cheered and elated.Chu Hao stood up with a smile on his face, asked Xiaosi to put the "General Zhenshi" into the porcelain bowl, and then said slowly: "Imperial brother, oh, and everyone, don't forget our prize, this time the golden I won’t accept your money anymore, Xiao Wang is looking forward to your performance in a month’s time!”

After finishing speaking, Chu Hao ignored the livid and ugly face of the little prince, laughed and walked downstairs.He didn't want to hide anything, the little prince had such a domineering personality, besides, even if the little prince was a dude, he was also his dude's enemy, and he didn't need to be tolerant and kind to his enemies.

Walking downstairs, Sun Haoran chased him down, looked at Chu Hao with a strange look, as if he was meeting him for the first time, hammered his shoulder, and said: "Brother, I really have you, originally I just now I was still wondering if you really came up with such a bad move just to be on stage with Yao Mengchi, but I didn't expect you to actually win!"

Chu Hao said angrily: "Are you so unconfident in me?"

"Yes, of course!" Sun Haoran quickly patted his chest and abdomen, but his expression was full of embarrassment: "By the way, the celebration banquet will be held later, do you want to go?"

Chu Hao thought for a while, instead of eating, drinking and having fun with this group of cronies, it is better to solve the matter of refining the weapon first, otherwise it is not a solution to be in crisis all the time, so he said with a smile: "Next time, I have something to do today. Let's have fun while waiting for the Lantern Festival, hehe..."

"Understood, understand, you are reluctant to part with the gentle hometown at home!" Sun Haoran smiled cheaply, he also participated in Lin Yueer's matter, Chu Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Is this old man so dishonest?"

As he was about to leave, Sun Haoran hurriedly said: "By the way, how did you win today, your 'General Zhenshi', I don't remember being so brave!"

"It all depends on this!" Chu Hao threw out a bottle, and then walked away with his guards.

Sun Haoran took it, and was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help giving Chu Hao a middle finger at his back!

I saw five words written on the bottle: "Nuns are also crazy!"

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