
Chapter 26 The Great Shame

Chapter 26 The Great Shame

This slap made Chu Hao stunned instantly!

The chest heaved violently, and the right side of the face was in burning pain!

After the woman slapped her face, she seemed to be fine, and the consistent expression on her face remained indifferent.His wide sleeves are light and his eyes are cold. When Chu Hao raised his head and looked at her, he opened his red lips and said coldly:

"This slap is a light punishment for you."

Immediately afterwards, Chu Hao's heart trembled, and before he had time to react, there was another "slap", and he was hit on the left cheek!This time, although he was on guard, the woman moved so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all!

"This slap is to make you remember 'sex' forever!"

The woman was high above her, squinting her eyes, looking at Chu Hao with the eyes of an ant, and said coldly: "You should be lucky, if I want to kill you right now, even if you have a hundred lives, it's not enough!"

This woman, who is as beautiful as a fairy, is speaking aggressively and domineeringly at this moment.That voice was even more like unmelting ice, which made people feel a kind of coldness from the bottom of their hearts.

But at this moment, Chu Hao had absolutely no intention of continuing to examine this woman.In his heart, there is only anger, a raging anger!That anger was like starting a prairie fire, burning his brain, hands, feet, chest, spleen, and abdomen fiercely!

Chu Hao gritted his teeth silently, a serious expression flashed in his eyes!

It was the first time to be humiliated like this, whether it was in the previous life or in this life!

However, what this woman said was quite right, if the other party wanted to kill him, there would be no chance for him to survive!

Chu Hao bit his lower lip, and his teeth were deeply embedded in the flesh. He stared at the woman with a murderous look in his eyes!

At this moment, the pain on his cheek was so hot, but he didn't make a sound, and didn't ask a question.

"The bones are quite stubborn, just like your dead brother." The woman smiled contemptuously. Although this smile was beautiful, it didn't feel warm at all. You can die without a place to die!

"However, I don't like the look in your eyes very much!" The woman please finish speaking slowly, without seeing any movement, Chu Hao's chest seemed to be hit hard, and he fell to the ground on his back.

This is the move qi formula, similar to the idea of ​​the foundation building period, only innate masters can do it!

Chu Hao endured the humiliation. Although he was full of resentment, he would not seek his own death until he figured out the other party's purpose!Life is precious at any time, and only by saving one life can one have a chance for revenge!

The woman smiled disdainfully: "Are you very angry and unwilling now, and don't know why?" She didn't wait for Chu Hao to answer, and said coldly: "Then I will tell you, if you want to blame, blame You were reincarnated in the wrong place! If you were a boy from an ordinary family, you would naturally not have such pain. Unfortunately, you are Chu Yunfei's son."

The woman looked at Chu Hao, and said with a sneer, "Your humble life, if it wasn't for the order from above, you would have gone to hell with your dead mother and elder brother."

These few words struck Chu Hao's heart like bells and drums, shaking him violently!

When he crossed over, he learned from Shizi's memory that the other party had an older brother and a biological mother, but they both died together ten years ago.

And he didn't expect that the accident that was rumored in the capital seemed to be connected with some kind of conspiracy!

And the woman in front of her is obviously one of the masterminds of that conspiracy!

It's just, why did she choose to appear at this time, is it because she wants to take her own life? !


Chu Hao's thoughts were turning in his mind. With his current cultivation, he would definitely not be able to fight against this person in front of him. Escaping was even more extravagant under her nose!

However, if he was killed by her while sitting still, Chu Hao would be even more unwilling.

If I want to kill Lao Tzu, I will also make you show off!

Chu Hao suddenly stood up from the ground. There was still some blood on the corner of his mouth. He wiped the corner of his mouth and laughed: "What is this sister talking about? Why can't I understand a word? You want to scare me. There is no need to say these inexplicable words. I see that you are so handsome. If you hook your hands, there must be countless men willing to climb into your boudoir. Why do you bother me alone? I forgot to tell you that I have someone in mind gone."

"you wanna die!"

There was a look of evil in the woman's eyes, Chu Hao didn't let her do it first, taking advantage of the shame and anger of the other party, he was ready early in the morning, and rushed towards the woman.The targets of his attack were actually the two lumps on the woman's chest.

The woman was shocked. She never expected that Chu Hao, who was under her control, dared to resist!

And the moves are still so obscene and shameless!

Although she is a cultivator and her cultivation has reached the innate peak, she is her daughter's family after all!

The distance between the two was so close, and Chu Hao suddenly had an incident. Even though it was impossible for her to be restrained by Chu Hao, a second-level bone refiner, her breasts would never escape the opponent's claws, and she would definitely be touched!

Since she was a child, she grew up like a princess who was loved by everyone and cared for. Everyone was polite when talking to her, and she had never seen such indecent behavior.

And if Chu Hao touches her chest, it will make her feel worse than killing her!

Her little face was pale, facing this unprecedented scene, she was stunned at this moment!

Chu Hao's face was full of sternness, without the slightest frivolity, he roared: "Bitch, if you want to kill me, I have to destroy your innocence first! You say that my life is a cheap life, then I'll show you how cheap it is!"

"The thief dares!"

Just when Chu Hao's right hand was close to the soft land, before he could savor it carefully, and uttered nonsense, a loud shout sounded like Jiao Lei!

In the misty white formation space, another young man in white shirt appeared in front of Chu Hao.

Before Chu Hao could react, his body was punched flying, he spat out a stream of blood, and fell heavily to the ground!

His sinful right hand was directly broken by a hammer!

"Which bastard, come here to spoil my good deed!" Anyway, he was about to die, and Chu Hao also went all out. He coughed a few times, and the punch made his whole body fall apart, but he didn't care, and supported himself from the ground with his left hand. Get up, mouth open!

"Bastard!" The man in white who appeared next to the woman was handsome and extraordinary, and his whole body was filled with the feeling of superiority that Chu Hao was uncomfortable with.He straightened the woman who was still in shock, and when he heard Chu Hao's words, a chill flashed across his brows, and with a backhand wave, he slapped Chu Hao to the ground again!

Chu Hao coughed continuously, and his blood was surging, but his mouth didn't stop at all: "It turns out...it's a little boy. ...it's your father...cough cough..."

"I am going to kill you!"

The woman came back to her senses, her face was full of murderous aura, and a quiet long sword appeared in her hand out of nowhere, intending to stab Chu Hao!

"Junior sister can't!"

The little boy quickly grabbed her, and said loudly: "Have you forgotten what Master said? It's not the time to get rid of this son!" The woman is no longer as pure and holy as before, and there is a bit of evil spirit between her brows. Seeing the words of the little boy, he shouted back: "Didn't you see what he did to me just now? If I don't kill him, I won't be able to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Her gaze was like breaking gold and cracking rocks, wanting to cut Chu Hao into pieces!

The little white face shook his head, and said: "Why don't I want to kill this shameless disciple who belittled you. It's just that the teacher told me, how can we disciples disobey it? Junior sister, although you have a great talent for cultivation, you have a great opportunity. But it is easy to be impulsive, so the master asked me to come with you."

"I'll at least cut off his hands!"

"No! I missed the plan!" As he said that, the little boy was afraid that the woman would make another move, so he stepped on the chest of Chu Hao who was struggling to get up, and said coldly: "Boy, today I will bypass your life! Chu Dongliu is our junior, remember, at the Lantern Festival a month later, your cricket fighting lottery will be cancelled, otherwise, I will personally kill you!"

Being stepped on his chest by this person, Chu Hao was even more short of breath. He forced himself a smile, with contempt in his eyes, and spat out a mouthful of blood from the side of his head: "Bah! Go dreaming!" A woman with flaming eyes.With a jerky smile: "It smells...it smells so good!"

Xiao Bailian's eyes were cold, afraid of the woman's bad things, this time he stepped on Chu Hao's seriously injured right hand, and smiled coldly: "Stinky boy, don't think that we dare not kill you because we are afraid of you, because it is not yet time ! It seems that the warning from a week ago was not enough for you! Your royal father dares to let you out! Hehe, when the time comes, you will go to accompany your hapless elder brother and your mother!"

As he said that, he jokingly said: "You are also an unworldly genius who cultivates anyway, you should know our cultivation base, hahahaha, if we want to kill you, with your current ability, if you practice for another 100 years, we will also be able to pinch you!" die!"

The little white face said viciously: "Ants, always ants!"

While talking, the little white face trampled on Chu Hao's right hand fiercely. Chu Hao clenched his fist tightly, his face was livid, and he coughed heavily, unable to say a word.

"Okay, I've brought the words to you. The matter of Chu Dongliu is related to the face of our sect. If you don't cancel the lottery, you should know the consequences yourself!" Xiaobailian finally warned several times sharply. With murderous eyes, he pulled the latter and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The surrounding scenery gradually faded, and the white environment, like a curtain, slowly turned into pitch black.Here, it is actually a small alley with a remote street!The surroundings are silent, there is no deafening noise, only heavy and rough breathing, echoing in the air.

Chu Hao was lying on the ground with his head up, looking at the dark sky, the dark clouds like thick ink.

He couldn't open his left eye, it was swollen from the last slap of the little boy.

At this moment, there was an incomparable pain in his chest, and an incomparable pain on his face, but in his heart, it was ten times a hundred times more painful!

There is no time, like now, to desire to have strength, great strength!

What a shame, what a shame! !

"My...cough...fate...it's so hard...you can't die like this..." After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Chu Hao suddenly burst out laughing, coughing and laughing, and then holding his hand again. Fist, hammered his chest fiercely, which would numb the pain caused by the humiliation in his heart.

His blood-stained face is terrifying and hideous in the night:

"Chen Honghong...cough, are you dead or not? If you are not dead, please call me...cough...I...I promise you, I will help you find materials..."

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