
Chapter 27 Step 1, Alchemy First

Chapter 27 The first step, alchemy first

Thang Long City.

Weiyuan Palace.

Around a utility room in the side room of Lingyue Garden, there was a burst of strange fragrance.

At this moment, just after the morning, the 'dew' water and the scent of the flower garden are mixed with this burst of 'medicine' fragrance, floating in the air, and even immersing in the heart and spleen.

"Chen Honghong, I've been refining it all night, is what you said really useful!"

Chu Hao's voice sounded in the utility room, his tone full of dissatisfaction.In the utility room, there was an ancient tripod in front of Chu Hao, which had a unique shape and was covered with incomprehensible runes.On both sides of the ancient tripod, two eaves fly together, forming a huge concave cover.At this moment, there was still faint purple flame rising under the cauldron, and the whole room was very hot.

"What's the rush? It's your first alchemy, you thought it would be so easy!"

A voice echoed in Chu Hao's mind, mixed with a bit of envy, "But your brat's ability is really good. With this purple dragon fire, refining tools and alchemy is like a tiger with wings, and you can get twice the result with half the effort. Using that Fierce Phoenix Fire again, it will be even more incredible."

"Say something sarcastic." At this moment, the scars on Chu Hao's face are already healed, but his eyes are firm and his breath is slightly evil. It is obvious that he has not recovered from the incident two days ago. come out.

Yes, two days have passed since the humiliating incident that day.

In the past two days, Chu Hao had compromised with Chen Honghong and agreed to find materials for him to repair the Hunyuan Ding. In return, Chen Honghong taught Chu Hao the method of using the Hunyuan Ding with all his money.

And the ancient cauldron in front of him is the Hunyuan cauldron that all alchemists are crazy about.

After that night, Chu Hao was injured.But when the woman in white and the little boy left, they left behind a bottle of "Cleansing Cream", which can temporarily remove the scars on the surface.Chu Hao didn't even look at it at the time, and immediately lost it after standing up.

He doesn't bother to accept this kind of candy on a stick.

That humiliation was the greatest humiliation in his life, and he had to make those two people pay the price!

When he returned to the palace, Chu Hao couldn't let the guards find out that he was injured, he just asked Xiao Si to find some wound medicine, and he applied it.After all, although the two of them struck hard, they didn't have the will to kill. With Chu Hao's second level of bone refining, he would be fine after a few days of recuperation.Chu Hao also warned Xiaosi not to tell about his injury.

And in the past two days, he already had an intuitive concept of that incident in his mind.

From the mouths of the woman in white and the little white face, several important messages were more or less revealed:

First of all, they come from a mysterious sect, they are just disciples, and there are more powerful forces behind them; second, my mother and eldest brother in this world seem to have died at the hands of your mysterious sect.And this, from the superior words of the woman in white, his father Chu Yunfei seemed to know it too, but he didn't know why he didn't act; The person from the mysterious sect is the younger brother of those two.From this point of view, that sect should have something to do with the royal family!

Fourth, they were also responsible for the assassination incident on the day I traveled through time, and the purpose was to warn my father; fifth, this is Chu Hao's guess, even if the prohibition in this body was not done by them, it has something to do with them !

All of the above messages made Chu Hao feel uncomfortable in his chest, because with his strength, in the huge waves of this world, there was no wave at all!

The timing and aura of that woman's appearance were also quite well grasped. If it was still the old prince, under such aggressive and high-ranking coercion, the already fragile heart would be even more vulnerable.

I'm afraid there is no hope of practicing in this life!

Hard work is not vicious!

However, he was not the son of the past, so he was not reconciled to that fate, so he broke the woman's heart and attracted the little boy.It is precisely because of this that I have received the above information and received a horrifying answer.

And the time right now is even more precious!

So he rested all night, and the next day, Chen Honghong taught him the method of using Hunyuan Ding and some formulas and tips for refining pills.

One month later, at the Lantern Festival, even if you can't immediately slap those two people loudly, you still have to let them know that you are not to be trampled upon!

And relying on him alone is not enough.However, he has the greatest reliance, which are Qi Ling Chen Honghong and Hunyuan Ding, as well as his own third and second Qi Huo!

This world, in Chen Honghong's words, is the second heaven world that is relatively backward in the entire nine worlds.In this world, the first level of Golden Core is indeed the highest level, and the aura here is not as good as that of the higher-level Nine Heavens World. Therefore, generally, monks who have reached the first level of Golden Core will rarely stay in this world. It is the choice to enter the world of "congtian" in the triple heaven.

Therefore, in this world, Chu Hao has an obvious advantage!

Because of the backwardness of this world, there are very few craftsmen and alchemists, and they are far from the most straightforward system.And this has also caused whether it is treasures or pills, they are very rare and precious in this world.

So what Chu Hao has to do is to make treasures or pills that can live and survive in the shortest possible time, and find strong people or even powerful forces to help him!

This is also a dangerous thing, because Chu Hao's strength is too humble, if a master wants to make money, his life may be lost.Therefore, in order to be a strong person, one must also improve one's own cultivation, and then rely on one's own wisdom!

As for Chu Hao, he already had a preliminary plan.

In the utility room.Chu Hao's heart is like a rock, controlling Zilonghuo.Sweat covered his forehead, and he didn't even blink his eyes, controlling the rising purple flames to roll under the cauldron.And as the fragrance of 'medicine' wafted out, a bright light flashed in Chu Hao's eyes: "Chen Honghong, are you ready soon?"

You must know that in the process of cultivating Taoism, besides refining weapons, the profession of alchemy is also very popular.

There are usually two types of alchemy, one is inner alchemy and the other is outer alchemy.Cultivators, without exception, are all cultivating inner alchemy, that is, using the body as a cauldron, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to conceive a golden alchemy. For them, the cauldron or alchemy is just a metaphor.

The outer elixir is a elixir in the usual sense. The reason why elixir is called a elixir is because it is not the same as the golden elixir, and it has "medicine" properties!Any kind of top-quality elixir is the target of the monks.

In his previous life, as a genius in the art of refining, Chu Hao had never been exposed to the science of alchemy, but because he mastered the fire of weapons, he had the same goal in both refining and alchemy.

And the reason why there are few people who practice both weapon refining and alchemy is because refining tools and alchemy consumes a lot of energy. Generally speaking, refining magic tools requires time investment and the degree of mastery, which is different from alchemy. Even if it is the same kind of weapon fire, the effects of refining it are different.

But Chu Hao is different. He was a great master of refining in his previous life, and he has already reached a certain level of familiarity with his own weapon, Zilonghuo. It is not a bad idea to invest in alchemy, and it will not affect the future refining.

Therefore, after Chen Honghong taught him the formula of a pill yesterday, Chu Hao asked Xiaosi to find the ingredients.And those materials are not unusual, they are also in the palace, so Chu Hao collected a lot at night, and went to the utility room to make alchemy.

However, after refining it all night, it still didn't come out. Even if the follow-up flame produced the extremely fast Purple Dragon Fire, Chu Hao was about to collapse due to using this body control for the first time.

"Don't worry, with your body, it's the first time you've mastered weapon fire, the first time you've used the Hunyuan cauldron, the first time you've refined elixir, and so many firsts, you still want to make it fast? Do you think you're a car?" Is that old man Xuanyuan reincarnated?!" Chen Honghong said to Chu Hao: "You start from the basics now, if you can succeed in one night, it will be very good!"

After a pause, Chen Honghong clicked his tongue and said: "The aroma has already escaped, control the heat well, and gradually extinguish some of the predestined fire. It doesn't need to be too strong, keep it neither warm nor dry, and it will be ready in about fifteen minutes!"

Chu Hao was shocked. This was his first alchemy 'medicine'. Although he didn't know what formula Chen Honghong gave him, and how many successes he could have, he was still a little excited.

At least he can refine the elixir well, and he can also increase his capital to fight against that mysterious force!

After a while, the Hunyuan Ding began to tremble, and the talisman carvings on its body seemed to come to life, and with a soft sound, the Hunyuan Ding also slightly left the ground.Chu Hao opened his eyes, controlled the flame with sweat profusely, and cursed: "Chen Honghong, can you stop letting it move!"

"It's not moving, it's your heart that is moving!" Chen Honghong said in a deep voice, "Control the fire of the weapon! It's almost done!"

"Nonsense, if my heart doesn't move, I'm still alive!"

Chu Hao muttered, and saw that the shaking on Hunyuan Ding's body gradually stopped, and then, the cover on it suddenly opened, and a burst of 'medicine' fragrance spread throughout the utility room!

Chu Hao's face was overjoyed, and he quickly recited the mantra silently in his heart, put the Hunyuan Ding firmly on the ground, put away the weapon fire, and said uncertainly: "Chen Honghong, it's done?!"

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