
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Going back to the original road, Chu Hao passed a silk shop, and immediately went in with Xiao Si to pick some, Xiao Si asked strangely: "Little prince, there is a special imperial clothes room in the palace to deliver clothes every month, why do you still have clothes?" Want to buy it yourself?"

"Of course I didn't buy this for myself." Chu Hao thought of the miserable and innocent Lin Yue'er, for some reason he always felt pity, and said lightly, "Let's wrap it up."

"Yes!" Xiao Si didn't ask any more questions.

Back in the courtyard, Chu Hao asked Xiaosi to put "General Zhenshi" away.This is the hero of the great victory, so naturally it can't be treated badly, but after the catalyzed aphrodisiac is covered on the fangs, the lifespan of the cricket is also shortened.

After putting it away, Chu Hao ordered Xiao Si to send the clothes he bought to the East Chamber, and told him to be polite. Although he didn't understand why the always domineering little prince would give such orders, but Xiao Si was loyal after all. , or complied.

When he came to the utility room, Chu Hao sat on the stool and meditated.

"That's it, brat, do you want me to come forward!" Chen Honghong's voice rang out at an inopportune time, and he laughed, as if mocking Chu Hao.

"Go back!" Chu Hao said angrily, "I will have a bad life with you."

"Dangers and benefits coexist, you have to think carefully, the world can't ask for it, the psychic magic weapon Hunyuanding!" Chen Honghong tutted: "By the way, let me remind you one more thing, your current The body has been restricted, but it is not without a way to break it. Hunyuan Ding is not only a sacred object for refining, but also can be used for alchemy. At that time, I will teach you the secret method and practice eight ten good fortune pills. Isn't the restriction broken?"

"Who knows what's on your mind." Chu Hao said coldly, he was not so easily fooled by Chen Honghong: "I will work hard to find repair materials for you, and even risk my life, I have died before Once, I don’t want to live in fear again.”

"You think you won't be worried about it in the future." Chen Honghong said: "Let's not talk about this little prince today, it is the restriction in your body, and it is not the restriction that ordinary monks in the foundation establishment period can place. You have already been missed. , how do you still want to settle down?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" It's not that Chu Hao has never thought of compromising with this guy first, and squeezing the benefits first, but thinking that this guy is also a thousand-year-old monster, the city is not shallower than himself, and he might take advantage of him. Still a bit difficult.

Besides, except for Geng Jing, he has never heard of the materials he mentioned. Who knows what tricks this guy will have if he can't find repair materials after compromise.Will he even publicize that he has a psychic magic weapon first, come to kill the master, and then entrust other "destined people".

"Hey, you think of me like that, I'm very hurt!" Chen Honghong sensed Chu Hao's thoughts, and said dissatisfiedly: "I, Chen Honghong, stand upright, and I am a dignified caster, how can I be so dirty."

"Hey, that might be, I'll find you someday when I figure it out!" Chu Hao cut off contact with Chen Honghong, looked at the broken sword embryo following the cauldron, but only had a few flaws, Chu Hao There is nothing to worry about.

To find a suitable cauldron for refining, it seems that you have to go and see for yourself.

It is inconvenient for Chu Hao to alert the people in the palace, if it gets to Chu Yunfei, maybe there will be some tongues and suspicions.In addition to the people in the palace, there must be spies of other forces in this palace.This is eternal, there is me in you, and you in me.

Chu Hao still doesn't have the ability to protect himself, so naturally he won't expose himself when he is preparing for a rainy day.

Even Xiaosi didn't notify him. After dinner, Chu Hao changed into a casual outfit and didn't practice, so he sneaked out on the pretext of going back to his room and going to bed early.

Chu Hao is a warrior on the second floor of bone refining. Although it is difficult to be elegant, it is not a problem to climb over the wall. If he encounters a guard, he will directly take out his token and warn him.All the way out of the palace unimpeded.

Although the prince issued a foot restraint order, those guards did not dare to stop Chu Hao. After all, this dandy young master has lived in peace for a few days. If he went crazy because of himself and others, he would be to blame.

Chu Hao didn't think that these guards didn't inform the commander Chu Mo, and he just took the time to come back.

Outside the palace is a wealthy area. Apart from one Weiyuan Palace, there are many other official residences.Chu Hao was dressed in a green shirt, so that he looked like a scholar, holding a folding fan, he walked out of the rich area gracefully.

At this moment, the night is just approaching, and it is the busiest time in the night market in the capital. Chu Hao walked all the way, looking east and west, but he found it very interesting.Life in this ancient world is not as busy as in the previous life, and it is a little more leisurely.

Chu Hao has already inquired about the famous blacksmith shops in the capital.They are "Lingfeng Pavilion", "Yuelan Pavilion", and the most mysterious "Dong Dafu".It is said that although the name "Dong Dafu" is weird, it is inextricably linked with the imperial court's military warehouse. Many high-quality weapons are made by the blacksmiths of "Dong Dafu".

If you want to choose a cauldron furnace, you should start with these companies.

Like the cauldron that Xiaosi bought yesterday, due to the rush of time, he chose the nearest one, but he couldn't bear the heat of Zilonghuo, the density was not enough, so it naturally cracked.

"Young man, what do you want?"

Chu Hao's temperament at the moment is quite different from that dude's son, and he seldom goes to places like the blacksmith's shop, so no one would recognize him as the son of Prince Weiyuan who has a great reputation all the way to "Lingfeng Pavilion". .

As soon as he stepped into the "Lingfeng Pavilion", the young man at the door leaned over with a smile on his face. Although it was evening, the business here was still good.The Yuntian Empire is a great civilized and military country, and famous scholars and warriors can walk with swords, so Chu Hao didn't care if he saw a few poor people who felt superior to others in the counter shop.

"I'll just take a look." Although Chu Hao was dressed casually, it was still royal clothing. There were countless of these young servants. If Lingfeng Pavilion could grow and do well in the capital, it was natural that they would not lack vision.Chu Hao spoke plainly, but they didn't dare to neglect, and welcomed Chu Hao in respectfully.

The lobby of Lingfeng Pavilion is quite chivalrous, and there are a wide variety of weapons. Chu Hao looked around and weighed them with his hands. These weapons are only ordinary and cannot be seen by him.

The boy smiled apologetically, seeing Chu Hao's absent-minded appearance, he quickly recommended, "Young Master, are you not satisfied? We still have some."

"Oh?" The best of these materials is fine iron. Although the forging is not bad, it can be Chu Hao's realm, so he feels that it is ordinary, and he is inevitably a little disappointed.And when he heard the boy's words, Chu Hao's eyes lit up: "Is there anything else in it?"

"This is natural." The boy led the way and welcomed Chu Hao into the inner hall.

There are even more types of weapons in the inner hall, such as knives, guns, axes, halberds, spears, bows, crossbows, etc., but there are many fewer guests. Mixed with a little fine steel, the back of the knife is wide and thick, and the blade is sharp, it is a sharp weapon for blowing hair and breaking hair.

"I'm here to buy a tripod." Chu Hao saw that the density of refined steel can be smelted, and the tripod here should not be bad, so he pondered for a while before saying to the boy, "It's a cauldron for forging weapons and raising fire. "

"Ah!" The boy didn't expect that someone would come to the weapon shop to buy a tripod instead of a weapon, so he didn't realize it for a while.

Instead, a voice sounded from the other side, mockingly said: "Where did the poor boy come from, talking nonsense here, he can't afford weapons, let alone buy a tripod to ask for steps. If you really have no money, I can give you some money." Two, it’s a joke to buy a tripod from a weapon store!”

Chu Hao turned his head to look, but it was a young man who was also holding a fan. His upper body was a red mandarin jacket, and a long sword with ornately carved patterns was pinned to his waist, which was vaguely extraordinary.Beside him, there was a pretty woman in red shirt who covered her mouth and chuckled when she heard this.

Chu Hao realized that the other party didn't look like a young master, but rather a member of a wealthy family. He thought he was arrogant and domineering.

Chu Hao frowned, and said to the boy, "Why do you have a welcome dog here? But I can't understand what dogs say, can someone translate it for me?"

Immediately, more than seven or eight people in the inner hall laughed.The boy was panicked, and whispered in Chu Hao's ear, "Master, that's the servant of His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, and he was the martial arts examiner of Hongbo Province last year."

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